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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] The 25th Commemorative Anniversary of the Midair Disaster of the Air India Flight 182, of 23rd June, 1985: THE LANDLESS SIKH NATION, PUNJAB, under the 'Brahmins-Hindus' Occupation since 15th August, 1947 By Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon

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Date: Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 8:05 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] The 25th Commemorative Anniversary of the Midair Disaster of the Air India Flight 182, of 23rd June, 1985: THE LANDLESS SIKH NATION, PUNJAB, under the 'Brahmins-Hindus' Occupation since 15th August, 1947 By Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki)*


Honourabe Sterhane Harper, M P, Prime Minister, Government of Canada
Honourable Michael Ignatieff, Leader, Liberal Party of Canada
Honourable S Dion, M P, Liberal Party of Canada
Honourable Ralph Goodale, M P
Honourable John McCallum, M P
Honourable J Volpe, M P
Honourable Jack Layton, Leader, NDP
Honourable Gelles Duceppe, Leader, PQ
Honourable P Martin, M P
Honourbale Bob Rae, M P
Hon Gurbax S Malhi, M P
Hon Justin Trudeau, M P
Hon Sukh S Dhaliwal, M P
Hon Navdeep S Bains, M P
Hon N Grewal, M P
Hon D McGuinty, M P
Hon Duncan, M P
Hon L Zarac
Hon Rona Ambrose, M P
Hon James Karygianis, M P
Hon Heddy Fry, M P
Hon Shally Duncan, M P

The Honourable Prime Minister, Honourable Ladies and Sirs,

The Honourable Justice (retired) Jon Major submitted report of his findings of the Commission on Air India flight 182, June 23rd, 1985, to the Prime Minister and had his pressed conference to brief the televisions of Canada.

Below, I am including my concerns over the commission's findings and request the prime minster to forward a copy to Madam Justice (retired) Louise Arbour and the Commissioner Justice (retired) John Major, as a proud Canadian and a member of the Sikhs of Canada.

I will be pleased to answer any questions or concerns you might have.

With best wishes and warmest regards.


Awatar Singh Sekhon, Ph D, FIBA, RM (CCM)
Associate Professor (Retired), Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Director (Former), National Centre for Human Mycotic Diseases
Editor in Chief
International Journal of Sikh Affairs ISSN 1481-5435

Enclosure: 'Attachment'

The 25th Commemorative Anniversary of the Midair Disaster of the Air India Flight 182, of 23rd June, 1985: THE LANDLESS SIKH NATION, PUNJAB, under the 'Brahmins-Hindus' Occupation since 15th August, 1947

Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki)*

On this day of the 23rd June will be 25th commemorative anniversary of the midair explosion of the Air India flight 182, in which 329 lives were lost. Of these 329 lives, nearly three-fourth lives of the Canadian Sikhs, Sikhs of the Sikhs' Holy and Historic Homeland Punjab (under the occupation of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian democracy, since 1947), and non-Sikhs of Canada and other countries. Among the Sikhs lives lost were the life of a Sikh, who was the Captain of the ill-fated aircraft. Before I elaborate on this disaster, the writer would like make it clear that according to the Sikh religion of Baba Guru Nanak Sahib, every single human life, regardless of religion, colour or creed is precious and the writer is the member of the 'House of Guru Nanak Sahib alias Guru Khalsa Panth' and abides with the Sikh religion as well as with the humanity, to be at the 'service of humanity'. The Sikh world, whether it is the Sikh Diaspora, Sikhs of Canada, Sikhs of their Holy and historic Homeland, Punjab, and outside Punjab had and will keep on denouncing the heinous and criminal act committed against the 'Humanity' on 23rd June, 1985. This act was committed when the Sikhs through out the world either have commemorated or were going to commemorate the 'First anniversary of the Undeclared war on the 'Landless Sikh Nation/Sikh Raj/ Punjab (under the 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian democracy's occupation, since 15th August, 1947)'. In this undeclared war, the alleged Indian democracy used foreign advisors, divisions of the Indian armed forces (army, navy and air force), foreign intelligence advisors, its foreign missions (High Commissions, Embassies and their Consulates) and India's Research and Analysis Wing (RAW). The RAW equivalent of the CIA, KGB, the Scotland Yard agencies, etc.

