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Monday, August 30, 2010

Fwd: [MedicalConspiracies] Your Body's Energy Meridians- Acupuncture meridians have been found by injecting radioactive p[32] (an isotope of phosphorus)

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From: Grannie's <>
Date: Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 12:52 PM
Subject: [MedicalConspiracies] Your Body's Energy Meridians- Acupuncture meridians have been found by injecting radioactive p[32] (an isotope of phosphorus)
To: "1 Health_and_Healing@yahoogroups" <>, "1 MedicalConspiracies@googlegrou" <>, "1" <>

Your Body's Energy Meridians


Western Medicine looks at the body physically (X-rays, CT scans, biopsies, MRIs, mammograms) and chemically (blood tests). The quantum (energy) aspect of the body has been overlooked except for the EKG of the heart, EEG of the brain, and EMG of nerve and muscle. Basically the difference between a corpse and a living being is that the corpse no longer has energy flowing through it.

In the late 1940's, Dr. Reinhard Voll, a German medical doctor and engineer with an extensive background in acupuncture, started researching and validating a testing method now known as EAV (Electro-Acupuncture according to Voll or EDS - Electro-Dermal Screening). In acupuncture, there are twelve major energy meridians that traverse the body. Specific acupuncture points with electromagnetic characteristics exist along the meridians as outlined below.

Body               Energy Meridian

Dr. Voll was able to measure skin resistance along these different meridians and correlate the measurements to different organ systems. For example, the large intestine meridian starts on the index finger and ends at the nose. The different points along this large intestine meridian correlate to different areas of the large intestine.

Dr. Voll demonstrated that when a acupuncture point on the large intestine meridian had a change in skin resistance, there existed a weakness in the large intestine that was associated with symptoms that the patient was experiencing. His most significant discovery was that he was able to show that when he added a natural substance to return the skin resistance to normal, the patient felt better.

A partial list of research validating the body's energy meridians and electromagnetic nature includes:

