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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

War Zone Widens, Deal Terror Strikes India

War Zone Widens, Deal Terror Strikes India

Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 32

Palash Biswas

War Zone widens right into the heart of this divided bleeding Geopolitics of South Asia.With the demise of USSR, Inidan Subcontinent tagged itself with the Post Modern Hindu White Zionists Manusmriti Apartheid Galaxy Order led by Corporate US War and weapon Economy! As Barrack Obama retreated from his demand of withdrawal from Iraq and converted in Rigid Americanism of Vietnam days with War Cry against the Muslim world, in the same way the secular, nonaligned face of Indian Nation defaced immediately. India could not resist the Oil War, true, but India even did not care to condemn US aggression in Middle east. India has a bulk of Muslim population, more than the most populated Muslim Nation. But never tried to be impartial in War Against Terrorism, a CRUSADE launched once again against Islam! Rather India stood rock solid with USA War Machinery and with the introduction of neo Liberalism and LPG with a planted finance Minister in Narsimha government, India wiped its History of foreign relations surrendering Freedom and Sovereignty.

Indo US Nuclear Deal strikes India now and the People of india Bleed with flooding Swiss Bank accounts!

My old readers might remember, I have been writing on this possibility since the first day of Neo Liberalism introduced in India. I wrote the Interactive Novel AMERIKA SE SAVDHAN, Be Aware Of America daring all the debate and visualised the Future.

The Future has taken over the Present and India has become a part of Middle East witnessing serial Bomb blast and Terror attacks!The anger against US Terror is targeted to the people of India and we have no Escape Route and have to wait the fatal eventuality of being Blasted out someday or other days. We have no scope for the Memories for another day!

What Pakistan has done with alignment with United States of America. The ruling class of Sensex Shining India committed the same mistake with strategic re alliance with USA. Now, the Indo US Nuclear deal is Auto Piloted irrespective of parliamentary system and popular mandate. The ruling class has made India a party in War against Terrorism.Thus, we see India bleed! It may continue as the people of this geopolitics has become the fodder for the Animal Farm, which is the Brahminical Hegemony. Since the icons and brands are safe, we have to be put on stake so easily!

war zone
An area in which military combat takes place.
An area at sea in which ships are prone to being attacked during a war.

We may not see the War so transparent. But we have been seized by war. Indian Ocean Peace zone has no peace today. The political borders are relatively clam as US Military presence in Asia works for cease power. We may not see the North eats where the masses are used for target practice by multinational armies. It has been war for the nationalities, indigenous people including dalit SC and OBC divided into more than six thousand castes, aboriginal tribal people and the minorities for full six decades. AFSA continues in the most parts of the Himalayas including Kashmir and the North East. Indiscriminate land acquisition and eviction causing displacement, starvation and annihilation continue just for the sake of Industrialisation, Urbanisation and so called development and infrastructure. MNCs and Ind Corporation rule with muscle power, builders, promoters and media. Constitution killed. Democratic institutions have been abolished mercilessly. You live with changing survival strategies and purchasing capacity decides your opportunities in every sphere already inflicted with intense discrimination.

India faces the challenges from within, not outside!
Who is responsible?

Who cares for the bleeding public?

I have been far away in New Delhi for almost a week to participate a national discourse between Media and Mass Movements organised by Nafre India People1s Movement. It was a rare experience of sharing our experience and opinion with old nad new friends nationwide. We could hear the voices of the Indigenous people and nationalities so clear. The discourse opened on 26 th July and concluded on 27th. I would be writing my experiences in detail after some time.

I travelled by Rajdhani Express from Sealdah, Kolkata. The service seemed to be better than Indian airlines. This train is meant for the privileged classes. I could not detect any security lapse in between. But in New Delhi, the capital of India I saw no arrangement of security for general public. I travelled by bus, auto and metro. I got a phone call from the Marxist minister from Tripura, Anil Sarkar, while Rajdhani Express just entered in New Delhi Railway station. I had talked him on phone on 23rd when he left for Delhi for treatment. he was staying in Tripura Bhavan, near Chankya Cinema Hall in Chanakyapuri. He informed me that a room was booked for me next day in Tripura Bhavan and I had to visit him. On 25th evening I tried to locate my old friends. Staya Sagar is indisposed and Ravindra Tripathi is lying in ICU after an accident. Rajendra Yadav and Sanjeev of HANS were out of station. I caught him in the way to Dausa in train on mobile. he requested me to overstay in Delhi just for two days. I could not.

In the evening, all of a sudden my Nafre Friends including Faisal Anurag, a journalist from Ranchi, called me to translate the Hindi Key Note in English. I was busy to complete the task with Islam in kasturba Kutir, as I heard about the Bomb Blasts in Bangalore. When I got free from the job, I left Gandhi Darshan for Tripura Bhavan. Mr Gaur Hari Sardar, an activist from WBEN, accompanied me and it was 9.30 PM , too late. I know New delhi from 1979 very well. It is very hard to get a conveyance from a place like Rajghat. I alerted NAFRE People that perhaps we had to return midnight. I was in fact afraid of high security alert in a VVIP Zone like Chanakya Puri. We were stranded in Rajghat. We could not get anything for Chankaypuri. Suddenly a bus conductor offered us to drop in Dhaula Kuana. We got the bus. Meanwhile the Minister enquired our whereabouts and asked whether we had taken dinner, We had got the dinner in Kasturba kutir. but we could not inform our location as it was so confusing in the dark so late. We luckily got an auto fro Dhaula kuana at last reached Chankay Puri.

For my awful surprise, we were not intercepted anywhere and there was no security alert in a place like chankaya Puri while the Bomb Blasts was being telecasted live. We met the minister immediately and saw him engaged in browsing the Channels!

Just Think!

