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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Tuesday, September 29, 2015 Let Me Speak Human!Partition story decoded thanks the Ms Mamata Banerjee irrespective of her politics.Send the Refugees to MARS now! Palash Biswas

Let Me Speak Human!Partition story decoded thanks the Ms Mamata Banerjee irrespective of her politics.Send the Refugees to MARS now!

Palash Biswas

I have been insisting that RSS is doing everything to cut off Kashmir,specifically Kashmir valley out of Indian Map! I have always been writing and speaking the story of partition in First Person version,the version of the a partition victim,the story of the continuous bloodshed,continuous holocaust and continuous refugee influx worldwide.The official history as well as the so called mainstream literature voice the third person description of the Greek Tragedy in India.It is the story of the rulers defending the interest of the class rule,caste hegemony of blatant racial apartheid.

We have to go back to history to understand the RSS agenda of making India Hindu within 2020 and making a Hindu Globe.The mechanism of fascism was behind the partition of Bengal,partition of Punjab,continuous persecution of Kashmir,AFSPA,Salawa Judum and this Bermuda triangle of privatization,liberalization and globalization,the phenomenon of the SIYAST MAJHAB HUKUMAT COMBINED sacred bloodthirsty Trishul!

Thanks Ms Mamata Banerjee to declassify the cabinet documents on Netaji between 1938-1947.These documents are very important to know Fazlul Haq whom no indian citizen does not know these days.

Didi,thanks and I never cared for political correction as well as spell check or aesthetics when I deal with social realism and history.I care for the truth and my methodology consists of scientific approach,objective impartial outlook and commitment to the masses,the humanity and nature.I am not dealing politics.

I have to leave Bangal very soon as I belong to a refugee resettlement colony,Basantipur in Uttarakhand and I landed in Bengal as a journalist associated with Indian Express.I have to retire on May ,1916 as i coplete almost twenty five years in Bengal.Neither I belong to Bengal intelligentsia nor I am subject of political equation.I never sought a meeting with you face to face even while you were leading Bengal Peasantry in a movement against forcible land acquisition and I always stood with Mahashweta Devi whom you call the JANANi,mother of the Mass Movement.I disassociated with her as she tagged herself with your politics.I have been criticising the politics and governance as my commitment is limited to humanity and nature beyond politics and borders. I have not to seek you favour for my sustenance in Bengal.better I leave Bengal.

The Netaji documents earlier you declasified proved my point that  Netaji had never been a fascist and in fact he fought against fascism and he tried his best to sustain pluralism and diversity against the Fascist Manusmriti Hegemony.As the latest documents support and confirm my version of the partition story,and the continuous partition and affarairs realted to tribal geography countrwide and beyond,the degenerated plight of the refugges,the victims of continuous partion,may point of view on RSS agenda of exclusionof Kashmir and North East to make a Hindu Nation,the INDERICA of ethnic cleansing and genocide culture.Thanks Mamta Didi!

The first prime minister of Bengal,Fazlul Haq was the leader of Parja krishak Party of the Hindu Muslim Tribal peasantry united since the demise of Buddhist Bengal who had been fighting against East India Company and British Raj and this grand alliance of the majority agrarian communities,the real bahujan samaj continuously fought for workers the right to land and rights of the workers in a feudal production system captured by feudal lords, the Zamindars who aligned with British Raj and later converted themselves swadishi to national leaders.

It is the story of chuar, munda, bheel, santhal insurections,Sanyasi rebellion,Indigo revolt,freedom struggle in 1857 to Tebhaga and food movement turminated in Naxalismand Maoism!

Praja Krishak Party was formed to push for their demand of land reforms and it had been also the demand of Matua Movement led by Harichand and Guruchand Thakur which saw Jogendra nath Mandal to become the face of untouchable Bengal.

This story is very important to understand the incarnation of Dr BR Ambedkar as the chairman of the draft committee of Indian Constitution.

The supporters of Fazlul Haq and Harichand Guruchand Thakur and the untouchables of East Bengal empowered babasaheb to ensure constitutional safeguards for SC, ST, OBC, Minorities, Workers and Women!

I am waiting for the fine prints of those documents.