The writer would like to state categorically and in no uncertain words that the 'Mid Air Disaster' was not carried out by the follower(s) of Guru Baba Nanak Sahib, his nine successors (Guru Angad Sahib to Guru Gobind Singh Sahib) and their teachings inscribed in the Sikhs Holy Scripture, Guru Granth Sahib ji. It was not the act of any Sikh; with the exception of those non-Sikh or turbaned non-Sikh in 'The Sikh Identity'. It should be noted that the first 'air piracy' in the post-15th August 'Brahmins-Hindus' India was carried out by two 'Brahmins or elite caste Hindus', to secure the release of their Congree leader, Indira Gandhi, from the imprisonment. Following Indira Gandhi's release from imprisonment, these two 'Brahmin criminals or air pirates' were made the law-makers of the U. P. legislative assembly. And in India, the Brahmins-Hindus law-makers (MLAs or Members of Parliament) are, by and large, immune to prosecution, or above any law.

Although three Government appointed commissions, including the Commission of John Major, gave their reports, none deliberated that the 'Sikh or Sikhs' were the cause of the anti-human and criminal activity. On the other hand, the alleged Indian 'Brahmins-Hindus' have been trying their hard to implicate the Sikhs with this midair disaster of Air India 182. With the exception of the highly politicized judicial system of the alleged Indian democracy/autocracy of the 'Brahmins-Hindus', no court outside India has delivered its judgement that the heinous act of 23rd June, 1985, was done by the 'Sikhs, the Sikh(s) of Canada or of any other country. The 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian democracy' s 'ulterior' motives have become amply clear since 15th August, 1947 (Yousafzai 2010 dated 21st July; Sekhon AS 2010 The Sikh Warriors ISBN 978-0-9811360-7-3; 25 Years After 1984 Assault on Durbar Sahib Laying the Foundation of Khalistan (ed) Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon, June 2009, a publication of the London Institute of South Asia). In a report released on 17th July, 2010 by its commissioner, the Honourable Justice Johm Major of the Supreme Court of Canada. Justice Major (retired) recommended more adequate majors for the security clearance at the Canadian airports and strengthening the RCMP and CSIS (Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Canadian Security and Intelligence Services), along with augmented relationships of the two agencies. However, the alleged Indian democracy of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' remained failed to get more from the Canadian judicial system and the Commissions of Enquiry(ies) appointed by the Canadian administrations. The alleged Indian democracy remained failed despite the heavy penetration of Canada by the Indian intelligence services since the days of pre- and post-"Operation Bluestar" of June, 1984.

The Ulterior Motives of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' (only 14% of the 1.2 billion hungry mouths of India) alleged Indian democracy: These dates back since the 19th century or earlier. The 'Brahmins-Hindus', neither a religion nor a culture according to Sir VT Rajshekar, Editor in Chief, Dalit Voice, published from Bangalore, India, and other 'Brahmins-Hindus' academics, including the first Prime Minister of India, writes in his title 'Discovery of India', are only 12-14% of the total population of India; whereas, the Dalits are 65-70% or more of the total population of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian democracy. A minority of 14% of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' have been ruling the alleged Indian democracy, since it received political power, on platter, by the British Empire. The writer is of the view that despite being in a substantial majority, the Dalits will never be allowed to govern the New Delhi administration (NDA) of India. It is only the birthright of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' (14% of the population) to rule India, either by the hook or by the crook. These 'Brahmins-Hindus' had been 'subservient' of the Afghans, Mughals, Sikhs, British, Portuguese, etc., for more than 3,500 years and until 14th August, 1947.

