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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Saleh calls for recruiting tribesmen to fight Houthis

With top Salafi leader Al-Zindani at his side
Saleh calls for recruiting tribesmen to fight Houthis
By: Mohammed Bin Sallam
http://yementimes. com/article. shtml?i=1171& p=front&a= 1

SA'ADA, July 9 — During a meeting with tribal sheikhs and leaders
from Sa'ada governorate, President Ali Abdullah Saleh called for
recruiting pro-government tribesmen to back the state in its fight
against Houthi supporters, expressing his confidence that prominent
sheikhs and social figures in Sa'ada will stand with the government
in this war.

Several tribal chiefs suggested Saleh should return to the Doha-
brokered ceasefire agreement, which both sides signed this past
February, in order to cease bloodshed and protect citizens' property
from destruction.

However, other tribal sheikhs were enraged by the government's
efforts to recruit thousands of Hashid tribesmen to invade Sa'ada
and devastate its infrastructure, noting that this may trigger
animosity between tribes. "Fomenting sedition this way may lead to
revenge killings lasting for centuries to come," they said.

Informed sources last week reported that the Yemeni government is
expending urgent efforts to recruit more than 10,000 citizens under
the name of a "Popular Army," revealing that several government
parties have pledged future support and a warm reception for the new
recruits. However, the sources did not specify those due to fund
establishing this army.

Efforts to establish a popular army face several obstacles such as
raising tribal disputes over command of this would-be army,
particularly as the Hashid tribe wants to exclude the Bakil tribe
from the new army's command.

Sheikh Hussein Bin Abdullah Al-Ahmar of the Hashid tribe, to which
President Saleh belongs, has been stepping up his efforts for the
past two weeks with the intention of assuming the role of the army's

Sa'ada security situation not good

Regarding the security situation in the war-torn governorate, tribal
sources confirm that bloody confrontations continue in numerous
Sa'ada areas, most notably in the main Houthi stronghold of Mirran
district, as well as in Haidan, Baqem and Harf Sifyan districts.

The same sources note that both sides have incurred heavy losses in
the clashes, adding that the bodies of the dead had been buried over
the past few hours. "Neither side made notable progress on the
battlefield, " the sources pointed out, adding that the Yemeni army,
backed by Salafis and jihadists led by Sheikh Abdulmajid Al-Zindani
and Tareq Al-Fadhili, is planning a new military campaign against
armed Houthi loyalists.

In a statement, Houthis maintain that government troops could not
have advanced toward their strategic positions in Mirran district,
further denying government claims that its troops had seized control
of Khamis Mirran area.

Informed sources in Amran governorate' s Harf Sifyan district say
Houthis still are entrenching in the areas of Ayan, Majzaa and
Sahbal in Harf Sifyan, while government troops advance toward other
remote areas.

The same sources went on to say that Yemeni army troops invaded
Wasit area, where Houthis have been entrenching since Monday, adding
that the troops surround Houthi gunmen from all directions following
Remains of a home in Sa'ada, which still witnesses bloody

ce armed clashes that killed dozens and wounded others on both sides.

Further, the sources ascertain that Houthi loyalists on Monday
seized a military caravan in Harf Sifyan while it was ferrying arms
and ammunition to military troops in Sa'ada. They report that the
caravan was attempting to use an unpaved road known to be used by
smugglers following the blocking of the Sa'ada-Amran Highway.

Because the caravan was on the unpaved smuggling road, this
encouraged Houthi gunmen to seize it, however, they allowed the
troops manning it to return home.

Other Houthi gunmen still are besieging a military brigade in
Barakan area, which the army took over on Saturday following fierce
clashes that killed or wounded dozens on both sides and destroyed
numerous military tanks and vehicles.

According to independent and party-affiliated news web sites, deadly
battles occurred Monday in the areas of Hamma and Wadi Eyan in Harf
Sifyan, during which the army, backed by area tribesmen, employed
tanks and heavy weaponry in the fight against Houthis.

EC assistance

The European Commission allocated €1 million in humanitarian
assistance to residents affected by the lengthy Sa'ada fighting. An
EC press release distributed to various media outlets explained that
its assistance targets injured and displaced civilians as a result
of the destructive fighting in the area.

According to the press release, the clashes between government
troops and Houthi loyalists have displaced 77,000 citizens, thereby
increasing the demand for food, water and shelter.

The EC assistance includes emergency food, drinking water, emergency
sanitation grids, shelter and first aid kits, which may be
sufficient to meet the demands of 49,000 displaced residents.

............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .

Huthi propaganda cell arrested in Sana'a
Posted in: Local News
Written By: Observer Staff
Article Date: Jul 12, 2008 - 3:04:34 AM
http://www.yobserve news/10014575. html

A military source said that military units finished their pursuit of
al-Huthi insurgents in Bani Hoshish area, north-east of Sana'a. The
source said that the army and air force had cleansed the hiding
places of the insurgents who incited terrorist actions in the area.

He said that the military units will now return to their barracks,
after their honorable participation against the criminal elements
that began assaulting the military and destabilizing local security.

In a related issue, the police managed to capture a group of al-
Huthi followers who were running an information center producing
Huthi propaganda material in al-Jiraf area in Sana'a. A security
source said that the captured cell consists of three members: a
religion teacher, a company official and they were helped by an
Asian expert. They received material and training in an unnamed Arab

The source said that the investigations revealed the techniques used
to produce the propaganda material and duplicate them on CD's and
then distribute them to media and the electronic networks which
spread al-Huthi propaganda. The source also said that the cell used
to control electronic sites which help in propagating the Huthi and
Imamate ideology. They also edited the events and sent them to
journalists. The investigations showed that they used internal and
external journalists' e-mails, and provide them with false news
about the conflicts in order to raise the insurgents' morals.

The security source said that the captured elements' confessions
disclosed that they used to write reports about public opinion
trends and sent them together with some photographs to Abdulmalik al-
Huthi and external journalists, particularly to the American
journalist Jane Novak using certain links. They also write a daily
bulletin to a so called `rebels' office.'

The source said that the cell members admitted receiving money from
some families who are affiliates of Hameededin family, and who live
in a neighboring country. The source concluded by saying that the
cell members will be referred after investigations to relevant

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