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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Friday, February 25, 2011

Fwd: Sanskrit is NOT a Perfect Language & Vedas are Plagiarized Works!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Ashok T. Jaisinghani" <>
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 18:42:20 +0530
Subject: Sanskrit is NOT a Perfect Language & Vedas are Plagiarized Works!

Sanskrit is NOT a Perfect Language
And Vedas are Plagiarized Works!

There are many misconceptions about Sanskrit, which have been
spread by the Brahmins for many centuries. Such wrong beliefs deserve
to be exposed. We should accept the fact that Sanskrit is not the
oldest language of the world, as the Brahmins wrongly want us to
believe. Sanskrit is not the "Mother of all Languages." The language
of the Sindhu or Indus Valley Civilization has still not been
deciphered, precisely because it had existed much before the emergence
of Sanskrit. The language of Sindhu Valley Civilization could not have
vanished if it had been derived from Sanskrit.

We should also know that Sanskrit is not a perfect language, which
is proved by the fact that the vast majority of Indians cannot learn
it. Because of its imperfections, Sanskrit has never been the language
of the common people of India at any time in all the History.

Sanskrit is a language that had not developed naturally. It was
artificially created by a few persons mainly for the use and for the
exclusive interests of some Brahmins. According to the intentions of
its creators, Sanskrit was never meant to be a language of the common
people of India, as it was created for the benefit of a few scholars,
particularly from the Brahmin caste, who could spare a lot of their
idle time to learn it.

It is a well-known fact that the ancient Brahmins never wanted the
common people to learn Sanskrit. They even made stringent laws which
were used to severely punish any person from the lower castes who
dared to learn Sanskrit and read the Vedas. It is not surprising that
the Brahmin fellows, who created Sanskrit, also created the extremely
evil caste system, which has set the Hindus of different castes and
sub-castes at war with one another for ever.

Sanskrit is Meant to Confuse People

A word in Sanskrit can have a 100 different meanings, and there
can be a 100 different words which can be nouns for the same object.
There are some Brahmins who boastfully state that a single Hindu God
can have a thousand names! So it is very difficult to know the exact
meanings of the words in Sanskrit. Another problem is caused by the
sandhis, or the compound words of Sanskrit, which can be split in
different ways to drastically change the meaning of any phrase and any
sentence. Because it was deliberately made a difficult language to
learn, even the few Brahmins and other scholars, who know it, cannot
speak fluently in Sanskrit. These same scholars can easily learn and
speak fluently in many other languages of India.

Even when just two scholars speak or correspond in Sanskrit, they
start arguing about the exact meanings and correctness of the words
they use! They cannot easily agree who is speaking or writing
correctly in Sanskrit. Both of them find mistakes in each other's use
of Sanskrit words and phrases. If Sanskrit can make even scholars
argue frequently, how can the language be suitable for the common
people? All the common people would be arguing endlessly if they could
just have the time and the ability to learn Sanskrit.

How can more persons learn Sanskrit easily when it was
deliberately created by the Brahmins to confuse the common people who
try to learn it? It is extremely difficult for the common people to
learn the language. Let us accept the reality that Sanskrit is an
imperfect language, due to which it is not suitable for being taught
to the majority of the people.

Sanskrit must have been found most suitable by the Brahmins for
writing books on Astrology, which is the pseudo-science that the
fortune-tellers use for deceiving and confusing the common people.

Sindhu Valley Language & Aryans

The Devanagri script of Sanskrit is of quite recent origin. The
Devanagri script had been developed by borrowing and modifying many of
the alphabets of scripts of some older Indian languages, which also
proves that Sanskrit is not older than all the Indian languages. Some
Indian languages are much older than Sanskrit, due to which many words
too have been borrowed by Sanskrit from these languages.

If all the languages were derived from Sanskrit, as many of the
Brahmins wrongly claim, why is it not possible to decipher the script
of the Sindhu Valley Civilization? Why are there no references in
Sanskrit books, which can help in reading the inscriptions of the
Sindhu Valley Civilization?

As the Aryans had come to India from Iran, or Persia as it was
also known in ancient times, the Sindhu Valley Civilization too should
be more connected with the Persian Civilization than with the
civilizations of other parts of the Indian sub-continent. We should
consider the fact that ancient Sindh and Panjab were parts of the
Persian Empire for some time. That must be the reason due to which the
Sindhu Valley people also called themselves as Aryans, though the
Iranians of later periods started calling them as Hindus.

The research scholars in linguistics should try to decipher the
Sindhu Valley script with the help of the scripts and writings of
ancient Iran. We should therefore get in touch with the scholars who
have been doing research on the ancient languages of Iran like
Avestan, Old Persian Cuneiform,etc. The books written in ancient
Persian languages are likely to have some references to the Sindhu
Valley Civilization and its language.

As the ancient Persian Emperors had conquered many territories and
had a glorious history, many races and nations started calling
themselves as Aryan like the Iranians. The words, Arya and Aryan, are
of Persian origin, but the Brahmins wrongly call them words of
Sanskrit origin. The Brahmins arrogantly believe that all the
knowledge had come from their community and all the languages of the
world had been derived from Sanskrit. So the dogmatic Brahmins insist
that Arya and Aryan are words of Sanskrit origin.

Their were many migrations of the Aryans from Iran to other
countries in ancient times. The Aryans had migrated from Iran to other
countries during the expansion of the Persian Empire through many
conquests by its armies. Many Aryans were also forced to flee in large
numbers from Iran to other countries after the destruction of the
Persian Empire by the Greek armies under the command of Alexander.

The Greek conqueror also made his troops burn down the libraries
of the former Persian Empire, destroying all their valuable books.
With the destruction of those books, Alexander could have also
destroyed the references to the Sindhu Valley Civilization and its
language, which might have been given in the books of the Persian
Empire that included the territories of the Sindhu Valley.

