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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Asiya Andrabi anti-India activist women arrested - Dukhtarn e Millat

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From: Labbayk YaMahdi <>
Date: Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 10:18 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Asiya Andrabi anti-India activist women arrested - Dukhtarn e Millat
To: Al Mahdi Unite Muslims <>


Asiya Andrabi Arrested

Srinagar, Aug 28- A strict curfew is being enforced in Srinagar and other major towns of the Kashmir valley to thwart an attempt by Hurriyat Conference to hold a rally in heart of the capital to mark the victory of battle of Badr.

Meanwhile police today arrested an active anti-India woman leader from her hide-out in Srinagar outskirts.
Curfew was clamped in Srinagar as Hurriyat led by Syed Ali Geelani had called for a march to Polo Grounds in Srinagar on the occasion of "Yaume Badr". Batle of Badr in the 624 CE (17 Ramzan 2 AH in the Islamic calendar) had established the roots of Islam and eased the persecution of Muslims.
Kashmiri Muslims every year mark the day with pro-freedom demonstrations. Mr. Geelani, who was to address the gathering, was placed under house arrest this morning along with the chairman of Moderate Hurriyat Conference Mirwaiz Umer Farooq.
Meanwhile Special Operations Group Of Police arrested a wanted woman leader Asiya Andrabi this afternoon from Habak area of the city.Andrabi,  a key figure in Geelani led Hurriyat, has been evading arrest for past three months.  
Asiya Andrabi: Warrior in Veil

Asiya Andrabi, the chief of South Asia's single militant organisation of women, has been evading arrest for sometime. Her organisation Dukhtaran-e-Millat (Daughters of the Ummah) has been assisting Lashkar-e-Jabbar in imposing purdah on Kashmiri.women. She is wanted under Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) for allegedly taking money from ISI. Andrabi, daughter of a physician, is a science graduate. A fierce militant, before marriage she had expressed her desire to her father to marry only a mujahid.

She went into hiding after the arrest of Imtiyaz Bazaz, the editor of the Mountain Valley. It is alleged that Bazaz had approached Ayub Thakur, the London-based president of World Kashmir Freedom Movement at her behest for funds for insurgents in Kashmir.

Andrabi formed Dukhtaran-e-Millat for a social cause as she claims. The objective was to help Kashmiri women to fight for their rights conferred on them by Islam. She fought for special reservations for women in buses, ostracised families that demanded dowry, and married off poor girls. She staged a rally in March 1987 against pornographic films, when foreign films were being screened all over Srinagar. DeM cadres carried brushes and cans of paint under their burqas and painted posters showing nudity. 

Andrabi's organisation has not taken to arms yet. However, her cadres support jehad in Kashmir and act as messengers for other militant organisations. With the onset of militancy in Kashmir in 1989, her activists staged rallies against atrocities. The next year she protested against Kashmiri women not wearing burqa. In May 1993 DeM warned women not to venture outdoors without a veil. Andrabi's cadres have been accused of throwing acid and paint on the faces of women not wearing burqa.

After many years of silence, she was in news last year for supporting Lashkar-e-Jabbar (LeJ), the militant outfit imposing purdah on Kashmiri women. LeJ activists reportedly threw acid on two women in Srinagar on August 7. Andrabi says that the purdah campaign is the "beginning of a comprehensive social reform movement based on true Islamic thought". She has asked women to quit their jobs and stay at home. 

Andrabi, who has proclaimed herself to be some sort of moral police chief, had an enlightened upbringing. The metamorphosis in her came when she read the book khawateen ki dilon ki baatein ( Words from the Hearts of Women), a compilation of the writings of Islamic women revolutionaries. After reading the book she was a changed person. She decided to live and die for Islam. She told her father that she would marry only a mujahid. Her father married her to Mohammad Qasim, a member of militant organisation Jamiat-ul-Mujahideen.

The DeM chief is of the view that only jihad (holy war) can protect the Islamic faith. That's why she wants her two sons to emulate Osama bin Laden and Mullah Mohammad Omar, not a doctor or engineer. She has told her husband that he should take two or three more wives, given the large number of Kashmiri women widowed by the insurgency in Kashmir. "I would be more than glad to share my house with the other wives of Qasim", she says. That way, between them, Qasim's wives would have a lot of children to be raised in the image of Osama and Omar.

¯ M. Mazharul Haque

We are Fund Raising for Kashmiri Women by supporting projects. Please read the information below and if you can help me to raise fund in your area.  We immediately need fund.
If you need more information or would like to know better about the projects, please do not hesitate to ask me directly.
+1 647 349 4673

Fi Amanillah,

Hashim Okera

Holy Ramadan, Suffering Kashmiri Women and Mo'meneens Conscience!!!

Allah Reminds us Again and Again in this Holy Month of Ramadan To Care for Humanity: The passed one; The Destitutes; The Hungary Ones; The Disables; Those who are in Debts; This who are in Problem; Those want to go back to their Home Country; The Situation of Muslims were ever they are and The Sick Ones.

Mo'menins Conscience
Where is the Conscience of  Mo'meneen!!!.
What will be your reply when Prophet Mohammad s.a.w. will ask you about your duty of the oppressed Women of Jammu & Kashmir; How will you face Sayyedia Fatima when she will ask the Mourner of my Hussain were suffering and no Attention was given and How one can pray for the appearance of Imam Mahdi when Suffering of followers Imam Ali a.s. were ignored!

Nobody Will be able to say that we did not know about Sufferings of Shia of Jammu and Kashmir. Nobody will be able to say that No Chance was given where to contact and where to send the help!!!

Immediate Relief Fund is required for Suffering Kashmiris .
Empowering Women in Srinagar and Kargil Ladhak Projects of Kashmir

"The whole Women community in Kashmir is backward in every sphere of life. The women are the worst hit in our society. They are being ignored altogether. The education was not imparted to the females till the recent past. The girls outside the Srinagar city are still deprived from education. In nut shell, the woman in our society is living a
miserable life".  (Dr.Kawthar Aga)

We are supporting Dar ul Qur'an Al Zahra, Lalbazaar, Srinagar that was reorganized with the help of Mo'mineen through Hashim Okera. And we want to continue to support similar projects in Dalgate and Kargil to the Zaynabia Women's Welfare Society.

Separate Account is launched to support Jammu and Kashmiri.

State Bank of India (CANADA) Scarborough Branch
Name: Hashim H. Ali
Transit # 07192 - Institution # 294
    SWIFT: SBINCATX - A/c # 517 46110500

This Situation of Kashmir

For detailed information Contact:
+1 647 349 4673


Palash Biswas
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