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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hindutva Stopped Mayawati, Hindutva May Stop Barrack Obama Also!

Hindutva Stopped Mayawati, Hindutva May Stop Barrack Obama Also!

Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 31

Palash Biswas

BBC News India's Dalit icon aims for top job
BBC News, UK - 2 hours ago
By Soutik Biswas The way a number of Indian opposition parties are rallying around Mayawati, a Dalit or 'untouchable' icon, and touting her as a future ...
‘Half of India doesn't vote for either Congress or BJP’
Ajoy Bose, the author of Behenji, a political biography of ... Rediff
"Queen of Dalits" stirs up Indian politics Reuters India
Sydney Morning Herald - Times of India
all 148 news articles »
Somnath: Once Marxist voice, now Speaker without a party
Times of India - 2 hours ago
NEW DELHI: His was the stentorian voice that effectively projected the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPM) view in Parliament - and outside - for four decades.
Expulsion from CPI(M) does not Hindustan Times
'Friends' throng Somnath's residence Press Trust of India
Hindu - Sify - -
all 443 news articles » हिन्दी मे »

The Age
Deal-backers in US rejoice
Hindustan Times - 1 hour ago
With the big hurdle in the Lok Sabha crossed, supporters of the India-US nuclear deal in the US are focusing on the next steps. A State Department spokesman said, “We look forward to working with the Indian government to take this agreement forward.
Singh Seeks Support for India Nuclear Deal After Vote (Update3) Bloomberg
Nuke deal to open up 20 bn pound investment Business Standard
Economic Times - - Economist -
all 1,616 news articles » हिन्दी मे »

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPA, NDA conspiring to prevent me from becoming PM: Mayawati
Economic Times, India - 23 hours ago
22 Jul, 2008, 2305 hrs IST, PTI NEW DELHI: Undeterred by the outcome of the trust vote, BSP chief Mayawati on Tuesday alleged the UPA and as well as the NDA ...
Mayawati demands Prime Minister's resignation Hindu
Mayawati misused government machinery: Samajwadi Party
Mayawati to activate Third Front attack on UPA Fresh News - Times of India
all 182 news articles » Even Kanshi had not foreseen Mayawati as PM, Thailand - 7 hours ago
By Sharat Pradhan Lucknow, July 23 (IANS) Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) chief Mayawati may have suddenly emerged as a contender for the country’s top job but ...
Naidu meets Mayawati, Left leaders Press Trust of India
Left, BSP and UNPA leaders meet to chalk out future strategy Economic Times
Left, UNPA, Maya to launch campaign against UPA
Livemint - Press Trust of India
all 180 news articles »

BBC News India's Dalit icon aims for top job
BBC News, UK - 2 hours ago
By Soutik Biswas The way a number of Indian opposition parties are rallying around Mayawati, a Dalit or 'untouchable' icon, and touting her as a future ...
‘Half of India doesn't vote for either Congress or BJP’
Ajoy Bose, the author of Behenji, a political biography of ... Rediff
"Queen of Dalits" stirs up Indian politics Reuters India
Sydney Morning Herald - Times of India
all 148 news articles »

Preface: I never support clubbing of castes and communities for so called sharing of Power. I never believe in Individual Personal Achievement as a way of Dalit or Indigenous Liberation! I tag the problem of nationalities, those of aboriginal people with my concept of Liberation of my enslaved Indigenous communities including SC, ST, OBC and Minorities. I am against Brahminical hegemony but never support any caste or community or religious hegemony to rule of other majority Indigenous People! I won`t support this or that caste to subordinate the SC, OBC indigenous people divided in more than six hundred castes in accordance with the principles of Manu Smriti.

INdo US Atomic deal has never been an issue. Neither imperialism has been any issue in Power Politics of India. Super Nuke Opre enacted by different political identities in Indian Parliament did never focus on Nuke deal or Imperialism. The Marxists who once upon a time pulled down comrade Jyoti Basu to be the first Marxist Prime Minister of India and now, sacrificed its most veteran Parliamentarian Statesman, the controversial Speaker on namesake of Ideology, fielded a Young Muslim Urdu speaking Loaksabha member to speak for the party and he failed miserably. Marxists allowed the debate to be subverted in Hindutva Cry, as RSS planned well. The Opposition leader projected RSS Prime Minister waiting, Lal Krishna Adwani, did not utter a single word against US Imperialism or Interests. He did not hide his favour for strategic realliance with Zionist White corporate US Imperialism. Ironically, the antifascist Communists sided with RSS.Everyone in the House was aware of the cruel fact that the Deal is Auto Piloted and may not be stopped to be operationalised.

Lalu Yadav, the most Entertaining Orator did utter the Truth Ultimate in his rustic style:


Yes, here you are!

The Sikh Prime Minister was implanted from Washington!

Barrack Obama urged Israel to take whatever steps it needs to stop rocket fire from Gaza.

"I don't think any country would find it acceptable to have missiles raining down on its citizens," Obama, the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate, said during a stop Wednesday at the police station in Sderot, the southern Israeli city that has been plagued by rockets fired from Hamas-controlled Gaza.

The Global Hindutva does not have any sympathy with Iran or the Muslim world. NDA government in India headed by Atal Bihari Bajpayee simply rejected every appeal to condemn US aggression in Middle East. Hindutva forces never seem to be influenced by Obamas clear cut appeasement of Zionist lobby so powerful in United States of America!Both Sen. Barrack Obama and Sen. John McCain are treading some unfamiliar campaign-year terrain this summer as key blocs of ethnic voters shift the electoral landscape and put previously uncontested states, big and small, up for grabs.McCain's effort to reach out to minority voters faces another hurdle: Despite a high-profile outreach by former Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman, there are no minority Republican candidates with a strong chance of success in any congressional or gubernatorial race. Bobby Jindal, Louisiana's 37-year-old Indian-American governor, is reportedly high on McCain's vice presidential list, but there are no black Republicans in Congress or in the nation's governor's mansions.

Simply it is because Obama is a Black and holds a middle Muslim name, it despises the democrate presidential candidate and want to stop him as NDA UPA combination of Hindutva has been successful so far to stop the Black untouchable Woman in India the rare opportunity to lead India. The Apple Cart of Opposition is upset by the latest version of King Magnus and Singh is the King after Trust Vote won in Indian parliament full of Horse Power!

Hindu god has saved the Sikh Prime Minister as well as the most controversial Indo US Nuke Deal!The government narrowly survived the vote which had been initially delayed by allegations of vote buying.

“All of India’s political parties were the same. Their only aim is to come to power and stay there,” said Salim Sherwani, an MP from the Bahujan Samaj Party, which represents India’s dalits, or low castes.

Political ideology in India has ceased to exist. It has been replaced by political expediency, opportunism and thuggery in which only money matters,” Kuldip Nayar, a former independent MP and national affairs commentator, said.

Every party, he said, was seeking power and little else.

The most radical of these parties has been the BSP, led by Mayawati Kumari, a Dalit. The party has been on the ascent since it burst onto the political scene last year by securing the mandate in northern Uttar Pradesh state, the country’s most populous province.

Ms Kumari, who prefers to be known as Mayawati, pulled off an unexpected landslide victory by stringing together an all-caste “rainbow coalition”, making her the leader of the first majority government in 14 years in the province of more than 180 million people. If independent, Uttar Pradesh state would be the world’s seventh largest country.

In 2005, she described herself as a “living goddess”, declaring that she had never married so as “to improve the lot” of dalits.

Last week her supporters declared that she could become prime minister, an ambition analysts said was not beyond reach considering projections that her party could secure at least 50 of the state’s 80 parliamentary seats.

Over decades any political party that has dominated Uttar Pradesh – like the Congress and the BJP in the past – has invariably formed the federal government.

Mayawati’s support base comes mostly from the low-caste dalits, for whom she has become a symbol of their dignity and political aspirations after centuries of oppression by the Hindu upper castes.

Indian politicians publicly condemn the caste system as “regressive”, but since independence six decades ago, have perpetuated it by contesting elections like Mayawati did, with an eye on their voter’s caste affiliations.