The 'Brahmins-Hindus' betrayal of promises, begging, and excesses with the Sikhs: The Sikhs of the Sikh Nation/Sikh Raj of a Sikh monarch Ranjit Singh, 1799 to 14th March, 1849, had been the 'First Sovereign and Secular Nation' of South Asia, as compared with the 'Brahmins-Hindus' who had been nothing but 'subservient'. These were the Sikhs who protected the 'Brahmins-Hindus' in the Mughal period even against the teachings of the founder of the Sikh religion in Punjab by Guru Baba Nanak Sahib. The founder of the Sikh religion defined the Brahmins in his teachings to his disciple, the Sikhs and others non-Sikhs who used to attend the 'Congregation' that the "Bhahmin is the butcher of humanity." The teachings in the Holy Scripture of Sikhs, Guru Granth Sahib, is "Mathe Tikka Terrh Dhotti Kakhaii Hath Chhurri Jagat Kasai." Where these 'Brahmins-Hindus remained 'subservient', the Sikhs were blessed with 'Sovereignty, human rights and women rights' by their Gurus. As such, the Sovereignty is the ornament of Sikhs. Following the departure of Guru Gobind Singh from this world, Guru instructed General Banda Singh Bahadar to establish a 'Sovereign Sikh Raj'. The first Sovereign Sikh State came into being in 1710, three hundred years ago and lasted for more than six years. After General Banda Singh Bahadar, Bhai Garja Singh and Bota Singh demonstrated that the Sikhs like to live as 'Sovereign' by establishing their octorai post on Amritsar-Punjab highway. This was the message to the invaders, came from Afghanistan. A Sikh General Bhaghel Singh Dhaliwal and troops flurried the Sikh flag, Nishan Sahib, in Delhi's Red Fort, during the Mughal period. In 1799, Maharaja Ranjit Singh established the First 'Sovereign and Secular' state of South Asia, which appreared on the world map and in the dictionaries and encyclopedia of the English language; whereas, the word Hindu and India was never seen in the English dictionaries, encyclopedia and the world map until 29th March, 1849. On 14th March, 1849, the British Empire claimed victory over the Sikh Nation's army and the Sikh Nation surrendered to the British Empire, because of the deceits of Tej Sinh, Lal Sinh, Dhian Sinh (Chand) like dogras, who were the turbaned Sikhs/Hindus in 'The Sikh Identity'. On 29th March, 1849, the British Empire made announcement from Rawalpindi (now the twin city of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, i. e., Rawalpindi and Islamabad) that the Sikh Nation, Punjab of Maharaja Ranjit Singh is 'annexed' but not 'amalgamated' to the British Empire. The Punjab of Sikhs remained 'annexed' until 14th August, 1947.

It is noteworthy that the Sikhs "Struggle for their Sovereignty, Independence and Political power began, by peaceful means, on the very day they lost their sovereignty to the British Empire, but not to any Hindus or Brahmins. Also, what the deceitful 'Hindus-Brahmins' call as their 'Freedom Struggle for India' has no records in the history of the world and of the present India until 1857. This was nine years after the Sikhs' struggle for sovereignty began on 14th March, 1849 (see above). What the 'Hindus-Brahmins' call their Freedom struggle for India was, in fact, a war between a 'Kingdom of Jhansi of the Queen of Jhansi, against the British Empire. She lost to the Empire. There has been no further record of the Hindus-Brahmins' struggle, because of their being 'subservient' class, in the history.

It must be noted from the couplets of the Royal poet of the 'First Sovereign and Secular nation, Punjab' of South Asia, Shah Mohammad, writing on the war between two nations, the Punjab of the Sikh Monarch Ranjit Singh and the British India Empire, as more than 500 'Hindus and Muslims kingdoms' were under the rule of the British Empire'. The Royal poet of the Sikh Raj, Punjab, described:

"Jang Hind Punjab da Honnh Laga,

Doven Patshahi Faujan Bharian Nee,

Aj Howe Sarkar tan Mul Paave,

Jiharrihian Khalse Ne Tegan Maarian Nee.

Shah Muhammada Ik Sardar Bajhon,

Faunjan Jit ke Ant Noon Haarian Neen" (in Baba Fareed ate Faridkot by Inderjit Singh Khalsa, second printing 1989; Sekhon AS 2010 The Sikh Warriors ISBN 978-0-9811360-7-3)

The Sikhs surrendered their 'Sovereignty of their Sikh Nation' because of the traitors like Dhian Sinh, Tej Sinh, Lal Sinh dogras, the turbaned Hindus in 'The Sikh Identity'. How rightfully described Shah Mohammad, the Royal Poet of the Sikh Nation of Monarch Ranjit Singh, the bravery of the Sikhs. It has been recorded in the Gurdwara Gazette or Pant Prakash, both published by the Shironami Gurdwara Prabhandhak Committee in 1980s that "the Sikhs lost the winning battle between the Sikh army of the Sikh Nation and the British Empire of 14th March, 1849." The British Empire won their lost battle within 2-h with the deceits of the Dogra traitors, Dhian Chand (Sinh), Lal Chand (Sinh), Tej Lal (Sinh) and company.

The Beginning of the Trouble: The 15th day of August, 1947 mark the day of trouble, when the British Empire handed over political power to the 'unelected' Hindu-Brahmins leaders of the British India Empire. The Sikhs Holy and Historic nation, Punjab of Ranjit Singh, 1799 to 14th March, 1849, remained 'annexed' (because of the lack of Constitution not in place), but was divided into Indian-occupied Punjab of the Sikhs and the rest became the part of Pakistan. The Sikhs' Akali leader, Master Tara Singh, unfortunately, betrayed his Sikh community and sided with the Brahmins-Hindus, as he himself was a Brahmin convert to the 'House of Guru Baba Nanak Sahib' (see Betrayal of Sikh Nation By Master Tara Singh With British Documents of Transfer of Power 1947 by Ram Singh, July 2009, ISBN 978-0-9811360-6-6). The princely States of Faridkot (in Punjab), Bikaner (now the part of Rajasthan) and Hyderabad (now Andhra Pradesh) never signed the document of accession to the 'Brahmins-Hindus' India. Broader details of the Sikhs contentions and the 'iron fist actions of the Brahmins-Hindus alleged Indian democracy' are as follows:

