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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Friday, July 30, 2010

Fwd: Rainer , Your Mail on Palestine.Convoi de solidarité par terre d'Inde en Palestine - Mettez fin au siège de Gaza - 07-2010 (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ernest Deenadayalan <>
Date: 2010/7/30
Subject: Fwd: Rainer , Your Mail on Palestine.Convoi de solidarité par terre d'Inde en Palestine - Mettez fin au siège de Gaza - 07-2010 (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rainer Kruse <>
Date: 2010/7/28
Subject: Rainer , Your Mail on Palestine.Convoi de solidarité par terre d'Inde en Palestine - Mettez fin au siège de Gaza - 07-2010 (fwd)
To: Ernest Deena <>

Dear Deena!
Your mail has ben translated into French(see below) and is widely spread by and among the Solidarity Movement of "Women in Black".
Its important for us to know about Asian Campaigns.


---Ursprüngliche Nachricht---
Von: "edith rubinstein" <>
An: <>
An: "Lieve Snellings" <>
An: "Carla Goffi" <>
An: <>
An: "Annick Donniou" <>
An: "Susskind Simone" <>
An: "Nadia Farkh" <>
Betreff: Convoi de solidarité par terre d'Inde en Palestine - Mettez fin au siège de Gaza - 07-2010
Datum: 27. Jul 2010 21:39

-->   ---Ursprüngliche Nachricht---


"Rainer Kruse" <>


Fwd: India to Palestine Yatra - End the Siege of Gaza (fwd)


26. Jul 2010 11:31

Objet : L'Inde vers la Palestine Yatra – Mettez fin au siège de Gaza

Une importante information d'amis indiens !

La solidarité en Inde, Asie

Grüße von


Ursprüngliche Nachricht---


"Ernest Deenadayalan" <>


"Rainer Kruse" <>


Fwd: India to Palestine Yatra - End the Siege of Gaza


26. Jul 2010 08:58

Un convoi de solidarité d'Inde en Palestine

Mettez fin au siège de Gaza !

Organisation d'une réunion pour une caravane de solidarité d'Inde vers la Palestine

Lieu : Aman Trust, 0-63 Lajpat Nagar II, Second Floor (near Viobhapuri).

              Please call 41328040/41 if you need directions.

Date: 26 July 2010  /  

Time: 3 – 5 pm

Venez septembre et toutes les routes internationales par terre, par air et par mer conduiront à Gaza

Des citoyens dans le monde entier ont réagi à la situation difficile de la population palestinienne et entreprennent des actions pour briser le siège qui étouffent la vie de habitants de Gaza et leur dénie le droit même à l'existence. Loin de décourager les gens de chercher à mettre fin au siège, l'attaque israélienne contre la Flottille de la liberté incite même plus de gens à apporter de l'aide humanitaire à la population palestinienne dans la Bande de Gaza et à mettre fin au blocus.

Il y a un effort international sans précédent pour amener un convoi terrestre gigantesque à atteindre Gaza en même temps qu'une armada par mer atteint les côtes de Gaza vers la fin septembre, début octobre.

Viva Palestina a organisé plus de 500 véhicules & 60 bateaux, tandis que la campagne européenne pour mettre fin au siège de Gaza enverra plus de 9000 délégués. Des convois de l'Afrique du Nord et du Sud sont aussi censés nous rejoindre. Donc notre objectif est une initiative asiatique pour faire partie d'un mouvement global plus large.

On proposé qu'un convoi par terre d'un pays asiatique quitte New Delhi à la mi-septembre et traverse le Pakistan, l'Iran, la Turquie, la Syrie, le Liban, la Jordanie, l'Egypte et finalement par le passage frontière de Rafah arrive à Gaza, Palestine. Le convoi asiatique sera rejoint par des délégations et des véhicules dans chacun des neuf pays traversés. Dans chaque pays, à notre passage, des meetings publics, des conférences de presse, des rencontres avec des organisations et des dirigeants politiques feront partie de notre programme.