“Caste equations eventually determine electoral outcomes in India and the forthcoming elections would be little different,” Seema Mustafa, a political analyst, said. The biggest drawback is that it results in uncertainty and disruptive politics, he said.

Clearly, the opening of the debate by Adwani proved to be correct in spirit that RSS was never interested to destabilise UPA Government. RSS rather used this opportunity to expose the hypocrisy of the Communists. Communists were equally thrashed by NDA and UPA. The nexus in between was clear enough. NDA and UPA the bulk of the Parliamentary strength is committed to the Nuclear Deal and US led Hindu Zionist White Strategic realliance.

We know how the India Origin US lobbies rallied behind Hillary Clinton just because Hindutva is dead against a Black President with a middle name Hessian! Now the US based Indian support has been shifted in favour of the Republican, Vietnam war Veteran, Mc Cain!

NDA and UPA stopped Mayawati to be the next Prime minister just because she is a black untouchable woman! Intense Dalit hatred united the Ruling class rock solid. The RSS may wait thousands years ! But it may not allow a Dalit OBC ST Minority third face as prime Minister candidate other than Dr Manmohan Singh and Lal Krishna Adwani!

This nexus of caste Hindu interests saved the day for the US Supreme Slave. Horse Trading drama was only the envelop of the well drawn strategy! RSS preempted the Casteology of MS Mayawati to overlap All India Politics and at the same time the slave broke the sickles of Marxist Ideological Support. Now, Dr Manmohan Singh , well supported by RSS, may run on fast track with all his bloody refoms. Poor communists lost every opportunity of Resistance as they could not look beyond the interests on stake for Left Ruled brahminical hegemony in three states. The first Himalayan Blunder involving Jyoti Basu was related to this dilemma and they repeated once again sacrificing Somnath Chaterjee!

Congress lost nothing. Nuke Deal runs on first Track. Mayawati is stopped by RSS. Stopping Maywati, UPA and NDA aligned alienating the Left. The left has no scope for any resistance as all Pro American forces of Polity, Market, Society, Media, Corporates, Mafia have aligned under the strong most ever umbrella of RSS to defend US interests as well as Brahminical hegemony stopping reincarnation of Mayawati. THe Left launched Prime Minister Mayawati campaign to re mobilise Dalit and Muslim Vote Bank. Bu sacrificing a most strong Brahmin Stalwart would not appease the Brahmin Caste hindu Vote Bank of the left.

In my city, Sodepur, I have seen the Bengali brahmins from Congress as well as Communists Bastion, swinging in favour of a Brahmin RSS Prime Minister, Atal Bihar vajpayee! Only during last municipal elections , Left fielded maximum Brahmincandidates in Sodepur after the infamous Shopping Mall fire. What happened I was shocked to see that the Brahmins and caste Hindu voters whom I know for almost two decades voting continuously against CPIM, voted for the communist Brahmin candidates. CPIM holds the Municipality with maximum realty property.

Only today, I saw the burnt Shopping Mall is opened once again. While it was established that the land was not transferred. It was an illegal construction on a Pond. It has no security and does not have all the required documents for trade. Because the CPIM has returned with Caste Hindu Vote Bank, the sub judice shopping mall is opened without any protest!

We may witness a sever reverse if the Left Continues to project Mayawati as Prime Minister candidate of the third Front. West Bengal ruling Hegemony or the civil society which never allow any space for indigenous communities would never tolerate and would defect in favour of Brahmincal Trinamool congress headed by MS Mamta Bannerjee.

The Chess play of the Marxist Power politics already lost the Wajeer!

What a grand Humiliation of a communist general secretary in Indian history in a Revenge PlaY!

What has been the gain for the Left? While the communists opposed the pact on the argument that it would make India a pawn of Washington, for other critics it gives India, a nuclear outlaw for decades after it developed nuclear weapons, too many rewards for little in return. The deal will enable around 400 Indian companies to tie up with major global nuclear firms such as GE, Westinghouse and Areva to develop India's civilian nuclear power, while requiring it to accept international monitors for its facilities. Although that would probably be a deal stopper for India, American pressure will probably prevail in the NSG. The deal could run out of time to be passed by the U.S. Congress under the Bush administration. But many analysts believe Washington will fast track the pact, fearful other countries may soon fill the gap.

McCain yesterday launched one of his toughest attacks yet on Senator Barack Obama, saying his Democratic rival ‘would rather lose a war in order to win a campaign.’”

Obama supporters are busy wooing Americans at home and those living abroad and one such campaign is underway in India as well.

Carolyn Sauvage Mar, a hard-core Obama fan is one of the delegates who is going to the Democrat National Convention in Denver on August 28, an honour, which she says, only 22 delegates from Democrats overseas are given.

Carolyn says her most important job comes in November - making sure all Americans living abroad register for the presidential poll.

“We are making a big push. We know there are tens and thousands of citizens living in India and it is a good guess that most of them haven't registered yet,” says Chairperson, Democrats-Abroad, Carolyn.

Obama’s army of volunteers want to convince young Americans and Indian Americans living in India to support Obama.

They say that absentee ballots are a big worry. In the 2000 US Presidential elections, the absentee votes of the Democrats camp were not properly organized, one of the factors in Bush's victory over Al-Gore.

Sporting the Obama T-shirts and colourful headgears, Obama supporters want to make sure that not a single vote of the Obama camp goes waste in the November elections.

However, volunteers at the Obama camp in Delhi say that their efforts are paying off.

“The best thing about Obama is that he has energized people to think about politics,” says a volunteer.

Meanwhile, to make sure that enthusiasm for Obama converts to solid votes, the Democrats-Abroad will be making a huge push on August 2 in all the major cities in India, holding camps at various places and helping the Americans to register their absentee votes online.

The Washington Post: “Obama said he had hoped to avoid political warfare with his rival while overseas, but the attention the candidate's trip is receiving in the United States and potential implications for the November election makes that all but impossible. Minutes after the news conference, McCain's campaign issued a statement blasting the Democratic candidate. ‘By continuing his opposition to the surge strategy long after it has proven successful and by admitting that his plan for withdrawal places him at odds with General David Petraeus, Barack Obama has made clear that his goal remains unconditional withdrawal rather than securing the victory our troops have earned and the surge has made possible,’ spokesman Tucker Bounds said.”

Barack Obama today reiterated his hawkish stance towards Iran by saying he would "take no options off the table".

The Democratic presidential candidate, echoing George Bush's stance on Iran, warned that a nuclear Iran "would be a game-changing situation", not just in the Middle East but in the rest of the world.

"A nuclear Iran would pose a grave threat and the world must prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon," Obama told reporters on a visit to Israel.

Obama, who sounded less than self-assured on the complexities of the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians, was forthright about Iran in comments that will reassure the Israeli leadership.

Last month, Israel carried out a major military exercise in a less-than-subtle hint to Iran that it was prepared to bombard Tehran's nuclear facilities, no matter the diplomatic repercussions.

The National Urban League announced today that Senators John McCain and Barack Obama are confirmed to speak at its 98th annual conference, taking place in Orlando, Florida, July 30 through August 2. Both presumptive presidential nominees have accepted the invitation to share their individual plans for an urban agenda, and to comment on the National Urban League's Opportunity Compact, the organization's plan to increase opportunities for underrepresented populations.

Railway Minister Lalu Yadav addressed the Lok Sabha on day two of trust vote debate on Tuesday, he said that only infrastructure development can ensure prosperity of the country.

Praising Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, he said, ''It's a very courageous step to take a trust vote on one's own accord.''

Slamming the Left parties, he said the Left parties are very good at ''creating confusion''.Lalu who was heard with attention in the Lok Sabha during the discussion over the trust vote, lauded Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and said: ''It's a very courageous step to take a trust vote on one's own accord.''

Punctuating his speech with sarcastic remarks on the Left decision to partner BJP to vote against the government, Mr Prasad, quoting a Bhojpuri saying, said: “Just as the cows are herded back to their sheds at the fall of dusk, the enemies of the government will also have to go.” The minister’s remark left the treasury benches in splits and even the Speaker was seen smiling.
Mr Prasad also targeted those opposing the deal, saying: “While you wear ‘Made in America’ wrist watches and send children to the USA for studies in the same breath you harbour US-phobia”.

