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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fwd: CC Issue 28 July - Collecting Rainwater Now Illegal

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 10:20 PM
Subject: CC Issue 28 July - Collecting Rainwater Now Illegal

Dear Friend,

If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word.It's time humanity should come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here

In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Press Release

Action Alert

Collecting Rainwater Now Illegal In Many States In USA
By Mike Adams

Many Western states, including Utah, Washington and Colorado, have long outlawed individuals from collecting rainwater on their own properties. Laws have been on the books for quite some time in many Western states. Only recently, as droughts and renewed interest in water conservation methods have become more common, have individuals and business owners started butting heads with law enforcement over the practice of collecting rainwater for personal use

Wikileaks, Resistance, Genuine Heroes,
And Breaking The Goddamned Rules
By Arthur Silber

Bradley Manning is a remarkable hero, but most of us will not acknowledge the heroes who appear in our lives. The deeply admirable Mike Gogulski is not "most of us." He has set up a site for donations to Bradley Manning's legal defense fund, and for support of other kinds. Go there right now. Donate as much as you can, as often as you can

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange: "Transparent Government Tends to Produce Just Government"
Amy Goodman interviews Julian Assange

Democracy Now! interview with Julian Assange, video and transcript

Guardian Editor On Coverage of Afghan War Logs: European Audience "Troubled More... By The Toll
This War Is Taking On Innocent People"
Amy Goodman interviews David Leigh

Democracy Now! speak with David Leigh, the investigations editor at The Guardian, one of the three newspapers, along with the New York Times and Der Spiegel, WikiLeaks gave the Afghanistan war documents to

Bedouin Village Razed In Negev
As Israelis Cheer On
Report By Electronic Intifada

Early morning on 27 July, Israeli bulldozers, flanked by helicopters and throngs of police, demolished the entire Bedouin village of al-Araqib in the northern Negev desert. Despite their land rights cases still pending in the court system, hundreds of al-Araqib villagers were instantly made homeless a month after Israeli police posted demolition orders. Eyewitness reports say the police were accompanied by several busloads of right-wing Israeli civilians who cheered during the demolitions

Ethnic Cleansing In The Israeli Negev
By Neve Gordon

The razing of a Bedouin village by Israeli police shows how far the state will go to achieve its aim of Judaising the Negev region Israeli police razed the Bedouin village of al-Arakib, destroying around 45 homes, in just three hours

A Cooper Union Student Lost An Eye
Protesting In Israel—But None Of Her Vision
By Steven Thrasher

At the end of this past May, on the other side of the globe, a tear-gas canister fired by the Israel Defense Forces hit her in the face and blasted her left eye out of her head. The grandchild of Holocaust survivors and daughter of a man who was born in Israel and emigrated to the U.S., she had been protesting at a West Bank checkpoint the morning after the IDF had killed nine people aboard a Turkish aid flotilla bound for Gaza

Hip Hop As Global Resistance
By Iara Lee

Hip-hop has expanded beyond our borders to give voice to the muted masses of places like Gaza, Lebanon, and Iraq -- places suffering from racial inequality and foreign occupation, and the likewise negative fallout of ill-conceived US policies

Wind Power Can Change The World --
Why Aren't We Investing In It?
By Melinda Burns

A lack of continuous federal support cripples emerging clean energy industries in the United States

Net Energy Of Ethanol Minimal: Study
By David Murphy

The EROI values for counties with biorefineries ranged from 0.64 in Stark, North Dakota, to 1.18 in Phillips, Kansas. Our analysis of 127 biorefineries indicated that of 31.6 billion liters of ethanol produced in the United States, only 1.6 billion liters were net energy (roughly 5%)

Congress Ratifies Obama Escalation Of
Afghanistan War
By Patrick Martin

Little more than 24 hours after the release of 91,000 documents detailing US military atrocities in Afghanistan, the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives gave final approval to a funding bill to pay for the escalation of the war

Wars And Congress: Now What?
By David Swanson

On Tuesday evening, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill already passed by the Senate that funds a $33 billion, 30,000-troop escalation in Afghanistan. The vote was 308 to 114. What could the good news possibly be?

