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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Sunday, July 13, 2008

An appeal to the Civil Society

An appeal to the Civil Society

Hindol Bhattacharjee

In the political turmoil and in the manipulative condition of Indian political scenario, it is again an obvious situation that excluding the issue around which people raised their voice against the power structure in 2007, i.e., the voice against imperialist economy, namely SEZ, is going to disappear. Though, the manifestation of this economic policy is still going on in different places of India. Not being a political person, I am not at all interested about who is going to rule West Bengal; I just want to ask everybody who is our enemy? If we go on thinking and following the statistics of India, BJP has manifested and taken proper steps to manifest SEZ and Chemical Hub in different corners of Gujarat and they are not at all against the SEZ. As per the central is concerned, the ruling administration of India, captained by Manmohon Singh and Congress leadership, is not at all against the imperialist invasion of economy over India and they have accepted the globalise economy. The movement, steered actually by the farmers of Nandigram and Khammam, is their struggles for survival, to keep their lands for agriculture and they have not at all lost their battle but created some fundamental question which incorporates the thought that whether we have our democracy or not and what is the real development. It is to be noted that development is defined not only by CPM but also by the central and Indian political hierarchy, not giving any importance to some alternative thoughts and not giving any importance to the people's struggle and their consents whether they need this type of development or not. It is not only the hierarchical and urbanised culture to nullify the consents of more than 70% of people living by agriculture , possessing lands but also being practised by each and every political party in India.

CPM is not the enemy and it is equally true to congress or TMC or BJP. They all are puppets of the world wide power structure and they have no such power or intention to stand against this economy. This is also true that after the massacre happened twice at Nandigram and the administrative corruption led by the cadres of CPM in different districts of West Bengal have reached its pinnacle from where we should take our democratic weapon to defeat them here. But this is not the solution of the vast economic invasion over the people of India and the third world countries because we are not at all thinking about a different economic model by which we can fight against this invasion without any banner of so called parliamentarian political parties and system. Congress, BJP and TMC are not at all the solution against CPM and if an alliance is organised among the opponent parties, then it would be just a different driver whose characteristic is the same as CPM as throughout India we have a lot of instances where these parties have done and doing the same thing.

The Civil Society should think about this matter to spread a vast struggle against that economy irrespective of the narrow political changes and alliances, elections etc. It is to be noted that now the problem regarding the SEZ is not a focussing point, whereas the focussing point has been shifted towards the game of political dominance and capture over the steering role of the power through election. Nobody is thinking about the probable hazards that are coming. If this system goes on operating the environment is going to be more polluted, the global warming is aggravating. India is going to face the scarce of lands for agriculture like China, we are going to face food crisis. The inflation along with the treaties concerning Gatt and Dunkle will be the cause of rise in values of medicines etc. No change of existing political system will do anything to change the situation. We all have reacted against the brutality of the massacres, against the autocracy of CPM and it is really a right situation to uphold an alternative economic theory and concept of politics. Economists and environmentalists, scientists and artists—everybody should encourage and participate to build up this otherwise we will be unable to change anything. The democracy for which we are fighting is linked directly with this fight, conceptually and without any political banner. I think in this perspective, Noam Chomsky. Michel Foucault and early Marx can show us the way. But it is only my interpretation. I need your opinion, too.

Hindol Bhattacharjee

29/1A, Ramtanu Bose Lane, Kol-6

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