We discussed all development for hours. We got up as the Minister called us on 6.30 PM. We had another sitting. then, we left for Rajghat as the discourse was to open and I had to finalise the English draft of the Key Note.

We noticed no change in the routine of New Delhi as we crossed all the High security Zones from Chanakya Puri to AIIMS, Safdarjang Hospital, India Gate to Patiyala Hose, ITO,Delhi Gate and Rajghat. We could not see any hint for a security system for the Public.

I had to address with Anand Swaroop Verma, Anil Chamaria, Vimal Kumar from UNI, P Arun from Manipur and Jaideep Hardikar from Nagpur in the opening session.Anand had just landed Delhi from Nepal. We discussed the developments in Nepal and the crisis over there. The session was followed by Open forum and convened by Dr Lenin from Banaras. I had to speak on Media Mass Movement coordination in this session ,too with representatives from media and mass movement from every part of India. Meanwhile, while I was speaking our dear most friend Pankaj Bisht and Mr Prem Singh arrived. We had another round of person to person interactions involving different parts of India.

Mr Monto from Manipur, asked a sensational question. he described the plight of Manipuri people under AFSA in detail. Then he said, ` We did every thing to communicate the mainstream India! our mother stripped themselves and challenged the army to rape them. It happened to be a great media event. But we failed to communicate mainstream people!’

`What should we the Manipuri People do next?” he asked.

We could not reply.
Could you?
\Mr Prem had his car. I had to visit my sister in Jhilmil Colony.Pnakaj da lives in Mayur Bihar. We planned to visit the Coffee house and then we may depart in Laxmi Nagar. My cousin had left New Delhi and reached Home in Nainital. from there he rang and complained why i did not inform him. Thus, I had to visit my sister lest she should not be angry.

Mohan Singh Palace has been a meeting place for New Delhi Intelligentsia. We drove the place without any trouble and Cannaugt Place including palika bazar was over crowded. It was good to see that no body was scared. There is no Fear Fobia in Delhi People. We parked our car very easily. I saw no security alert anywhere.

Meantime, it was Ahmadabad which was bleeding once again.We were right into the heart of New Delhi but we could not see any security check up anywhere!

In the coffee house, I was involved in very hot debate with Some very old Marxist intellectuals. The topic was linked to the so called Marxist ideology, party Line, discipline, Jyoti Basu, Surjeet, Telengana, Naxalbari, Tebhaga, Nandigram Insurrection, expulsion of Somanth Chatterjee, Mayawati, Trust Vote, Nuclear Deal, Indo US Nuclear Strategic relations, Hindutva and Prakash Karat.It was almost a war. I just blasted and they sticked to their Party Line.

Pankajda intervened and sent me off to get Metro for Jhilmil.

I just entered the Rajeev chowk Metro and got the ticket for Mansarovar. It was raining a bit.

I crossed the metal detector. But the police Personnel did not check my bag. I wet ahead some steps and then, returned. I put my on the table of the Police Post and asked the officer, `Please Check it!’
The message was too loud, but without any impact.

The train reached Kashmiri Gate via New Delhi Station and Chandni Chowk. I never noticed any change, In kashmiri Gate, it was a Rush unprecedented as we had to go upstairs crossing a series of escalators. Once again, there was no security check.

What I want to insist that the Government is nowhere concerned with Public security!

The General Public is the Soft Most Target for the War which is drawn into this subcontinent by the same government to defend the US interests and cater away all our resources to the Corporate Imperialism.

We have been made the scape goats for the Post modern Manusmriti Apartheid HINDU, Zionist , White realignment in the best interest of the New galaxy Order!

I reached Pratap khand in Jhilmil colony crossing the RLY line . There was no security, The most important Flyover opposite Jhilmil Industrial area was dark. The streets were full of mud and water. I landed my cousin Beena`s residence on 9 Am. Hyderabad Blast were live on TV Channels then.

Next day, I had to walk about two KM to get a bus. I was habitual to get bus from anywhere in Jhilmil or Vivek Bihar all these years. But the area is now not crossed over any bus. A posh area like Jhilmil was full of mud and water. It reminded me Kolkata!

My brother in law, Niranjan Mandal, an electrician told me that Metro has changed the conveyance in Delhi.More over, most of the people have got either cars or bikes. What a resurgence of middle class actually reflecting the virtual reality of shining india. I saw the flood of sopping malls and Retail chains across the National Capital.

My fashion designer niece Munia was there when I visited Beena. She was wearing a dull top. She said that it was in vogue. She creates for the consumers and could not say anything about her friends in Redical Students Union in Delhi. She has become an exact housewife with two daughters who declared that I was quite fair to my pleasant surprise. As all these years, I have known myself in toned Black.

Beena and her fashion designer daughter claimed that it is shining and it would be shining. While my brother in law was much worried to see his two IT specialist sons struggling for Job. One of them is married and he has a child to look after! the young men were away and I could not see them.

I reached Gandhi Darshan somewhat late. The concluding session was in progress. some of the friends had already left. We debated intense ly and everyone participated. The UNI people narrated their victory. Some internal scenes in the Media as well as mass movements were exposed. The debate was revolving around the ideas of alternative media and parallel media, reporters network and media mass movement alliance. Democratic Journalists led by Abhishek finished the debate with very positive note.

But I felt the discourse ended somewhat abruptly without any significant result.

Next Morning, on 28 th we reached by an auto at the Delhi railway Station crossing Lal Quila, Jama Masjid and Chandni Chowk. It was crowed as it remains everyday.

And what a scene!

After consecutive two days of Bomb Blasts in Banglore and Ahmedabad, it was quite peace at the station and no body seemed a little bit worried of the security of the Public in general.