Joining issue with the BJP veteran, Mr LK Advani, he ridiculed the Opposition leader for not saying a word against the USA or the Indo-US deal itself. He again elicited laughter in the entire House when taking a dig at Mr Advani, he said: “Everyone wants to be prime minister; Mulayam Yadav, Mayawati and even I want to.” But he went on to add, “hum harbari mein nahin haen (I am not in a hurry to become PM)”.

Mr Prasad said he fought communalism, stopped the Rath Yatra and got Mr Advani arrested in 1990. He also said he had nothing personally against BSP supremo Ms Mayawati. Reading out a popular Hindi verse, Mr Prasad sought to caution the Left for aligning with the BJP. He also said that the Left parties’ political compulsions forced them to oppose the Congress in West Bengal, Kerala and Tripura.

Taking a dig at veteran BJP leader L K Advani, he said everyone wants to be the prime minister; Mulayam Yadav, Mayawati and even he wants to be one. But he said he was in no hurry to become the prime minister.

Between peals of laughter, Lalu Yadav said, ''I stopped the Rath Yatra and arrested L K Advani; I brought down Morarji government.''

In his inimitable style, Lalu criticised the Opposition for their stand against the Indo-US nuclear deal, saying, ''You wear Made-in-USA watch, your children study in US, but you have US phobia On behalf of NDA, Advani never said one word against America or nuclear deal.

Describing the UPA victory in the trust vote as an outcome of "money power of industrialists," the Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray has lambasted the Left for propping up BSP leader Mayawati for the prime minister post.

"In its desperation to topple the Manmohan Singh government, the Left saddled Mayawati on the prime ministerial horse as their candidate without realising that this 'horse' is more dangerous than the horse-traders", Thackeray commented in the editorial published in the party mouthpiece, "Saamana" on wednesday.

The editorial said, "by raising a dream vision of prime ministership before Mayawati, the Left was making a historical blunder.

Congress needs to be vanquished but using the BSP chief towards that end amounts to administering a medicine that is more damaging than the disease".

The Left parties would not mind India becoming a "slave of China" but would not tolerate the country becoming friendly with America, he accused.

"But what they have done in Nandigram needs to be condemned more than what President Bush did in Iraq," Thackeray said.

"The events witnessed in Parliament during the passage of trust vote also showed that those who talk of principles and morality are the ones who are purchased first. The UPA survival is the result of unlimited power and the money bags loosened by industrialists. This may have saved the government but ruined the prestige of India's parliamentary democracy," he remarked.
Thackeray said "Manmohan Singh was a gentleman who is surrounded by 'Duryodhanas' of Mahabharata."
Most number of Cross Voting inflicted the most disciplined folk of RSS. Most number of MPs absent, belonged to RSS.
What Next?
The morning after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's government won the trust vote in parliament, opposition parties, including the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), the Left and other political formations, Wednesday got together and vowed to launch a national campaign on key issues.
"The United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government may have won the trust vote but the way it was saved showed the vote was a murder and defeat of democracy," said agitated BSP leader Mayawati.
Her new-found ally, the Communist Party of India-Marxist general secretary Prakash Karat, reiterated that the government had "lost the trust of the nation" by the "immoral manner in which they engineered the win".
"We have formed a national level committee to campaign against pressing issues. This includes relentless price rise and inflation, farmers' suicides, the India-US nuclear deal, communal forces and the politicisation of the CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation)," said Karat.
Also present in the breakfast meeting were Telugu Desam Party (TDP) chief N. Chandrababu Naidu, Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD) chief Ajit Singh, Janata Dal-Secular chief and former prime minister H.D. Deve Gowda, leaders from the Indian National Lok Dal and other Left parties including the Forward Bloc, CPI and the Revolutionary Socialist Party.
Naidu said the opposition would have won Tuesday's trust vote if the UPA had not "engineered abstentions, cross-voting and manipulating the vote". One of his MPs voted for the UPA while another abstained.
"Technically it is bad for the nation. When elections are due, they (UPA) have to face the public," said Naidu.
In the high-voltage political drama leading up to the trust vote, Mayawati has been the rallying point for the opposition parties including the smaller political formations who vowed to bring down the UPA government.
Ajit Singh said the coming together of political parties would provide an alternative to the UPA and the National Democratic Alliance (NDA).
"This will create a real (alternate) force in the country to the UPA and expose the so-called opposition that cooperated in the trust vote," he said.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister and Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) leader Mayawati has decided to take bull by the horns and want that she will activate a Third Front attack on the Congress-led UPA Government in the days to come.

In a hard-hitting speech, Mayawati said, “The BJP got together with its allies and formed a strategy to save the UPA Government. In the scenario of fall of the UPA Government, instead of suggesting the formation of an alternate government, pushed ahead for the general elections. It is clear from today’’s happenings that both these alliances do not want the ”daughter of a dalit” to become the Prime Minister of the country.”
BSP chief Mayawati also asked Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh to immediately resign from the post after BJP alleged that Samajwadi Party tried to bribe three of their MPs for abstaining from voting during the trust vote.
“Prime Minister Manmohan Singh should resign on moral grounds. This is a black day in the history of democracy,” she said.
Condemning the incident, she said the method adopted by the Congress to save its government was a “setback for democracy”.
She also blamed the BJP for the UPA’’s victory. “It is not a victory of the UPA, but the result of the politics played by the UPA and the NDA,” she said.
The UPA on Tuesday won the trust vote by a margin of 19 votes after a two-day debate. The ruling coalition secured 275 votes as against 256 by the Opposition. As many as 10 members were absent or abstained from voting.
And see the follow up! What an ideological stance of Hindutva!
Cracking the whip on MPs, who defied the party in Parliament, the BJP on Wednesday expelled eight Lok Sabha members, who bailed out the UPA government either by cross-voting or remaining absent during voting in the confidence motion.
''We have expelled eight MPs who either cross-voted or abstained during the trust vote,'' BJP president Rajnath Singh told reporters in New Delhi after a meeting of senior party leaders at the residence of Leader of Opposition L K Advani.
While four MPs were expelled for voting in favour of the government in the trust vote in Lok Sabha last night, four others faced the action for remaining absent.
The expelled Lok Sabha members are Brijbhushan Sharan Singh (Balrampur), Manjunath (Dharwad), Chandrabhan Singh (Damoh), H T Sangliana (Bangalore North), Manorama (Udipi), Haribhau Rathore (Yeotmal), Babubhai Katara (Dohad) and Somabhai Patel (Surendranagar).
''But for cross-voting and abstentions, the UPA would not have won. This government was formed with the help of tainted people who were included in the ministry. This is a tainted victory,'' Advani said.

The Kerala and West Bengal CPIM units may feel relieved as The likelihood of early general elections appear to have receded after the Government won the trust vote. Sources in the Congress said on wednesday elections may not be advanced and are likely to be held on schedule around March-April next year.
But the impact has to stay around and decaying mass base continues. The Left has to face elections someday! today or tomorow!
Ever since the Left parties, with about 60 MPs, upped their ante and moved towards withdrawal of support to the UPA coalition after four years, speculation was rife that the country may be headed for early elections, sometime towards the end of the year.
The victory of the Congress-led UPA coalition in the confidence motion has apparently changed the poll roadmap.
Entry of the Samajwadi Party into the ruling combine changed the entire political complexion and the government had even got the backing from unexpected quarter including at least eight from the main opposition BJP.

Talk of a cabinet reshuffle has also gained ground with JMM supremo Shibu Soren already making it known that he has been promised a ministerial berth. Soren even said he would get the coal ministry.
Having won the trust vote, the Government hopes to quickly move forward in wrapping up the Indo-US nuclear deal.
Experts believe that the processes with the IAEA and the NSG could be completed in a period of two months after which the 123 agreement could move to the US Congress for its final ratification.

