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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Fwd: Sabbah Report - Best of the Week - Vol. 3

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Date: Sat, May 15, 2010 at 8:19 PM
Subject: Sabbah Report - Best of the Week - Vol. 3

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Issue #3
Saturday, May 15th, 2010
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Table of Contents

1. America Held Hostage: Year 62
2. New weapons experimented in Gaza: population risks genetic mutations
3. Is the "Times Square Terrorist" more Field-based Warfare
4. Letter to Obama: You've Sold Your Soul for Kosher Dollars
5. From Shas to Hamas: The group behind the South Park controversy
6. Declassified GAO Report Exposes Fatally Flawed Israel Investigations

America Held Hostage: Year 62

By Sina Alavi | Sabbah Report |

"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people… They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
-Thomas Jefferson

We are approaching another ominous anniversary in American History without anyone acknowledging it- not even a peep from the mainstream media. When Iranian students took hostages in Tehran and kept them for 444 days, for those of us who remember those terrible days know that the Media reported for hours about that ordeal on daily basis- and there was no Fox News and CNN. But, this ominous anniversary has nothing to do with Iran. To learn about this ongoing ordeal, we need to go back in time- more than 60 years.

It's been over 65 years since President Franklin Roosevelt, on his way back home from the Big Three Conference at Yalta, met with King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia onboard US warship in Suez Canal. It was aboard Warship USS Quincy where FDR promised King Abdul Aziz ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia that there will be no Israel. Little did he know, after his death- which came about in a few weeks after this meeting- this promise would be interpreted as a personal promise not as a heads of the state promise and in a short few years of his death Israel would be established. King Abdul Aziz even rejected creation of Israel in Libya and felt it would be unfair to North African Muslims. Of course, all this changed once FDR died in the arms of his long time lover Lucy Mercer.

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New weapons experimented in Gaza: population risks genetic mutations

Biopsies from 32 victims conducted at three universities: Rome (Italy), Chalmer (Sweden) and Beirut (Lebanon)

Toxic and carcinogenic metals, able to produce genetic mutations, have been found in the tissues of people wounded in Gaza during Israeli military operations of 2006 and 2009. The research has been carried out on wounds provoked by weapons that did not leave fragments in the bodies of the victims, a peculiarity that was pointed out repeatedly by doctors in Gaza. This shows that experimental weapons, whose effects are still to be assessed, were used.

The researchers compared the quantity of 32 elements present in the tissues through ICP/MS (a type of highly sensitive mass spectrometry) . The job, carried out by laboratories of Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), Chalmer University (Sweden) and Beirut University (Lebanon), was coordinated by the New Weapons Research Group (Nwrg), an independent committee of scientists and experts based in Italy, who is studying the use of unconventional weapons and their mid-term effects on the population of after-war areas. The relevant presence of toxic and carcinogenic metals found in the wound tissues points to direct risks for survivors, but also to the possibility of environmental contamination.

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3. Is the "Times Square Terrorist" more Field-based Warfare

By Jeff Gates* | Sabbah Report |

In March 2001, Indonesian Intelligence Chief Arie Kumaat asked American James M. ("Mel") Rockefeller to assess the Taliban's destruction of the two ancient Buddhas of Bamyan carved into a sandstone cliff in central Afghanistan 140 miles northwest of Kabul.

Familiar with psychological operations (psy-ops) that involve lengthy pre-staging, Kumaat inquired of Rockefeller in Jakarta why that incident occurred at that time and place.

Kumaat also noted the curious timing of two other operations: (a) a Defense minister in India had recently been caught in a bribery scandal involving an Israeli company, and (b) that same Israeli firm attempted to bribe the Malaysian Defense Minister.

Six months prior to 911, the motivation for the Bamyan incident was difficult to discern. In hindsight, we now know that high profile event branded the Taliban globally as Evil Doers.

What about the briberies? The amounts involved were too small, Rockefeller suggested, to constitute real bribes. Rather, both were attempts to change key personnel though it was not yet clear to what end. Since 911, the reason for the timing of those Israeli operations comes more clearly into focus.

In national security parlance, the dynamiting of the Buddhas "prepared the mind" of a global public for whom the Taliban remained an obscurity until their extremism was branded by that well timed event. The briberies will be addressed in a subsequent analysis. Suffice it to say that both involved the pre-staging of "out-of-theater" operations.