Thus, Security and Sftey remain a HI FI affair for the VVIPs only. We never mattered . We never matter.

B-7/3, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi
91-11-4100 1900 (Tel); 91-11-4165 2560 (Fax)
IPCS Issue Brief 39
October 2006
Lalit Mansingh

“Americans always do the right
thing,” said Winston Churchill, “after
they have tried everything else”. In the
contest of India, it took the Americans
five decades to do the right thing.
These were the five decades of the
Cold War, described by the late
Senator Moynihan, a former American
Ambassador to India, as a “half
century of misunderstandings,
miscues, and mishaps. “Former
External Affairs Minister Jaswant
Singh called them “the fifty wasted
Ambassador Mansingh is currently an
Executive Committee Member, IPCS. He
was earlier India’s Foreign Secretary and
Indian Ambassador to the US.
This paper was originally delivered as a
keynote address at the Army War College,
Mhow on 25 September 2006.
1 Defining ‘strategic’: The loose and
indiscriminate usage of this term has made it
difficult to define. “Strategy” originated as a
military expression describing the science and
art of planning victory in a war. Hence
strategic planning was differentiated from
tactical or day-to-day deployment. Currently,
the term is used in international affairs as a
global, long term and comprehensive
relationship between two countries. In a
slightly narrower sense it also refers to a
security relationship, including military
cooperation. I have used both concepts in this
Even though they shared common
values, India and the United States
had divergent views on their
respective roles in the world. The US
saw itself as the leader of the Free
World, fighting a crusade against the
evil forces of international
communism. India had no such
phobia against communism and
preferred to remain non-Aligned. An
enduring image of the Cold War, in
Indian minds, is that of John Foster
Dulles, Eisenhower’s Secretary of
State. Issuing a fatwa against non-
Alignment, Dulles pronounced it
immoral and declared it incompatible
with friendship with the United States.
Dulles was reflecting what the US
Joint Chief of Staff had concluded-that
India was strategically irrelevant for
the United States. Their ally of choice
in the region was Pakistan. As Dulles
pursued his ‘Pactomania’ and got
Pakistan admitted to CENTO and
SEATO, the political distance between
Delhi and Washington continued to
The Indo-US relationship, according to
Strobe Talbott was “a victim of
incompatible obsessions-India’s with
Pakistan and America’s with the
Soviet Union.” Both were Guilty of
being on best terms with “each other’s
principal enemy”. 2
2 Strobe Talbott, Engaging India: Diplomacy,
Democracy and the Bomb (New Delhi: Viking,
2004) p.7
IPCS Issue Brief 39
October 2006
There were nevertheless brief periods
of warmth and understanding, even
attempts at forging strategic ties. At
least three of these are worth nothing.
In 1962, following the Chinese
aggression on India, there was a clear
convergence of strategic interests
between India and the US. Setting
non-Alignment aside, Pandit Nehru
sought urgent military support from
the United States, including two dozen
squadrons of B-47 bombers, a dozen
squadrons of fighter aircraft and air
defence radars. The US responded
with sympathy, but the military
assistance offered was symbolic rather
than substantive. The US
administration was divided on India,
with the Pentagon warning against a
dilution of its strong ties with
Pakistan. India continued to be
strategically irrelevant to the US.
There were two other short periods of
political cooperation-in the mid-80s
and the early 90s, when Indian and the
US set aside their frictions to discuss
technology transfer and military
cooperation. The MOU on transfer of
Technology of 1985and the Kicklighter
proposals of 1991, which outlined “a
common strategic vision”, paved the
way for the Agreed minute of defence
cooperation signed during US Defence
Secretary, William Perry’s visit to
India in 1995. The failure of such
sporadic attempts to take bilateral
relations to the higher plane suggests
that they were still ahead of their time.
Former Deputy Secretary of State,
Strobe Talbott’s book, “engaging
India”, provides a fascination account
of the process by which the US
approach towards India evolved from
estrangement to engagement. Talbott
writes that India was cropping up
frequently in Clinton’s conversations
in the very first year of his presidency
and the Clinton regarded India a
potentially important power for the
US. It indeed Clinton felt that way,
Delhi did not see much evidence of it.
India felt the heat of Clinton’s zeal in
pursuing nuclear non-proliferation.
The move to indefinitely extend the
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
(NPT) was the last straw for India. In
Talbott’s words, the NPT represented
for Indians “the three Ds of US nuclear
policies: dominance, discrimination
and double standards”.
On the Kashmir issue, Washington
continued to tilt towards Pakistan
Clinton’s newly appointed Assistant
Secretary of State for South Asia,
Robin Raphel, even questioned the
legality of Jammu and Kashmir’s
accession to India. Charges of human
rights abuses against India were
getting more strident. There was
skepticism in India when Under
Secretary of State, Tom Pickering
offered a strategic dialogue with India,
which he said, would cover the
“whole gamut of relations”.
And then, India’s nuclear tests in May
1998, made such a dialogue irrelevant.
Washington reacted by slapping
punitive sanctions and took the lead in
condemning India from the forums of
the UN Security Council and the G-8.
From India’s nuclear defiance,
ironically, emerged the most intense,
the most serious and the most
extended set of exchanges between the
two counties. I am referring to the
Jaswant Singh-Strobe Talbott dialogue,
which took place over two years in
fourteen sessions in seven countries.
B-7/3, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi
91-11-4100 1900 (Tel); 91-11-4165 2560 (Fax)
The dialogue helped to clear much of
the debris of past misunderstandings
and made Washington aware of
India’s national and global aspirations
and its rationale for the nuclear tests.
In Talbott’s words, “India had put on
notice that it was now unambiguously,
unapologetically and irrevocably, a
nuclear armed power.”3 It was this
realization which forced the Clinton
administration to abandon its declared
goal to “Cap, Rollback and Eliminate”
India’s nuclear programme.
The US offered India a grand bargain
under which it would withdraw its
nuclear and technology sanctions
provided India met four benchmarks:
• Sign the CTBT
• Negotiate a Fissile Material Cut-off
Treaty (FMCT)
• Enforce world class export controls
on nuclear and missile and
technology and
• Observe a non-threatening defence
Although India had no serious
problems with any of these
requirements, the dialogue remained
stuck on the benchmarks like a broken
record and eventually ended in
deadlock. Talbott conceded with some
disappointment the Jaswant Singh
managed to achieve his objectives
whereas his own targets remained
It is important to understand why the
Clinton Administration’s bold
departure on India ended in selfconfessed
failure, and how George W.
3 ibid, p.51.
Bush, starting from where Clinton had
left, converted the same policy into a
spectacular success.
There are three major reasons that
explain why Clinton did not
eventually succeed with India. Firstly,
in Clinton economics-driven global
vision, China was a much bigger prize
to be pursued than India. Clinton even
sought to bring China into the South
Asian equation, by suggesting that
China could join the US to enforce
peace in the region. India found this
insensitive and deeply offensive.
Secondly, the insistence on
benchmarks made India resentful that
the US Continued to treat it as a global
delinquent. The benchmarks were
seen as a penalty India had to pay in
order to free itself from US sanctions.
India felt no moral or legal obligation
to pay such a price. And finally, what
Clinton was offering to India was
America’s friendship, not a
partnership on equal terms- and that
too with a price tag. India was
prepared to wait and see what his
successor had to offer.
On the face of it, there was a seamless
continuity of US policy towards India
under George W. Bush in 2001. In fact,
it appeared to be the only segment of
Clinton’s foreign policy that Bush did
not repudiate and demolish. Beneath
the surface however, there was an
important change of approach.
Firstly, Bush did not perceive India as
a lesser prize than China. Influenced
no doubt by the Neo-Cons, Bush and
his team considered India a counterweight
and not a lightweight, against
Secondly, India was no longer
regarded to be in the dock and there
was no penalty to be paid for alleged
IPCS Issue Brief 39
October 2006
misdeeds. India was seen as entitled to
its rightful place in the world order.