One document deals with the riots named Direct Action in Kolkata in 1946 which is believed to be decisive for

partition and population transfer in 1947 confirming Two Nations theory to sustain and revive Hindutva as well as Manusmriti rule with reservation quota eternal sanctity to the losing hell of Hindutva,the caste system,the permanent settlement of brutal,blatant racial apartheid to divide the workers and toiling masses,the agrarian communities in identity politics as we watch the LIVE Mahabharta,the caste war in a KURUKSHETRA renamed and relaunched as BIHAR!

Hitherto we had been blaming SUHARWARDI for Direct Action and RSS hitherto has made it a content full of blood and meat that Islam and Muslims were responsible for every riot and for the partition and we. the Indian people treat Muslims and Non Hindus as second class third class mankind like we demonise every other community other than the ruling castes rooted in Aryan PURITY!

These documents prove that Hindutva forces including Congress had a greater role in Direct action as we have already witnessed in bleeding punjab,Sikh Genocide,Gujarat Killings,Babri Mosque demolition and the latest in Mujaffarnagar.

One of the documents expose the details of the meeting held in Kolkata to finalize the strategy to stop Netaji to enter India and the ruling hegemony ensured that Netaji must not return to Kolkata.

I belong to the refugee,scattered worldwide,those wanted to return to their original home just because someone like comrade Jyoti Basu called them back home like the waves.Their returned and the the first LefT Front Government ,known better for land reforms and Dr,Ashok Mitra as the FM of that government massacred them in Marichjhapi.Since then MRICHJHANPI people denied justice.

Didi,you visited Marichjhanpi time and again and you promised justice.But you just forgot.You reopened every file of Genocide in Bengal except Marichjhanpi Genocide.Why?

Just send us to MARS as our friend,poet and late seniormost minister in tripura Anil Sarkar suggested that the refugees should be sent to some other planet if they are deprived of citizenship.

Way back in 2002 we were jointly addressing the Press in Agaratala Press club to protest the citizenship amendment bill,2003. Published on 26 May 2012 Mr. PALASH BISWAS DELIVERING SPEECH AT BAMCEF PROGRAM AT NAGPUR ON 17 & 18 SEPTEMBER 2003 Sub:- CITIZEN SHEEP AMENDMENT ACT 2003

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Published on 26 May 2012



  1. Marichjhanpi Genocide - YouTube

  2. Video for Marichjhanpi▶ 2:56


  4. Feb 8, 2008 - Uploaded by Indegeneous

  5. An Open Petition in Video: Exclusive Exposure of Evidences. This is a research based Documentary film in ...

  6. MARICHJHANPI 1978-79 : Tortured Humanity on Vimeo

  7. Video for Marichjhanpi▶ 1:01:20

  8. › Activist Canvas › Videos

  9. May 19, 2011

  10. Investigation-Screenplay-Camera-Direction-Production : TUSHAR BHATTACHARJEE Music-Graphics ...

  11. MARICHJHANPI Part II - YouTube

  12. Video for Marichjhanpi▶ 22:32


  14. May 24, 2015 - Uploaded by Diganta Mukherjee

  15. MARICHJHANPI Part II. Diganta Mukherjee. SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 1. Subscription preferences ...

  16. MARICHJHANPI 1978 Part I - YouTube


  18. May 24, 2015 - MARICHJHANPI 1978 Part I. Diganta Mukherjee. SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 1. Subscription preferences. Loading... Loading... Working.

  19. MARICHJHANPI Part III - YouTube

  20. Video for Marichjhanpi▶ 15:14


  22. May 24, 2015 - Uploaded by Diganta Mukherjee

  23. MARICHJHANPI Part III. Diganta Mukherjee. SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 1. Subscription preferences ...

  24. Dalits in Bengal need to believe and follow Ambedkar ...

  25. Video for Marichjhanpi▶ 28:12


  27. Oct 6, 2013 - Uploaded by Dalitcamera Ambedkar

  28. He then speaks about the left-government's role in killing so many lower castes in Marichjhanpi. When the ...

  29. BIJON SETU 1982_Part-II - YouTube

  30. Video for Marichjhanpi▶ 14:05


  32. May 25, 2015 - Uploaded by Diganta Mukherjee

  33. 30th April 1982. At the heart of Kolkata on Bijon Setu and its nearby Bondel gate area 17 Anandamargi monks ...

  34. RESOLVE.mpg - YouTube



  37. BIJON SETU 1982_Part-I - YouTube

  38. Video for Marichjhanpi▶ 14:04


  40. May 25, 2015 - Uploaded by Diganta Mukherjee

  41. 30th April 1982. At the heart of Kolkata on Bijon Setu and its nearby Bondel gate area 17 Anandamargi monks ...