1. Within 7-weeks after receiving political power from the British Empire, the 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian rule declared that the "Sikhs are a lawless community, dangerous to the law-abiding 'Brahmins-Hindus', and they be dealt firmly, via a state circular."
2. In the drafts prepared as the 'Constitution of India', the Sikh religion was swallowed by the 'Brahmins-Hindus' and they were termed as the 'long-haired Hindus'. The world's 5th largest religion was 'swallowed' by those 'Brahmins-Hindus', who are 'neither a religion nor a culture'.

3. The Sikhs' elected representatives to the 'Brahmins-Hindus' parliament, Sardar Hukam Singh, Sardar Bhupinder Singh Mann and Sirdar Kapur Singh, ICS (British Indian Civil Service), M P, MLA and National Professor of Sikhism, 'REJECTED' the Indian Constitution 1950 in its drafts and final forms, in 1948, 26th November, 1949, 1950 and 6th September, 1965. Since the 'Rejection' of Indian Constitution, none of the Sikhs elected representatives (Members of Parliament) have accepted/signed/endorsed the Indian Constitution.

4. The Hindu Marriage Act is imposed on the Sikhs by the 'Brahmins-Hindus' of the NDA. The Sikhs have their own 'Marriage ceremony or the Anand Marriage ceremony in accord with the Holy Scripture, Guru Granth Sahib. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the western democracies accept the Sikh marriages performed according to the Sikh Marriage law cited in the Sikhs' Holy Scripture, Guru Granth Sahib.

5.Genocide, pogroms, gross human rights violations, holocaust, fake encounter killings had been carried out by the 'Brahmins-Hindus' armed personnel, never happened in the history of mankind, since 15th August, 1947, especially in the decades of 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990 and thereafter.

6. The Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab's 'River waters and Natural resources' were snatched forcibly from the weakling Sikh politicians and the 'joe boys and joe-girls' of the Brahmins-Hindu masters, without paying a single penny or Hindu-Brahmins' paisa (1/100th of an Indian Rupee). Todate, the 'Brahmins-Hindus' owe the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab (under India's occupation), more than Rupees 75,000 crors (1 cror is equal to Rupees 10 million).

7. The Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, have been deprived of any advanced IT industry or any other industrial projects. The Sikh children are deprived deliberately from the education, with the notion to keep them illiterates and without education.

8. The Nehru administration and his colleague, Gurzarilal Nanda, an Aryasamajist, worked against the Punjabi, Script Gurmikhi, language in the census of 1960, for the sole purpose of 'Imbalancing the PUNJABI and non-Punjabi ratio in Punjab'.

9. When one of the Chief Minister of Punjab asked India Gandhi, the Prime Minister, to look after the demands of the Sikhs' Landless Nation, Punjab, she opened the door of her office in anger and told the Chief Minister," Do you want your chair (political office) or get lost from the political scene? The Chief Minister, without replying to Indira Gandhi's question, walked out of her office. This is the reflection of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' politics and how they have made the people weaklings, i. e., not to open your mouth for your concerns and demands. The 'Brahmins-Hindus' administration is the fate accomplice.

10. The Sikhs' Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, was divided further in 1960, without consulting Sikh masses, into Himachal Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab, along with Chandigarh as the Union Territory, to reduce the Sikhs' political strength. The Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, was made a Province of the helpless people, who had been feeding the whole 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian democracy/autocracy.

11. The Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian autocracy wages 'Three' wars on Pakistan (now the Islamic Republic of Pakistan), from the soil of the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab. This had merely been to humiliate the 'Brahmins-Hindus' traditional enemy, Pakistan. It must be noted that the Sikhs of Punjab and Muslims of India and Pakistan have no animosity towards each other. But the 'Brahmins-Hindus masters have to be served.

