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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Friday, September 25, 2015 Let Me Speak Human!May we survive without Oxygen?May we survive taking in ‎Methyl isocyanate?For me Bhopal Gas Tragedy is the original reform and it is being further pushed on.

Let Me Speak Human!May we survive without Oxygen?May we survive taking in Methyl isocyanate?For me Bhopal Gas Tragedy is the original reform and it is being further pushed on.

Palash Biswas

One woman Gaura Devi from Chamoli taught the world that Mankind may not survive without forest and we are killing the Sunder Bans!We are killing the Himalayas!And now,it is raising the Nocobar which involves external and internal security of India have to be gifted away for so called development.Government readies a 15 year plan and budget of Rs.10.000 cr to develop shipping,port and tourism infrastructure on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands after assessing impact on Jarwas, habitat!

The agenda of development is reset and it is disaster!The politics in this geopolitics has been reduced to strategic marketing!

Religion is all about hatred and ISLAMOPHOBIA

makes in the free market economy.

Green Revolution has killed agriculture and the farmers have no option but to commit suicide.

Now we opt for MONSANTO and GM FOOD as gararian gowth zeroed down.

What about Industry and Business in India.For whom the business friendly governance works, we know very well.It is open secret.Industry and business lost the domestic market to make way for free market of foreign investors and foreign intersts.In return Indian Industry and Business get a Big BAJI Kaa THULLU!

We need no great wall of China as we have the original wall,the Himalayas to defend us which feeds us with rain and water.I have already demanded to apply article 370 all over the Himalayas beyond political borders to restrict external intervention to kill Nature and environment.

You am not walk in Gangtok and have to take a car to go up or down.Entire Sikkim has been raised as Cemented Jungle!

I may not walk on Mal Road,Nainital as I am afraid that there could be landslide anytime and the lake might explode.Entire lake region is overloaded with construction and external foces have to convert Uttarakhand into an energy province.

At the same time,Kolkata and entire Bengal could have been washed away if we had not the Sunderbans to protect us against tsunami and cyclones.Now we are making in Nuclear Sunder Bans!

For me Bhopal Gas Tragedy is the original reform and it is being further pushed on.

Please watch the video and think the impact!

Sep 26 2015 : The Economic Times (Kolkata)
MODI IN THE VALLEY - CEOs Want Modi to Add Speed to Reforms

Top CEOs eager to support PM's initiatives like `Make in India' & `Digital India', but want govt to step up the game
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his meetings here with top corporate leaders, has pitched for stronger inflows of foreign capital into India while assuring reforms, prompt decisions and transparency.The chief executives were impressed but wanted the pace of reforms to be hastened.

Following an interaction with the leaders in the financial sector in the morning, the prime minister held two more such engagements -an hourlong interface with the top brass of media and entertainment industry and a 90-minute dinner meet with 42 of the world's top corporate leaders.

Indian interlocutors said those at the meetings were eager to support Modi's initiatives -like on `Make in India', `Digital India', `Skill India' and `Startup India' -and also viewed the South Asian country among their top five markets to do business with.

"Foreign direct investment all over the world has fallen but in India it increased by 40%. This reflects confidence in the Indian economy," the prime minister said during the interaction over dinner with the chief executives, drawn from Fortune 500 companies.

Sep 26 2015 : The Economic Times (Kolkata)

Government readies a 15-year plan and budget of Rs.10,000 cr to develop shipping, port and tourism infrastructure on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands after assessing impact on Jarawas, habitat. Rajat Arora reports
India has drawn up an ambitious, `10,000 crore plan to transform the Andaman and Nicobar Islands into the country's first maritime hub, taking advantage of its strategic location and making it the base for infrastructure that will include an expanded dry dock and ship repair industry in the capital Port Blair.

The Narendra Modi government has readied a blueprint of the plan that also entails protection of the original Jarawa inhabitants while boosting the tourism potential of locations such as limestone caves and mud volcanoes.

"Plans for the projects that are to be undertaken over the next two years have already been formulated," shipping Minister Nitin Gadkari told ET. "Action is being initiated."

Projects that entail an investment of `2,000 crore have been sanctioned and work on the rest of the programme will start soon.

The shipping ministry has prepared a 15year perspective plan for the development of shipping and port infrastructure on the islands, which are home to India's eastern and southern tips, putting them within close distance of an international shipping route.

Apart from ship repairs, the plan includes the development of port infrastructure, the acquisition of vessels to run mainland-island services, the purchase of tugs for safe berthing and sprucing up docking capacity .

"Andaman is a very sensitive zone. So, all these projects will have to be undertaken after assessing the impact on environment," said a senior government official. "Tribal areas and tourist areas would be bifurcated.We are creating sea routes so that these areas are not disturbed."

