About the international criminals killing us.
Dick Eastman
Bush-Clinton- Bush has been rule by organized crime imposed by the wealth of international organized crime.
The Bush family has been the white collar hitmen of the Harrimans who, starting with one seat on the stock exchange, soon monopolized railroads and were deeply invested in opium and piracy abroad (euphamistically called "imperialism" and "free trade.")
The British Empire, with it's cruelities -- the British have always had a split personality -- one side of the British of London Parliament, liberalism and Magna Carta -- the other side, controlled from The City, of piracy, opium, war profiteering, and Bank of England financial crime -- economic terrorism throughout the world.
China has been ruled by organized crime that was put in power by Anglo-American organized crime. Zhou Enlai was part of a family that dealt the City opium interests. Mao from the beginning was an opium drug leader -- just like the FARC, just like the Shinning Path, just like Afghanistan' s "Northern Alliance", just like the Bush, Clinton, Bush presidencies. The criminal elites sold out to "communism" -- but actually to Internatioanal Organized Crime that wears the "dictatorship- of-the-proletari at" "to-each-according- to-his-needs" in the US (a false-altruistic and false-humanitiarian mask worn by the ruthless boss operatives of international organized crime) men like George C. Marshall, Bernard Baruch, Henry Morganthau etc. sabotaged the Republic of CHina and put in the drug-lord mass-murderers Mao and Zhou (Zhou always the behind the scenes "Dick Cheney and Henry Kissinger and Richar Perle" behind every communist Chinese regime since the Chinese revolution. And of course Communist China, like Russia under Lenin-Trotsky and then Stalin who still needed western secret Pirate credit to stay in power -- as did Hitler (who one night instantly betrayed and murdered the populists against "interest slavery" who originally put him in power) -- as I was saying: China is controlled by the Great Pirates -- China is now their industrial and military powr base (the US used to be their base -- they often change bases -- Venice was once the China trade Occident-Orient neck where the pirates got their tribute for every bit of trade flowing through the Silk Road -- but they moved when the seven seas needed to be controlled to keep the same control on East-West traffic -- piracy they have always euphamistically called "free trade" -- and China is their base for the final destruction of the US.
China money Clinton in Power. China drug trade and trading rights sold by Triad "communist" princilings to the Great Pirates -- selling their slave labor governed by the ruthless pirates who suppress and employ the hard working people of China -- who live on dirt floors as the new elites -- the usual pirates-and- the-plundered relationship -- they have been at war to destroy their mortal enemy. China is their base -- President Clinton brought the entire organized crime White House administration and all of the pirates hired brains to China for an entire month to plan 9-11 and the ensuing destruction of the last still standing of the American Jeffersonain republic, and the destruction of Islam, the last holdout in Asia and Africa from Great Pirate control through information and conditioning monopoly. Islam is the populism of Asia -- a threat to all global Pirate operations. (Zionism? Zionist is the Great Pirates ideology -- it is a religion that excuses brutality to people who are not of the Jewish tribe, it has that conviction and rationalization of racial superiority that allows one to cheat and plunder and degrade, enslave and murder others because they are not really human in the sense you are -- one never commits crimes like the 9-11-01 mass-murder provocateur false-flag terror psy-op against one's brothers -- their must be racial and religous alienation -- and that is why the Great Pirates of the City and Wall Street rely on Israel and China for operatives in their war against the last of Jeffersonian in this country (and Bolivarian Zapatista etc. freedom south of the boarder).
Of course drug profiteers launder their money into legitimate business. Of course they compete with other firms as pirates always do -- but instead of sacking a city with cutlass and ball they do it by economic means backed by United States Marines. Only now the US itself is getting the treatment because the globalists are transferring world super power status to a nation with a bigger and better controlled population -- China under the Triad princelings -- Henry Kissinger's friends.
The United States since the revolution -- like Britain has always had a dual nature too -- it was first a place founded by people escaping Europe under the conquering and enslaving piratical elites of those lands -- and finding so much unpoliced land that they could push west and gain freedom of isolation forming communities with others doing the same -- that is until the other type -- those pirates set up in the hub city states of Philadelphia, New York and Boston could reach out with their economic power -- the money power of the early central banks and the power of international control of gold and sivler -- could subdue and enslave the first group so that the European class slavery would finally be uniformly imposed in the new world as well as the old.
All of the talk of spreading democracy, free trade, American enterprise, communism, socialism, globalism, greenism, libertarianism, progressivism, -- all of them have been fronts for organized crime to trick and enslave the people who broke free under Jefferson.