Un de nos objectifs déclarés est de créer et d'approfondir les processus de solidarité asiatique et cet événement historique nous fournit véritablement cette opportunité.

De notre côté, nous avons agi et coordonné avec nos contreparties dans les pays cités plus haut. Nous avons aussi coordonné la même chose avec des initiatives européennes.

Nous sommes solidaires de la nation palestinienne dans sa quête d'un état pour eux-mêmes. Nous exprimons aussi notre solidarité, alors que le mouvement de libération palestinien est en lutte pour la démocratie et les droits sociaux, économiques, politiques et civils, avec un peuple courageux qui souffre d'une occupation et d'une répression.

Veuillez vous joindre à nous  au meeting d'organisation pour préparer cette action de solidarité historique.

Diffusez largement


Au nom du Forum de solidarité des peuples d'Inde-Palestine

Dr. Rehmania (Muslim Political Council of India)

Sandeep Pandey (Asha Parivar)

Feroze Mithiborwala (Bharat Bachao Andolan)

Jamal Kidwai (Aman Trust)

Ashim Roy (NTUI)

Gauhar Iqbal (Palestine Solidarity Forum) 

Akshay Kumar (Navnirman Samiti)


-->   ---Ursprüngliche Nachricht---


"Rainer Kruse" <>


Fwd: India to Palestine Yatra - End the Siege of Gaza (fwd)


26. Jul 2010 11:31

  Important Info of Indian friends!
Solidarität in Indien/Asien
Grüße von


---Ursprüngliche Nachricht---


"Ernest Deenadayalan" <>


"Rainer Kruse" <>


Fwd: India to Palestine Yatra - End the Siege of Gaza


26. Jul 2010 08:58

Dear Rainer,
I am forwarding a mail which will be of interest to you kindly circulate and be in touch with Feroz and other signatories most of who are friends and activists.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Feroze Mithiborwala <>
Date: Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 7:14 PM
Subject: India to Palestine Yatra - End the Siege of Gaza
To: Bijulal MV <>, Joe Athialy <>, Madhuresh <>, Vasun <>, Rohan Mathews <>, Susana Barria <>, Sherebanu Frosh <>, Sushant <>, Shivani Chaudhry <>, HU <>, George P T <>, Gautam Navlakha <>, Tapan <>, Deena <>, Ravi Hemadri <>,, Prashant Bhushan <>, Anil Tharayath <>, Anil Chaudhury <>, Willy <>, INSAF Delhi <>, The Other Media <>, bipin kumar <>, Amitabh gmail <>, Dunu Roy <>, Ashok Sharma <>, Ashok chowdhury <>, Appu Esthose Suresh <>, aanchal kapur <>, Pamela Philippose <>, Sama Resource Group for Women and Health <>, seema srivastava <>,, Shalini Sharma <>, Sridevi Panikkar <>, rajendra ravi <>, Jan Sangharsh Vahini <>, Usha Ramanathan <>, Vrinda Grover <>, Rakesh Shukla <>, Ashok Agrwaal <>, Naveen Chander <>, Kalyani <>, Kamla Bhasin Bhasin <>, Rakhi Sehgal <>, NTUI <>, Syeda Hameed <>, aslam A <>,, Himanshu Thakkar <>,, Sahba Husain <>,, John J <>, Pallavi <>, Sanjay Kak <>, Kanchi <>, Manju Menon <>, "s.p. shukla" <>, "Dr. Mohanty" <>, Amit Bhaduri <>, Jai Sen <>, Nikhil Dey <>, Aruna Roy <>, "Judicial Reforms ." <>, "D. Leena" <>, Nilofar Suhrawardy <>

                 Solidarity Convoy from India to Palestine!

End the Siege of Gaza! 

Planning meeting for a Solidarity Caravan from India to Palestine

Venue: Aman Trust, 0-63 Lajpat Nagar II, Second Floor (near Viobhapuri).

              Please call 41328040/41 if you need directions.

