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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Fwd: [initiative-india] In Wake of CAG Report PM must Resign, UPA has Lost its Mandate to Rule

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From: NAPM India <>
Date: Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 5:25 PM
Subject: [initiative-india] In Wake of CAG Report PM must Resign, UPA has Lost its Mandate to Rule

In Wake of CAG Report PM must Resign, UPA has Lost its Mandate to Rule

PPP is nothing but Corporate Plunder in Garb of Public Purpose and Infrastructure Development

New Delhi, August 18 : Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) report tabled in Parliament has brought massive irregularities and cases of favoritism to some corporate houses like in 2G scam case. The report points out how the coal ministry under the Prime minister has allocated massive coal blocks en masse to the favoured few corporates. The estimated loss to the exchequer is a whopping Rs. 1.86 lac crores, which combined with 2G scam comes around mind-bogging Rs. 3.26 lac crores. The other report on PPP model development of Delhi Airport and UMPP by Sashan. The reports confirm what social movements have been saying about the PPP models which is nothing but profiteering at the cost of public resources, this is the case in PPP water distribution in Nagpur, khandwa and many other municipalities or development of highways or just completed and much celebrated Yamuna Expressway.

NAPM appreciates the impartial and terrific work done by CAG, which itself has come under fire from some government agencies, corporations backed media houses and others. There is a need to further strengthen the institution and make appropriate policy changes and punish those responsible for causing loss to exchequer. It's extremely unfortunate that the UPA government and its Ministers, rather than debating or responding to the nation are blaming the CAG. Shooting the messenger is not the answer ! Government is adopting the same excuse as it did in the case of 2G spectrum when the Shri Kapil Sibal termed the loss as fictitious. Later when they found it difficult to cover up the fraud the same ministers started claiming that the government had sold the 2G spectrum dirt cheap so that the common man can have affordable tariffs. The subsequent auction of the 3G spectrum certainly has not increased the tariffs. And the recent rates fixed by the Group of Ministers for the resale of 2G spectrum has only substantiated the estimated loss of the CAG.

In the Coal scam too the government is trying to convince the nation, that the coal sale should not be treated as a commercial proposition. The governments version is that cheap coal to corporates will boost power generation which is necessary for growth. As the 2G scam has proved it is impossible to fool people this time. It's time UPA government and its leadership faced to the reality and put its house in order. Prime Minister must explain and own responsibility for the same. We are concerned that if he continues to be the PM,then any inquiry will not be impartial, hence owning moral responsibility he must resign.

The CAG estimation loss of 3,700 cores in the Delhi Airport issue, though enormous by itself looks like a pittance before these mega scams. But what the report exposes is the massive favouritism and bending of rules to benefit the corporations through models like PPP. It is a matter of extreme concern for the nation since there is a massive attempt at pushing PPP as the favoured model of work in every sector now. It is no wonder that government is openly pushing for land acquisition for PPP projects under the new Land Acquisition Bill. We completely oppose any such move and demand that there is a need for now to audit all the major projects implemented under the PPP scheme.

The report on the Ultra Mega Power Plants and undue favour shown to Reliance is also a cause of extreme worry and only confirms again many of people's struggles against the private power producers in various places. In the light of highly inflated demand projection in coming years government has already sanctioned nearly 5,00,000 MW capacity, which are at various stages of development. Together they have acquired not only the precious land, water, forest and minerals but also appropriated the authority of Gram/Basti Sabhas, Municipalities and other elected bodies. There is a need for urgent review of the Integrated Energy Policy and canceling of many of the clearances for alleged violations.

Numerous cases of corruption and scams one after another means UPA has lost the legitimacy and its mandate to rule. These scams can no more just be dubbed as compulsions of coalition politics and PM Shri Manmohan Singh can't continue to bask in his image of being an honest conscientious gentleman. If he is one then let him take the responsibility on himself as the head of the UPA government and relinquish his post and pave way for a better administrator. The nation is awaiting with a bated breath for the Prime Minister's and UPA leadership's response.

Dr. Sunilam, Maj. Gen (Retd) Sudhir Vombatkere, Ramakrishna Raju, Gabriele Dietrich, Vimal Bhai, Suhas Kolhekar, Siste Celia, Madhuresh Kumar

National Alliance of People's Movements
National Office: Room No. 29-30, 1st floor, 'A' Wing, Haji Habib Bldg, Naigaon Cross Road, Dadar (E), Mumbai - 400 014;
Ph: 022-24150529

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Phone : 011 26241167 / 24354737 Mobile : 09818905316
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Madhuresh Kumar
National Organiser
, NAPM - National Alliance of People's Movements

6/6, Jangpura B, New Delhi 110014
Tel: 91 11 2437 4535
| Mobile: 91 9818905316 | Skype : kmadhuresh |
Twitter Latest tweet: "@rajeshkalra: It is amazing how death endows a person with greatness and vision that we never knew existed" n we forget how corrupt he was Follow @kmadhuresh Reply Retweet   19:45 Aug-14

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