12. Another war by the 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged democracy was waged, using its Northern frontiers, on the People's Republic of China. This fourth war proved to be the "JL Nehru's China Debacle, in which China declared unilateral ceasefire. The 'Brahins-Hindus', the bigots of South Asia, learned how strong they are and how strong is their 'Brahmins-Hindus' autocracy. The Brahmins-Hindus' armed forces were virtually unprepared for war against the professional forces of the People's Republic of China. The 'Brahmins-Sikhs' armed men, mainly the Sikhs were poorly prepared in terms of their uniforms and ammunition. In the mountainous region, the fist fight took place between the Sikh soldiers and the Chinese, because of the Western Command's General, a Kasmiri Pandit, Gen Raina. Generally, a professional captain is the last one to abandon his ship but, here in the 'Brahmins-Hindus' armed forces, a Kashmiri Pandit, General Raina, had been the first person to jump the ship.

13. A few months later, the 'Brahmins-Hindus' hatched a plan to kill the most senior Generals of Army. These Sikh Generals boarded an army helicopter in Jammu on their way to Srinagar. The helicopter plunged in the mountain areas near Kud. Chief of Western Command, Lt. Gen Bikram Singh, Lt. Gen Daulat Singh, General Pinto and colleagues (9 Sikhs out of 10 Generals) were killed on the same day when President J F Kennedy was assassinated in the United States. The latter's news headlines occupied the 'Brahmins-Hindus' news media; whereas, the news of the Sikh Generals, crashed in a helicopter, was masked. The 'Brahmins-Hindus' administration shed crocodile tears on the loss of the Sikhs' top Brass of the Armed forces.

14. In the meantime, the civil administration of the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, was allowed to 'deteriorate' to such an extent, which was later culminated in the 'Undeclared War against the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, in the form of a brutal military "Operation Bluestar" of June, 1984 (details are presented below).

15. The Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), having its headquarter in India Gandhi's residence, started penetrating the Darbar Sahib Complex, including the Sikhs' Supreme Seat of Polity, The Akal Takht Sahib, all the Gurdwaras of Punjab and every village of the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, to 'exterminate' the Sikhs; because 'swallowing' the Sikh religion on 15th August, 1947, declaring the Sikhs 'a lawless community and dangerous to the law-abiding Hindus' on 10th October, 1947, making the Sikhs a 'long-haired Hindus' in the Indian Constitution 1950's drafts and final forms, dividing the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, did not satisfy the 'Ulterior' motives of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian democracy/autocracy.

16. Wheeling and dealings taking place among the Sikhs (Black sheep) like Gurchan Tohra (President, SGPC), Harchand Longowal (President, Shromani Akali Dal), Prakash (Hanera/Darkness) Sinh Badal, Chief Minister of Punjab, several other turbaned Sikhs in 'The Sikh Identity', Surjit Barnala, Ramuwalia (Balwant), Balwant Singh (Secretary of Longowal), Balwant Singh (a colleague of Hanera Sinh Badal) with the NAD and NAD's RAW. They all have been working against a newly emerging honest religious and political leader of the Sikhs of the 20th century, Saint-soldier Jarnail Singh Khalsa, his advisors (legal and political), staunch supporters, and followers of all walk of life of the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab.

16. Saint-soldier Jarnail Singh Khalsa arrested many times and released thereafter, as no case was proved against him, issued repeated warnings to the NDA and Punjab administration that the 'law and order' situation in the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, has been rapidly disintegrating. His every request fell on the dumb and deaf ears of the federal and the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, administrations. The people maintained their cool against the NDA and provincial administrations.

17. The Punjab police and NDA's armed and intelligence agencies continued to brew troubles in the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, because their 'ulterior' motives were to be shown later, including to wipe out Sikhs from PUNJAB like the followers of Buddhism right after Ashoka laid down his arms. The Brahmins saw the right things happening and it was the right time to exterminate the Buddhism.

Why later? Because the plans had been underway to finish the Sikhs of the 'House of Guru Baba Nanak Sahib alias the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab'. In these plans, the then Indian Envoy to the USSR provided facilities in the Indian Embassy to prepare 'Blueprints' for a military plan to 'exterminate' the Sikhs of the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, within the time span of no more than 3-hour.

18. Saint-soldier Jarnail Singh Khalsa, his staunch advisors (political, legal, civil administration, religious, etc.) had full knowledge as what is in store for them. Indira Gandhi's plans were all out to 'Destroy the Darbar Sahib Complex, Amritsar (what it used to be largest Commercial centre during the British India Empire and when the Sikh Nation 'annexed' until 14th August, 1947), and the rest of the Landless Sikh Nation.

19. The Sikh youth of reproductive age were mercilessly being killed in fake police encounters, since the mid 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. The number, according to some historians, reliable sources and foreign academic sources, had been more than 2.5 million. No cases were registered by the police. Like their Punjab and NDA political masters, the civil and law-enforcing agencies became heavily corrupt.