Analysts say the landmark agreement, worth at least $40 billion for the energy business in a drive to double India's share of nuclear power to around 5-7 per cent by 2030, should pass international muster thanks to staunch U.S. support. The pact, which would make India a de facto nuclear power despite not signing the Non-Proliferation Treaty and conducting nuclear tests in 1974 and 1998, ran into trouble after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's government faced a revolt by its former communist allies, culminating in Tuesday's vote.
With that battle won, analysts say India and the United States look well placed to muster support from the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), the next steps needed before it goes to U.S. Congress for approval.
NDTV reports:A defiant Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee was on Wednesday expelled by CPM in the wake of his refusal to quit the post in line with the directive of the party with which he was associated for four decades.
''The Politburo of the CPM has unanimously decided to expel Somnath Chatterjee from the membership of the party with immediate effect,'' a Politburo statement said after its meeting chaired by General Secretary Prakash Karat, that discussed his defiance ever since the party withdrew support to the UPA government.
The party invoked Article 19 (13) of its constitution to expel him under summary procedures without any notice on the charge of ''seriously compromising'' the party position.
The 79-year old barrister and ten-time MP, Chatterjee rejected both subtle and explicit hints from the party leadership, which asked him to quit the post to which he was
elected unanimously after the 2004 elections, saying he was above party politics given the post he held.
In the last fortnight he had been maintaining that he would take an appropriate decision, but it became increasingly clear that he was not going to oblige the party diktat. Even
on Wednesday he maintained he may be going to Kuala Lumpur for a Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference early next month.
The party hoped that Chatterjee, who was leader of its Parliamentary Party in the Lok Sabha for some time, would quit before the confidence vote on Monday, but he went ahead and presided over the proceedings of the two-day Special Session that ended on Tuesday.
After persuasion by CPM patriarch Jyoti Basu and others failed, the party is understood to have deputed one of its senior leaders Biman Bose to tell him that he give up the post in the light of the changed situation.

India's atomic energy deal with the United States, now back on track after the government won a confidence vote, next faces objections from some countries over selling uranium fuel and technology to the nuclear power.
A day after winning the mandate for going ahead with the Indo-US nuclear deal, the government on Wednesday pinned hopes on the August 1 meeting of the IAEA Board of Governors, saying the next steps would be taken after the Boards's approval of the India-specific safeguards agreement.
''There is no question of fast-tracking or slow-tracking (the nuclear deal). It is a process which is on,'' External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee told reporters in New Delhi when asked whether the confidence vote would now propel the government to steam ahead with implementation of the nuclear deal.
Asked about the progress being made on the deal, he said, ''I understand that the IAEA Board (of Governors) is meeting on August 1.''
The IAEA Board is meeting to consider approval of the India-specific safeguards agreement which has been handed over to it recently.
On being questioned as to what steps the government was taking to get NSG clearance for the deal, Mukherjee said that further steps would be taken after the IAEA board approval.
After the IAEA clearance, India will have to get exemption from the NSG before the US Congress could be approached for final vote.

Trinamul supporters block road to Nandigram
NANDIGRAM, July 21: Trinamul Congress supporters did not allow police officers to enter Nandigram today, fearing they would be tortured.
They blocked most of the road approaching Nandigram police station with iron pipes and tree trunks. They also staged a demonstration at Nandigram and Khejuri to protest against police highhandedness.
The police did not apply any force nor did they try to enter the village. The police released Trinamul Congress worker who were detained last night from Bhangaberia area. The Trinamul Congress workers returned four police vehicles, which were seized following yesterday’s incident, to police.
Meanwhile, the situation in Nandigram and Khejuri remained calm today. While holding protest rallies at Bhangaberia, Maheshpur in Nandigram and Mansinghberia and Bartala in Khejuri, Trinamul Congress leaders demanded immediate transfer of the Nandigram OC, Mr Debasis Chakraborty. They accused him of unnecessarily resorting to a lathicharge and firing rubber-bullets on the agitating party workers. They also claimed that one of their party workers ~ Mr Tapan Ghoroi ~ sustained rubber-bullet injuries.
At least 17 people were injured when the police resorted to a lathicharge on a rally organised by the Trinamul Congress to protest against the attack by the CPI-M cadres at Bhangaberia. They also damaged a police vehicle at Tekhali bridge and injured three police officers last night. The injured police officers have been admitted to the Kamardaha hospital.
The Khejuri block Trinamul Congress leader Mr Indrajit Karan alleged: “The OC, Nandigram has a partisan role and because of his support, the CPI-M cadres dared to carry out an attack on our party workers. To protest against the partisan role of the police, we have decided to gherao the Khejuri police station tomorrow”.
The CPI-M district secretariat member, Mr Ashok Guria said: “The situation in Nandigram and Khejuri remained peaceful today though no farmers dared to go in their agricultural field for cultivation”. n SNS

Meanwhile,Cracking the whip, the BJP today summarily expelled eight of its MPs who cross-voted or abstained during the trust vote as shocked opposition parties got down to fix errant MPs whose actions helped the UPA government survive.

Biju Janata Dal(BJD), a constituent in BJP-led NDA, expelled Harihar Swain dubbing him as a "betrayer" while Telugu Desam Party(TDP) MP M Jagannatham also faced similar action for defying party whip.
MDMK sources said in Chennai that the party will be seeking the disqualification of two of its MPS--L Ganesan and Gingee Ramachandran--for voting for the government.
Stung by his fellow MPs switching loyalties, BJP's prime ministerial candidate L K Advani said it sparked so much outrage in the party that it did not take more than five minutes to proceed against the MPs.
The eight members were among 24 opposition MPs who either voted for the government or abstained or remained absent.
"If there was no cross-voting, Government would have lost the trust vote," Advani told reporters a day after the Congress-led UPA government sailed through the confidence vote.
Wasting no time, Advani said that action was also being taken to seek the disqualification of the eight MPs from the Lok Sabha for violation of party whip.

The MPs expelled are Brijbhushan Sharan Singh (Balrampur), Manjunath (Dharwad), Chandrabhan Singh (Damoh), H T Sangliana (Bangalore north), Manorama Madhwaraj(Udipi), Haribhav Madhav (Jalgaon), Babubhai Katara(Dohad) and SomabhaiPatel (Surendranagar). The names of eight MPs half of whom who abstained were announced by BJP president Rajnath Singh at a news conference.

Hoping that the UPA government's victory in the trust vote would pave the way for India having "full access" to civilian nuclear fuel and technology, a top British daily today said the Indo-US nuclear deal is expected to unlock a whopping £20 billion investment in the power sector.
"The landmark nuclear deal, which is now assured, will allow India full access to civilian nuclear fuel and technology," 'The Daily Telegraph' commented today, a day after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's government won the crucial trust vote in Parliament.

"It will keep its arsenal of nuclear weapons and stay out of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, but will adopt safeguards designed to prevent the global-spread of military nuclear technology," it said.

The agreement will also unlock about £20 billion of investment in civilian nuclear power generation over the next 10 years, it said.

The paper said this massive expansion will be necessary if India is to sustain its economic growth rate of nine per cent per annum, the world's second-highest after China's.
Another daily 'The Guardian' said the Indian government survived a knife-edge parliamentary vote which came after weeks of political "horse-trading".

'The Times' said the outcome of the confidence vote was a "blow" to BJP, which had hoped to "capitalise" on the nuclear controversy and rising prices at the next election.
Having won the trust vote comprehensively, the government today sounded an upbeat note on the economy, saying it would move forward on implementing pending economic reforms including legislation aimed at increasing the foreign direct investment limit in insurance to 49 per cent, allowing foreign investors in banks higher voting rights and reforming the pension system.

The Bills are likely to be taken up in the monsoon session of Parliament, dates for which are yet to be decided. All these had been held up following strong objections from the four Left parties, which had supported the government until last month.
Speaking to a television channel after the trust vote, Finance Minister P Chidambaram said the government's first priority was to combat inflation and then ensure the growth momentum continued.
Chidambaram was reiterating Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's reply to the trust vote. Singh put tackling "imported inflation caused by a steep increase in oil prices" at the top of the list.
"Our effort is to control inflation without hurting the rate of growth and employment," he said.
Singh's speech outlined nine priority areas of national concern that included bolstering various national welfare schemes such as rural employment, education, midday meals, drinking water, sanitation and irrigation, among others.

