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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Occupy This Question: What’s Changed In 4 Years?

CC News Letter 23 Sep - Occupy This Question: What's Changed In 4 Years?

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

The Munnar 'Green Blood Women's Revolution': Sweat, Blood And The Bitter Cup Of Tea
By Binu Karunakaran

The 'sweet' 20 per cent bonus offered to agitating tea workers of Kanan Devan Hill Plantations Ltd in Munnar, at the behest of the Kerala state government, should be seen as a ploy to contain the seething labour discontent ahead of Assembly polls and limit damages to the brand image of Tata rather than a serious attempt to address concerns raised by them

Occupy This Question: What's Changed In 4 Years?
By Mickey Z.

The United Nations estimates 29,158 children under the age of five die each day from preventable causes. Four years = 42 million. Please read that again: 42 million children under the age of five have died from preventable causes since the first "mic check" echoed across Zuccotti Park

Serious Journalism? Paying For "Nothing" Is Paying For Something
By Romi Mahajan

We all hate "being advertised to" but we invite that fate by being unwilling to part with a few dollars to support the authors and publishers of serious content so that indeed we can avoid being advertised to. This is an abdication, both an economic and a philosophical one. And it's self-destructive to boot

Middle Eastern Conflicts Spill Onto Spanish Soccer Pitch
By James M. Dorsey

Inevitably, the mass exodus of refugees from conflict areas was going to provoke the spilling into Europe of multiple disputes in the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa. Spanish soccer is the first to feel the weight of the baggage that has turned vast numbers into destitute refugees. Kurdish rebels have accused a Syrian coach who was hired earlier this month by Real Madrid after having been tripped on camera by a Hungarian camera woman as he was running towards the border a child in his arms of being an Al Qaeda fighter and the instigator of a deadly anti-Kurdish soccer brawl

"Lipstick On A Pig" Malcolm Turnbull Heads War Criminal And Climate Criminal
Australian Coalition Government After Parliamentary Coup
By Dr Gideon Polya

In Australia's Third Coup against a popularly elected Prime Minister in a bit over 5 years, a deeply unpopular Australian Coalition PM Tony Abbott was replaced by his Liberal Party MP colleagues with his charming, articulate and popular colleague Malcolm Turnbull. However as a part payment to the Coalition Right for the Coup, a "lipstick on a pig" Malcolm Turnbull immediately adopted hardline rightist anti-marriage equality, climate change inaction, ecocidal and pro-war US lackey policies

Socialism Vs Capitalism : Past, Present, And Future
By Jon Kofas

A new synthesis of Marxism and Existentialism rooted in each country's culture, traditions, and needs of workers and not just the bourgeoisie may produce successful leftist regimes in the future. Socialism in some form, which has been around before civilization, will eventually prevail

By Dr Hakim

We may not have experienced war as Zarghuna has, but we've each had enough of different severe frustrations; of being treated as less than others, discriminated against, insulted, looked down upon, disrespected, exploited, and violated in various ways

Subduing al-Quds: Israel's High-Stake Game In al-Aqsa
And Why Netanyahu May Prevail
By Ramzy Baroud

The fact that plans to conquer even the remaining symbols of Palestinian nationhood and spirituality have finally reached al-Aqsa is particularly alarming. Considering the turmoil throughout the Middle East region and the ineffectual Palestinian leadership of Mahmoud Abbas, Netanyahu is likely to push forward with his plan, no matter the price or the consequences

Wise Up, President Obama!
By Dr. Ludwig Watzal

What kind of values are the American politicians talking about, while defending Zionist zealots in the Occupied Palestinian Territories? At the end of his term in office, President Obama should be doing the Palestinian people a great favor and recognize the State of Palestine. He can be sure that all the European vassals will follow suit, even the Germans

GM Mustard In India: A Case of Monumental Fraud
And Unremitting Regulatory Delinquency
By Colin Todhunter

The approval and planting of large-scale field trials of genetically modified (GM) mustard in India is currently taking place. According to environmentalist Aruna Rodrigues, this is completely unconscionable. It is occurring even as the Supreme Court-appointed Technical Expert Committee (TEC) Report awaits adjudication in India's Supreme Court, which expressly recommends a bar on herbicide-tolerant (HT) crops. As a result, Rodrigues is mounting a legal challenge as the lead petitioner in a Public Interest Litigation

Disaster Capitalism: Outsourcing Violence And Exploitation
By Robert J. Burrowes

In his just-released book, 'Disaster Capitalism: Making a Killing out of Catastrophe', Antony Loewenstein offers us a superb description of the diminishing power of national governments and international organisations to exercise power in the modern world as multinational corporations consolidate their control over the political and economic life of the planet

Why Bihar Election Is Important For The Country
By Syed Ali Mujtaba

Bihar poll is a referendum on the politics of secularism and inclusive development and those of communalism that excludes minorities. It's Bihar that upheld the flag of secularism when the entire country was burning in Ayodhya Fire. The elections results may have impact on the nature of direction of change on the political outlook of the country

Flood of Schemes: Revisiting The Adivasi Schemes on World Indigenous Day
By Dr. Abhilash Thadathil

Declaring a new scheme on World Indigenous Day without comprehending the web of myriad issues evolve in and around the contemporary adivasi livelihood would be counterproductive and dysfunctional

This And That of History: The Concern of Contemporary
By Parvez Alam

In case, if tomorrow one sees Nathu Ram Godse Road, Godse Bhawan and Godse Club or whatever manifestation of the name, it should not surprise us. The syncretic culture of this land is under threat and the narratives of venom and hatred are celebrated in open place. I am quite amazed that the literate masses are also supporting in the name of this issue and that. The civil society is worried about their own interests of losing fund, this and that. Instead of cherishing little histories, we are aligning with mega histories which are always exclusive
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