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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Ram born in Shishir by Prafulla

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kamal Mustafa <>
Date: Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 9:04 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Ram born in Shishir by Prafulla



Listen guys these are fairy tales
these stories are used by the Brahmin community to milk the common man.
Making the common man come and kiss their feet bringing breakfast, lunch, dinner and money.
Swamiji sits next to a statue and say this is God and I talk to God all the time.
This is complete nonsense.
If our Stone Gods had so much power than
the muslim and christians would not have
kicked our ass for the last 1000 years.
Our Gods are less than us.
We do all the pujas and built the bridges and the bridges collapse in western worlds millions of bridges and buildings have been built with no pujas or sacrifices to suckers(Brahmin community).
nothing is comming down. In Delhi in preparation or Games we are asking for help for imaginary Ganesha.
Things are not ready and falling apart.
There were no flying monkeys going from mouth and comming from ears.( Ramayana
is a fairy tale)
Please Please do'nt be the milking cows of Brahmins community.
They have sucked our blood for thousands of years and want to enslave us Intellectually.

Kamal Mustafa

--- On Sat, 7/31/10, jyotirved <jyotirved@sify. com> wrote:

From: jyotirved <jyotirved@sify. com>
Subject: [JyotishGroup] Re: Ram born in Shishir by Prafulla
To: HinduCalendar@ yahoogroups. com
Cc: jyotishgroup@ yahoogroups. com, asthikasamaj@ yahoogroups. com, akandabaratam@ yahoogroups. com, vedic_research_ institute@ yahoogroups. com, scienceofastrology@ yahoogroups. com, mukti_marg@yahoogro
Date: Saturday, July 31, 2010, 11:37 AM


Shri Kedar Damle Ji,

Jai Shri Ram!

<I am just trying to convey that what is written in Vedanga Jyotish of 14th Century B.C. is trfsue for that time. But due to precession of equinoxes, that statement is not true in our period, nor was it true few thousand years ago.>

This is yet another funny statement from you!  On the one hand, you had said, "But the dispute is about relating Madhu Maas (month) with Chaitra. If it is not quoted in the original text how can you write

*In this Vedic Mantra Madhu Maas (Chaitra ) and Maadhav Maas are said to form the Vasant Ritu.*

which means that you  wanted to know the Vedic mantras that have clubbed Chaitra with Madhu and so on, but at the same time, when given the proofs that the VJ has actually done so, you say that could have been applicable to that time only!  What a strange logic! 

That is exactly what is meant by Heads I win and tails your lose!

Is it necessary that I must keep on repeating like a defective audio system that seasons and therefore seasonal months are impervious to the effects of precession of equinoxes?

If you are ignorant of the fact that the Vedic year and therefore Vedic months are seasonal, that certainly is not my fault!

Or is it that you do not know even the minimal geographical fact that seasons are not affected by precession?

Even otherwise also, why don't you use your common sense to judge that the VJ is a work of 1400 BCE i.e. about 1700 years prior to the date when the "almighty" Lahiri nirayana zodiac and the so called sayana zodiac are supposed to have coincided.  Thus there should have been a processional affect of 1700 divided by 72= 23.61  i.e. about 24 days on the plus side, which means that the so called nirayana Magha should have not started simultaneously with the month of Tapas, least of all with the day of Uttarayana, as has been done by the VJ, but earlier by one month at the time of the VJ!

Once again, it is also clear that you have not gone through the  Valmiki Ramayana from cover to cover but are discussing the work like a scholar without being one!

At least go through the work and then you will see it for yourself that Chaitra has certainly been described as the start of the Vasanta Ritu in the VR itself!

It is also clear that Shri P V Mendki has either not gone through the VR from cover to cover or is deliberately hiding the fact that that work has described Chaitra as the first month of Vasanta Ritu instead of Shishira Ritu since then he may not be able to market his "Rama-janma-kundali" in Marathi.

Jai Shri Ram!

A K Kaul

--- In HinduCalendar@ yahoogroups. com, kedar damle <damkedar@...> wrote

Re: [HinduCalendar] Re: Ram born in Vasant and not in Shishir

I am not trying to defend the so called mess created by others. I am just trying to convey that what is written in Vedanga Jyotish of 14th Century B.C is true for that time. But due to precession of equinoxes, that statement is not true in our period, nor was it true few thousand years ago.


On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 3:35 PM, Krishen <jyotirved@sify. com> wrote:


Shri Kedar Damle ji,
Jai Shri Ram!

<But the dispute is about relating Madhu Maas (month) with Chaitra. If
it is not quoted in the original text how can you write
*In this Vedic Mantra Madhu Maas (Chaitra ) and Maadhav Maas are said to form the Vasant Ritu. *>

The seventh mantra of the Vedanga Jyotisham of 14th century BCE, which is the first indigenous astronomical work available as on date, has said
svaraakramete somaarkav yada saakam savasavav
syat tad adiyugam maghastapah shuklo ayanam hyudak

And this is how Pandit S. B. Dikshit (a Maharashtrian Brahmin of unparalleled scholarship! ) has translated it in his "History of Indian Astronomy"
*When the sun and the moon while moving in the sky, come to Vasava (Dhanishtha, Beta Delhpini) star together, then the yuga, the Magha month, the Tapas, the light half of the month and the winter solstice, all commence together*
It is thus clear that the Vedic texts clubbed Tapas with Magha, Tapasya with Phalguna, Madhu with Chaitra and so on.
I must repeat here that you are trying to defend the so called nirayana mess created by Shri Mendki without having read the Valmiki Ramayana from cover to cover. If you had read the work completely, you would have realized that Shri Mendki is absolutely wrong in his prsumptions of nirayana months in that work and you are defending a wrong stand!
Jai Shri Ram!
A K Kaul

--- In HinduCalendar@ yahoogroups. com, kedar damle <damkedar@...> wrote:

> Lokeshji,
> In the first mantra you have quoted there is no mention of Chaitra. It is
> said that the months Madhu and Madhav are months of Vasant Ritu which we all
> agree. But the dispute is about relating Madhu Maas (month) with Chaitra. If
> it is not quoted in the original text how can you write
> *
> In this Vedic Mantra Madhu Maas (Chaitra ) and Maadhav Maas are said to form
> the Vasant Ritu. *
> The months Madhu, Madhav etc. are Solar months just like January, February
> etc. while the months Chaitra, Vaishakh etc are Lunar Months. The months
> Madhu and Chaitra coincided at a time but due to precession they are not
> coinciding now.
> Regards,
> Kedar


Palash Biswas
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