  42. SUNDARBANS An Unending Story - YouTube

  43. Video for Marichjhanpi▶ 40:03


  45. May 25, 2015 - Uploaded by Diganta Mukherjee

  46. MARICHJHANPI Part II - Duration: 22:32. by Diganta Mukherjee 6 views ... MARICHJHANPI Part III - Duration ...

Mamata Banerjee declassifies files on Netaji and allied cabinet meetings held during 1938-47

  • Netaji BoseOn September 18, after 67 years, as many as 64 Netaji files with the Bengal government were made public in the Kolkata Police museum.

After declassifying the intelligence files on Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, the Mamata Banerjee-led West Bengal state government declassified files on cabinet meetings that were held during the pre-independence era between 1938-47. "We have declassified state cabinet papers from 1938 to 1947 today. Total 401 cabinet files of the pre-independence era were declassified. The declassification of these files will throw light on the history of pre-independence era. The files will be available with the state library and public archive. I will hand over a copy of the CD containing digital data of Netaji files to the President of India, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha speaker," said Banerjee while addressing reporters at Nabanna – state secretariat, before leaving for Delhi.

The Chief Minister will be leaving for Delhi today to attend Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal-convened Chief Minister's meet. Banerjee also highlighted that the digitisation of files is a step towards Digital India program. "Digitisation of files is one such step taken by us towards Digital India program. Digitisation of files after independence will be done in a phase wise manner in future. In this age of internet and social media, we believe in transparency. That is why we declassified files. People must know the truth. We hope the stand taken by our government regarding declassification of files will be adopted by other governments also," she added.

On September 18, after 67 years, as many as 64 Netaji files with the Bengal government were made public in the Kolkata Police museum. While the hard copies of the Netaji files were placed inside the wooden and glass cabinets, ten desktops were installed inside the museum, where visitors can browse through the data of the files in digital format.

All 64 intelligence files, 55 with the then Special Branch of Calcutta Police and nine with the state's IB, were thrown open for public from September 21. The 12,744-page dossier, however, opened up new avenues about Netaji's interactions with people, his personal life and his dreams about freeing India from the British rule.

Mamata Banerjee slams Centre for 'dissolving' planning commission

Economic Times - ‎22 hours ago‎

KOLKATA: Even as Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee welcomes Prime Minister Narendra Modi's efforts for 'Digital India', she attacked the Centre for 'dissolving' the planning commission that in turn affected the federal structure of the country ...

Mamata Banerjee declassifies pre- 1947 papers

The Asian Age - ‎7 hours ago‎

Chief minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday declassified documents relating to 401 cabinet meetings held between 1938 and 1947. The files contain cabinet decisions on various phases of pre independence India, including the Quit India movement, greater ...

Mamata Banerjee discloses pre-Independence cabinet files

Times of India - ‎13 hours ago‎

KOLKATA: Exactly a week after putting on public display the 64 intelligence files on Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose that she had declassified, West Bengal chief minister on Monday released the details of 401 cabinet meetings held between 1938 and 1947.

Mamata Banerjee Declassifies Documents on Cabinet Meetings From 1938 To 1947

NDTV - ‎21 hours ago‎

Kolkata: Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's government has declassified documents relating to 401 cabinet meetings from the period 1938 to 1947. The files contain cabinet notes on the Quit India Movement, the Bengal famine and the Great Calcutta Killings.

Mamata declassifies secret files of cabinet meetings held during 1938-47

Hindustan Times - ‎14 hours ago‎

Carrying on her declassification spree, chief minister Mamata Banerjee unveiled more secret files, this time the documents of cabinet meetings that were held during 1938-47, which was a crucial pre-independence interlude. The files are likely to shed ...

West Bengal govt releases cabinet papers on Netaji between 1938-1947

The Indian Express - ‎21 hours ago‎

WITHIN A fortnight of declassifying 64 files on Subhas Chandra Bose, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday made public cabinet papers on Netaji and allied subjects from 1938 to 1947. "There are several other files, which will be declassified from ...

Declassified: Files of 10 Years That Shook Bengal

The New Indian Express - ‎9 hours ago‎

KOLKATA: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday declassified all files of cabinet meetings of a decade just before independence and reiterated her demand that the Central government make public all the files related to Netaji Subhas ...

