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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

All India Consumer Price Index Numbers For Industrial Workers

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From: Press Information Bureau Ministry of I&B <>
Date: Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 5:13 PM
Subject: Releases........pt3

Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Ministry of Labour & Employment

All India Consumer Price Index Numbers For Industrial Workers

On Base 2001=100 For The Month Of May, 2010

New Delhi: June 30, 2010


All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100 for the month of  May, 2010 increased by 2 points and stood at 172 (one hundred and seventy two).


During May, 2010, the index recorded an increase of 6 points in Warrangal centre, 5 points in Guntur centre, 4 points in Chennai centre, 3 points in 16 centres, 2 points in 17 centres and 1 point in 18 centres. The index decreased by 2 points each in Yamunanagar, Puducherry, Amritsar, Ajmer, Ghaziabad and Varanasi centres and 1 point in 6 centres, while in the remaining 12 centres the index remained stationary.


The maximum increase of 6 points in Warrangal centre is mainly on account of increase in the prices of Moong Dal, Groundnut Oil, Eggs (Hen), Chillies Green, Vegetable and Fruit items, Bidi, Bus Fare, Repair Charges, etc. The increase of 5 points in Guntur centre is due to increase in the prices of Rice, Arhar Dal, Urd Dal, Goat Meat, Vegetable and Fruit items, Firewood, etc. and the increase of 4 points in Chennai centre is due to increase in the prices of Rice, Arhar Dal, Urd Dal, Eggs (Hen), Tamarind, Vegetable and Fruit items, Tea (Readymade), etc. However, the decrease of 2 points each in Yamunanagar, Puducherry, Amritsar, Ajmer, Ghaziabad and Varanasi centres is due to decrease in the prices of Rice, Wheat, Wheat Atta, Fish Fresh, Onion, Vegetable  and Fruit items, etc.


The indices in respect of the six major centres are as follows :

1. Ahmedabad



4. Delhi


2. Bangalore



5. Kolkata


3. Chennai



6. Mumbai



                  The point to point rate of inflation for the month of May, 2010 is 13.91% as compared to 13.33% in April, 2010.


ysk:pm/dk/kol/16:57 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *


Presidents Secretariat                  

Envoys of Seven Nations Present Credentials to President of India

New Delhi: June 30, 2010


Seven envoys presented their credentials to the President of India, Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil at a ceremony at Rashtrapati Bhavan.


The envoys who presented their credentials were: - His Excellency Dr. Ruben I. Zamora, the Ambassador of El Salvador, His Excellency Mr. Ronald B. Allarey, the Ambassador of the Philippines, His Excellency Mr. Thongphanh Syackhaphom, the Ambassador of Laos, His Excellency Mr. Doulat O. Kuanyshev, the Ambassador of Kazakhstan, His Excellency Dr. Nanguyalai Tarzi, the Ambassador of Afghanistan, His Excellency Mr. Marco Piccinini, the Ambassador of Monaco and His Excellency Mr. Byron Escobedo Menendez, the Ambassador of Guatemala.


In her interaction with the envoys, the President observed that they represented nations spanning different geographical zones, and with whom India enjoys friendly relations. The President said that India is a country with a wide diversity and offers to many, areas for strengthening mutual cooperation. Developing good relations with nations is one of the main objectives of India's foreign policy, the President said. The President also stated that India believes that promotion of mutual understanding between peoples is essential for world peace, which in turn is conducive for economic growth and progress of nations. She mentioned that in the contemporary world, prospects of peace are threatened by forces of extremism and terrorism. Fighting terrorism requires a firm commitment by the international community to act collectively and decisively. Drugs, gun-running and piracy, with their deep links to terrorism, add to the complexities faced while dealing with terrorism, she emphasized. The President also said that the global economy is recovering from the financial crisis of 2008-09, but the challenges of sustaining growth remains. For developing countries, higher growth rates are important to meet the aspirations of their people.


