From: Habib Yousafzai <>
Date: Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 12:28 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] US Congressmen Call For Resolution of Kashmir
US Congressmen Call For Resolution of Kashmir
Washington 29 July 2010: The underway youth led, indigenous and spontaneous movement, non-violent pluralistic and resilient youth for right to self-determination in Jammu and Kashmir is at a critical juncture calls upon the United Nations to 'lead the effort to achieve a fair and lasting settlement of the Kashmir dispute', were the opening remarks of Dr. Ghulam Nabi at the inaugural session of the two day Eleventh International Kashmir Peace Conference organizaied by the Kashmiri American Council/ Kashmir Centre and Association of Humanitarian Lawyers in Washington wall.
The conference held in glittering hall of the Cannon Building in the Capitol Hill was attended by large number of delegates from India, Pakistan, both the sides of Jammu and Kashmir, Kashmir Diaspora from all over the world, United State's thinks, Congressmen, diplomats from various countries stationed in Washington D.C., prominent US columnists and opinion makers.
Congress men who spoke at the inaugural function included Congressman Dan Burton, Congressman Alderholt, Cingressman Danny Davis, Congressman, Dannis Kuchinich, Congressman Yvette Clark and Congressman Joseph Pit. The Congressmen expressing their deep concern and dissatisfaction over the situation prevailing in trouble torn Jammu and Kashmir called upon ending the persecution of people in the state and respecting human rights in the state. They called upon India and Pakistan to resolve the Kashmir dispute to the urges and political aspirations of people of Jammu and Kashmir without causing any further suffering to people in the state. The Congressmen were unanimous in their approach that for bringing peace in South Asia the resolution of Kashmir dispute has become imperative. Some of the Congressmen said the President Obama was fully aware about the importance of Jammu and Kashmir for peace and stability not only in Afghanistan but for entire south Asia.
Highlighting the objectives for the Conference Dr. Fai, was to achieve the peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute through peaceful dialogue between all parties concerned and to do so in the spirit of reconciliation, not confrontation, equality, not discrimination; hope, not despair.
Mr. Hussein Haqani, Ambassador Huessin Haqani Ambassador of Pakistan speaking on the occasion reaffirmed the policy of Pakistan government of supporting Kashmir struggle for right to self-determination, morally, politically and diplomatically. Others who spoke at the inaugural and emphasized for renewing efforts at all levels for finding solution of the Kashmir problem in sync with the internationally laid out principles included Ms. Victoria Schofield, Mrs. Rita Manchandi, Mr. Ved Bhasi and Amb: Maleeh Lodhi.
The first technical session of the conference India- Pakistan Relations: Breaking Deadlock was presided over by Author and Columnists Zahid G Muhammad, those who made their presentations in this session included Mr. Kuldin Nayar, Former Indian High Commissioner, in the UK, Mr. Muhammad Afzal Sindhu, State Minister, Law and Justice Govt of Pakistan, Prof. Stanely Wolpert, Historan, Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed and Ambassador Yousuf Buch. T
The consensus that evolved at this session was that the people of Kashmir suffering for India and Pakistan remaining caught in the web of the blame game and there was need for moving beyond the blame game and resumption of composite dialogue between two countries and holding Kashmir focused dialogue involving people of Jammu and Kashmir.
The second Techencial Session titled The Impasse over Kashmir was presided by Mr. Ejaz Sabir, Attorney at Law. Those who made their presentations in this session included Dr. Karen Parker, UN Delegate, Intl.Ed. Development, Dr. Attiya Inaytullah, Member Pakistan National Assembly, Zahid G Muhammad. Author and Writer, Prof. Angana Chateerji and Dr. M.A. Dar, Ohio
The Time Correspondent who was recently in Srinagar exhibited a small documentary on recent developments on Kashmir during the session.
The third session on Kashmir Issue: Its impact on Regional and International Security was Presided over by Barristor Sareer Fazili Esq. Those who made their presentation at this session included Amb: Munir Akram, Former Ambassador of Pakistan to UN. Justice Rajinder Sachar, Dr. Rodeny Jones, M. Ahmed Bilal Sufi Presideny Ressearch Society .
Palash Biswas
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