Subhash Chandra Bose's daughter urges Narendra Modi to declassify files

Livemint - ‎Sep 27, 2015‎

Members of the Bose family, West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee and many others have been demanding declassification of the Netaji files by the Centre. Asked whether she would appeal to the British, Russian and Japan governments to declassify ...

Mamata government makes public cabinet papers from 1938 to 1947

IBNLive - ‎7 hours ago‎

Asked if she thought that politics was holding back the Centre from declassifying the Netaji files as the same party had promised to declassify the files before the elections, Banerjee said, "It is better not to comment. (The) Centre must face it. I ...

Mamata government to make 1937-48 Cabinet meeting minutes public

IBNLive - ‎Sep 28, 2015‎

Kolkata: After Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose files, Mamata Banerjee government is likely to make public the minutes of the state Cabinet meetings from 1937-48, the crucial pre-Independence decade later on Monday. The minutes could throw light on whether ...

Netaji's open secrets

India Today - ‎Sep 27, 2015‎

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee gave a dramatic spin to the story of the Indian state spying on freedom fighter Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose's family. As the West Bengal governmentdeclassified 64 Intelligence Branch (IB) files on September 18 ...

Mamata Banerjee declassifies files on Netaji and allied cabinet meetings held (blog) - ‎3 hours ago‎

In the growing clamour for declassification of the Netaji files with the Centre, Mamata has said that she wants the Narendra Modi government to follow her footsteps and bring those documents out in the public domain. All the files will be now available ...

Bengal Files: Independence, Riots, Central Bias and Venereal Disease

NDTV - ‎15 hours ago‎

Putting the minutes of 401 cabinet meetings in the public domain, Ms Banerjee displayed what she said was her commitment to transparency and Digital India - the Centre's drive to maximize the use of technology in governance. The release can also be ...

Bengal govt makes public cabinet papers on Netaji between 1938-1947

India Today - ‎21 hours ago‎

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee also released a CD containing information about those papers of 401 cabinet meetings during that period which had witnessed among other events 'Quit India' movement, the great 'Bengal Famine' and Partition ...

West Bengal Government Declassifies Pre-1947 Cabinet Files

NDTV - ‎21 hours ago‎

"From 1938 to 1947, it is a very important period of Indian history and these files provide a lot of information about the Cabinet decisions taken at the period including historic events like the Quit India Movement," said Ms Banerjee at the state ...

Bengal govt may have more Netaji files: Kin

Free Press Journal - ‎13 hours ago‎

Kolkata: The West Bengal government on Monday declassified 401 cabinet files from the pre-independence era. Announcing the declassification of the files which date from 1938 to Independence, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said the files throw light on ...

Mamata government to declassify pre-cabinet meeting files

Tehelka - ‎21 hours ago‎

The declassified files on Netaji revealed that several arms of the state administration snooped on the members of Netaji's family after his mysterious disappearance. The intention was to reveal the cabinet minutes expressed by chief minister Mamata ...

Cabinet papers on Netaji between 1938-1947 made public

Business Standard - ‎20 hours ago‎

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee & Kolkata Police Commissioner Surajit Purkayastha at the release of the confidential files on Netaji at Kolkata Police Museum in Kolkata. Photo: PTI ...

Bengal govt declassifies cabinet papers on Netaji Subhas Bose, allied issues ...

Zee News - ‎22 hours ago‎

"Those papers may have been confidential in pre-independent India but today there is a need to bring them into public domain. That is why we made them public," Chief Minister Mamata Banerjeetold reporters at the state secretariat. Banerjee also ...

Bengal makes public cabinet papers on Netaji between 1938-1947

Daily Excelsior - ‎11 hours ago‎

That is why we made them public," Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee told reporters at the state secretariat. Banerjee also released a CD containing information about those papers of 401 cabinet meetings during that period which had witnessed among other ...

Netaji's Daughter Urges PM Modi to Declassify Files

NDTV - ‎Sep 26, 2015‎

"As a scholar, I certainly believe that all the old files which have been kept closed beyond thirty years should be declassified. As a daughter, I certainly also demand that those on my father bedeclassified," Anita said in an email interview with PTI ...