Condoleeza Rice proclaimed that the
United States would facilitate India’s
quest for global status. Finally, Bush
was offering more than a hand of
friendship: he was keen to make India
a strategic partner of the United States.
This was truly a new beginning.
Defining the contours of the strategic
partnership, the US National Security
Strategy, 2002, declared that “the
United States had undertaken a
transformation of its bilateral
relationship with India based on a
conviction that US interests require a
strong relationship with India.” The
document stressed the shared values
of the two countries and their common
global interests, which included (i) the
free flow of commerce, especially in
the “vital sea lanes of the Indian
Ocean,” (ii) fighting terrorism and (iii)
creating “a strategically stable Asia”.
While the US strategic vision was
fixed on the long range and defined in
global terms, the Indian outlook was
focused on immediate priorities and
tangibles. The negotiations were long
and difficult, often abrasive. In the
end, an agreement was reached in
January 2004 in the form of the “Next
Steps in the Strategic Partnership”
(NSSP). To the satisfaction of the
Indian side, it covered the trinity of
issues of priority to India: Space,
Nuclear Power and High Technology.
With the conclusion of the NSSP, the
bulk of the technology sanctions on
India were removed by the Bush
The 2004 elections in both countries
produced a new government in India
under Dr. Manmohan Singh and a
second term for George W. Bush in the
US. The common message emerging
from both capitals after the elections
was continuity of foreign policy. In
fact, both countries decided to take
their strategic dialogue to the next
There have been three notable bilateral
exchanges in the past eighteen months
during the visits of Condoleeza Rice to
Delhi in March 2005; of Manmohan
Singh to Washington in July 2005 and
of George W. Bush to Delhi in March
Condoleeza Rice brought with her an
outline of the second Bush
administration’s Grand Strategy for
India. The US, she told the Indian
Prime Minister, was willing to help
India became a major power in the
21st century. And as a first step, the
US would reverse three decades of its
oppositions to India’s nuclear
programme and make civilian nuclear
cooperation the centerpiece of the new
relationship. While India responded
favourably, it took time for the full
impact of the American offer to sink
in. No one understood better than Dr.
Manmohan Singh that this was a
historic opportunity for India to shed
the burdens of the past and strike a
new path to the future.
India formally accepted the American
offer during the Prime Minister’s visit
to Washington in July 2005. The
agreement announced on 18th July
that year was more or less on India’s
terms. India was recognized as a
“responsible state with advanced
nuclear technology” i.e. a de facto
nuclear weapon power. Both sides
would take reciprocal steps to make
their nuclear cooperation operational.
B-7/3, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi
91-11-4100 1900 (Tel); 91-11-4165 2560 (Fax)
The US undertook to amend its
domestic laws and persuade the
Members of the Nuclear Suppliers
Group (NSG) to resume nuclear
cooperation and commerce with India.
The joint statement issued during the
visit of President Bush to India in
March 2006 was a follow up of the July
2005 agreement. It was a
demonstration of India’s seriousness
in pursuing the strategic dialogue with
the US.
The July 2005 joint statement has been
analysed threadbare by Think Tanks,
political leaders and media
commentators in both countries. I
have been openly partisan in
supporting the deal and will therefore
spare you a catalogue of the pros and
cons of the debate. Let me therefore
offer a few observations on the
political, economic and strategic
implications of this historic agreement.
Politically, the July 2005 agreement is
by far the most significant and far
reaching understanding that India has
reached with any major power, not
excluding the Indo-Soviet Treaty of
Peace, Friendship an Cooperation of
1971. It recognize India as a de facto
nuclear power, clears the way for it to
become a global power and
strengthens India’s claims for
permanent membership of the
Security Council.
From the economic point of view, it
removed three decades of
technological sanctions on India and
offered multi layered cooperation with
the world’s most powerful economy.
Most importantly, it widened the
energy options for India and projected
nuclear energy as a viable source of
power for its expanding economy.
Finally, in strategic terms, the
agreement of July 2005 gave India
enormous global leverage as a partner
of the United States, especially in
ensuring India’s security in a turbulent
There is persistent criticism that the
July 2005 agreement has turned India
into a satellite or a junior partner of
the United States thus compelling
India to subordinate its foreign policy
to the global interests of the US.
India’s track record since
Independence makes it an unlikely
candidate for being the satellite or
subaltern of any power of the world.
Despite the generous assistance given
by the Soviet Union to India in almost
all fields, Mrs. Indira Gandhi had the
courage to say “no” to Breznev when
he urged India to join the Asian
Security Union. In 1994 and 1998,
India defined the big powers
collectively to conduct nuclear tests.
More recently, India turned down and
American request to send its troops to
Iraq. As Ashley Tellis told a committee
of the US Congress on 16 November
2005, “India’s large size, its proud
history, and its great ambitions, ensure
that it will likely march to the beat of
its own drummer.”
There is speculation on whether or not
China has been a factor in the
emerging strategic relationship
between India and the United States.
Official denials notwithstanding, both
IPCS Issue Brief 39
October 2006
countries have reasons to be
concerned about the future role of
China on the global scene. India’s
national psyche still bears the scars of
1962, despite the efforts to normalize
China-Indian relations since 1988.
China has proliferated missile and
nuclear technology to Pakistan, and
continues to be a major source of
weaponry for that country. Further,
India is deeply troubled by China’s
“string of pearts” policy of setting up
military and naval facilities in India’s
vicinity, especially in Myanmar and
The Americans are equally concerned
about China’s unpredictable
behaviour. The Quadrennial Defence
Review (QDR) published recently by
the Pentagon identifies China as the
only potential long-term military
threat to the US.
While nobody is suggesting that India
and the US should join in militarily
“containing” China, there is obvious
convergence of interests in both
countries exchanging notes and in
keeping a wary eye on China’s policies
and actions. Hence, the significance of
the reference in the US National
Security Strategy 2002 to the common
interests of both countries in “a
strategically stable Asia.”
An account of the Indo-US strategic
relationship will be incomplete
without a reference to the remarkable
growth of military cooperation
between the two sides. This is indeed
the most visible manifestation of the
new partnership. In a complete
reversal of their Cold War attitudes
the two countries have conducted in
joint military exercises covering
maritime interdiction, search and
rescue operations, anti-submarine
warfare, air combat, airlift operations,
mountain warfare, jungle warfare,
disaster management and peacekeeping
The US has, in contrast with the past,
opened its doors to India to procure
state-of-the-art military weapons and
technology. This includes fire-finding
radars, GE 404 engines for the Light
Combat Aircraft and electronic ground
sensors for use on the LOC in Jammu
and Kashmir and counter-terrorism
equipment for our Special Forces. On
offer as well are advanced jet fighters
for the Air Force, the US-Israeli
Phalcon early warning system, the
Patriot PAC-3 missile defence system
and many others.
The conclusion of a 10-year framework
agreement on defence cooperation
during Defence Minister Pranab
Mukherjee’s visit to Washington in
June 2005 is further evidence of the
expanding scope of military
cooperation with the US.
The question at this critical phase in
the strategic partnership with the
United States is, are we there yet?
Not quite. The partnership will be
effective only when it is more visible
on the ground in both courtiers. There
is still a wide gap between the
declarations and their implementation.
Action in many of the declared areas
seems to be faltering. For example, the
Indo-US Global Democracy Initiative,
announced with great fanfare in July
2005 remains a dead letter. Similarly,
the US Proliferation Security Initiative
(PSI), which seeks to Monitor and
interdict clandestine movement of
B-7/3, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi
91-11-4100 1900 (Tel); 91-11-4165 2560 (Fax)