20. All means of communication and transportation were suspended by the Indian administration of Indira Gandhi in the last week of May, 1984, divisions of armed forces moved into the entire Punjab, the City of Amritsar became a military cantonment, and the Darbar Sahib Complex was surrounded by the divisions of armed forces, curfew was placed, and the 'undeclared' war was about to began.The Indian army started shelling the Darbar Sahib Complex, the apex religious and political institutions of the Sikh religion, for the 'extermination' of the Sikhs of Punjab, in the name of 'flush out a handful of Guru-de-Sikhs (initiated or Amritdhari), having no constitutional right in accordance with the Indian Constitution 1950, including Saint-soldier Jarnail Singh Khalsa and his associates as well as a handful of the Bubbar Khalsa group men. India's mighty forces, equipped with the sophisticated armaments, gunboat helicopters and navy's frogman, waged its war against the 'Citizens of the Landless Sikh Nation/Sikh Raj/Punjab' and to accomplished its task no more than 3-h, as had been thought during their planning. The associates of Saint-soldier Jarnail Singh Khalsa were under strict order that they will never fire first, but in self-defence only, they can reply the Indian armed forces' invasion and desecration of the Darbar Sahib Complex. It so happened. The Sikhs strictly followed the instructions of their leader. The Indian armed forces entered the Darbar Sahib Complex to kill every Sikh, including infants, but they met heavy resistance. So much so, none of the paratroopers of the Indian army landed alive. They met their fate in the midair. Their bodies landed in the 'Sarovar' or the pond of nectar, which surrounded the Darbar Sahib (mistakenly known as the Golden Temple). The battle lasted more than 72-h. It had been a fierce battle between 160 Guru-de-Sikh and the Indian mighty armed forces. This was beyond the calculation of the military brass. They killed Saint-soldier Jarnail Singh Khalsa and his associates, desecrated the Darbar Sahib Complex, the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, was made an open air 'Concentration Camp'. In the period between 1st june and 7th June, 1984, more than 260,000 innocent Sikhs were butchered in the Sikhs' Holy and Historic Homeland. They were killed by the armed forces, because the Indian Constitution 1950, which 'swallowed' Sikhs' Constitution rights, did not provide or failed to provide any protections to the Sikhs, who were termed a 'Community of lawless people dangerous to the law-abiding Hindus'. The Prime Minister herself instructed to her army General in the battlefield that "she wanted Bhindranwale (Jarnail Singh Khalsa) captured, dead or alive, regardless what happens to the City of Amritsar." This was the love of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' for the citizens of the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, of the Sikhs; and to their (Brahmins-Hindus) widely preached 'non-violence'. It must be noted that 'Brahmins' are the most violent people of our world (Rajshekar VT 2010 Dalit Voice Vol 29, June 1 - 15 8-11).

Three hours time contemplated by the heavily equipped armed forces to 'exterminate' the Sikhs of the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, has never come for the 'Brahmins-Hindus' and their armed forces to 'finish' the Sikhs, although more than 26 years have lapsed. It is the pride for the Sikhs, Sikh Diaspora, and the Sikhs worldwide that the highly sophiscated and heavily equipped"Indian armed forces lost badly against 160 Guru-de-Sikhs in the 'undeclared' war imposed by the alleged Indian autocracy/democracy of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' and their pro-turbaned Hindus."

The democratic India, the largest democracy of the world, India, so to speak, tried its best to (i) 'rob' the Sikh Nation, Punjab and made them a 'Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, on 15th August, 1947; (ii) 'swallow' the Sikh Religion, the 5th largest religion of the world, 'The Sikh Identity', the Sikh Marriage Ceremony in accord with the Sikhs' Holy Scripture, Guru Granth Sahib and 'Denying the Sikhs their Constitutional Rights in the Indian Constitution 1950; (iii) the Constitution 1950 'Rejected' by the Sikhs' elected representatives to the India's or the 'Brahmins-Hindus' House of Commons, Lok Sabha or Parliament in 1948, 26th November, 1949, 1950, and more recently on 6th September, 1965; (iv) the Constitution which has been repeatedly 'Rejected' by the Sikhs, have failed to protect the lives of the 'captive' citizens of the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab. Thus, question arises under which Constitution, Constitutional law or Constitutional right(s), the 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian democracy has been 'ruling' the citizens of the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, the First Sovereign and Secular nation of South Asia, since 15th August, 1947?

