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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Sunday, July 13, 2008

*The aftermath of BJP sponsored Bandh*


Following is a brief report about what happened in Indore recently in the
name of the Bharat Bandh, how minorities were targeted, threatened and also
killed, how the nexus between administration, police and state worked
successfully and attained their objective. Pls read it, circulate it,
publish it and make use of it to bring anti communal anti fascist forces

Vineet Tiwari

*The aftermath of BJP sponsored Bandh*

*Indore** ravaged*


July 8th, 2008, Indore

Vineet Tiwari

*(Shafi Mohd. Sheikh, Jaya Mehta, Ashok Dubey, Pankhuri Mishra and Sourabh
Das helped in collecting the data, meeting the victims and in writing this


In the wake of BJP and VHP's call for an all India Bandh, Indore town
witnessed widespread violence on July 3rd & 4th 2008. *Seven lives were lost
*. (Six of them were Muslims). Many people were injured and are admitted in
the hospitals in serious conditions. It was merely a glimpse of the
intention of the communalist forces active in town and in the state of
Madhya Pradesh. They want to replicate the Gujarat experiment of massacre
and bloodbath in MP too.

As the state government is of BJP, it was clear to everybody that state will
rope in all its resources to make the Bandh a success. There has been a
massive reshuffling of state bureaucratic cadre in the recent past. As a
result, both the Collector and SP in the town have taken charge just about a
month ago. One wonders if they bothered to get familiar with the history of
recurrent communal strife in the town.

On the 3rd and 4th of July 2008, BJP and its allied cadre targeted the
Muslim community in a planned manner and the administration offered them the
opportunity to do so. Here is a brief chronology of the violent incidents
which occurred.

1. On July 3rd, two outlets of Reliance Fresh opened their shutters to
unload the vegetables which arrived in the morning. These outlets were
attacked by the BJP, Bajrang Dal and VHP cadre.

2. At around 10.00 A.M., the Bandh supporters entered in the huge number in
Badwali Chowki, a Muslim dominated area. They shouted provocative slogans
and misbehaved with local residents. There was not enough police force to
control the hooligans.

3. The same happened afterwards in other Muslim dominated areas -- Ranipura,
Lodhipura, Mukeripura, Narsinghbazar, and Khajrana. In Khajrana area, people
passing on the road were stopped. After ascertaining their religious
identity, Muslim men and women were beaten up and left unattended. A mob of
10-15 people comprising of young teenager boys were beating Muslims with
hockey sticks. Police was not helping the victims. Aroused people went to
the police station but were not given any assurance. Angry and humiliated
people poured their anger on Khajrana police station. It is also to be noted
that the Bandh supporters were also there in large numbers. Filled with fury
and fear, the Muslim community retaliated with stones and other weapons.
Reportedly some ammunition arms were also there. Firing was opened from both
the sides resulting in the loss of three lives. Incidentally all the three
were Muslims.

Likewise, in Mukeripura area, when a mob of Bandh supporters reached near a
Masjid, they shouted provocative slogans. There was stone pelting from the
roof top of a building. Those who indulged in this violence covered their
faces with handkerchiefs. The Bandh supporting mob also started throwing
stones in retaliation. On the local television channels we observed that the
police stood by helpless unable to stop the violence.

4. In all, four people died in the violence which erupted in the town on July
3rd, 2008. Police and district administration imposed curfew in four areas
of the town. Both Collector and SP accepted in an interview with media, that
they did not anticipate this level of violence. Three people died from the
one area, Khajrana. They were all Muslims and the one Sindhi hindu youth
died in another incident. Local residents reported that he was playing
cricket outside his house, when BJP leaders took him to the riot affected

5. It seems that even after the previous day's incidents, police and
administration could not gauge the boiling temper of the town. Next day,
i.e. on July 4th, 2008, fresh violence erupted in many other areas and took
two more lives. Newspapers say that Muslims coming back from the nearby
Masjid after Namaz started throwing the stones and petrol bombs. However, we
were informed by some residents that first the Muslims, who were coming back
peacefully after the Namaz were attacked. They retaliated. The police took
action against Muslims only and supported the BJP and others taking active
part in the riot.

After this, curfew was imposed in the whole town.

6. The pressure of BJP on Police and administration can be well understood
by one more incident. When curfew was imposed in the whole town, a religious
procession of Venkatesh Mandir was not stopped in Chhatripura area. Police
and administration found themselves helpless. Some 3000 people participated
in the procession. It is to be noted that the procession was taken out in an
area which witnessed rioting and killing just a day before. Member of
Parliament Sumitra Mahajan, MLA Mahendra Hardia and many other BJP leaders
participated in this procession.