WMD material, is yet to find a
response from India. Terrorism,
another core area of cooperation,
remains in limbo.
It would be more accurate therefore to
describe the current period of our
bilateral relations as a phase of
transition towards a strategic
partnership. There are still
outstanding issues, which, if not
addressed, will not only prolong the
transition, but may even threaten the
very concept of partnership. Two of
these issues are general in nature;
others are single issues on which
difference persist.
The first is the historical legacy of
suspicion and mistrust in both
countries, which remains amongst
influential pockets of political leaders,
civil servants and commentators. It is a
residual mindset of the cold war years
that surfaces from the time to time
with fierce intensity, as during the
debates on the 2005 agreement. In
India, antipathy to the US has brought
together mutually opposed political
groups like the Communists, the BJP
and Islamic Groups. In the absence of
a national consensus, there will be stiff
political opposition at every step of the
road towards the strategic partnership
with the US.
The second general issue relates to the
divergent visions of the two countries
and the way they view their respective
global roles. The American scholar,
Arthur Rubinoff has commented:
“Ironically, now that the United States
recognizes a regional imperative in a
nuclearised South Asia, India
considers itself a global rather than
regional power. The United States
remains a “status-quo” nation while
India, which has never been
comfortable with a world dominated
by Washington, is in many ways a
revisionist state.”4 This is echoed by
Professor Varun Sahni, who says that
“the interests of an emerging power
and that of a hegemonic power are
likely to be incompatible in the
medium-to long term.” Thus there will
be, “natural limits” to the security
cooperation between “natural allies.”5
For three specific issues that remain
outstanding are Pakistan, Terrorism
and India’s aspiration for permanent
membership of the UN Security
For over five decades Washington’s
policy towards South Asia was a zero
sum game, which hyphenated India
with Pakistan. The Bush
administration has declared an end of
both the hyphenation and the zero
sum game. It claims that US relations
have improved dramatically with both
India and Pakistan, neither of them
resenting its close ties with the others.
This is somewhat exaggerated.
Throughout the Cold War, the United
States was accused by India of
practicing double standards. While the
US condemned India for practicing
human rights abuses, of hostility
towards Israel and engaging in
nuclear proliferation, none of the same
issues seemed to matter in America’s
4 Rubinoff, Arthur “Incompatible Objectives
and Shortsighted Policies: US Strategies
Towards India”in “US-Indian Strategic
Ccooperation into the 21st Century” Ed. Sumit
Ganguly et al. (Routledge, 2006) p.54
5 Varun Sahni “Limited Cooperation between
Limited Allies: India’s Strategic Programs and
India-US Strategic Trade”, in “US-Indian
Strategic Cooperation into the 21st century,
Ibid. p. 188
IPCS Issue Brief 39
October 2006
approach towards Pakistan.
Washington turned a blind eye as
Pakistan developed a nuclear weapon
program and proceeded to export its
technology to North Korea, Libya and
Washington current policy of equidistance
and equi-friendship with
Pakistan still smacks of double
standards for India. Proclaiming India
a strategic partner and Pakistan a
major non-NATO ally may be clever
diplomacy, but that does not inspire
trust in India.
Related again to Pakistan are
fundamental difference on the issue of
terrorism. In November 2001,
President Bush, addressing American
troops in Kentucky, declared,
“America has a message for the
nations of the world. If you harbour
terrorists…train or arm a
terrorist…feed and fund a
terrorist…you are a terrorist and will
be held accountable by the United
States.” Pakistan continues to do all
the above and is nevertheless
rewarded with military and economic
largesse by the United States.
Washington’s refusal to treat “jehadi”
terrorism in India at par with global
terrorism reinforces the charges of
double standards.
Finally, India finds it hard to
appreciate the reluctance of the US to
support India’s bid for permanent
membership of the Security Council.
In September 2005, the US announced
at the UN General Assembly that the
US would join in reconstituting a
Security Council that “looks like the
world of 2005.” It then listed the seven
criteria by which the US to would
judge potential members: (i)
commitment to democracy and human
rights (ii) size of economy (iii) size of
population (iv) military capacity (v)
financial contributions to the UN (vi)
contribution to UN peace keeping and
(vii) record on non-proliferation and
counter terrorism.
I recall commenting at that time that
the criteria seemed to be drafted in
south Block, New Delhi, considering
how closely they fitted India. Why
then does the US not endorse. India
when Britain, France and Russia have
publicly extended their support? The
standard US response has been that
the hence the time for endorsing
potential members has not arisen as
yet. In that case, why is Washington
projecting Japan as a potential
member of the Council?
Though they appear formidable, none
of these problems are insurmountable.
In the last six years, India and the
United States have learnt to deal with
their differences with sensitivity,
patience and understanding. More of
the same will be required by the
leadership of both countries in the
years to come. Coalition politics will
continue to generate pressure on the
government in India and slow down
the decision making process. The
prospects of a presidential election in
the US after two years is bound to
raise concerns about the continuity of
the current administration’s policy on
India. I nevertheless remain convinced
that closer bilateral cooperation will be
insulated from partisan politicies in
both countries. The destinies of our
two great countries are interlinked
and the strategic partnership between
them will be one of the defining
features of the 21st century.
An Inquiry into Suicide Terrorism: Psychological Perspectives