With regard to a few Akalis who have been the members of parliament and may also be the members of the 'Rashtriya Sikh Sangat', a branch of the Hindus fundamentalists and militants party, the BJP led by a criminal AB Vajpayee and LK Advani. Questions are posed why the Sikhs have to cooperate with the 'Brahmins-Hindus' administrations? The answer is very simple that 'what choice is left for the Sikhs, but to be friendly (?) with their Brahmins-Hindus enemies. They go to parliament, sit there and collect their pay cheques. They are no less than the 'Black sheep', which are present in any community or any country, especially of South Asia. In the Nazizs times, these 'Black sheep' were there. And more over the modus operandii of the Akali Dal-Badal Private Limited Incorporation makes them more than the 'Black sheep', because Badal himself is a 'Black sheep'. These 'Black sheep' are least familiar with their own history, the History of Sikhs from the Sikh point of view. This is the time, the time post-"Operation Bluestar" of June 1984 era, these 'Black sheep' are no less than the 'slaves' of the 'Brahmins-Hindus', regardless whether they belong to the Akali Dal factions or in any non-Sikh political party, like Congress, Bhartiya Janta Party, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena, Hanuman Sena or the Hindu Maha Sabha (the mother of all evils) and their primary works are to spread Hindu fundamentalism, Hindu militancy, Hindu and its -ism, and Hindutav by force.

The Black sheep Akalis, Derewalas, Sadhs or pseudo-holymen, jathedars (band leaders), Gurdwara executives are recruited by the RAW to send them in foreign countries to distract the Sikhs and destroy the 'Institute of the Sikh Code of Conduct'. All credit goes to Prakash (Hanera/Darkness) Sinh Badal, the Chief Minister of Punjab and a 'recruit' of the RAW.
Besides, the Akali Dal-Badal Private Limited Incorporation maintain a 'tight control' on the Coffer/Gohlak of the apex institutions of the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, to abuse the funds of the Sikh Nation. The Congress of Sonia Gandhi follow suit in the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab. I have been mentioning the evils propagated by the Sikh Nation, Punjab's traitor, Akali leader Master Tara Singh (Betrayal of Sikh Nation By Master Tara Singh With British Documents of Transfer of Power1947 by Ram Singh, July 2009, ISBN 978-0-9811360-6-6). Prakash Sinh Badal is responsible for the desecration of the Sikh institutions, destruction of the Sikh literature, introduction of the pornographic material (the so-called Dasam Book) in Guru Granth Sahib, installation of Hindus idols in the (Sikh) Gurdwaras, and allowing establishments of the 'vote banks' to get them elected in the next elections, either by the hook or crook. Behind Badal's back are the fundamentalist and militant Hindus of the BJP and other likewise parties. These activities have made the civil, law-enforcing and other personnel corrupt. Thanks to corrupt Badal, the King of corruption and his kingdom, and his clan. The institution of democracy has been abused by the politicians like Badal and his likewise politicians; the democracy exists in the name only, for the farmers of the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, who have committed suicide. There have been more than 80,000 families committed suicide in the six districts of the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, since the "Operation Bluestar" of June, 1984, era.

As far as the election processes of the New Delhi administration (federal or centre, provincial/state, and local self governments) and others are concerned, this has to be decided by the international community or the International Tribunal whether the so-called democratic elections conducted in the presence of armed personnel, belonging to police and/or armed personnel, under the threat of 'gun point, bribery, a bottle of liqueur, intimidation or likewise, in a country are concerned, where more than 400 million people sleep hungry every night. The hunger of these people tells their story that what the democracy of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' has brought to them.

Now coming back to the 'Destruction and midair explosion of Air India Flight 182, on 23rd June, 1985, it was all the creation of the Rajiv Gandhi's administration of the NDA, aided by the NDA'S RAW, RAW'S hired hands tall over the world, NDA'S foreign missions and their consulates, with the only mission to 'prove to the world that the Sikhs are terrorists'. However, the 'Brahmins-Hindus' administrations have not succeeded in their dream and aims.