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Letter to Obama: You've Sold Your Soul for Kosher Dollars

Illustration by David Dees

By Mohamed Khodr* | Sabbah Report |

"I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."
–Elie Wiesel, Nobel Prize Speech, 1986

Dear Mr. President Barack Obama:

Again, congratulations on winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Hundreds of Millions of people around the world hoped and prayed that this prize will give you the courage, motivation, and strong will to bring peace to the world, most especially in Palestine.

But Israel in its humiliating defiant "slap and insult" to you and your government's stated policy to freeze settlement construction, even temporarily, continues unabated to build more illegal settlements, demolishing more Palestinian homes, expelling Palestinians from their homes in the West Bank, continuing its inhumane siege of Gaza, now for 3 years, continuing to build the Apartheid Wall that annexes more Palestinian land; steals water from Palestinians, and allowing daily settler violence against Palestinian civilians including children; all with total impunity knowing that our government always "caves" in to the assault by Israel's powerful lobbies such as AIPAC with support from an AIPAC compliant Congress and a media that portrays Israel as infallible. Former Senator Ernest Hollings (D-SC) upon leaving the Senate noted: "You can't have an Israeli policy other than what AIPAC gives you around here."

Your wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan are causing daily civilian deaths with no end in sight. Iraq is still occupied by our military and mercenaries and when we allegedly leave we would've established permanent military bases to ensure oil and contain Iran. You're blind adoption of Israel's demand to bomb Iran is a repeat of the same lies and media hysteria that pushed us into devastating Iraq.

But first I feel compelled for the record to inform you that I am a SEMITE while Elie Wiesel and the rest of the American Jewish community are not.

It is you Mr. President who's been disrespectfully called an "Anti Semite" by Hagai Ben-Artzi, Netanyahu's brother in law.

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From Shas to Hamas: The group behind the South Park controversy

By Maidhc Ó Cathail* | Sabbah Report |

Muslims just can't seem to take a joke. Or at least that's what some would have you believe.

Like the contrived Danish cartoon controversy, the much-hyped Times Square car bomb incident provided an ideal opportunity for those who seek to make Islam look bad in the eyes of the world.

Before the arrest of Faisal "The Fizzler" Shahzad tied this latest botched terror plot to the Pakistani Taliban, some initial news reports suggested that it might have been the work of an Islamist group with a poor sense of humor – and an even poorer sense of direction. The fact that the fertilizer-laden SUV was parked "about one block from" Viacom headquarters led the Washington Post's pro-Israel staff writers Jerry Markon and Anne Kornblut to speculate that it may have been retribution for a satire on the Prophet Mohammed shown on one of Viacom's TV networks.

After Comedy Central aired an episode of the satirical cartoon South Park in April that depicted the prophet in a bear costume, its creators received veiled death threats from a New York-based group called Revolution Muslim. The threats were issued on the group's Web site by Zachary Adam Chesser, who now goes by the name Abu Talhah al-Amrikee.

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Declassified GAO Report Exposes Fatally Flawed Israel Investigations

By Grant Smith* | Sabbah Report |

The 2010 Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons is underway at UN Headquarters in New York. A working paper calls for a nuclear-free Middle East. It would require member states of the NPT to "disclose in their national reports on the implementation of the resolution on the Middle East all information available to them on the nature and scope of Israeli nuclear facilities and activities, including information pertaining to previous nuclear transfers to Israel." On May 6, 2010, the Government Accountability Office (formerly known as the General Accounting Office) released the previously secret 1978 report "Nuclear Diversion in the U.S.? 13 Years of Contradiction and Confusion" [.pdf]. It fills in important historic gaps about weapons-grade uranium diversions from the U.S. to Israel.

U.S. presidents have long acquiesced to "strategic ambiguity" – a policy of neither confirming nor denying that Israel even possesses nuclear weapons. This pretext has allowed the U.S. to deliver the lion's share of its foreign assistance budget to Israel, despite clear legal prohibitions imposed by the Glenn and Symington amendments to the Foreign Assistance Act. UN member countries have long suspected that the United States either turns a blind eye or actively supports the transfer of know-how, weapons-grade uranium, and dual-use technology to Israel. The 62-page General Accounting Office investigation and correspondence confirms the United States refuses to mount credible investigations that would enable warranted prosecutions of the perpetrators.

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