  • During the 1960s Professor Kim Bong Hen studied the acupoints of animals. He injected radioactive p[32] (an isotope of phosphorus) into an acupoint and followed the uptake of the substance into surrounding tissue. With microautoradiography techniques, he discovered that the p32 followed the path of the classical acupuncture meridians (The Acupuncturist, 1, 1967).
  • In studies similar to Dr. Burr, Professor Kim found that the meridian ducts were formed within fifteen hours of conception in the embryonic chick before the rudimentary organs were formed (Design for Destiny Ballentine Books, 1974). In another experiment, Professor Kim severed the liver meridian in a frog and observed the subsequent changes in the liver tissue. Shortly after severing the meridian, he discovered enlarged liver cells. Three days later he noted serious vascular degeneration throughout the entire liver.
  • Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama AMI Machine (short for Apparatus for Measuring the Functions of the Meridians and Corresponding Internal Organ) research on over 5,000 patients documented strong correlations between weaker meridians and underlying disease states in associated organ systems (Science and the Evolution of Consciousness, Autumn Press, 1978).
  • Reinhold Voll, MD, who discovered electro acupuncture techniques, spent two decades studying acupuncture points and their related meridians. Voll's discovery that almost all Chinese acupuncture points could be detected by a change in skin resistance was of incredible importance to the birth of Quantum Medicine (American Acupuncture 8, 1980).
  • Using electronographic body scans, researchers documented meridian pathways (Electrographic Imaging in Medicine and Biology Neville Spearman Ltd.,1983).
  • In 1985, Pierre de Vernejoul at the University of Paris injected radioactive markers in acupuncture points. Using a gamma-camera imaging, he tracked the movement of the isotope. His findings indicated that the tracer followed the pathways of the classical meridian lines at the speed of 30 cm in 4-6 minutes. As a control, he also made random injections in the skin, vessels, and lymphatic channels documenting that there was no migration at these sites. (The Kirilian Aura, Doubleday, 1974; Bulletin of the Academy of National Medicine 169, 1985).
  • Dr. William Tiller of Stanford University observed close to a twenty-fold drop in electrical resistance at the acupoints (Energy Field Observations, 1988).
  • Further documentation of the body's electromagnetic energies came from photographic techniques discovered by Semyon Kirlian in Russia. With the interaction of a high-frequency electric discharge and a photographic plate he captured the energetic imprints of living organisms on the film. Further research by scientists at the Kirov State University of Kazakhstan and by M.K. Gaikin, MD correlated these measurements with Traditional Chinese Medicine concepts of energy flow. Some of the most impressive work with Kirilian photography is presented in Peter Mendel's book Energy Emission Analysis. Mandel's work was important for the following reasons: His findings were based on over 800,000 photographs (energy emission analysis or EEA), which documented the beginning and end points of classical acupuncture. All irregularities of bodily functions were depicted on the photographs. He based his therapeutic intervention on either the positive or negative EEA macrographs.
  • Another brilliant researcher, George Lakhovsky, published The Secret of Life in 1925 revealing that "every living cell is essentially dependent on its nucleus which is the center of oscillations and gives off radiations." His research has important health implications. Lakhovsky's book defines life and disease as a battle between healthy resonances and the unhealthy resonances of cells against microbes and other toxins. When we consider that the sun is the center of our solar system, and life could not exist without it giving off radiations that set up oscillations in living matter, it becomes obvious that energy principles work on the same universal laws, be they atoms, cells, or solar systems.
  • An American neurologist, Albert Abrams, MD who taught pathology at Stanford University's medical school in California, made the following scientific observations (New Concepts in Diagnosis and Treatment, San Francisco, Philopolis Press, 1916):Unknown resonances or waves were omitted from pathological tissue that can be used with great accuracy to locate an infection or pathology, and Resonant frequencies or radiations from quinine eliminated the unknown resonances associated with malaria and mercurial salts stopped syphilis radiations (the same was true of other known antidotes). In a series of 25 clinical trials, Dr. William Boyd confirmed Abrams' research and with 100% accuracy was able to identify chemicals and tissues without visual or any other clues except their resonances. In 1924, the Royal Society of Medicine investigated Boyd's claims and found them valid (Royal Society of Medicine, 1925).
  • Famous US surgeon and founder of the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, George Crile, M.D. supported Lakhovsky's finding with independent studies that were reported in his book The Phenomena of Life: A Radio-electric Interpretation, which was printed in 1936. He states, "electricity is the energy that drives the organism." He likened the cell to a battery and stated "It is clear that in the second half of life the electrical potential of the elderly patient as a whole or of this or that organ, has been very much reduced and that by so much, the margin of safety has been dangerously diminished." In the 1937 British Medical Journal, Sir Thomas Lewis defined an independent cutaneous nerve system of pathways that was not composed of nerve fibers.
  • All living things - from men to mice, from trees to seeds - are formed and controlled by electrodynamic fields that Burr defined as L fields (Yale Journal of Biological Medicine, 16, 1944; Science, 103, 1946; Proceedings of National Academy of Science, 32, 1946).
  • L fields are the basic blueprints of all life (Yale Journal of Biological Medicine, 17, 1945; Federal Proceedings, 6, 1947; Medical Physiology, 1950).
    L fields are informational and can reveal physical and mental conditions in order for doctors to diagnose illness before the usual symptoms develop (Yale Journal of Biological Medicine, 14, 1942; Yale Journal of Biological Medicine, 19, 1947; Yale Journal of Biological Medicine, 21, 1949).
  • Using electromyography (EMG), Dr Valerie Hunt at UCLA discovered that the body emits oscillations between the "noise" of normal muscle contractions. With sophisticated equipment, Hunt was able to monitor fluctuations in the body's electromagnetic energy levels (Progress Report: A Study of Structural Integration from Neuromuscular Energy Field and Emotional Approaches, UCLA, 1977).
  • Carlo Rubbia, a 1984 Nobel Laureate, made an astounding observation on the magnitude of biological information fields which he reports is far greater than biochemical or bimolecular information in the human body. Consequently, any medical field that examines only the physical body is only assessing a small and inconsequential part of human anatomy.
  • A controlled, research study on rats by the US Naval Research Center, Bethesda, Maryland (Biomagnetics, 7, 1986) documented that the magnetic resonance from lithium (not an oral dose) was able to subdue behavior and depress the central nervous system. This study is important because it documents significant biological effects from minute radiations similar to homeopathic medicines.
  • Nobel Prize double-nominee, Robert O. Becker, MD reported that the electromagnetic resonance behaves in the human body in a similar fashion to magnetic-resonance imaging (MRI) and that the body's innate resonances could be used to heal and explain problematic health issues (Cross Currents: The Perils of Electropollution, The Promise of Electromedicine, Tarcher/Putman, 1990).


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