What the Great Pirates are out to destroy is the law -- Magna Carta, common law, Jeffersonian government, populism -- all labels but from them you abstract the concept that is at stake. You wake up and go out your door and the same house or apartment building is across the way and you think the world is holding together -- but we are being slashed to death. I am telling you who is doing it. It is the same people who you have been trusting to protect you, the same people you have been trusting to manage the economy in your best interest. They are killing you as surly as if they were conducting air attacks on your neighborhood -- it them it is total war conducted by other means but with the same end in mine -- you dead or enslaved and everything you own and all of your labor to become property at their disposal. And who is to stop them?
Today their mortal enemy is not Bob Barr or Ron Paul or Barrak Obama -- none of whom would agree with anything I have written here. The only people really on your side -- intelligent men of good will in possession of the facts are Jeff Rense, Bob Bowman, Dick Eastman and women like Barbara Honegger and Vicky Davis -- none of them with an organization around them. Of course there are more -- but being unorganized and being opposed by professional hired truth saboteurs the chances are that whoever is reading this doesn't know more than a handful of such real friends who know what the fight is and can tell an enemy disinformation false-front operation from a real solution. I've been writing for six years and I only know one or two handfuls of you who really understand what it is about. It is not that we good guys are armed or have a following or can organize anything -- obviously you have proved we can't -- but we provide a clear picture of what is happening, we are the last people standing on the shoulders of good journalist and good politicians who have already sunk in the quicksand with us on their shoulders and we sinking to with only our heads out of the sand still shouting to you what is really going on -- what has been stolen, what you could have if the power of the global pirates was overthrown.
There is not much I can do but tell you. But I never get letters from people wanting to discuss, wanting to organize -- not even when occasionally one of my notes is put up on Jeff Rense's website. And on the ten yahoogroup lists where I post -- when ever I post -- my letters are crowded out by Ron Paul stuff -- even though Ron Paul has served the pirates, offered bogus anarcho-capitalist bromide solutions -- and has now withdrawn from the race -- he is still sucking up everyones efforts (with the help of the false-opposition operatives who keep pushing his gold standard and Arabs-with-boxcutte rs-brought- down-the- towers and less-taxes-and- regulation for Great Pirates of Big Finance and Big International Business.
That's enough for now. I always give too much information, poorly written. (Do you think if I re-read this and polished it and sent it out like a mainstream media prostitute sends out "articles" that it would have made any difference all these years? You are always invited to re-write the ideas I present to make accessible to people I could never reach. No one is writing for money or fame here -- just get the words out. It should be like in those Japanes movies -- someone shouts Godzilla? and everyone starts running? Why don't you run? Something worse than Godzilla is attacking every neighborhood in the country at the same time. Sort of a neutron-bomb Godzilla -- keeps your house as a rental asset for his portfolio, just crushes you.
Of course.
Draft Bob Bowman for president. Dr. Bowman is the only man capable of being President, who has stood right all these years, who grasps the situation outlined above and will not back away from what has to be done.
Progressive Nationalist Populist Brotherhood of American Citizen Peacemakers of All Races and Creeds -- This is our Common Ground!!!
Lt. Col Robert Bowman PhD , will be speaking about avoiding the suicide of attacking Iran, the necessity of pulling out of the "frame-up" wars against innocent Moselm countries, the necessity of impeacing Bush-Cheney even in their last days of office, the dire need to replace our financial and tax system, the life-and-death necessity of taking down the power of the great Pirates in this country and their sytem of international coporation plunder.
Check below for where he will be speaking in person on these issues.
Bob Bowman Political Truth Tour:
Mon 7-Jul Montpelier
Tue 8-Jul Troy
Wed 9-Jul Schenectady
Th 10-Jul Rochester
Fri 11-Jul Rochester
Sat12-Jul Buffalo
Sun 13-Jul Toronto, ONT, Canada
Mon 14-Jul
Tue 15-Jul Detroit
Wed 16-Jul Wyandotte
Th 17-Jul Toledo
Fri 18-Jul Toledo
Sat 19-Jul Cleveland
Sun 20-Jul Pittsburgh
Mon 21-Jul Columbus
============ ========= ===
Now you say it.