BP's Hayward Out, With Golden Parachute
By Tom Eley

BP announced that CEO Tony Hayward, who has become a potent symbol of corporate arrogance and greed, will step down on October 1. Hayward, who is British, will be replaced by American Robert Dudley. Dudley is overseeing the company's disastrous response to the Gulf oil disaster, one of the worst ecological catastrophes in history

Tony We Hardly Knew Ye
By Matthew Wild

To no-one's great surprise, BP has fired chief executive officer Tony Hayward – while reporting record losses. Pausing just long enough to negotiate a hefty financial package, said to include a $1.6 million payout in lieu of notice, a $1-million-per-year-pension and shares, he leaves a company fighting for its survival

Time For The Palestinians To Call Israel's Bluff?
By Alan Hart

Is there now case for saying that the time has come for the Palestinians to call Israel's bluff?

Gaza Children Shelled With Flechette Bombs
By Adie Mormech

Shells containing flechettes are illegal under international law if fired into densely-populated civilian areas

JCSER: "Hundreds of Palestinians Losing
Residency Rights In Jerusalem"
By Saed Bannoura

The Jerusalem Center for Social and Economical Rights (JCSER) issued a report detailing the latest numbers of Palestinians who lost their residency rights in occupied East Jerusalem due to Israeli restrictions and measures

The Hariri Assassination
By Rannie Amiri

Israel's fingerprints surface i the Hariri assassination

WikiLeaks Bombshell Docs Paint Afghan War
As Utter Disaster -- Will We Finally Stop
Throwing Money And Lives At This Catastrophe?
By Ray McGovern

There's clear proof the war in Afghanistan is a complete failure -- we must demand an immediate exit

WikiLeaks' Afghan War Diary
By Amy Goodman

The threat posed by this historic leak is not a threat to the lives of American soldiers at war, but rather to a policy that puts those lives at risk. With public support already waning, this leak can only strengthen the call for the war's end

WikiLeaks "Afghan War Diaries"
By Stephen Lendman

The first casualty also - the truth, WikiLeaks courageously exposing it to arouse a groundswell of public outrage and opposition, demanding the (Iraq and Afghan) wars end, and wasted billions diverted to homeland needs, people ones, including economic development creating jobs and futures, not handed to war profiteers and Wall Street bandits

Is Wikileaks Kind Of Experiment
Thinkable In India?
By B.F Firos

How long will it take for the Indian media to work in collaboration the way Guardian and others did for the common good of the society, untethered by those obnoxious notions of competition, petty ego, etc? Thousand years? May be

"Fracking" Poisons Your Drinking Water: Stand Up
To The Oil Giants And Help Stop The Catastrophe
By John Sellers

Gas extraction, made possible by hydraulic fracturing (or fracking for short), pumps dangerous toxins into our drinking water

What Now? Redux
By Asher Miller

Climate Bill is dead, What now?

Strike, Restrictions Continue In Kashmir
By Sheikh Imran Bashir

After a normal day, Kashmir valley once again observed a complete shutdown on Wednesday in response to the call given by the Hurriyat Conference (G) spearheading the ongoing "Quit Kashmir Movement."

Faizan's Mother Speaks
By Danish Nabi

Mother of one of the youths killed in recent violence in Kashmir speaks: ' He was not chased to death, he was beaten and drowned'

Andhra - Independent Fact-Finding Team
On The 14th July Sompeta Firing
Interim Report

The firing occurred on 14 July 2010 in which two persons died and five were injured by bullets (including a cameraman of TV-9 Telugu channel). In the events prior to the firing, about 300 people belonging to the neighbouring villages opposing the power plant and about 50-60 police personnel were injured

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Palash Biswas
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