Meanwhile, Samajwadi party has decided to give notice for breach of privilege against the three BJP MPs who alleged they were given money to vote in favour of the Government in the trust motion, party leader Mohan Singh said.
During the trust vote debate in Parliament on Tuesday, the MPs for the first time witnessed an unprecedented drama when BJP members flashed wads of currency notes, which they claimed were given by a Samajwadi Party leader as bribe for absenting himself from the trust vote.
Ashok Argal, BJP MP from Morena in Madhya Pradesh surrounded by his party colleagues, displayed bundles of currency notes saying Rs one crore was given to him by an SP leader as ''advance'' for abstaining from Tuesday's trust vote.
People's Democracy
(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 28

July 20 , 2008

'Congress Ka Haath America Ke Saath'
THE Left parties began a nationwide political campaign to explain to the people the reasons for withdrawal of support to the Congress-led UPA government at the centre with an impressive meeting in New Delhi. At the time of going to press, big public meetings, rallies were also held in Chennai, Kolkata and many other places as part of this campaign.
The meeting in New Delhi on July 14, 2008 was addressed by the general secretaries of the four Left parties - CPI(M), CPI, Forward Bloc and RSP. The venue reverberated with thunderous slogans against Manmohan Singh government's servility to US imperialism, its callousness in dealing with rampant inflation and price rise etc. “Bush ki nahin, logon ki suno” (listen to the people, not Bush) was one slogan which was striking.
Speaking first in the meeting CPI(M) general secretary Prakash Karat made a blistering attack against the Manmohan Singh government and Congress leadership for giving more priority to keeping their promise to US president George Bush than providing relief to the people from the back-breaking inflation and price rise arising primarily out of the government's anti-people economic policies. The two main reasons for the withdrawal of support by the Left parties to the Manmohan Singh government are proceeding with the nuclear deal and inaction in tackling inflation and price rise. He criticised the prime minister for ignoring the suggestions made by the Left parties to curb inflation and price rise.
Karat asserted that the Left will make every effort to bring down this government in the confidence vote in parliament and dared the PM and the Congress to go among the people for a renewed mandate. “In the last elections, Congress party went into the battle with the slogan Congress ka haath, Aam Aadmi ke saath. But now it is Congress ka haath, America ke saath”, he taunted. He also said a minority prime minister Manmohan Singh and a minority president George Bush are binding our nation for 40 years through the India-US nuclear deal.
Referring to the allegation being made against the Left that it is combining with communal forces in voting against the government, Karat questioned whether Congress party ha any right to make such charge. He reminded how Congress voted along with BJP to bring down secular governments of V P Singh in 1990 and the Deve Gowda and I K Gujral governments in 1997-1998 period. The record of the Left in the fight against communalism is before the people. The BJP does not have a single seat in assembly or parliament in the Left-ruled states of Bengal, Kerala and Tripura. On the contrary, the Congress lost all its governments in the recent elections to state assemblies in Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Karnataka etc to the BJP. The BJP could win these states because the Congress governments pursued anti-people policies engendering discontent among people which was cashed by the BJP. Karat also charged the Congress of adopting soft-Hindutva approach on communalism and this was apparent in what they did or did not do during the Gujarat riots. The Left would continue its struggle against communalism, he asserted.
Explaining how Manmohan Singh government's pro-American obsession and Congress leadership's complicity were responsible for the present crisis, Karat reminded that the Left parties supported the UPA government from outside to keep the communal forces at bay. But this support was based on the Common Minimum Programme which had clearly stated about following independent foreign policy. However the government violated this commitment by going ahead and signing the military, economic and nuclear agreements with the United States during prime minister's visit to Washington three years back. The Left has been saying since then that it can't be part of a government which made India a junior partner to US imperialism. In fact, the Left tried its best to prevent the fall of this government by making efforts through the UPA-Left committee on nuclear deal. However with the government proceeding to operationalise the deal, the Left had to withdraw support, he said.
Karat demanded an answer from the Congress party as to what led to the violation of senior-most minister Pranab Mukherjee's assurance to the nation about not going to IAEA until the trust vote was done. “We cannot doubt the integrity of Pranab Mukherjee. As he himself stated, he made that assurance only after talking to the prime minister. So what transpired in the meeting with president Bush that this assurance was betrayed? The prime minister must answer. The majority in parliament had clearly expressed their opposition to the deal. But violating this the government went ahead to IAEA. Can such a thing happen in a democracy? ”, questioned Karat.

Karat traced all the anti-people economic policies being pursued by the Manmohan Singh government to the pressure brought upon it by the United States. He cited how the Manmohan Singh government wanted to allow foreign direct investment in retail, agriculture and education sectors under the pressure of US government and its big companies like Walmart.
Referring to those who till the other day were giving speeches against the nuclear deal but now joined hands with the Congress to facilitate the passage of the deal, Karat said they would repent this somersault. He concluded by calling for taking the dangers of the deal among the people. “The deal is difficult to understand. But one must make an effort to do so because it is linked to our livelihoods also. The small shopkeepers, workers, kisans etc have to be told that their livelihoods are linked to defeating this deal”, he said. Karat expressed confidence that in the coming period more parties would join the struggle against the nuclear deal.
CPI general secretary A B Bardhan in his speech pooh poohed government's campaign about the deal meeting the energy demands of the country. The fact is that as of now the share of nuclear power in the total energy production is a mere 2 - 3 per cent and post deal it may at best go up to 7 - 9 per cent. So the remaining 90 per cent of our energy needs can be met only through thermal or hydro power. Moreover there is the threat of dealing with nuclear waste. He charged the government of neglecting the Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline because of fear that it may anger US president George Bush. Referring to Congress party fielding 11 additional spokespersons to campaign on this issue, Bardhan said the Left accepts this challenge.
Bardhan alleged that the government was trying to cover up the issue of price rise by bringing to the forefront the nuclear deal issue. The common man is reeling under the rising prices much more than the high inflation figure of nearly 12 per cent suggested because that figure is based on wholesale price index. He criticised the prime minister for ignoring the concrete suggestions of the Left parties for curbing the price rise.
Terming the present government a minority government, he said it had no right to move the IAEA for finalising the Safeguards Agreement. He charged the ruling dispensation of indulging in horse trading in order to win the trust vote and said reports of astronomical figures of Rs 25 crore being offered to each MP were doing the rounds. Bardhan concluded by saying that the August 20 general strike was part of the ongoing struggle and it must be made a huge success.
RSP general secretary T J Chandrachoodan said that the Left was compelled to withdraw support to the UPA government because it was systematically violating the understanding with the Left parties on the basis of which they were extending support in the first place. He charged the Congress party of violating the coalition dharma. The government and Congress cheated not only the Left but the entire people of the country on this issue, he said.
Forward Bloc general secretary Debabrata Biswas in his speech criticised the media for trying to depict the ongoing struggle as a fight between personalities rather than policies. He asserted that the Left will not allow the nation becoming enslaved once again, both in terms of foreign policy or economic policy.
CPI(M) Polit Bureau members Sitaram Yechury and Brinda Karat, CPI deputy general secretary S Sudhakar Reddy and secretaries D Raja and Amarjeet Kaur, RSP secretary Abani Roy were also present on the dais. CPI(M) Delhi state secretary P M S Grewal along with Delhi state secretaries of CPI, Forward Bloc and RSP acted as the presidium for the meeting.
(N S Arjun)

