From: Habib Yousafzai <>
Date: Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 9:31 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Sikh And Kashmiri Demonstration Against Indian Government To Remove Its Forces From Their Lands
To:,,,, PakNationalists <>,,,,,,
Sikh And Kashmiri Demonstration Against Indian Government To Remove Its Forces From Their Lands
Habib Yousafzai
Numerous groups protested today to have their concerns heard by the world leaders who have arrived here in Toronto, Canada, to attend the G20 Summit. Among those demonstrated were the Afghan and Iraqi groups, demanding world forces to leave their countries. Iranian groups had been voicing against the recently imposed UN sanctions. Palestinians were there to condemn the Israeli atrocities committed on their people and for the liberation of Palestine. In order to maintain law and order, a large number of law-enforcing personnel had been deployed in and around Toronto.
Kashmiri protestors reached Queen's Park Toronto around 10AM. Sikhs joined them at 12 PM as announced. The protest continued for about six hours until 3:45PM. Most of them were equipped with play cards and banners, with different slogans. The writer had noticed that many University attending students joined the protestors. Their morale was very high and all of them were very eager to have the Indian (Brahmans-Hindus) forces out of their homelands. The rally consisted of people of varying ages including children, women, and elderly who were displaying their messages:
1-No justice, no peace
2-We will not forget the killings of the innocent Sikhs and Kashmiries
3-What do we want? Justice! When do we want it? Now!
4-Sikhs and Kashmiris human rights are being violated grossly?
5-The united people of several 'nationalities' will never be defeated
6-Justice what we want!
7-Hey hey! Ho ho! Manmohan Singh go back to India!
8-Panth (Khalsa Panth) Ki Jeet (Victory to the Sikh Nation)!
09-We shall not rest until Khalistan and Kashmir are free from the Indian (Brahmans-Hindus) occupation, since August 15, 1947.
10- Indian armed forces out of Khalistan and Kashmir (Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir)
One of the speakers said that the G20 nations should persuade India to resolve the dispute, in accordance with the UN resolutions. He also stressed that inalienable right of self-determination of Jammu and Kashmir, as it stood on August 14, 1947, be recognized and instituted, without any further delay. The political, civil and human rights of Kashmiri people are being grossly violated. The occupying Indian forces must honour their commitment, in accordance with the international law, treaties, covenants, justice and morals. Indian (Brahmans-Hindus) government is required to cease its military and paramilitary hostile activities against Kashmiries and withdraw the army from the Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir; dismantling checkpoints, watch towers and barricades; immediately release political prisoners. Yet another speaker demanded the release of the Chairman Syed Ali Geelani, of the Hurriyat Conference, and rest of the political leaders in imprisonment, including Mohammad Yasin Malik and 40 other leaders. The Indian armed forces act be repelled immediately in the occupied Kashmir.
Another speaker added that the atrocities of the Indian forces committed on the Kashmiris cannot be forgotten, e. g., more than 192,685 killed, 215,877 arrested, 110,000 disappearances, 115,665 home demolitions, by the Indian (Brahmans-Hindus) Security Forces; leaving 122,675 widows and 207,218 orphans aside. Indian forces have been committing crimes such as rapes, torture, atrocities and gross human rights violations on the occupied Kashmiri citizens. Nobody is there to listen to their agony for the past 63 years. Also, included are abducting innocent Kashmiris and putting them in remote jails by the Indian (Brahmans-Hindus) forces. Recently 3,000 mass graves have been documented by international human rights organizations. It is believed that out of the 110, 000 disappearances, a great number of innocent Kashmiris might have been secretly killed and disposed of in these graves.
The Sikh speaker in a grieved voice stated that we seek answers from Dr. Manmohan Singh, the prime minister of India, on the killings of over 260,000 innocent Sikhs since "Operation Bluestar" of June, 1984 era. Over 3,000 burnt alive, women raped, and properties destroyed. Yet the Indian government has appointed commission after commission, but no justice and answers. The Hindu- Brahmans, who have committed these crimes, on the Sikhs are now enjoying high ranking births in Dr. Singh's government; whereas victims and widows of those killed by Government led mobs are still suffering and begging justice for the past 26 years, or the 'Genocide of November, 1984'. Whoever talks about the human rights violations for the Sikh, his name is placed on the black list. The Indian consulate denies Visa to these Sikhs, with the result many of them having been deprived to pay their respects to their holiest shrine, the Darbar Sahib Complex in Amritsar (under Indian occupation since 1947). What a tragedy that a Sikh cannot pay his respects to his apex religious and political institutions?
Both Sikhs and Kashmiris concluded that India must stop its illegal occupation of the occupied Khalistan (the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab) as well as Jammu and Kashmir.
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