With the destruction of the Persian Empire, it seems that the
Iranians had also lost their claim of being called as the founders of
the Aryan culture and civilization. Strangely, that also made the
cunning Brahmins of ancient India to grab the golden opportunity for
claiming that they were the founders of the Aryan culture and
civilization! That is one of the reasons why the bigoted Brahmins have
been predating their Vedas and other ancient books.

The ancient Aryans of Iran were Zoroastrians who did not believe
in polytheism or the worship of many Gods and Goddesses. The Brahmins
do not want to even mention anything about their racial and spiritual
connections with the Aryans of ancient Iran. For that reason, the
Brahmins of India should actually not be considered as Aryans.

Vedas, Upanishads, Vedangs,
Puraans are Plagiarized Works!

The Brahmins publish many books and magazines, even on the
internet, which are meant to serve the interests of ONLY their own
caste. The Brahmins cannot have the sole right to publish their own
views and still object to the other castes making their views known.
The bigots among the Brahmins still wrongly believe that they have a
monopoly over all the knowledge and information concerning all the

Why should the Brahmins have a monopoly over information when they
are known to distort facts and falsify History on a massive scale?
Even the Vedas, Upanishads, Vedangs and Puraans are highly plagiarized
books that have collections or compilations of knowledge, which have
been copied from the writings of Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras,
Buddhists, Dravidians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Chinese,
Jews, Christians, Babylonians, Mesopotamians, etc, without the writers
of Vedas acknowledging all the original sources.

To avoid the charge of plagiarization, the Brahmins have just
resorted to the device of predating the Vedas and other ancient books.
They insist that their books are more than 5000, 10000 or even
millions of years old! However, they never care to show such ancient
books in their physical form. They insist that such books were lost,
but their contents were kept alive through oral traditions. The
dogmatic Brahmins even give the excuse that Sanskrit was the Eternal
Language spoken by the Hindu Gods and Goddesses, who have always been
in existence in their different incarnations for millions and millions
of years. So the Brahmins also want Hinduism to be called Sanatana
Dharma or the Eternal Religion that has no beginning and no end.

The credit for the knowledge in the Vedas, Upanishads, Vedangs,
and Puraans is given mainly to a few Rishis, Munis or the Brahmins who
compiled the ancient books. The credit is not given to the thousands
of original authors, scientists and mathematicians from the other
castes, like the Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras of India, or from
the different races and communities of other parts of the world. Can
all the knowledge of the Vedas, Upanishads, Vedangs and Puraans be a
monopoly of any single caste like that of the Brahmins?

The worst victims of plagiarization by the Vedic writers were the
Buddhist scholars, philosophers, mathematicians, medical scientists,
astronomers, discoverers and other scientists. The Vedic Brahmins had
cheated the Buddhist intellectuals on a massive scale in the world's
largest and most glaring fraud of plagiarism. Practically, all the
literary and scientific works of the ancient Buddhist intellectuals
were misappropriated by the Vedic Brahmins.

We should know that the numeral 'zero' was invented during the
Buddhist rule in India. It seems that even the study and practice of
Yoga was turned into a Science by the ancient Buddhists. Many of the
ancient statues of Buddha show him meditating in yogic poses. The
Science of Yoga could have been developed in the ancient Buddhist
universities of India, which taught their students how to meditate.

The Buddhist scholars, philosophers, mathematicians and scientists
were the greatest intellectuals of ancient India because the Buddhist
Universities of that period were the best in the world. Students from
all over the world had been coming to India to learn in the Buddhist

Spiritually and intellectually, Buddhism was the greatest religion
of ancient times, due to which it spread to many countries of Asia.
But because of the belief of Buddhists in non-violence, the Buddhist
kings got defeated in the wars imposed by the extremely violent
foreign invaders, who finally succeeded in destroying the benign rule
of Buddhists in India. The most glorious period of the Buddhist
Civilization was also thus brought to an end in India.

It is not surprising that one of the greatest thinkers of modern
India and the world, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, the Father of the Indian
Constitution, became a Buddhist during the last part of his life.
Following the example of Dr. Ambedkar, millions of low-caste Hindus
have become new converts to the great religion of Buddhism. As
Buddhism does not believe in the caste system, the new converts have
found an easy way to escape from the evils of the caste system.

The plagiarism by the Brahmins had gone unnoticed for many
centuries because the Brahmins had written their books in Sanskrit,
which is a language that the common Indians and foreigners had found
very difficult to learn in a short time. Only the idle and parasitic
Brahmins could easily spare a lot of time to learn that language. The
use of Sanskrit was a very suitable means for the Brahmins to keep
their act of massive plagiarism a secret for such a long period.

We must also know that literally the word "Veda" can mean a
"collection of knowledge" or "compilation of information." In
practice, a Veda can mean a "book of knowledge." It is not necessary
for the Vedas to be any sacred or divine books, which many Brahmins
falsely claim. As knowledge can be good or evil, holy or unholy, the
Vedas too contain some literary works that are good and also some
other works that are evil. The Vedas contain prayers and praises to
Gods and Goddesses, but they also contain curses and threats.

Using the knowledge in the Vedas, the Brahmins can preach and
practise discrimination based on the extremely evil caste system,
untouchability, etc. The Brahmins are just trying to flatter their own
caste, when they describe the Vedas as holy or divine books. It is the
word "Divya" which means "Divine" in English. The Vedas were never
named as Divya Veda, which can mean Divine Knowledge or Divine Books.

Ashok T. Jaisinghani.
Editor & Publisher: Top Nutritionist

Palash Biswas
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