US will convince Pak not to vote against India at IAEA: Mulford
23 Jul, 2008, 2026 hrs IST, AGENCIES
NEW DELHI/WASHINGTON: The United States will convince Pakistan into not voting against the India-specific safeguards agreement when the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) meets in Vienna, Austria, later this month or early next month to give its approval to it, said US Ambassador to India, David C Mulford.
Conveying this message through a phono with select media at the American Centre here from Washington, Ambassador Mulford said he was well aware of Islamabad's reservations on the pact and on the US-India civil nuclear cooperation agreement, and expressed conviction about the Bush Administration's ability to "persuade" Pakistan to cooperate on the matter.
"We will address Pakistan's role at the IAEA," he said.
Welcoming the support in the Indian Parliament for the US-India civil nuclear cooperation initiative, Ambassador Mulford said a day after the UPA Government had won the trust vote by 275 to 256 that: "We will work closely with Government of India in days ahead for rapid completion of the ratification process through IAEA, Nuclear Suppliers Group and US Congress."
"The United States has been ready, is geared up for the next steps (in realising the US-India civil nuclear cooperation agreement). We had a meeting here with the coordinating committee on Monday, and now, we will work across a broad front, India will also work across a broad front to see the next steps in the deal through," Mulford added.
He said that the US is keen to present the bilateral legislation before the US Congress in the early part of September, following a meeting of the IAEA and two meetings of the 45-member Nuclear Suppliers Group (IAEA)
When asked how he saw the deal panning out and whether New Delhi would be granted an unconditional waiver from the IAEA and the NSG vis-à-vis NPT-related strictures, Ambassador Mulford said, "I don't think you should use the term `unconditional waiver'. We are working on a clean exemption draft that will go ahead and support the various theses that have been determined by both countries. We will be working for a consensus for a movement forward. There is the 123 agreement, the IAEA India-specific safeguards, the two meetings of the NSG, and a determination to be made by the President (Bush) before we go before the US Congress with this piece of legislation."
He said that following the meeting of the IAEA, he expected the NSG members to meet after a week to ten days. Thereafter, there would be an assessment made on whatever more was needed so that the matter comes up in the US Congress in early September.
Mulford refused to comment on the stances that each country would adopt on the proposed agreement at the IAEA and the NSG, adding that India and the United States would address the concerns of each country individually, and he expected from the United States point of view, the focus would be in telling each country to see the larger picture, of effecting a growing relationship with India, one of the most progressive economies in the world.
On what China's role would be at the NSG deliberations, Ambassador Mulford admitted that Washington has had talks with the leadership in Beijing, and the latter has "agreed to review the documentation (related to the US-India civil nuclear deal)."
"I cannot speak on behalf of China, but I can say that China will look at the agreement and review its stance on it," Mulford said.
He also confirmed that there had been a telephonic conversation between Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee and US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice over the deal. He described it as a "friendly conversation" that focussed on all aspects of the proposed deal, and the next steps to be taken by both countries.
He said that Rice had told Mukherjee that she would be speaking to the leaderships of New Zealand and Australia, where she is visiting, and convince these two key NSG members to vote in favour of India.
He said that he expected India to send its ministers and officials to all IAEA and NSG countries to convince them about the deal and remove whatever concerns or reservations they had.
"Both countries would be actively pursuing the next steps. It would be a fully coordinated effort. The U.S. Congress is a sovereign body, capable of moving quickly. None can determine what it will do," Mulford said.
Replying to a question on whether the Bush Administration expected internal resistance to the deal, Mulford replied in the affirmative, but added, "We do expect a bipartisan majority to hold up in Congress."
The US Congress will have to meet before September when it breaks for session to meet only after the Presidential election process is completed in January next year.

he US has pledged to move forward on the civilian nuclear deal with India after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh won a vote of confidence in the Parliament. "We think that we can move forward with this," White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said about the nuclear deal at the daily briefing on Tuesday.
"If their legislature lets it move forward, then we can do the same here, and then we'll be able to get this wrapped up," she elaborated.

BJP hints at Bofors-like protest
New Delhi (PTI): Mounting pressure on the government, BJP prime ministerial candidate L K Advani on wednesday hinted at en masse resignation of the entire Opposition in Parliament to register its protest over the "tainted" victory in the trust vote, a move it said could be similar to the one at the height of Bofors' controversy.
"When I had referred to Bofors, I had that particular incident in mind. It is a suggestion for action...Only if the entire opposition decides or only if the entire party decides," Advani said addressing a joint press conference along with party chief Rajnath Singh.
The entire opposition had resigned in 1989 over the Bofors issue, a few months before the Lok Sabha elections.
The press meet, held a day after the alleged "cash-for-votes scandal" broke out in the Lok Sabha shortly before the confidence motion, saw Advani describing the "scam" as "even more shocking" than Bofors.
To another question whether the party would move a no-confidence motion against the government in view of its 'fragile' mandate, Advani avoided a direct reply but made it clear that "it will not be easy for the government to continue smoothly...". Besides, he said, elections are not far away.
Advani announced that the party would be launching a nation-wide campaign to make people aware of the "illegitimacy" of the UPA government and its "unsuitability" to continue in office after exposure of the "cash-for-votes scandal".
The Leader of the Opposition said he was "saddened" by the fact that so many party MPs had violated discipline and there is a sense of outrage in the party. It was "prima facie only because of the lure of money", he added.
'N-deal will liberate India from technology denial regime'
Kalpakkam (PTI): The Indo-US nuclear deal would liberate India from a technology denial regime since 1974 enforced after the country first tested its nuclear device and pave the way for "two-way traffic of exchange of inventions and discoveries," a top nuclear scientist said on wednesday.
M R Srinivasan, former Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), said the deal would help India import Light Water Reactors (LWR) and ensure continued supply of enriched uranium.
Talking to reporters here after participating in the silver jubilee celebrations of the Madras Atomic Power Station (MAPS), Srinivasan said the nuclear isolation period from 1974 helped India build its own ability in the field.
"Developed nations have realised India is on the path of building a robust nuclear technology in strategic and civilian fields and therefore it makes no sense for us to be kept out", he said.
Srinivasan said operationalisaton of the deal would make India a global nuclear player, enabling it to invest in nuclear technology in other countries as well as help setting up such facilities in "friendly countries." "We can build and maintain nuclear reactors which will net us a lot of revenue. In that regard, the deal is an important step," he said adding the 70,000-strong workforce of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) was prepared for this task.
With India having a mismatch of supply and demand of uranium, it was imperative that the country clinched the deal, he said adding it would also relieve the burden of too much dependence on petroleum products "whose reserves are dwindling," leading to skyrocketing prices of the same.

Draft Safeguards Agreement with IAEA - Full Text
Agreeing to permanent IAEA safeguards is on the basis of permanent fuel supplies: Kakodkar
Signing 123 Agreement amounts to accepting American hegemony opinion

More anti-people steps by Congress in coming days: CPI(M)
Kolkata (PTI): The CPI(M) on wednesday expressed fear that after winning the trust vote in the Lok Sabha the Congress-led UPA government would now take anti-people steps one after another to please the US.
"The UPA government may have crossed the hurdle of trust vote, but the situation it created to win will lead to 'unrest' in the country, putting more burden on the common man and communal forces getting the opportunity to raise their heads," the party mouthpiece 'Ganashakti' said in an editorial here.
The CPI(M), in close coordination with other Left parties, would continue its struggle against 'sinister designs' of the Congress to sell the nation to US imperialism, it said.
Emphasizing that the Left parties were committed to safeguard the interests of the nation and the people, the daily said the Indo-US nuke deal would cause 'immense' harm to India's sovereign foreign policy' and claimed that the Leftists had brought the issues to the centrestage of national politics.
Charging the UPA with violating the Common Minimum Programme, it said the Left parties had aptly taken the decision to withdraw support from the government considering the issues affecting the interests of the country.
"Congress resorted to horse-trading, got the blessings of the corporate lobby, put in all efforts to keep opposition MPs absent on the day of trust vote and finally tainted itself with the charge of bribe offers to BJP members inside the Lok Sabha."
The daily alleged that the Congress-led UPA government largely depended on money power to ensure its survival.
'PM freed from Communists; can move in other areas of reforms'
Washington (PTI): As the UPA government won the crucial trust vote on the Indo-US nuclear deal, a top American scholar has said it will strengthen the hands of Indian prime minister in other areas of reforms pertaining to economic and social development which were "held up by the Communists".
"Now that the Prime Minister (Manmohan Singh) has put something together without the Communists, he actually has some positive impact on moving in other reform areas which were held up," Walter Andersen, Associate Director of the South Asia programme at the School of Advanced International Studies of the Johns Hopkins University, told PTI.
Singh, in his reply to the debate on Motion of Confidence in Parliament yesterday, said: "They (Left leaders) wanted a veto over every single step of negotiations which is not acceptable, They wanted me to behave as their bonded slave."
Andersen, also a former senior State Department official, said: "The nuclear agreement will now go to the IAEA and the United States is going to press to push the Nuclear Suppliers Group to meet as soon as possible and get positive response there."
He noted that both Democratic presumptive presidential candidate Barack Obama and his Republican rivals John McCain support the deal so it will not be a problem for the Congress to approve it.