Kanica Rakhra
Research Intern, IPCS

In 2007, there were more than 280 suicide attacks all over the world. Used typically as a weapon of psychological warfare to affect a larger public audience, most of these attacks have taken place in countries with a heavy presence of US and allied forces, countries that were also predominantly Muslim countries. The number of countries that have seen suicide attacks has also increased. Why are Muslim youth willing to become bombers?
The three basic reasons for individuals getting influenced into executing suicide attacks could be classified as personal reasons, societal reasons and the influence of militant leaders.
Suicide often occurs when a person's identity becomes more important than his or her life. During adolescence, changes in one's conception of the self and self-esteem take place. The opportunities for development provided by the schools and the communities, the family traditions, and the larger cultural context and historical time period all affect identity development. The organizations leading the insurgencies talk to young people about how their identities are being suppressed, and sway them into believing that by making the ultimate sacrifice, they would be martyrs. This invites a kind of identity confusion that can make them vulnerable. By becoming a part of an organization, the person gets an identity and is given a purpose in life.
Studies suggest that young males experiencing some kind of frustration about the political situation are particularly susceptible to an ideology that requires them to aggress against others and/or themselves. Also, the usual age of suicide attackers falls at the transition phase from childhood to adulthood during which uncertainty about one's life course and the proper ways of conducting one's affairs is likely to reign. The organizations involved use various methods of propaganda to influence individuals. People are constantly reminded of the atrocities committed by the stronger parties, inciting them to retaliate in any way they can. The media is used as an important tool; the organizations celebrate the deaths of the suicide attackers, and the attackers make videos before committing suicide attacks showing the world that they have no remorse about what they are doing.
If an individual belongs to a society that has a history of suicide bombers, who are glorified all the time, the children end up trying to emulate their relatives, and wanting to follow the tradition. Also, if society is largely accepting of the concept, the youth can get drawn towards it. The behavior becomes pro-social instead of anti-social. For example, radical organizations in Palestine not only encourage but also shower admiration on suicide bombers. Becoming a martyr is one of the highest personal attainments and also a way of regaining the pride lost by the entire community under humiliating occupation, whether it is in Iraq, Afghanistan or Palestine.
The attackers come from a community values-based society rather than an individualist society as Western societies usually are. Thus, the idea of the honor or the prestige of the family is given a lot of priority. The bomber-in-waiting feels that he would bring glory to the family by making such a huge sacrifice, glory that he could not bring as a living person. The family would be well respected and their status in society would go up. Many times when the individuals are not able to help out in the day-to-day work of the house, and are considered worthless by the family members, they feel the need to prove themselves and the organizations provide them with this opportunity.
Suicide bombings have, until now, been associated with three main factors - religion, nationality, and ethnicity. However the trend is clearly towards a rise in religion-based attacks throughout the world. The concept of pan-Islamism, as promoted by organizations such as al Qaeda, is growing. From Africa to Europe to South Asia, the rise of the local parties who have sworn allegiance to al Qaeda is a hard reality at this point. Psychologists have different theories on why religion as a tool of influence works well. One of them is the behaviourist school of psychology which believes that religion can be used as a powerful source for conditioning individuals as the origin of religious behavior can be traced to the source of reinforcing stimuli.
Leadership, too, plays an important role in influencing people one way or the other. Powerful leaders win the hearts and mind of their public and bring them under their sway. They talk about the oppression of their people and the humiliation faced by them, which inspires the youth to take things into their hands. Yale University psychologist, Stanley Milgram, found that people all across the world would engage in life-threatening violence simply out of obligation to an 'authority figure' no matter how superficial. In short, people can be manipulated and this tactic is employed by the insurgent groups to their benefit.
There are thus various psychological factors that lead a small section of the youth to accept suicide attacks as a part of the war in protecting their ways of living. These factors range from personal reasons such as identity confusion, retaliation, reward satisfaction, to social reasons such as family prestige, societal glory and leadership skills.

