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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Friday, July 30, 2010

Fwd: [MedicalConspiracies] Vibrant Energy

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From: Jan Slama <>
Date: Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 11:50 PM
Subject: [MedicalConspiracies] Vibrant Energy
To: Jan Slama <>


Vibrant Energy

   Please feel free to share this newsletter with your friends.   We all have needs to be met.

 July 29, 2010


Are the stresses of daily life getting you down?

Family pressures got you on the ropes?

Financial worries choking the life out of you?

Suffering with chronic pain?





                                   Stop the stress!  Feel FREE again!


Hi Friends,

I found this interesting quote this week by Dr. Mark Wiley from his book The Seven Causes of Pain and Poor Health:  "Emotions play a vital role in both wellness and illness. While emotions are natural and important parts of life, in excess they can be damaging to the body. We are talking here of excessive feelings of joy, anger, melancholy, anxiety, grief, fear and fright.

"Under ordinary conditions emotions are normal reactions to events in daily life. However, if emotional frustration is extremely abrupt, intense or persistent, and so exceeds an individual's normal endurance, it may then produce functional disorders of the organs by upsetting the harmonious balance of energy and blood. At extremes, emotions then become the pathogenic factors, bringing on diseases." 

To paraphrase the quote above: Stress KILLS! 


Our body puts out chemicals in response to stress stimuli and those chemicals attack our own cells and create disease.  More and more, doctors are recognizing that stress CAUSES diseases such as stroke, high blood pressure, heart attacks, cancer, and even autoimmune diseases such as fibromyalgia, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis to mention just a few which have been connected to stress and related emotional upsets.


Asking people about their stress level often produces a blank look.  People are so used to enduring stress that asking them about stress doesn't make much of a connection in their mind.  Sometimes it can be more revealing to ask about peace and joy.  When asked if they experience peace and joy, which is the polar opposite of stress, they will admit to having little.  Yet, life with minimal stress is filled with peace and joy.  And so few experience these! 


However, the big question is: What can be done about it?  We live in stress, we experience little peace or joy, and we don't know how to change our life to make it any different.


Michael is a great example:  When Michael showed up for his appointment, he sought for any means of relief, smoking and nervously tapping the table, shifting in his chair.  He had lost his job, his marriage was in trouble, bills were due and there was no money to pay them, and he struggled with the stress of it all.  After a brief overview of how we could change his mind and his feelings about what he was enduring, we began to practice the technique to relax and calm his nerves.  In just a few minutes I could see his facial muscles begin to relax.  We worked through the remainder of the hour, and by the time he left, he was feeling much calmer.  Nothing had changed in his life except his own energy patterns and how his mind created and dealt with them.  Yet, in just l hour, he was FEELING better, FEELING more peaceful, and of course, not punishing his body with an avalanche of stress related chemicals which induce disease. 


The other huge benefit of freeing your mind of these paralyzing stressful thoughts and emotions is that it also allows your mind to be free to find new and better solutions, instead of focusing on the stress creating details.


So, the wonderful news is we CAN change our lives to remove stress.  The answer is as close as your own hands!  You can learn this amazing technique which rids you of stresses, present and past.  No it isn't massage.  I teach you to use the energy meridians, on your body, similar in effect to acupuncture, but without needles.


In case you don't think your past stresses affect your present, think of PTSD, which is an extreme form of past stresses affecting your present day life.  PTSD can actually render people incapable of living in the present.  They live with visions of the past, viewing them as presently occurring.  They can be caught up in the past moments of their terrible fear and stress, as if it were happening in the present.  Their brain feeds them the same emotions and physical reactions, as well as chemical releases, AS IF it were actually happening.  


Most of our past stresses aren't this extreme, but think, for instance, of the emotions you felt during a fight you had with your friend or a parent.  When you can think back on that and get into the feelings that you experienced at the time of that fight, you can see that the anger and stress is still inside you, still affecting your energy and your mind.  The same is true of fears, such as fear of bugs or water or public speaking or heights.  These can be neutralized, as can PTSD memories be neutralized.  You no longer have to carry that emotional burden which destroys your body.  I can teach you how to erase those stresses and take the emotional sting out of the memories.  Then you can live in peace and experience joy.  And you will have, for the rest of your life, a useful tool to help you deal with whatever life brings your way.


Check out the website.  Read the Testimonies and the Blog.  You can change your life.  You don't have to have faith.  You don't have to believe anything.  You only need to be willing to learn how.


Love and blessings,









STANDING OFFER:  3 FREE lessons.   We owe our wonderful men and women who are now serving or have ever served in the military a huge debt of gratitude.  If you are suffering from Post Traumatic stress, Gulf War Syndrome or similar military duty related maladies, injuries or injection reactions, or you suspect that these are the problems, I want to help you be totally FREE of those debilitating issues.  Just mention that you are serving or have served.  Let me show you how to quiet and relax your jangled nerves!  This offer includes military spouses and their children living in their home. 





You'll be surprised at the peace this simple energy healing technique can bring,

and you can learn to do it for yourself, anytime, anywhere, in just a few minutes.


So simple a child can (and has!) used it effectively.


Please don't give up hope.  Don't give in to the "Why Bother" syndrome!  The stresses in your life can be dismissed in a few minutes. 


Why struggle day after day with the same old problems, which only cause stress and worry and fear -- which wrecks havoc with your heart and blood pressure, when with just a few minutes with this technique can bring you results beyond imagining!  WAY better and so much faster than Yoga or Hypnosis or Acupuncture or any of the conventional therapies.  Much simpler.  Pain FREE.  And with lasting results. 


This simple energy healing technique involves no drugs or supplements, no counseling, no painful rehashing of traumatic past events, no forcing yourself to "be brave and face your fears!" 


Yet, it has consistently demonstrated that it can bring personal peace to those suffering from stress and anxiety, depression, fears and phobias, and even chronic pain!  Results are, across the board, impressive and highly rewarding to the sufferers of these debilitating problems. 


Check out the web page and then call me or email me for your appointment.  You can use every day of your life to relax your stressors and calm your brain and body. 


Life can be joyous again!




You are receiving this because you have at some time in the past inquired about this wonderful healing technique.  If you would prefer NOT to receive this info, please reply to this email with REMOVE in the subject line. 


Thank you. 







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Palash Biswas
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