7. Kailash Vijayvargiya, a minister in the state government has been given
the charge to restore peace and order. He has repeatedly alleged that SIMI
is behind this eruption of violence. DG police reasserted this allegation.
When asked to provide a satisfactory evidence for this allegation, press was
informed that the police was looking for the evidence. Next day the police
promptly put up the supporting evidence. It should be noted here that in the
recent past police has been found guilty of planting false evidence and
harassing innocent people in connection with SIMI activities.

As elsewhere in the country, Indore also has a glorious past of communal
harmony. However, for last two decades the engineered communal tensions and
clashes are increasing. The reason is no different than that in other parts
of the country.

The Holkar state is known for its secular and progressive rule in the
region. It is common to find temples and mosques or churches built adjacent
to each other. Now, with the advent of communal strife, these symbols of
peaceful coexistence are being used to poison people's mind and to fill the
two communities with hatred. Not a single month goes without a major or
minor communal skirmish in the town.

Communal politics has made deep inroads in the administrative setup as well
as in the audio visual and print media. Temples in Police Stations are a
common feature in entire country, including the states ruled by the left
front. Now a days, the press clubs are also not spared. In Indore Press
Club, one can see a newly built big enough temple inside the premise.

Muslim community in Khajrana reports that on 3rd of July the RsSS and
Bajrang Dal systematically bashed up the Muslims walking on the street. When
the muslims went to lodge a complaint at the local police station the police
refused to do so . This infuriated the Muslims and they started throwing
stones. This was promptly photographed and reported by the media 'Muslim mob
in communal frenzy'. Innumerable instances of such biased and inflammatory
reporting can be cited. Channels were showing continuously the scenes of
violence for next 2-3 days after the incident with the label '*LIVE'*.

Media was reporting in great detail how people (middle class) are passing
their time in curfew---playing cricket in the streets or inside the
compounds of their multi storied buildings, or men cooking some good dishes
celebrating it as a holiday, or watching TV with family or playing cards,
etc. Little space was left for reporting plight of those whose near ones
died or those who are lying in hospitals. There was no effort from media to
mobilise public opinion to take action against the culprits of this crime.
There were several shows of peace seeking people appealing public to calm
down. There was a general philosophical message inherent in these all that
"Past is past; now forget about it and restore peace", as though; it was a
natural calamity or merely an accident.

Reportedly, the police force on the pretext of guarding the streets under
curfew entered the Muslim resident area and indiscriminately attacked their
vehicles and threw stones at their houses. Reportedly, there was firing from
the rooftops of police quarters.

Furthermore, Sewa Bharati, an RSS outfit, declared help for curfew affected
people by providing them the food. Some mobile numbers were also shown on
the television to contact. This reminded me of the US attack on
Afghanistanwhen they threw food packets along with the bombs. On July
7th, 2008, BJP leaders took out a peace march in a riot affected area. This
was clearly giving a silent message to minority that- *Look, nothing
happened to us and nothing will happen to us. You minorities, be aware of
our strength*. Quiet and calm Collector and SP were also silently
reaffirming the message. There are hoardings in the town asking the union
government to take back the Haj facilities from Muslims, if Amarnath Shrine
Board is not given the land title in Jammu. These hoardings display the
names of the very same people who took the lead in the Peace March.

On July 7th, 2008, we interviewed and took the statements of the injured
people and talked to their relatives. Three were critical. They got injured
in firing. They were kept on ventilators. I saw them. The same night, one of
them died who was hit by a bullet in the neck.

Congress leaders came and took the BJP, RSS and district administration to
task, but they are no real hope. With the nearing elections in the state, as
well as in the nation, the focus will soon shift from providing real justice
to the victims to collecting votes.

In such circumstances, we know that there is no readymade solution. It is
also not that that we have suddenly got up from any sleep after this shock.
We, in limited numbers and in more limited resources, have been fighting
with these communal fascist forces, forces of globalisation and forces of
darkness for years. But, and this has been a big but for all of us, these
forces are gaining fresh strength day by day.

We appeal to all anti communal, anti fascist forces to keep a close watch on
Madhya Pradesh, and try to spare more time for the activities in Madhya
Pradesh, and make strong links with the likeminded people and organisations.


*CONTACTS*: Sandarbh Kendra, 26, Mahavir Nagar, Off Kanadia Road,
Vineet Tiwari -09893192740, Jaya Mehta-0731-2561663, Ashok Dubey-9424577474,
Shafi Mohd. Sheikh-9425032121

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