Now, Kolkata on high alert after terror e-mail
NDTV Correspondent
Wednesday, July 30, 2008, (Kolkata)
After Surat, it's now Kolkata's turn to be on edge after an e-mail threatening bomb blasts on prominent streets and landmarks in the city.

Thorough searches late on Tuesday night did not lead to the recovery of any explosives. But police are not taking any chances.

Police have now detained a young man Kaushik Bose, the son of a cyber cafe owner in Kolkata's upmarket Salt Lake area.

Kaushik Bose was grilled through the night and the police have detained him for further questioning.

Police claims that that Kaushik has said he would help in identifying the people, who sent the threat e-mail from the cyber cafe.

The computer from which the e-mail was sent is in Kaushik's name. Police also said that the cyber cafe was operating illegally.
Pak troops fire mortar shells at Indian post
New Delhi-Jammu (PTI): Pakistani forces on Wednesday lobbed heavy 82 mm mortar shells at Indian positions across the Line of Control in Northern Kashmir, marking a major esclation just a day after India conveyed its strong concerns over mounting ceasefire violations.

Six mortar shells were fired at BSF positions in two bursts in a span of one hour from 1130 on wednesday morning in Nowgam sector of Baramulla district, just miles away from the border post which had wittnessed heavy exchange of fire on Tuesday.

The mortar shells fell just short of the Nerian post being manned by BSF personnel.

"There were no casualties on the Indian side", army sources said adding Indian troops did not retaliate to the shelling.

Local army commanders got in touch with their Pakistani counterparts to point the trangression and to get the troops to cease fire, sources said.

The firing comes even as India on Tuesday conveyed its concerns over several instances of cross-border firing by Pakistani troops along the 742 km. LOC.

Arms control experts group opposes nuclear deal
Washington (PTI): Ahead of the crucial IAEA meeting on Friday, a group of arms control experts on Wednesday said both the atomic watchdog and Nuclear Suppliers Group should look at the Indo-US nuclear deal "very carefully and remove all ambiguities."

Sharon Squassoni of the Carnegie Endowment of International Peace cautioned that the "end game" does not stop with the agreement coming before the US Congress for approval but it lies with the 45-member NSG.

"The reality is that the end game is the NSG. India will be able to trade with other states once the 45-member group gives a clean exemption for New Delhi," Squassoni told a press briefing on the subject at the National Press Club.

Ambassador Robert Gray, former US Representative at the Conference on Disarmament, said that the United States was walking away from a treaty signed by 178 nations and termed the agreement as an "unmitigated disaster".

"If any exemption has to come about, it perhaps would have to be addressed by those who initialled the Non Proliferation Treaty," he said.

"The United States has given India a blank cheque... Now we are assisting them (India) to cash the cheque in another Bank, the NSG," he said.

Daryl Kimball, Executive Director of the Arms Control Association and a long time critic of the civil nuclear cooperation between India and US, maintained that the exemption from the NSG is not going to be a "quick one".

Pranab Mukherjee arrives in Colombo
Colombo (PTI): External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee arrived here on Wednesday night to participate in SAARC Council of Ministers meeting tomorrow.

Mukherjee was received at the airport by Sri Lanka's Deputy Foreign Minister M K Hussain Bahila and Indian High Commissioner Alok Prasad.

The SAARC Council of Ministers' meeting will finalise the agenda for the August 2-3 summit.

Mukherjee arrived in Colombo from Tehran where he attended the 15th Ministerial Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).

This year's SAARC summit is being held under the theme of 'Partnership for our people' and will also focus on launch of the SAARC Development Fund, establishing a South Asian Regional Standards Organisation, and increasing cooperation among SAARC nations with regard to criminal offences.

The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) summit, is also likely to be discussed the expansion of the regional grouping.

The Sri Lankan government has stepped up security across the capital for the SAARC meeting.