Focus now on seeing through economic reforms: Chidambaram
Jaipur (PTI): With the UPA government surviving a trust vote without the support of reforms-weary Left parties, Finance Minister P Chidambaram on Wednesday said focus would now be on greater economic liberalisation, including relaxing FDI limit in sectors like insurance.
"On Tuesday, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh wanted to make a point (on it) in his reply after the debate on trust vote, but he had to table it due to uproar in Lok Sabha," he told reporters here after inaugurating the Sriram General Insurance scheme in Rajasthan.
"We will make all out efforts to take economic reform process forward by passing a number of bills pending in Parliament for the development of the nation," he asserted.
The bills that are due for passage relate to Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Labour, Women and Child Development, and Social Sector, he added.
Chidambaram said the Centre would now reach out to other political parties, including those that voted against the UPA government on the Indo-US nuclear agreement, for faster economic reforms and passing of the bills, including the one on insurance sector.
The bill would enable the government to raise FDI in insurance sector from 26 per cent to 49 per cent, he said.
When asked about the measures for containing inflation, he said, "It is not a new question...we have answered inflation every week...nothing new to is driven by crude oil and commodities is imported inflation...we have taken monetary measures to curb it".
Market cheers UPA win: Sensex settles 5.94 % up
23 Jul, 2008, 1717 hrs IST,Surya R Kannoth, ECONOMICTIMES.COM
MUMBAI: The government emerging victorious in the confidence motion gave bulls the much needed trigger to trample bears on Wednesday. Buoyant global cues following crude oil's further fall added to the upbeat mood.
The confidence vote win in parliament meant that the government could revive stalled economic reforms. It also meant that the country could now go ahead and sign the civilian nuclear deal with the US which has the potential to significantly boost India's nuclear energy production.
The euphoria was witnessed across the board. Power and capital goods cashed on to the prospects of the Indo-US nuclear deal while investors fancied banking stocks on expectations of more mergers and restructuring in the sector. Crucial legislations in insurance and banking sectors and bills for setting up of a pension regulatory body and one for unorganised sector had been pending following opposition from the Left parties that had the government's hands tied down.
But the sustainability of the current rally remains a question for many. Analysts cautioned that macro-economic issues, such as soaring inflation and growth slowdown, are likely to peg back sentiment.
"It is too early to call it a secular bottom yet. Bear market rallies of such nature are typical. But that does not mean the rally will die in a day or two. In any case, the market was in an oversold territory which is why over the last few it has seen sustained buying. So this can take it to north of 15,500 quite comfortably. However, gains are likely to be limited as economic worries still persist," said an analyst with a local brokerage.
Further, the Reserve Bank of India's monetary policy review is due on July 29. After two surprise rate increases in June, many expect the central bank could either raise its key lending rate again. This could again dampen sentiment.
Bombay Stock Exchange's Sensex settled 5.94 per cent or 838.08 points higher at 14,942.28, just 58 points away from the 15000 mark. It soared to a high of 14,979.90 from a low of 14,568.22.
National Stock Exchange's Nifty ended at 4476.80, up 5.58 per cent or 236 points higher. The broader index touched a high of 4491.55 and low of 4246.70 during the day.
Secondline stocks also gathered momentum. BSE Midcap Index gained 5.05 per cent to close at 5,615.94 and BSE Smallcap Index ended 4.23 per cent up at 6,812.64.
Reliance Communications (12.12%), ICICI Bank (12.04%), HDFC (11.29%), State Bank of India (11.17%) and BHEL (10.86%) fronted the Sensex rally.
Financial stocks were the star performers in Wednesday's trade with index heavyweights ICICI Bank (11.64%), HDFC (10.92%), State Bank of India (10.45%) and HDFC Bank (9.57%) stealing the show. Other gainers in the 30-share index comprised Reliance Communications (12.2%), BHEL (10.92%), Reliance Infrastructure (10.36%) and DLF (9.12%).
Cipla (-2.21%) and Hindustan Unilever (-0.65%) were the only frontline stocks that disappointed.
Market breadth was impressive with 2270 advances outnumbering 436 declines on BSE, while on NSE, there were 1176 gainers and 111 losers.
Meanwhile, oil continued its retreat on Wednesday, with US crude oil futures down $2.51 at $125.94 a barrel as fears that Hurricane Dolly would hit Gulf of Mexico crude supply faded. The drop in oil prices, which is now down more than $20 after hitting a record above $147, eased recent concerns over inflation and rising costs for companies.
Statesman News Service
NEW DELHI, July 22: On one of the murkiest and most disgraceful days of the Indian Parliament’s history, when wads of crisp notes hogged the limelight amid claims of an alleged cash-for-votes scandal on the floor of the Lok Sabha, the Manmohan Singh government sailed through its vote of confidence this evening.
Barely a few hours after three BJP MPs convulsed the national conscience by storming into the well of the House to display the “one crore rupees” cash contents of two bags, which they alleged was given as bribe in advance by the SP in lieu of their abstention in order to help keep the Congress-led UPA government afloat, the Speaker, Mr Somnath Chatterjee, announced the outcome of the trust vote in favour of the government that garnered the support of 275 MPs ~ four more than the required majority ~ as against the Opposition camp’s 256.
The government’s emphatic victory would defuse the protracted national political crisis, at least for now, besides enabling it to press ahead with the Indo-US nuclear deal towards operationalisation, which was the core issue that necessitated its trial of strength following the Left parties’ withdrawal of support.
Although a slew of Opposition parties of varying sizes and shades ~ including the BJP-led NDA, the CPM-led Left, the BSP-led UNPA and others ~ ranged themselves against the government on their common anti-nuclear-deal plank, with the BSP chief Miss Mayawati proving to be a major fulcrum in the topple-government operation, the confidence vote motion was adopted marking significant cross-voting and abstentions from the Opposition ranks.
Facing its first confidence vote since its inception in May 2004, the Manmohan Singh government’s convincing victory following a two-day debate in the Lok Sabha’s special session was marred by shocking scenes inside the House, centred around an alleged cash-for-votes scam that set off an uproar leading to storming of the well by both Treasury and Opposition members, who exchanged allegations and barbs, leading to repeated adjournments.
Crying foul over the bribery scandal, the agitated Opposition members demanded the PM’s resignation and forced him to table his speech without winding up his customary response to the debate on the motion.
In his hard-hitting speech, the PM mounted a blistering onslaught on both the CPI-M general secretary Mr Prakash Karat and the Opposition leader Mr LK Advani. Slamming the Left, Dr Singh said “they wanted me to behave as their bonded slave,” adding “they wanted a veto over every single step of (nuclear deal) negotiations which is not acceptable.”
The PM asked “our friends” in the CPM-led Left Front to ponder over the company of parties like the “communal” BJP they were forced to keep because of the “miscalculations” by “their general secretary.”
Slamming the BJP’s PM candidate Mr Advani, Dr Singh accused him of “sleeping” during the Gujarat carnage, terrorists’ attack on Parliament, the Kandahar hijack episode besides charging him with “single-handedly inspiring” the destruction of Babri Masjid.
Unleashing a frontal attack on Mr Advani for using “all manner of abusive adjectives to describe my performance”, the PM alleged that the former had made at least three attempts to topple his government in order to “fulfil his ambitions,” asking him to do “introspection” over his role “before levelling charges of incompetence at others.”
Making a strong pitch for the nuclear deal, Dr Singh said it will end India’s nuclear apartheid, asserting that the agreements negotiated with the USA, Russia, France and other countries would enable India to enter into international trade for civilian use without any interference with the nation’s strategic nuclear programme.
In the face of strong domestic objections over the adverse implications of the American Hyde Act on the 123 Indo-US nuclear agreement, Dr Singh also declared that his government is willing to look at “possible amendments” to India’s Atomic Energy Act to ensure that the country’s strategic autonomy will never be compromised.
What, however, cast a huge shadow on the government’s triumph was the stunning spectacle of three BJP MPs displaying cash on the floor of the House this afternoon, which appeared to be a sequel to the charges of horse-trading, bargaining and concession-peddling, flying thick and fast over the last couple of weeks, involving virtually the entire political spectrum in connection with their respective camps’ alleged bids to muster numbers of MPs’ votes by all means, including inducing poaching, defection and abstentions.
The three BJP MPs ~ Mr Ashok Argal (Madhya Pradesh), Mr Fagan Singh Kulaste (Madhya Pradesh) and Mr Mahavir Bhagora (Rajasthan) ~ alleged that they were offered a bribe of Rs 3 crore each by the SP leader Mr Amar Singh and Mrs Sonia Gandhi’s political secretary Mr Ahmed Patel for abstaining from tonight’s vote. Both Mr Singh and Mr Patel dismissed the allegation as “conspiracy”, even as the entire Opposition sought to put the government in the dock on the issue.
Mr Karat said the cash episode was a “shameful day” in the country’s democracy. “The members belonging to the Opposition in the Lok Sabha have been approached with money and inducements. They have spared the members of Left parties because they know they can’t buy our MPs,” said Mr Karat. “We have the time, date, records.”
Mr Advani demanded a detailed investigation by the Lok Sabha Speaker into the “very serious” cash-for-votes scandal.
“This is the most unfortunate and a very sad day in the history of Parliament,” said the Speaker who assured the House that he will take all steps to deal with the scandal. Mr Chatterjee said no guilty will be spared.
Holding that he was very sad over the episode, the PM said the Speaker was seized of the matter, asking to “wait for his findings”. “We will cooperate and whatever is in accordance with law will be done in this case.”
With the Prime Minister comfortably winning the trust vote tonight, the possibility of an early Cabinet reshuffle is being talked about in political circles.

