by Benjamin Merhav
Asthearticle below correctly points out the zionist apartheid regimeofIsrael intensifies the daily implementation of zionist racismagainstthe Arab people of Palestine in occupied Palestine. However, dueto itsfascist aspect, zionism has also been as brutal against peopleofjewish background who are not zionists. From its inceptionpoliticalzionism has considered antisemitism as its ally which helpsterroriseJews into supporting zionism, and into immigrating to thezionistcolony in Palestine, and later to the State of Israel. Twoexamples :zionist collaboration with the Hitler regime before andduring the 2ndWW, and zionist terror during the '50s in Iraq and inEgypt. I havewritten many articles detailing those fascist activitiesof the zionisthierarchy in my printed newsletter (Exposing ZionistCrimes) during'90s.
Thosefascistactivities against people of jewish background by the zionisthierarchyhave been done secretly, of course, as officially the zionisthierarchyhas always claimed to be 'Jews who help Jews'. The zionist propaganda machine rarely uses the term zionism, preferring the word 'Jews/Jewish' instead.
The following article was emailed to me today by Miriam Adams ( :
Shalit is not more important than 10,000 Palestinian prisoners
[ 05/07/2008 - 05:02 PM ]
Comment by Khalid Amayreh in occupied East Jerusalem
Oneofthe most repulsive expressions of Israeli racism is thefirmly-heldbelief that a Jew is superior to and more important than anon-Jew.
Accordingto this unholy principle, which mostIsraeli Jews see as anunquestionable truism, a Jewish life is moreimportant than anon-Jewish life, and a Jewish blood is far moreimportant than anon-Jewish blood.
Unfortunately, it is upon this manifestly racist concept that the entire Israeli justice system is based.
Thisscandalousperception of the Jew-gentile relationship encompasses allaspects ofIsraeli treatment of the Palestinian people. It alsoexplains theinstitutionalized racism against the native Palestinians,especially inthe occupied territories of the West Bank, East Jerusalemand the GazaStrip.
Take for example, the Shalit affair and howIsrael managedto kill, maim, detain and torture thousands of innocentPalestinians inorder to coerce Hamas to release the man who probablyhas become theworld's most famous prisoner.
Two years ago, Gilad Shalit, the son of a French immigrant couple,wastaken prisoner by Palestinian resistance fighters during across-borderattack outside the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian operationwas first andforemost aimed at forcing Israel to release Palestinianhostages inIsraeli jails.
However, instead of trying to resolve the matter wisely, the Israeliarmyganged up on the nearly totally unprotected Gaza, murderinghundreds ofcivilians, bombing public buildings and destroyingessential civilianinfrastructure such as roads, bridges and powerstations.
In the process, the Israeli air-force annihilated entire Palestinian families, including women and children without the slightest compunction.
Moreover,thousandsof Palestinians, including intellectuals, lawmakers, cabinetministersand professionals were violently abducted and dumped inIsraeli dungeonsand detention camps, mostly without charge or trial.
Generally speaking, Israeli behaviors following the capture of Shalit were verymuchsimilar to the way the Nazi SS reacted whenever a German officerwaskilled or captured by the resistance in Europe during the SecondWorldWar.
In truth, Shalit, a prisoner of war, couldhave beenreleased from the very inception had Israel shown any modicumof goodwill, respect and above all some justice toward her Palestinianvictims.
However, as always, and consistent with the Chosen People complex,theIsraeli government acted arrogantly and impetuously on theracistpremise that a Jew's right to freedom exceeds and overrides theentirePalestinian people's right to life and freedom.
Thisprobablysums up the entire philosophy of Zionism, which is based on theconceptof Jewish supremacy, just as Nazism was based on the concept ofAryansupremacy, the ubermensch.
Today, as many as 10,000 Palestinians (or untermenschen) are detainedinIsraeli detention camps in obviously inhuman conditions, many ofthembecause of their thoughts, views and non-violent politicalactivities.
Someare sentenced to lengthy terms on largelyfabulous and flimsy chargessuch as "constituting a grave danger or athreat to the security andsurvival of the state of Israel and theJewish people."
A few months ago, the Israeli army issued a written statement stating that anyPalestiniancaught walking in the vicinity of charity compounds in thetown ofHebron, which the Israeli army had closed down and confiscated,would besentenced to six years in jail.