Over the past decades, the Jarawa indigenous peoples have been hit by the arrival of settlers from elsewhere in India and the limited development that has taken place, especially the construction of the Andaman Trunk Road and the rise in tourism. As is typical in such instances, this has meant the spread of disease among the Jarawa, sexual and other forms of abuse by outsiders, incursions into their territory and rampant poaching.

Campaigners have demanded that the government shut the trunk road and that there should be no forcible attempts to `mainstream' them.

To be sure, the islands are a big tourist draw because the pristine waters make it ideal for diving.

To promote the area as a destination, the government has sanctioned a `50 crore project on the development of a sea route from Port Blair to Baratang, one of the islands and home to the mud volcanoes. The project is being implemented by Andaman Lakshadweep Harbour Works and will be completed by October 2017. To augment the dry docking capacity in Port Blair, the existing facility will be expanded with an investment of about `120 crore. The government doesn't want to be the sole participant in creating modern port and shipping infrastructure in the islands.

"For the ship repair industry, we are expecting private participation. The government has also set aside `1,000 crore for the same," said the official cited above.

Around the islands, 23 sites have been identified for development into ports, with seven of these being small facilities. The government plans to spend about `4,000 crore on this project and also to create direct connec tivity with Chennai and Vizag ports.

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are a chain of 572 islands of which a little more than 30 are inhabited. They constitute 0.2% of India's land mass but provide for 30% of the country's 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

In keeping with their strategic location, the ministry is also collaborating with the ministry of defence through the Andaman and Nicobar Command to undertake some of the projects. The islands are scattered between the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea and are closer to Myanmar and Indonesia than the Indian mainland. Parts of the islands were devastated by the 2004 tsunami that originated off the Indonesian coast.

The ministry of defence is undertaking three different projects in the islands that will be of key strategic importance to India.Officials, however, didn't provide details about the projects, saying all of them were critical in nature.

The southern islands lie near the Malacca Straits, a gateway to the Indian Ocean through which China gets some of its oil.

The southernmost tip, known as Indira point and located in the Greater Nicobar area, is 100 nautical miles away from Sumatra and 200 miles from Singapore. It's an overnight journey to Phuket through the sea route from Greater Nicobar. However, no ship currently operates on this route.

"This region has huge potential for us as the international trading route that originates from Singapore and connects with the east-west corridor is hardly 15 nautical miles from Indira point," said another government official.

The government has also planned a container transhipment terminal in the area to tap into the potential of the international trading route to cut down on freight costs.However, getting environmental clearance will be tough as the Greater Nicobar area has dense forests.

The Andaman and Nicobar administration is also planning to declare Port Blair a freetrade area. But only clean, non-polluting industries will be allowed. The move is aimed at boosting employment opportunities, said an officer of the Andaman administration.

The government aims to acquire 60 small and large passenger and cargo ships for around `5,000 crore.

"These ships would provide better connectivity with Chennai and Vizag port," said one of the officials cited above. "We have already ordered two ships with capacity of 1,200 passengers and 100 tonnes of cargo each. Four small ships with capacity of 500 passengers each for inter-island connectivity are also being acquired."

There is a plan to buy luxury cruise ships for wealthier visitors, to replace the aging, basic vessels that are available.

Islamophobia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Islamophobia (or anti-Muslim sentiment) is a term for prejudice against, hatred towards, or fear of the religion of Islam or Muslims.

Bhopal disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Bhopal disaster, also referred to as the Bhopal gas tragedy, was a gas leak incident in India, considered the world's worst industrial disaster. It occurred on ...
You visited this page on 25/9/15.

Bhopal Gas Tragedy
The Bhopal Gas Tragedy, 1984 was a catastrophe that had no parallel in the world's industrial history. In the early morning hours of December 3, 1984, a rolling ...

30 years of Bhopal gas tragedy: a continuing disaster › Environment › Coverage
An appraisal by Sunita Narain and Chandra Bhushan, exclusively extracted from the recently released book, Bhopal Gas Tragedy, After 30 Years.

Bhopal gas tragedy: 15 shocking photos from 1984 - India ... › Photos › India
On the night of December 2, an industrial negligence in Bhopal led to a release of 30 tonnes of toxic methyl icocyanate(MIC)gas, exposing nearly 5 lakh people ...

Bhopal Gas Tragedy in 165 Seconds - YouTube

▶ 2:46
Dec 5, 2013 - Uploaded by AmazingFunFact
after Britishers came to india they looted every resource but every incident has a positive and a negative , the ...

Bhopal gas tragedy: Burning of toxic waste begin

    Bhopal disaster
    The Bhopal disaster, also referred to as the Bhopal gas tragedy, was a gas leak incident in India, considered the world's worst industrial disaster. Wikipedia
    PeriodDecember 2, 1984 – December 3, 1984

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