JMM supremo Mr Shibu Soren has already said he would get the Coal portfolio, the ministry which he had held when he resigned from the Cabinet in the wake of a murder case.
It is still unclear whether the new ally of the Congress ~ the Samajwadi Party ~ would join the government, but a section in the UPA believes that the Mulayam Singh Yadav led party would be willing to do so despite protestations. The run-up to the trust vote also saw some Congress leaders playing truant for some time so that the leadership assures them to address their grievances.
While several ministries have already been allocated to the Congress allies, a major exercise by the Prime Minister would be a difficult affair.

How the bridge was crossed
- Both sides got ‘outside support’, but govt gained more
New Delhi, July 22: The UPA and its allies may have weaned away more cross-voters from the Opposition than the MPs they lost to Mayavati and the BJP, winning a side-battle crucial in the war called the trust vote.
Initial estimates suggest at least 14 MPs from parties officially opposed to the Prime Minister’s trust motion voted for the government, taking it past the number required for survival.
In all, 275 MPs voted for the motion out of a possible effective strength of 541. The number of ‘ayes’ for the motion appears still more significant, considering 10 members who abstained from or skipped voting, reducing the effective voting strength to 531 and the minimum votes required to 266.
But remove the 14 MPs who cross-voted from the government’s tally, and its score comes shooting down to 261, five below the number it required.
The BJP, the chief Opposition party in the Lok Sabha, appears to have been the biggest target. At least seven MPs from the party voted for the motion.
MPs from the BJP’s NDA allies — the Janata Dal (United) (2), the Biju Janata Dal (1) and the Akali Dal (1) — cross-voted.
One MP from former Prime Minister H.D. Deve Gowda’s Janata Dal (Secular) also voted for the government.
Gowda, with three MPs, had announced his opposition to the government two days ago after keeping both the government and the Opposition on tenterhooks since the announcement of the trust vote.
Telugu Desam chief N. Chandrababu Naidu may have joined hands with the Left and the BSP to topple the government, but at least two of his five MPs didn’t agree with him, and voted for the motion. Unconfirmed reports put the number at three, including a liquor baron.
But the government wasn’t the only beneficiary of cross-voting. Amid allegations from the Samajwadi Party that the BSP was attempting to steal its flock, the motion’s opponents did manage to ensure that at least 10 MPs expected to vote for the government did not.
The combined strength of parties and MPs who had publicly declared their support to the motion at the start of the day stood at 271. The corresponding figure for those opposed to the motion stood at 265, with five MPs either undecided or, in the case of Mamata Banerjee indicating plans to be absent.
But if the government bagged 275 votes with the help of 14 cross-voters, it would have managed only 261 without those who broke with their party line.
Given that the government was expected to get at least 271 votes at the start of the day, this means 10 MPs had deserted Manmohan Singh’s ranks, reducing the support for the motion without the cross-voters to 261.
The numbers against the motion, on deducting the cross-voters from the expected figure at the start of the day (265-14) come to 251, five below the number the Opposition eventually managed.
So, at least five of the 10 MPs expected to vote for the motion by their parties at the start of day voted against the government.
PTI quoted BJP leaders as saying Sombhai Patel, Babubhai Katara, Brijbhushan Sharan Singh, Chandrabhan Singh, Haribhau Rathod, Manjunath and Sangliana voted for the motion. The MP from Udupi, Manorama Madhwaraj, absented herself during voting after being present earlier in the day.
The Biju Janata Dal has decided to expel Harihar Swain from the party, accusing him of voting for the motion. Swain said he voted according to his “inner voice”, borrowing a phrase popularised by Sonia Gandhi in 2004.
The Akali Dal has served a notice on Sukhdev Singh Libra who “disappeared” from the Lok Sabha in the afternoon.

Defiant Speaker wins first round against party
Uday Basu
KOLKATA, July 22: Though the Manmohan Singh-government won the trust vote today, the Lok Sabha Speaker Mr Somnath Chatterjee won a different battle against his own party hands down.
The way he conducted the proceedings of the House, tongue-lashing his own “Comrades” who were trying to disrupt the debate, showed his no-nonsense and almost brutal neutrality, while making it clear that he was determined to give his party leadership a piece of his mind.
It was the CPI-M MP, Mohammed Salim, who incurred the wrath of the Speaker when he repeatedly interrupted the finance minister, Mr P Chidambaram's speech. The minister was explaining the legal intricacies involving the Hyde Act and the 123 Agreement ~ the lynchpin of the Left's opposition to the nuke deal - and China's plan for the next two decades to step up its nuclear energy from the present 2 per cent. He tried to dissuade Mr Salim from interrupting him with the plea that he had “patiently heard him when he spoke yesterday” and expected the same “courtesy” be extended to him as well.
The Speaker immediately intervened, pulled up Mr Salim and told him that the House was “not a meeting place”.
Then it was the turn of a couple of Left MPs who joined Mr Salim in disrupting the proceedings. “I won't allow such indiscipline in the House. The whole nation is watching. Don't you belong to a disciplined party ? You are glorifying neither your party nor yourself,” he chastised them. The worst that the CPI-M MPs could expect from the Speaker was still in store for them. When the House was resumed after the unprecedented and “shameful” episode involving three BJP MPs displaying wads of money inside the House, the Speaker allowed representatives of some small parties to take part in the debate before the Prime Minister wrapped it up. He was determined not to let anyone else disrupt the proceedings any longer.
Mr Salim suddenly rose to his feet and tried to raise the alleged pay-off.
Immediately, the Speaker was at his acerbic best and asked Mr Salim whether he had personal knowledge about the alleged deal. “If so, why don't you come to this side (meaning the Chair)...” he taunted him. The Speaker had been at the centre of an unprecedented intra-party feud within the CPI-M as its general secretary, Mr Prakash Karat, was adamant that he step down before the trust-vote, while he was equally determined to defy him. His conduct in the House was another defeat of Mr Karat.

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