Date: 26 July 2010  /  

Time: 3 – 5 pm

Come September and all international road, air and shipping routes will lead to Gaza!

Israel's occupation of Palestinian and Arab territories has lasted for decades in violation of international law, international humanitarian law and numerous United Nations resolutions. The occupation of Palestine must end! Gaza has been turned into a vast prison with the Palestinian population there under continuous, murderous assaults and a permanent state of siege. The Palestinian people must have the freedom to exercise their right to self-determination including their right to establish, on all the territories that Israel has occupied, an independent state of their own in any manner they see fit. The structure of apartheid that Israel has established must be dismantled and it must grant equal rights to all its citizens including the right of return to the Palestinians refugees. The Palestinians have the right to resist the occupation through all legitimate means.

The terrible massacre aboard the Mavi Marmara on 31 May 2010 has brought a sea change in international opinion against the inhumane siege on the people of Gaza.

Citizens around the world have responded to the plight of the Palestinian people and are taking action to help break the blockade which is suffocating the lives of the people of Gaza and denying them their very right to exist. Far from deterring people from seeking to bring that siege to an end, the Israeli assault on the Freedom Flotilla is spurring on even more people to bring humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and to end the blockade.

We as Asians must do our part. We must join with other Nations & Peoples' from across the world to support an end to the occupation & the collective punishment of 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza.

There is an ongoing international effort to lead a gigantic land convoy to reach Gaza at the same time as the armada by sea reaches the shores of Gaza towards the end of  September & early October.

Viva Palestina has organized more than 500 vehicles & 60 Ships, whilst the European campaign to End the Siege of Gaza will be sending more than 9000 delegates. Convoys from North & South Africa are also due to join. Thus our objective is for an Asian initiative to be part of the larger global movement.

It is proposed that an Asian land convoy leaves from New Delhi mid-September and travels across Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and ultimately through the Rafah Crossing into Gaza-Palestine. The Asian convoy will be joined by delegations & vehicles in each of the nine countries through which it passes. In each country as we pass, public meetings, press conferences, meetings with organizations & political leaders will be a part of our programme.

One our stated objectives is to create & deepen the processes of Asian solidarity & this historic venture provides us with that very opportunity.

On our part we have been interacting & coordinating with our counterparts within the aforesaid countries. We have also been coordinating the same with the European initiatives.

We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian Nation in their quest for a State of their own. We also express our solidarity as the Palestinian liberation movement is a struggle for democracy and social, economic, political and civil rights and a courageous People, who are suffering from occupation and repression. 

Please join a planning meeting to prepare for this historic solidarity action.

Please circulate widely!

In solidarity,

On behalf of the India-Palestine People's Solidarity Forum

Dr. Rehmania (Muslim Political Council of India)

Sandeep Pandey (Asha Parivar)

Feroze Mithiborwala (Bharat Bachao Andolan)

Jamal Kidwai (Aman Trust)

Ashim Roy (NTUI)

Gauhar Iqbal (Palestine Solidarity Forum) 

Akshay Kumar (Navnirman Samiti)

Feroze Mithiborwala

Feroze Mithiborwala

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Feroze Mithiborwala

General Secretary
The Other Media
J-42, South Extention-1
II Floor, New Delhi 110049
No139/9, Domlur Layout
Opp. Trinity Golf Links Apartments
Bangalore 560071
Ph: 41151587/89

Mob: 9845535421


Rainer Kruse
Spemannstr. 15
D-70186 Stuttgart

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Rainer Kruse
Spemannstr. 15
D-70186 Stuttgart

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Rainer Kruse
Spemannstr. 15
D-70186 Stuttgart

Neue E-Mailadresse:
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General Secretary
The Other Media
J-42, South Extention-1
II Floor, New Delhi 110049
No139/9, Domlur Layout
Opp. Trinity Golf Links Apartments
Bangalore 560071
Ph: 41151587/89

Mob: 9845535421

Palash Biswas
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