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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Press Information Bureau

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Agreements on exemption from visa requirement for the holders of Diplomatic and official / service passports between the Government of the Republic of India and the Government of the Republic of El-Salvador, Republic of Honduras and Republic of Nicaragua.
New Delhi : July 31, 2008

The Union Cabinet today gave its ex-post-facto approval for signing of the Agreement between Republic of India and the Republics of El-Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua on exemption from visa requirement for the holders of Diplomatic and official / service passports.

This decision will facilitate visa-free entry, transit and stay for upto ninety days for Indian diplomatic and official passport holders in the territories of El-Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua.

The Agreements shall remain in force for indefinite period.


Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Extension of tenure of the Commission for Economically Backward Classes (EBCs) and to work out modalities so as to give effect to the measures not covered by the existing reservation policy
New Delhi : July 31, 2008

The Union Cabinet today gave its approval to extend the tenure of the Commission for Economically Backward Classes by one year beyond 31.7.2008.

The welfare measures recommended by the Commission will benefit economically backward sections of the society by giving them adequate representation in services.


Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Additional Term of Reference for the Thirteenth Finance Commssion
New Delhi : July 31, 2008

The Union Cabinet today gave its approval for insertion of the following Additional Term of Reference in the Term of Reference of the Thirteenth Finance Commission :-

“ Having regard to the need to bring the liabilities of the Central Government on account of oil, food and fertilizer bonds into fiscal accounting, and the impact of various other obligations of the Central Government on the deficit targets, the Commission may review the road map for fiscal adjustment and suggest a suitably revised roadmap with a view to maintaining the gains of fiscal consolidation through 2010 to 2015”.


Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Release of Rs. 500 crore towards the Social Security Fund maintained by LIC to provide for 50% share of premium ( equal to Rs. 100 per member) under Janashree Bima Yojana (JBY) for all Women Self Help Groups (SHGs) credit linked to Banks.

New Delhi : July 31, 2008

The Union Cabinet today gave its approval for releasing a sum of Rs. 500 crore towards Social Security Fund maintained by LIC, to provide for 50% share of premium equal to Rs. 100 per member per annum to provide death-cum-disability insurance cover to members of Women Self Help Groups credit-lined to Banks under Janashree Bima Yojana (JBY).
This decision will facilitate to provide life and permanent disability cover to members of all Women Self Help Groups credit-linked to Banks under the Janashree Bima Yojana (JBY). LIC will cover 2.50 lakh Women SHGs under JBY by 31st March, 2009.


The Janashree Bima Yojana (JBY), a Social Security Scheme, implemented through Life Insurace Corporation of India (LIC)was launched on 10th August, 2000 with the objective of providing life insurance protection to the rural and urban poor under various vocational groups. The premium under the Scheme is Rs. 200 per member per annum, of which 50% premium is paid by the beneficiaries of the Scheme or Nodal Agency or State Government and the remaining 50% of premium is met from the Social Security Fund contributed by the Government of India and maintained by LIC. At present, there are forty five vocational / occupational groups covered under the Scheme.
Women associated with Self Help Groups (SHGs) is one of the vocational groups and was introduced as a separate vocation / occupation under Janashree Bima Yojana w.e.f. 12th July, 2006.


Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Enlarging the scope of Aam Admi Bima Yojana (AABY) to cover another one crore rural landless households by providing Rs. 1000/- crore in a Fund being operated by LIC of India
New Delhi : July 31, 2008

The Union Cabinet today gave its approval to release of an additional amount of Rs. 1000/- crore to augment the Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana Premium Fund maintained with LIC for meeting the liability of the Central Government towards its share of premium payment for an additional one crore beneficiaries under AABY.

This scheme will cover an additional one crore heads of rural landless households by September 30, 2009 under AABY to provide death and disability benefits to the head of the family or an earning member of the family of rural landless households in the States / UTs that agree to participate in AABY.


In pursuance to the announcement made in the Budget for the year 2007-08, a new scheme ‘Aam Admi Bima Yojana’ (AABY) was launched on 2nd October, 2007 to provide death and disability cover for the benefit of rural landless households in the country. The said scheme is being implemented through the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC).


Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Amendment to the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972

New Delhi : July 31, 2008

The Union Cabinet today gave its approval to accept one recommendation of the Standing Committee of giving effect to the amendments retrospectively with effect from 3rd April, 1997 and to move Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill, 2008 in the Parliament. The Cabinet also gave its approval for withdrawal the Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill, 2007 from the parliament.
This will result in coverage of teachers in the educational institutions under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 with effect from 3rd April, 1997.


Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Introduction of Pension Scheme for employees of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS)

New Delhi : July 31, 2008

The Union Cabinet today gave its approval for introduction of the New Pension Scheme of Government of India to all regular NVS employees joining NVS after the date of notification and also gave its approval for giving an option to the regular employees of NVS as on the date of notification of New Pension Scheme to continue with the existing CPF Scheme or to join the New Pension Scheme. In the latter case, the amount accumulated in CPF account of the employee will be transferred to the Pension fund under the New Pension Scheme.
The service of all new NVS employees will become pensionable. The existing employees will have the option to switch over to the new Pension scheme.

PIB Kolkata

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