Bengal makes public cabinet papers from 1938 to 1947

Business Standard - ‎15 hours ago‎

TMC MP Abhishek Banerjee claims Mamata govt 'killed' Kishenji Ganguly meets CM Mamata Banerjee, speculation rife West Bengal fully prepared to deal with cyclone 'Komen':Mamata West Bengal on alert as 39 dead due to heavy rains: Mamata Mamata ...

WB declassifies cabinet papers from 1938 to1947

Business Standard - ‎20 hours ago‎

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday said that her government hasdeclassified the state cabinet papers from 1938 to 1947 and urged other governments to do the same. Array. "West Bengal Government has today declassified state ...

WB Govt declassifies state cabinet papers from 1938 till 1947, makes them

Dispatch Times - ‎13 hours ago‎

... Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee told reporters at the state secretariat. "Day after tomorrow, Kejriwal had invited me for a seminar, which I will attend", she said. According to the declassifiedfiles by the West Bengal government, Netaji Subash ...

Bengal government declassifies pre-1947 cabinet files

Dispatch Times - ‎4 hours ago‎

Kolkata: Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's government has declassified documents relating to 401 cabinet meetings from the period 1938 to 1947. Ms Banerjee today again reiterated her request that the Centre should follow the state government's decision ...

Netaji's daughter urges Modi to declassify files

GWS Newswire - ‎3 hours ago‎

As a scholar, I certainly believe that all the old files which have been kept closed beyond thirty years should be declassified. The intention was to reveal the cabinet minutes expressed by chief minister Mamata Banerjee at the state Assembly last week.

W Bengal declassifies pre-1947 cabinet files

Gulf Times - ‎16 hours ago‎

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and Finance Minister Amit Mitra announce thedeclassification of cabinet papers for the period 1938-1947 in Howrah yesterday. IANS/Kolkata The West Bengal government yesterday declassified 401 cabinet files ...

Bengal govt declassifies cabinet papers on Bose, allied issues from 1938 to 1947

Kashmir Images - ‎9 hours ago‎

Kolkata: The West Bengal government on Monday declassified cabinet papers on great freedom fighter Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and allied issues from 1938 to 1947. Those papers may have been confidential in pre-independent India but today there is a ...

West Bengal government declassifies 401 Cabinet files from 1938-47 of the pre...

New Kerala - ‎22 hours ago‎

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday said her government has declassified401 Cabinet files from 1938-47 of the pre-independence era. Total 401 Cabinet files from 1938-47 of the pre-independence era were declassified today by our ...

Just see these reports:

Blue streaks on a red planet

The Economist - ‎18 hours ago‎

ASTRONOMERS are fairly sure that Mars was once wet. There is plenty of evidence—from dried-up river valleys to the presence of chemicals that need water to form—to suggest this. Modern Mars, though, is a freezing desert. In the 4.5 billion years ...

This Water on Mars News Kinda Throws Off The Martian's Plot

WIRED - ‎8 hours ago‎

First, a quick mostly spoiler-free tidbit about The Martian for folks who don't know: It's about an astronaut stranded on Mars who has to find a way to grow his own food to survive until he can be rescued. Since Mars is an arid planet where, as Watney ...

NASA confirms Mars has water: Here is a closer look at some pictures

The Indian Express - ‎3 hours ago‎

These images come from observations of Newton crater released in 2011, shows warm-season features that might be seen as evidence of salty liquid water active on Mars. The features that extend down the slope during warm seasons are called recurring ...

Is Mars Contaminated?

The Atlantic - ‎15 hours ago‎

That was the subtext from NASA on Monday, as scientists announced, in a landmark finding, that the Red Planet has water flowing on it. Not just hunks of ice or evidence of ancient, dried-up oceans—but wet, trickling, salty droplets of water on Mars ...

Breaking: NASA Confirms Existence of Liquid Saltwater on Mars

Observer - ‎17 hours ago‎

Dark narrow streaks called recurring slope lineae emanating out of the walls of Garni crater onMars. The dark streaks here are up to a few hundred meters in length and are hypothesized to be formed by the flow of salt water. (Photo: NASA/JPL ...

Strong evidence of flowing salt water on Mars: Study

The Indian Express - ‎17 hours ago‎

Strong evidence of flowing salt water on Mars: Study. Scientists have found the first evidence that briny water may flow on the surface of Mars during the planet's summer months, a paper published on Monday showed.