Despite the ill wills and the 'ulterior' motives of the apartheid practicing, deceitful, devious and divisive alleged democracy of the 'Brahmins-Hindus (only 14% of India's population)', it has not succeeded and will not succeed. It is rather highly unfortunate and unacceptable that (i) the Sikhs religious and political apex institutions are under the 'Tight Control' of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' democracy and their pro- 'Brahmins-Hindus' criminal forces, and (ii) why do the Sikhs are required to get the 'Brahmins-Hindus administrations' permission/VISA/clearance to pay respect to their religious and political institutions, when the Sikhs of the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab (under the occupation of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged democracy), have 'REJECTED' the Indian Constitution 1950 in its draft and final forms (see above). The Honourable justices of the Supreme Court of Canada, regardless they are retired or in active service to deliver justices, like John Major, Louise Arbour (the former Commissioner, Human Rights Council of the United Nations and the Chief prosecutor to the Bosnia genocide of the Bosinians), etc., are urged to 'examine seriously the case of the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, under the occupation of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' democracy/autocracy). It is essential for the honourable and highly respected justices and international administrations to find out why the alleged Indian 'Brahmins-Hindus' democracy has been holding more than 6,000 innocent Sikhs (male, female and children born in jails) in the high security jails, like Tihar jail of Delhi, Nabha jail in Punjab and elsewhere in the alleged Indian democracy), without cases of crimes and trials. Is the alleged Indian democracy of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' not in contempt of any international law? Further, it is modus operandii of the Badal's administration that the Sikh leaders like Simranjit Singh Mann, a former M P, Daljit Singh Bittu, their associates, and leader of opposition are always kept behind the bars deliberately. This is the personal democracy/autocracy of Prakash Sinh Badal. In fact, the Badal Akalis, his clan, his 'joe boys and joe girls', the jathedars (band leaders), president and executive of the Badal-Akais and Shiromani Akali Dal-Badal should be tried by an independent tribunal of judges against the gross human rights violations and violations committed by them against the Sikh Code of Conduct as well as for the interference in ex-communicating one of the former Mukh-Sewadars of the Akal Takht Sahib, Singh Sahib Professor Darshan Singh Khalsa.

Importantly, since the 'Brahmins-Hindus' became the masters, from their being 'subservient' for more than 3,500 years, of their devious, divisive, deceitful democratic country, known as the largest democracy of the world, on 15th August, 1947, it has 'killed' more than 3.2 to 3.4 million Sikhs of the Landless Sikh Nation, PUNJAB; more than 112,000 citizens of the 'Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu Kashmir'; more than 500,000 Muslims in general; more than 312,500 Christians; more than 15,000 Tamils; more than 12,000 Assamese and 7-sister of Assam; tens of thousands of Dalits (still 65-70% of a total population of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' autocracy; Moolnivasis or Adivaasis, etc. The killings and gross human rights violations of these non-Hindu-Brahmins minorities and 'majority' of Dalits will keep on going.

It should be noted that whether it is the 'undeclared' war, fake encounters, or riots in terms of the 'Brahmins-Hindus', the 'extermination' of non-Hindus-Brahmins have been going on. As such, alleged Indian 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian democracy is (i) the 'Union of the Nations and (ii) the killings of non-Brahmins-Hindus will continue regardless the heinous crimes of Air India Flight 182 of 23rd June, 1985, foiled plan of another explosion of Air India civilian craft in Europe, or dealing with the minorities and Dalits (majority) in fake encounters, rapes, persecution, humiliation or dehumanization, etc. That is how the 'Brahmins-Hindus' had have dealt with the non-Brahmins, non-Hindus, and that's how the 'Union of Nations, alleged 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian democracy/autocracy will keep of dealing, demonizing, slandering the non-Brahmins and non-Hindus.

Finally, I would affirmatively conclude and convey to the Government of Canada in particular, and other international administrations that the Sikhs have not carried out and will not be the part of any mid air explosion like the Air India Flight 182, on 23rd June, 1985. The writer would urge the Government of Canada and the international administrations, especially the United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany, France, the European Union, Switzerland, Australia, People's Republic of China, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Islamic Nations, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc., that the Sikhs (Guru-de-Sikh), leaving aside Manmohan Sinh, Prakash Sinh Badal and their 'joe boys and joe girls, including the 'Brahmins-Hindus' law-enforcing agencies, armed forces, intelligence, etc., will never be the party of any espionage and any crime against humanity, like the Air India Flight 182 of June, 1985. It is up to the Government of Canada and other administrations to bring the 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian autocracy to bring before an 'International Tribunal of the United Nations' to find out the truth of the matter in question. It is an 'injustice' with the RCMP and CSIS to make them the scape goat for the doings which they have never been the part of. These Canadian agencies and the Canadian Government are their to look after the interests of the Canadian nationals and tax payers.

Best wishes and warmest regards to you, the leader of oppositions, Madam justice Louise Arbour and Justice John Major.

Awatar Singh Sekhon, Ph D, FIBA, RM (CCM)
Associate Professor (Retired), Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Director (Former), National Centre for Human Mycotic Disease CANADA
Managing Editor and Editor in Chief
International Journal of Sikh Affairs ISSN 1481-5435

Palash Biswas
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