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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Saturday, September 26, 2015 Let Me Speak Human!All About Making in INDERICA! Manusmriti Economics,South Global, Adivasi and Refugees and Saffron Nationalism!
Let Me Speak Human!All About Making in INDERICA! Manusmriti Economics,South Global, Adivasi and Refugees and Saffron Nationalism!

Palash Biswas

Do you remember someone named Saddam Hussein and his ambition to make Iraq Regional Super Power?Do you have any idea about the consequence,the continuous holocaust?Do you see the refugee influx overwhelming Europe from Africa and Middle east? 

Our saffron nationalism,making in India Hindu within 2020,making in the Hindu Globe within 2030 is all about the so much so hyped US Sojourn!It is all about to hand over India,Indian resources, Indian business,Indian industries and Indian Market to US companies,US Private sector!I pity CII,FICCI and India Inc celebrating money making in consumer blitz at the cost of devastated economy and production system.

We are making in INDERCA branded saffron money making economy for some selected band of blue eyed boys most dear to the class hegemony killing Nature and Humanity!Killing refugees and Adivasi people!Killing the working majority!It is industrialization with devastated economy and production system excluding the workers!It is grand saga of ethnic cleansing of the productive communities and the  nature associated communities!

I would be very happy,very very very happy if Indian and American people are connected at all.We are just addressing the CEOs of US Private sector to sell off entire nation.It is the so much so hyped US Sojourn!

Someone dear with a tribal name asked on HASTAKSHEP last night,Me Lord,Adivasi kya Shaitan Hain?One of my celebrated scribe opined that the tribal people create all the problems and they happen to be the obstruction to development and growth,they must be leqidated.Yes,it is the development saga of Salwa Judum ad AFSPA since the very beginning!

Dr Ambedkar failed to include Adivasi in his agenda of annihilation of caste and perhaps it is the cause of his political failure!

Pl watch the video and share,circulate it for  debate afresh!


At Silicon Valley, PM Modi says scale of Digital India transformation will be unmatched in history

At Silicon Valley, PM Modi says scale of Digital India transformation will be unmatched in history

Modi said the vision was to connect all schools and colleges with broadband. He also announced a plan to expand WiFi coverage across 500 railway stations in India, in collaboration with Google.

  • California is where great ideas see first light of day: PM at CEOs meet
  • Photos: PM Modi tours Silicon Valley, meets top CEOs
  • California is where great ideas see first light of day: PM at CEOs meet
    California is where great ideas see first light of day: PM at CEOs meet

    The PM touched on everything from green energy to the Internet of Things during his dinner meeting with the top Silicon Valley CEO from Google's Sundar Pichai to Microsoft's Satya Nadella

  • Sep 27 2015 : The Economic Times (Kolkata)
    Realising `Inderica'
    PM Modi's US sojourn will realise a priceless intangible gain: of fusing the American dream with the Indian one at a people-to-people level
    Prime minister Narendra Modi's second Pvisit to the US from September 24 to 28 is driven by a vision to advance both na tional and collective international inter ests. It stands on three legs: pursuing our crucial bilateral relationship with the US, fulfilling our multilateral ambition of steering the United Nations in a new di rection, and keeping the faith of the American private sector and our hi-tech diaspora in Silicon Valley to motor In dia's economic march.

    Modi's third one-on-one meeting with US president Barack Obama is meant to deepen strategic ties. The contrast between Modi's reception in the corridors of power in the US and Chinese President Xi Jinping, who hap pens to be simultaneously in town, en capsulates how valuable India has be come in American eyes.

    Views That Matter

    Xi has been greeted by the American establishment with suspicion and apprehension regarding Chinese threats in cyber security, aggression in the Asia-Pacific, and lack of a level playing field for American businesses in the Chinese market. The unspoken word on every official American lip vis-à-vis Xi is `rival'.

    On the other hand, Modi is viewed as a genuine partner who is not antithetical to the US on each and every issue.Alluding to the juxtaposition between China and India, US secretary of state John Kerry has hailed the India-US relationship as "a bright spot on the international landscape".

    Prior to the Obama-Modi summit, the two governments conducted strategic dialogue on counterterrorism, maritime security, the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea. While broadening defence sector coordination, Modi will emphasise India's expectations that the US must do more than merely reiterating common concerns about Pakistan-sponsored jihadism and Chinese military expansionism.

    The unsettled issue is whether the US hopes to outsource security functions to India or if it will share the burden and beef up India's capabilities to jointly protect the region. We would prefer the latter and Modi should have this larger goal in his mind in our engagement by holding America to its words of enabling India's rise.

    Climate change is on both Modi and Obama's minds and it is also on the menu at the UN. Modi has brushed off suggestions that India will be "pressurised" by the US on carbon emission cuts but has promised to introduce carbon taxes. He also donned India's traditional role as a spokesperson of poorer countries by demanding at the UN that the "developed world should fulfil its financing commitments" and execute green technology transfer.

    Leading the Troops

    One of Modi's achievements during this US sojourn is that he reinforced India's role as a leader of the Global South. The adoption of the sustainable development goals (SDG) at the UN was shaped by Indian diplomacy, which fought on behalf of the G-77 group of developing nations to ensure that richer countries do not chicken out of their responsibilities for development finance and capacity building.

    On reforming UN peacekeeping, Modi is lobbying to increase the decisionmaking power of troop contributing countries (of which India is a giant) in all aspects of mission planning. For too long, the agenda-setting of the mandate and limitations of peacekeepers on the ground has been determined by donors and major powers, rendering senders of blue berets into obedient servants carrying out orders. Modi is fighting to engineer a shift in the balance of power in the peacekeeping regime in favour of developing nations that bear the brunt of the work in conflict zones.

    Modi's stay in the US has also witnessed courting of Wall Street financiers, media moguls and technology icons to whet their appetites to invest in India. The standout dimension of his pitch this time is in finding American partners to spur native startups and entrepreneurship in India.

    His quip that India has transcended talk of public and private sectors and moved on to nurturing the "personal sector", meaning "individual enterprise and innovation", and his presence at unique events like `hackathons' connecting India-based and Silicon Valley-based ideation, will inspire Indian youth.

    The Indian-origin chief executive of Google, Sundar Pichai, welcomed Modi by mooting a linkage between the IT revolution that has already happened in Silicon Valley and the digital revolution that the PM desires to implement in rural and small town India. Modi's diaspora diplomacy in the US West Coast is to build a bridge between the most successful community of non-resident Indians and the hidden creative geniuses who are yet to emerge to limelight from India's nooks and crannies.

    Critics mock Modi's foreign travels as high in theatrics and low in concrete takeaways. But apart from the horde of FDI plans reconfirmed by Fortune 500 chief executives after meeting Modi in New York, the PM has obtained a intangible gain. He has fused the American dream with the Indian one at the people-to-people level. `Inderica'-a confluence of talent and originality between India and America -is on the anvil.


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