Nasa announces water on Mars and the jokes start flowing

The Guardian - ‎13 hours ago‎

Nasa announced on Monday that researchers have found flowing water on Mars, raising the odds of finding life on the planet. On the internet, this impressive discovery was celebrated with due gravity – or indeed a lack of it. Among other things, the ...

Google Doodle Honors NASA's Discovery of Water on Mars

TIME - ‎5 hours ago‎

The revelation means that the seemingly dry and desert-like planet could potentially support life. It is still uncertain what exactly makes the water flow, but it does contribute to NASA's belief that a manned mission to Mars would have value to ...

NASA's Mars Announcement: Present-day transient flows of briny water on steep ...

The Planetary Society (blog) - ‎13 hours ago‎

NASA held a press briefing today to publicize a cool incremental result in the story of present-day liquid water onMars. It concerns a paper published today in Nature Geoscience by Luju Ojha and several coauthors: "Spectral evidence for hydrated salts ...

Water Flows on Mars Today, NASA Announces

Scientific American - ‎16 hours ago‎

New evidence from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) confirms that suspicious dark streaks on Mars that appear and disappear with the seasons are created by flowing liquid water. The streaks are made by salty water that runs down steep hills ...

Here Are Twitter's Best Jokes About Water on Mars

TIME - ‎16 hours ago‎

Scientists announced that they have discovered signs of water on Mars in a NASA press conference Monday morning, fueling questions about whether life could survive on the red planet. Naturally, jokes flowed on Twitter, including barbs from actors, ...

NASA confirms that liquid water flows on Mars

The Verge - ‎17 hours ago‎

Liquid water exists on the surface of Mars during the planet's warmer seasons, according to new research published in Nature Geosciences. This revelation comes from new spectral data gathered by NASA's MarsReconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), a spacecraft ...

NASA Finds 'Definitive' Liquid Water on Mars

National Geographic - ‎15 hours ago‎

Wherever its source, it's no surprise that there's water on Mars. Entire Martian landscapes have been sculpted by the stuff (including an ancient mile-deep sea)—albeit billions of years ago when the planet was warmer and more watery. The fleet of ...

Water Is Flowing on Mars

The Atlantic - ‎17 hours ago‎

"Water is essential to life as we know it," wrote Lujendra Ojha, Mary Beth Wilhelm, and their co-authors in a paper published Monday in Nature Geoscience. "The presence of liquid water on Marstoday has astrobiological, geologic, and hydrologic ...

Mystery Solved: Water DOES Flow on Mars

Discovery News - ‎18 hours ago‎

Scientists have their first evidence that trickles of liquid water play a role in sculpting mysterious dark streaks that appear during summertime months on Mars, a finding that has implications for potential life on Mars, as well as planning for future ...

Water flows on Mars, raising possibility that planet could support life ...

Reuters - ‎13 hours ago‎

Briny water flows during the summer months on Mars, raising the possibility that the planet long thought to be arid could support life today, scientists analyzing data from a NASA spacecraft said on Monday. Although the source and the chemistry of the ...

Mars Shows Signs of Flowing Salt Water

Wall Street Journal - ‎15 hours ago‎

Trickles of salt water may flow freely along ravines on Mars despite the planet's extreme aridity, deep cold and tenuous atmosphere, scientists funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration said Monday. In a new satellite study, the ...

Briny flows boost odds for life on Red Planet

The Hindu - ‎12 hours ago‎

Liquid water runs down canyons and crater walls over the summer months on Mars, according to researchers who say the discovery raises the odds of the planet being home to some form of life. The trickles leave long, dark stains on the Martian terrain ...

NASA finds its "strongest evidence yet" that water flows on Mars

Quartz - ‎17 hours ago‎

As much as a fifth of Mars may have been once covered with water—and there may still be some liquid water on the planet, NASA announced today. That is good news if we humans ever hope to find life there, or to colonize the red planet. In 2011 ...

Liquid water probably exists on Mars, Nasa reveals - ‎17 hours ago‎

Nasa has announced the strongest evidence yet that flowing water exists on the surface of Mars. The space agency stopped short of saying the announcement represented final proof of the discovery but said it was increasingly likely that very salty water ...

Nasa Mars water announcement: agency announces it has found proof of flowing ...

The Independent - ‎3 hours ago‎

Nasa has announced that it has found evidence of flowing water on Mars — a discovery with potentially huge implications for the possibility of life on the planet. Scientists have long suspected that the planet might have running water. But the new ...

