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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Khalistan's Declaration Of Independence From India Is Legal

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From: Habib Yousafzai <>
Date: Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 3:21 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Khalistan's Declaration Of Independence From India Is Legal


Khalistan's Declaration Of Independence  From India Is Legal

Habib Yousafzai

The Sikhs of Punjab (Khalistan) are struggling for Sovereignty, Independence, and Political Power since 14th March, 1849, without any disruption. The situation became worse when the 'Brahmins-Hindus' robbed the Sikh Nation, PUNJAB, on15th August 1947, the day India received freedom from Britain. Recently, the Hindu-Brahmins Indian government has launched another trick by preparing a black list of the Sikh Diaspora who in their eyes are extremists or terrorists. The irony of this case is that out of the list of 169 people, they want to delist 46 of them. It is also to be noted that out of the 46 people among the delisted group the majority of them are living in Punjab. The question comes to mind, why would the Sikh nation beg the Indian government for permission to go back to their own homeland? If they demanded a separate homeland this does not break any laws as the Indian Supreme Court's ruling says that demanding Khalistan peacefully was no crime. Therefore, the Sikh nation must 'reject' the' Listing and Delisting' of Sikhs and must not be cheated once again by the Indian democracy.

 It is a well known fact that the Indian government, the so called biggest democracy of the world is in fact a fraud. Even Dr. Manmohan Singh who acts like a robot of Sonia Gandhi is an agent of 'Brahmins-Hindus' autocracy and is an unelected member of Indian Lok Sabha or parliament which has failed badly in its mission when they 'begged' the United States and Canada's administrations that the 'Sikh Diaspora's activities alias Sikh extremists be curbed.'

In June1984, Hindu-Brahmins Indian government murdered 260,000 innocent Sikhs in an
'undeclared' war in the form of a brutal military "Operation Bluestar' as per the figures presented by The Politics of Genocideby Inderjeet Singh Jaijee; press releases of the Council of Khalistan ( 


For instance, on 26th January, 1986, five members of the Panthak Committee nominated by the Sarbat Khalsa fulfilled the most cherished dream of the Sikhs (by this declaration) of 'Khalistan' as an independent state. On this auspicious day, from the Holy Akal Takht Sahib, it was (on behalf of the five member Panthak Committee) declared before all the States/Governments and notified to them that from today onwards, the Khalsa Panth would have its own Home, 'Khalistan'. The decision was taken as the Hindu-Brahmins crossed all the limits and when it's military attacked Darbar Sahib and Akal Takht Sahib and mercilessly martyred Sant Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale.  Even SGPC's Resolution passed on 9 March 1946 for the separate Sikh Homeland still stands valid.  Recently, UN courts ruled that Kosovo's declaration is legal as per the newspaper report below.

The National Post Toronto reported under 'Independence Ruled Legal' on July23, 2010. UN judges said yesterday Kosovo's declaration of independence from Serbia did not violate international law in a ruling that could trigger demands for recognition from other secessionist states.

The International Court of Justice (IJC) in The Hague rejected a Serbian attempt to have it declared an illegal state by saying it had not broken any conventions when it established independence two years.


Serbia condemned the ruling and said it would "never" recognize the predominantly Muslim territory as church bells were sounded across the nation in protest.


The U.S. State Department welcomed the verdict and called on European states to support Kosovo. Joe Biden, the Vice-President, called to Boris Tadic, Serbia's President, to demand Belgrade co-operate with the verdict.


Russia and China have refused to recognize Kosovo and fear the verdict will trigger a rash of demands for recognition in other areas. There are breakaway republics in Cyprus, Georgia, Moldova and Azerbaijan that could now seize upon the ruling.


Other countries including China, Spain, Canada and Russia also contain self-governing territories that could now attempt to declare independence and demand international recognition.


Land locked Kosovo, with two million inhabitants -- 90% of them ethnic Albanians of mainly Muslim belief--unilaterally declared independence from predominantly Christian Orthodox Serbia two years ago after UN-brokered negotiations to resolve its future status failed.


More than 10,000 ethnic Albanians and hundreds of Serbs were killed in a civil war after the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s.


A 78-day NATO bombing campaign against Serbia in retaliation for two years of attacks on the province's ethnic Albanian majority was launched in 1999. After a Serbian capitulation, a UN administration and NATO troops were installed to monitor a ceasefire.

A total of 69 mainly Western countries, including Canada, the United States and Britain, have recognized Kosovo. The state is likely to garner up to 40 more diplomatic partners in the wake of the ruling. That would be enough to join the UN though its application could still be vetoed.


"The decision finally removes all doubts that countries which still do not recognize the republic of Kosovo could have," said Fatmir Sejdiu, the President of Kosovo.


While the international court endorsed the Kosovo declaration of independence, it did not set out a guide to how other breakaway territories could achieve international legitimacy.


"The court considers that general international law contains no applicable prohibition of declaration of independence," said Judge Hisashi Owada, president of the ICJ.


"Accordingly, it concludes that the declaration of independence of Feb. 17, 2008, did not violate general international law."


Belgrade said it would continue to campaign against the recognition of Kosovo.


Vuk Jeremic, the Serbian Foreign Minister, said the court had failed to defend international law. He warned that the ruling could trigger a violent backlash from the remaining Serbian residents of the territory but said Belgrade remained ready for negotiations.

Keeping in view of the above facts, it is the right time for the Sikh nation to form their own government and begin functioning in Khalistan.



Palash Biswas
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