* http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/frameup/ message/26045
* http://thepatriots. us/pg_02_ speech.html
* http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/frameup/ message/26664
============ ========= ===
Tue 22-Jul Dayton
Wed 23-Jul Cincinnati
Th 24-Jul Louisville KY
Fri 25-Jul St Louis MO
Sat 26-Jul Peoria IL
Sun 27-Jul Chicago IL
Mon 28-Jul Milwaukee WI
Tue29-Jul Madison WI
Wed30-Jul La Crosse WI
Th 31-Jul Duluth MN
Fri 1-Aug St Paul MN
Sat 2-Aug Minneapolis MN
Sun 3-Aug Minneapolis MN
Mon 4-Aug Des Moines IA
Tue 5-Aug Omaha NE
Wed 6-Aug Kansas City MO
Th 7-Aug Kansas City MO
Fri8-Aug Salina KS
Sat 9-Aug Wichita KS
Sun 10-Aug Pueblo CO
Mon 11-Aug Colorado Springs CO
Tue 12-Aug Denver/Boulder CO
Wed 13-Aug Denver/Boulder CO
Th 14-Aug Grand Junction CO
Fri 15-Aug Salt Lake City UT
Sat 16-Aug
Sun17-Aug Spokane WA
Mon 18-Aug Yakima WA
Tues19-Aug Seattle WA
Tue 19-Aug Vancouver
Wed 20-Aug Seattle
Th 21-Aug Portland
Fri 22-Aug Salem
Sat 23-Aug Grants Pass
Sun 24-Aug Eureka
Mon 25-Aug Garberville
Tue 26-Aug Marin County
Wed 27-Aug Santa Rosa
San Francisco
Th 28-Aug Aptos/Santa Cruz
Fri 29-Aug Monterey
Sat 30-Aug Los Gatos
Sun 31-Aug San Jose
Mon 1-Sep Berkeley/Oakland
Tue 2-Sep Davis
Wed 3-Sep Chico
Th 4-Sep Sacramento
Fri 5-Sep Modesto
Sat 6-Sep Stockton
Sun 7-Sep Merced
Mon 8-Sep Fresno
Tue 9-Sep Bakersfield
Wed 10-Sep Bakersfield
Th 11-Sep Las Vegas, NV
Fri 12-Sep Las Vegas, NV
Sat 13-Sep SanBernardino
Rancho Cucamng
Sun 14-Sep Pasadna/Altadna
Mon 15-Sep Los Angeles
Tue 16-Sep Los Angeles
Wed 17-Sep North Hollywood
Th 18-Sep San Luis Obispo
Santa Maria
Fri 19-Sep Santa Barbara
Sat 20-Sep Oxnard
Long Beach
PacPalis/ Inglwd
Redondo Bch
Sun 21-Sep Anaheim
Mon 22-Sep Orange County
Tue 23-Sep Oceanside
Wed 24-Sep Carlsbad
Th 25-Sep Carlsbad
Fri 26-Sep San Diego
Sun 28-Sep Tucson
Mon 29-Sep Phoenix (E Vly)
Tue 30-Sep Phoenix (W Vly)
Wed 1-Oct Flagstaff
Th 2-Oct Albuquerque
Fri 3-Oct Santa Fe
Sat 4-Oct Amarillo
Sun 5-Oct Oklahoma City
Mon 6-Oct Oklahoma City
Tue 7-Oct Tulsa
Wed 8-Oct Dallas
Th 9-Oct Dallas
Fri 10-Oct Austin
Sat 11-Oct Austin
Sun 12-Oct San Antonio
Mon 13-Oct Houston
Tue 14-Oct New Orleans
Wed 15-Oct Niceville
Th 16-Oct Gainesville
Fri 17-Oct Melbourne
============ ========= ===
Now you say it.
* http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/frameup/ message/26045
* http://thepatriots. us/pg_02_ speech.html
* http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/frameup/ message/26664
============ ========= ===
Dick Eastman with Dr. Bowman's essentially CAMPAIGN PLATFORM spelled out in this paper, http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/frameup/ message/26664 I AM CONVINCED that the only one (man or woman) who deserves to be President of the United States of America. Please read all of this!!!! I had determined that I would not bother to vote because there is no way I can support any of the other candidates.. that is and keep my own counsel.. After reading this paper, I am going to vote ( and to hell with those who submit that I will be losing my vote.) for Dr. Bob Bowman, PhD. in the November 4, 2008 election. Auveline Robinson
http://www.google. com/help/ netneutrality_ letter.html
A Note to Google Users on Net Neutrality:
The Internet as we know it is facing a serious threat. There's a debate heating up in Washington, DC on something called "net neutrality" - and it's a debate that's so important Google is asking you to get involved. We're asking you to take action to protect Internet freedom.
In the next few days, the House of Representatives is going to vote on a bill that would fundamentally alter the Internet. That bill, and one that may come up for a key vote in the Senate in the next few weeks, would give the big phone and cable companies the power to pick and choose what you will be able to see and do on the Internet.
Today the Internet is an information highway where anybody - no matter how large or small, how traditional or unconventional - has equal access. But the phone and cable monopolies, who control almost all Internet access, want the power to choose who gets access to high-speed lanes and whose content gets seen first and fastest. They want to build a two-tiered system and block the on-ramps for those who can't pay.
Creativity, innovation and a free and open marketplace are all at stake in this fight. Please call your representative (202-224-3121) and let your voice be heard.
Thanks for your time, your concern and your support.
Eric Schmidt
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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.
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