What the Modern Presence of Water on Mars Means

TIME - ‎15 hours ago‎

Mars may be the solar system's most tragic planet. It once had a dense atmosphere; it once fairly sloshed with water; just one of its oceans may have covered two-thirds of its northern hemisphere. With seasons very much like Earth's, it could have been ...

Liquid water found on Mars's surface - ‎15 hours ago‎

Water – a key necessity for life as we know it – still flows sometimes on the surface of Mars, a new study suggests. Strong evidence for seasonal flows of liquid salty water have been detected by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, report scientists in ...

NASA Scientists Confirm The Presence Of Flowing Water On Mars

Forbes - ‎16 hours ago‎

There's virtually no question that Mars was, at one point, a watery world. Mars rovers have found evidence of geological deposits that require flowing water to create. Curiosity has found the location of an ancient Martian stream. Curiosity has also ...

NASA answers questions after announcing the discovery of water on the surface ... - ‎2 hours ago‎

Will a hypothetical future mission to Mars be able to use it as a resource? Where is it coming from? NASA tried its best to answer the tricky questions in a Reddit AMA this morning. It descended quickly into chaos. "Where da aliens at?" one user asked ...

Here's Everything We Know So Far About Finding Water on Mars

Gizmodo - ‎9 hours ago‎

Big news broke this morning as NASA scientists announced the first direct evidence for water onMars. Let that sink in for a moment. Water. On Mars. It's very exciting stuff, just in time for the big opening weekend of The Martian. Here's what we've ...

Why Humanity Keeps Putting Off the Trip to Mars

TIME - ‎15 hours ago‎

The new movie The Martian, the story of an ill-fated NASA mission to Mars, takes place in the relatively near future. While some of the science has been nit-picked—though relatively little, considering it's a movie—one aspect is, historically ...

Life on Mars? Newly discovered water is a strong sign, NASA says

Los Angeles Times - ‎5 hours ago‎

It's one of the most intriguing questions in science: Could life exist on Mars today? On Monday came an answer: Yes, quite possibly. Scientists using observations from NASA's MarsReconnaissance Orbiter said they've found powerful evidence that briny ...

Water on Mars Means We Might Be Martians, Says NASA

VICE - ‎8 hours ago‎

The dark streaks on this mountain are RSL, which NASA has concluded is concrete evidence of water on Mars. Image via NASA. The discovery of real, liquid water on Mars opens up a host of possibilities about the existence of life on the Red ...

Ridley Scott knew there was water on Mars, didn't have time to change The Martian

A.V. Club DC - ‎8 hours ago‎

Earlier today, scientists from NASA emerged from the rundown garage that government cutbacks have forced them to move to in order to announce a shocking discovery: There is water on Mars. Actual liquid water, like the stuff that comes out of our ...

Indian Express Reports:Obama-Modi bilateral meeting: On the table, terrorism, UN reforms

File: The daughter of Divan Ayubsha Bafaisha, 65, and Divan Jubedabibi Aiyubsha, 62, an elderly couple who died in a stampede during the haj last week in Saudi Arabia, weeps inside her parent's house in Jargal in the western state of Gujarat, India, September 26, 2015.

Mecca tragedy: Death toll of Indians in Hajj stampede rises to 45

File: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, left, extends his hand towards his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif as Sharif arrives for a meeting in New Delhi, India, Tuesday, May 27, 2014.

Modi, Sharif exchange friendly wave at UN summit

Apart from climate change, the much-awaited meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Barack Obama on Monday touched upon a host of other subjects, including terrorism.

Making a reference to his weekend visit to Silicon Valley, Modi said the two countries were bound by technology, enterprise and innovation, and described the economic partnership as a key driver of the relationship and said the two countries would continue to work towards a stronger bilateral framework of economic cooperation, including the Bilateral Investment Treaty and Totalisation Agreement

"There was a broad acknowledgement of the progress made in bilateral relations" since the meeting in January of the two leaders, Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Vikas Swarup said of the one-hour discussion in the UN building after the US President's address to the General Assembly.

To a question on whether Pakistan figured in the discussion, the Swarup said "Pakistan came up in the discussion with one of the three leaders" with whom Modi had bilateral meetings "in the context of terrorism".

Apart from Obama, Modi also met French President Francois Hollande and British Prime Minister David Cameron.

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