What isparticularlyscandalous is that when a given Palestinian prisoner'sterm expires, heor she is not allowed to go home. Instead, in numerouscases theprisoner is sentenced to an open-ended imprisonment knownas"administrative detention."
This writer knows academicsandcollege professors whose originally unjust prison terms ended sixyearsago, but are none the less still languishing in Israeli jailsanddetention camps due to the mood of the "judge" who with a strike ofapen can extend the incarceration of a given detainee for sixmoremonths or even six more years.
Earlier this week,an"administrative detainee" who has been released after spending34months in jail intimated to this writer that he still didn't knowwhyhe was imprisoned for such a lengthy period in the notoriousKitziotdetention camp in the Negev desert.
When"Sarmad,"the nom de guerre of the settler judge at the Kitziot campasked theHebronite prisoner why he thought he was arrested, theprisoner told himsimply "I really don't know."
Then Sarmad asked the prisoner: "do you go to the Mosque?"
ThePrisoneranswered "Yes, I do." Then Sarmad told the prisonerratherunhesitatingly "that is it…you are guilty of going to the mosqueandpraying there. This is why you are here."
Needlesstosay, entrusting Jewish settlers, who are inculcated withindescribablehatred for non-Jews in general and Palestinians inparticular, is verymuch like entrusting Nazi judges with the administration of justice for Jews.
Indeed,forthese so-called judges, a Palestinian is simply guilty even ifprovedinnocent. He is guilty for being a Palestinian and refusing todie anddisappear.
Then there is that silly mantra ofPalestinians havingJewish blood on their hands which prohibits Israelfrom setting themfree unless, of course, they are swapped for Jews,even Jewish corpses,detained by the "enemy."
Well, what about the tens of thousands of Israeli Jews who have Palestinian blood on their hands?
Is Jewish blood redder or more sacred than non-Jewish blood? Doesn't this racist discourse give credibility to anti-Semites?
Beside,whyis it that an Israeli soldier who knowingly and deliberatelymurders aPalestinian school child on his/her way to school is onlycharged with afrivolous charge (such as misusing IDF-issued weapon),while aPalestinian freedom fighter who kills or injures an Israelioccupationsoldier in battle is treated as a common criminal with nochance ofbeing freed from jail.
The answer is, of course, crystal clear. It is Zionist-Jewish racism, the chosen-people complex.
Israel can get Shalit released from Hamas's custody the moment it realizes that Palestinian prisoners in Israeli custody are as human as Shalit, and have beloved ones awaiting their release from jail.
But then such a realization would contradict and even undo Zionism, an evil ideology that is based on racism and brutality.
Hence, the problem.
Comment by Khalid Amayreh in occupied East Jerusalem
Oneofthe most repulsive expressions of Israeli racism is thefirmly-heldbelief that a Jew is superior to and more important than anon-Jew.
Accordingto this unholy principle, which mostIsraeli Jews see as anunquestionable truism, a Jewish life is moreimportant than anon-Jewish life, and a Jewish blood is far moreimportant than anon-Jewish blood.
Unfortunately, it is upon this manifestly racist concept that the entire Israeli justice system is based.
Thisscandalousperception of the Jew-gentile relationship encompasses allaspects ofIsraeli treatment of the Palestinian people. It alsoexplains theinstitutionalized racism against the native Palestinians,especially inthe occupied territories of the West Bank, East Jerusalemand the GazaStrip.
Take for example, the Shalit affair and howIsrael managedto kill, maim, detain and torture thousands of innocentPalestinians inorder to coerce Hamas to release the man who probablyhas become theworld's most famous prisoner.
Two years ago, Gilad Shalit, the son of a French immigrant couple,wastaken prisoner by Palestinian resistance fighters during across-borderattack outside the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian operationwas first andforemost aimed at forcing Israel to release Palestinianhostages inIsraeli jails.
However, instead of trying to resolve the matter wisely, the Israeliarmyganged up on the nearly totally unprotected Gaza, murderinghundreds ofcivilians, bombing public buildings and destroyingessential civilianinfrastructure such as roads, bridges and powerstations.
In the process, the Israeli air-force annihilated entire Palestinian families, including women and children without the slightest compunction.