Anti-national documents seized from LeT activists
Kolkata (PTI): A large number of documents showing anti-national activities have been recovered from two Laskar-e-Toiba activists, who were arrested from Murshidabad, officials of the state CID said on Wednesday.

"We have found a video footage where the arrested duo are seen with a rocket launcher in Pakistan. We have also recovered a pen drive where we traced a huge amount of anti-national documents," DIG (Special Operations Group) Siddhinath Gupta said.

"We have just taken them into custody and we need to interrogate them. The Jammu and Kashmir Police will further interrogate them," Gupta said.

Police had arrested Md Mustaq and Hasan-ud-Zaman from Murshidabad on Tuesday.

Md Mustaq, who runs a garment shop 'Bastramahal' in the local market, is a graduate with Bengali honours while Hasan-ud-Zaman, popularly known as Hasan Master, is pursuing his graduation.

"Zaman was working as a para-teacher in the local Chotkalia High School and was a part of the teachers organisation. Though Mustaq had a clean image, we will see how this man got the trade license," Chairman of Jangipur Municipality Mriganka Bhattacharya told PTI.

A district court on Wednesday remanded the duo in police custody for 14 days.

"They will be brought to Kolkata tonight," Gupta said.

Mustaq and Hasan were working together for about a year as local agents of LeT. They were responsible for giving shelter to terrorists and liased between LeT modules of Bangladesh and India.

The two were also responsible for helping people to migrate to India and smuggle arms and ammunition to facilitate cross-border terrorism, Gupta said.

Police would probe if they had any link with the back to back blasts in Bangalore and Ahmedabad.

The CID recovered a laptop and gelatine sticks from the possession of Mustaq which, the officials said, could become a vital lead for the investigation.

Economy scare & sting
Bomb chain in diamond hub

Ahmedabad, July 29: Eighteen bombs were detected and defused in India’s diamond hub today, with the terrorists apparently choosing to mock the nation’s vulnerability without killing.

Alerted by ordinary people in the diamond hub of Surat, police found one bomb after another in crowded spots from morning through afternoon. Many hung from trees and hoardings 20 feet above the ground, or had been left near schools, power transformers and diamond-polishing or textile units, often with little effort to hide them.

An email sent to media offices around 11am by Indian Mujahideen — which has claimed responsibility for the weekend Bangalore and Ahmedabad blasts — said the militants had meant not to kill this time but merely to flex their muscle.

“We have full killing weapons to destroy the whole... India,” the email added.

The aim of creating panic succeeded, with schools and colleges closing by themselves or being ordered shut by the administration. The town, where three bombs had been detected in the past two days, is expected to shut down tomorrow, and even schools in four “sensitive” localities of Ahmedabad have been ordered to stay closed.

About a dozen bombs were found in and around bustling Varachha Road, the town’s diamond street and a storehouse of wealth that few areas of the country can match. Surat, 250km from Ahmedabad, is the world’s largest diamond-polishing centre with 6,000 units and nearly 10 lakh workers, and an annual business of Rs 70,000 crore.

Most of the bombs were noticed by alert passers-by who called up the police control room. Many of them were members of the Friends of Police, a citizens’ organisation that has turned into an effective news gathering agency.

Over the past two days, the police had explained through the media what a bomb might look like. Those found today were three-sided, wooden-frame structures tightly wrapped in green polythene.

Investigators said that instead of the digital-watch timers used in Ahmedabad, these bombs were fitted with “some kind of a chip” that functioned as an “integrated timer circuit”.

A three-member bomb disposal unit had its hands full, defusing one bomb (a process that takes around 15-20 minutes) and immediately rushing elsewhere to defuse another.

Amid the relief over the successful public vigilance, one question worried a senior police officer: “Only one bomb was found yesterday; how come so many mushroomed overnight?”

The email said the next targets included “(Narendra) Modi, Asharam, schools and colleges”, and named several Gujarat universities and technology institutes. “Asharam” could be a reference to chief minister Modi’s spiritual guru Asaram Bapu.

More stories in Front Page

• Economy scare and sting
• Dalmiya makes a clean sweep
• Voice of India winner dies
• Reform ignition with Reliance role in PF
• Bullet marks on ceasefire sanctity
• US lawmakers agree to ban toxins in toys
• RBI stunner to tell on home loans
• City in a tizzy
• Hope for Subernarekha, relief for Bengal

Surat is an example for the country: Modi

Indo-Asian News Service
Surat, July 30, 2008
First Published: 11:30 IST(30/7/2008)
Last Updated: 18:36 IST(30/7/2008)


A live bomb was found in Varacha locality in Surat on Wednesday shortly after a visit to the area by Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, who said the country needed to firmly fight the "proxy war" being waged by the terrorists.

The bomb was detected at Baroda Prestige Market, about 500 metres from Labeshwar Chowk, where Modi had gone as part of his visit to some of the areas in the city from where explosive devices were found on Tuesday, police said.

The bomb disposal squad, which rushed to the spot, defused the bomb, police said. This is the 21st live bomb found in the city in the last three days.

The bomb detected on Wednesday was similar to the 18 found on Tuesday from in and around Varacha, where several diamond processing units are located, they said.

Modi, who arrived in Surat this morning, announced a reward of Rs 51 lakh for information leading to the terrorists involved in the Ahmedabad serial blasts and the planting of bombs in Surat.

He said with the terrorists targeting cities like Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Mumbai and Hyderabad, it seemed that their intention was to cripple financial activities in the country.

The Chief Minister said as many as 12 big terror strikes had taken place in the country in the last two years and India needed to firmly fight this "proxy war" being waged by the terrorists.

Besides the bombs, two explosive-laden cars were found in this diamond hub on Sunday. The cars had been stolen from Mumbai. Police has released the sketch of a suspect who had parked one of the cars in Heerabaugh area in Surat.

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