The credential presentation ceremony was attended by the senior members of the missions, senior officials of the Ministry of External Affairs and Rashtrapati Bhavan.


sh/vk/dk/kol/16:58 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Ministry of Home Affairs                             

Suspension of Operations Agreement with ANVC Extended by Three Months

New Delhi: June 30, 2010


A tripartite Suspension of Operations (SoO) agreement with the Achik National Volunteers' Council (ANVC), Meghalaya has been in force w.e.f. 23.7.2004 and is currently valid till 30.6.2010. Discussions on the demands of ANVC are continuing at the level of Shri P.C. Halder, Government of India's Representative for Peace Talks. It has been agreed that the SoO with ANVC would be extended for a further period of three months w.e.f. 1st July, 2010.


ok/pkm/dk/kol/16:58 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Ministry of Home Affairs                             

Pension of SPS Rathore Withheld in full on Permanent Basis

New Delhi: June 30, 2010


Pension of Shri SPS Rathore, a retired IPS officer of the 1965 batch, has been withheld in full on permanent basis. The Central Government has taken the action following his conviction by the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Chandigarh vide orders dated 21st December, 2009 in the molestation case of Ms. Ruchika, a minor girl.


ok/kka/dk/kol/16:58 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Ministry of Environment and Forests                     

New Committee for Diversion of Forest Land in Lanjigarh Bauxite Mines in Kalahandi and Rayagada

New Delhi: June 30, 2010


The Ministry of Environment and Forests constituted a 4 member Committee with immediate effect to consider and make recommendations on the proposal submitted by the Orissa Mining Corporation Limited, under the provisions of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.The proposal is for diversion of 660.749 ha of forest land in Lanjigarh Bauxite Mines, in Kalahandi and Rayagada Districts in the State of Orissa.


This new committee will further examine of two issues of primary importance of settlement of rights under the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, particularly the specific impact on the livelihood, culture and material welfare of the Dongaria Kondhs, a notified Primitive Tribal Group and impact on the Wildlife and Biodiversity in the surrounding areas. The Committee will be headed Dr N C Saxena, IAS(Retd),NAC and other Members are Dr S Parasuraman, Director, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, Dr Promode Kant, IFS(Retd) and Dr Amita Baviskar, Associate Professor, Institute of Economic Growth, New Delhi.


The committee will undertake field visits, review all previous reports in relation to the application as mentioned hereinbefore for diversion of forest land for the purpose of mining of bauxite in the Kalahandi and Rayagada Districts in Orissa and undertake analysis. It will submit its findings to the Director General of Forests and Special Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests within a period of 30 calendar days from the date of its constitution.


Earlier a 3 member Committee constituted by the ministry submitted its Report based on the site inspections conducted by them in the months of January 2010 and February, 2010. The need was felt for further examination of these issues of primary importance.


kp/dk/kol/16:59 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Ministry of Defence                       

IAF Mountaineers Scale Highest Peak in Alaska Region

New Delhi: June 30, 2010


A six-member IAF Mountaineering Expedition team successfully summitted Mt. Denali Peak (6194 m), the highest peak of North American continent in Alaska ranges on Jun 20. The expedition was the fourth mountain peak scaled under IAF's - Mission Seven Summits, to scale the highest peaks of all continents across the world.


The team led by Wing Commander RC Tripathi was flagged in today at Air HQ, New Delhi by Air Officer in-Charge Administration, Air Marshal JN Burma. The other members of the team included Wing Commander Jaikishan, Squadron Leader N Rawat, Squadron Leader D Panda, Squadron Leader R Sagar and Junior Warrant Officer NR Choudhary.


Mt. Denali peak is considered as one of the most difficult and trickiest one to climb in terms of severity and unpredictable nature of weather. The team has already scaled Mt Everest, Mt Carstensz Pyramid, Mt Aconcagua and Mt Denali and would undertake the remaining expeditions to Mt Elbrus (Europe), Mt Kilimanjaro (South Africa) in Jul-Aug10, and Mt Vinson Massif (Antarctica) in Dec10, to accomplish the mission.


tks/dk/dk/kol/16:59 hrs.


Palash Biswas
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