Moreover,thousandsof Palestinians, including intellectuals, lawmakers, cabinetministersand professionals were violently abducted and dumped inIsraeli dungeonsand detention camps, mostly without charge or trial.
Generally speaking, Israeli behaviors following the capture of Shalit were verymuchsimilar to the way the Nazi SS reacted whenever a German officerwaskilled or captured by the resistance in Europe during the SecondWorldWar.
In truth, Shalit, a prisoner of war, couldhave beenreleased from the very inception had Israel shown any modicumof goodwill, respect and above all some justice toward her Palestinianvictims.
However, as always, and consistent with the Chosen People complex,theIsraeli government acted arrogantly and impetuously on theracistpremise that a Jew's right to freedom exceeds and overrides theentirePalestinian people's right to life and freedom.
Thisprobablysums up the entire philosophy of Zionism, which is based on theconceptof Jewish supremacy, just as Nazism was based on the concept ofAryansupremacy, the ubermensch.
Today, as many as 10,000 Palestinians (or untermenschen) are detainedinIsraeli detention camps in obviously inhuman conditions, many ofthembecause of their thoughts, views and non-violent politicalactivities.
Someare sentenced to lengthy terms on largelyfabulous and flimsy chargessuch as "constituting a grave danger or athreat to the security andsurvival of the state of Israel and theJewish people."
A few months ago, the Israeli army issued a written statement stating that anyPalestiniancaught walking in the vicinity of charity compounds in thetown ofHebron, which the Israeli army had closed down and confiscated,would besentenced to six years in jail.
What isparticularlyscandalous is that when a given Palestinian prisoner'sterm expires, heor she is not allowed to go home. Instead, in numerouscases theprisoner is sentenced to an open-ended imprisonment knownas"administrative detention."
This writer knows academicsandcollege professors whose originally unjust prison terms ended sixyearsago, but are none the less still languishing in Israeli jailsanddetention camps due to the mood of the "judge" who with a strike ofapen can extend the incarceration of a given detainee for sixmoremonths or even six more years.
Earlier this week,an"administrative detainee" who has been released after spending34months in jail intimated to this writer that he still didn't knowwhyhe was imprisoned for such a lengthy period in the notoriousKitziotdetention camp in the Negev desert.
When"Sarmad,"the nom de guerre of the settler judge at the Kitziot campasked theHebronite prisoner why he thought he was arrested, theprisoner told himsimply "I really don't know."
Then Sarmad asked the prisoner: "do you go to the Mosque?"
ThePrisoneranswered "Yes, I do." Then Sarmad told the prisonerratherunhesitatingly "that is it…you are guilty of going to the mosqueandpraying there. This is why you are here."
Needlesstosay, entrusting Jewish settlers, who are inculcated withindescribablehatred for non-Jews in general and Palestinians inparticular, is verymuch like entrusting Nazi judges with the administration of justice for Jews.
Indeed,forthese so-called judges, a Palestinian is simply guilty even ifprovedinnocent. He is guilty for being a Palestinian and refusing todie anddisappear.
Then there is that silly mantra ofPalestinians havingJewish blood on their hands which prohibits Israelfrom setting themfree unless, of course, they are swapped for Jews,even Jewish corpses,detained by the "enemy."
Well, what about the tens of thousands of Israeli Jews who have Palestinian blood on their hands?
Is Jewish blood redder or more sacred than non-Jewish blood? Doesn't this racist discourse give credibility to anti-Semites?
Beside,whyis it that an Israeli soldier who knowingly and deliberatelymurders aPalestinian school child on his/her way to school is onlycharged with afrivolous charge (such as misusing IDF-issued weapon),while aPalestinian freedom fighter who kills or injures an Israelioccupationsoldier in battle is treated as a common criminal with nochance ofbeing freed from jail.
The answer is, of course, crystal clear. It is Zionist-Jewish racism, the chosen-people complex.
Israel can get Shalit released from Hamas's custody the moment it realizes that Palestinian prisoners in Israeli custody are as human as Shalit, and have beloved ones awaiting their release from jail.
But then such a realization would contradict and even undo Zionism, an evil ideology that is based on racism and brutality.
Hence, the problem.
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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.
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