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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Babu what is the root cause of so many Gods in India/ The Root Cause of Jihadi Terrorism

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kamal Mustafa <>
Date: Sun, May 16, 2010 at 4:47 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Babu what is the root cause of so many Gods in India/ The Root Cause of Jihadi Terrorism

what is the root cause of so many Gods in India. Today please sit down and find out who really is your creator.
Is it that monkey jumping from one roof to another roof ?
is it cows who do not know anything except eat and give milk?
is it that Tiger who is locked up in the cage?
is it that stone idol you put food in front and that idol cannot even move a bee
when it sits on it?

The answer is nature worship.

When man saw Sun came out he thought that is is God.
He fell into the river He thought there is a spirit in it so he started worship ping
the river He fell from the mountain

he thought there is a spirit in it
He started worship ping the mountain.
He was afraid of the snake.
He started feeding and worship ping snakes.
These are God creations and part of nature
On top of this we has human being are
Superior to these animals and
God of stones and woods.
Ashish my friend son says
Ma you say God created the Sun then
why are you showing this little candle to God.
Ma you said  God gives us food
Does this God  stomach gets full with
this coconut and food on the plate.
Her mom tells me Kamal Bhai
I cannot answer the questions these
American born kids raise.
We never ask any questions to our parents.
When it comes to God.
Today  millions of Gods and Rishis and Great souls cannot Unite India Spiritually

Jewish scholar writes
Within one century after his death Arabia
became alive, shinning with Splendour and Glamour with Grenada on one hand and Delhi on another.
Founder of 20 terrestrial empire and one
Spiritual empire.
The world unknown became world great.
These Arabs the human garbage of the world started teaching the rest of the world
Cleanliness, dietary laws , property distribution, Justice system,marriage laws
Unity of belief
The Jewish scholar wrote whatever Mohammed did Moses did to a lesser extent

Jesus according to Bible was a failure.
The apostle John said of Jesus, "He came to his own, and his own received him not" (John 1:11).
Now comming back to our Supreme God
Sri Ram and Goddess Sita devi they both
committed sucide

Babu the Professor asked the President
of the Hindu temple you have to build
a school. But you need money for that
Guptaji said money is not a problem for our community.
But North Indians wants their kids to learn
about North Indian Gods South Indians
wants their kids to learn about their Gods
So we decided to teach Yoga and dance classes and Hindi
Babu How come His only one God is so eloquent while all our Gods are tongue tied.
Babu let us learn from each other.



Kamal Mustafa

--- On Sat, 5/15/10, Babu Suseelan <> wrote:

From: Babu Suseelan <>
Subject: [bharatvarsh] The Root Cause of Jihadi Terrorism
Date: Saturday, May 15, 2010, 4:28 PM



Mindless Marxists, limousine liberals, phony secularists, Jihadi leaders and and Jihadi media agents are busy churning out bogus root cause theories of Jihadi terrorism such as poverty, discrimination, India-Israeli interference, lack of education and lack of opportunities. . These phony root cause theories stand against empirical evidence. Almost all Jihadi terrorists arrested world wide are Jihadi Muslims.
The cause of Jihadi terrorism is Islam. The  reasons for Jihadi terrorism, Islamic beheading, stoning, limb amputation, and honor killing have been a source of bewilderment and misconceptions for long time among arm chair liberals and Marxist misfits.
Muslim foreign minister from Pakistan issued a statement calming that the Pakistani Jihadi terrorist who failed in his attempt to blow up Times Square is a desperate individual who recently lost his house due to American foreclosure laws. Paki media is busy misdirecting the public that Jihadi terrorism is a response to injustice, intolerable economic conditions, poverty, hopelessness and social oppression. Their solution is to deal with the Islamic grievances and frustrations. A World renowned American linguist said "Drain the swamp, and the mosquitoes will disappear."
Such views are intended to rewire our brains and reshape our responsible behavior so that Jihadi terrorists can continue their Islamic mayhem.
India never attacked any Islamic nations. Muslims had no grievances against Hindus. Yet more than 80 million Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs were slaughtered, women taken as sex slaves, looted our wealth and forcefully converted millions of our brothers and sisters.
The idea that Surrender of Kashmir and Palestine to Jihadi Muslims would reduce global Jihadi terrorism is far-fetched. Terrorism has causes: ex nihilo nihil fit-.The cause of worldwide Jihadi terrorism is ISLAM.
Here it is important to consider the psychological factors that promotes Jihadi terrorism.  Islam wants Muslims to terrorize the infidel world and establish Dar-ul-Islam. Phony liberals are busy explaining Jihadi terrorism as poverty, economic deprivation and a fear of infidels. These are misleading
. Islamic dogma is the predominant feature of jihadi terrorism.

The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. Get busy.

The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail. Get busy.


Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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