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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Fwd: INSULT and Humiliation of Dr Tapas Bhattacharyya for non-allegiance with CPM Forcers

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tapas Kumar Bhattacharyya <>
Date: Sat, May 15, 2010 at 11:23 PM
Subject: Fwd: INSULT and Humiliation of Dr Tapas Bhattacharyya for non-allegiance with CPM Forcers
To: Kallol Dasgupta <>, Keya Dasgupta <>, Krishna Banerjee <>, MASUM <>, Md salim <>, Mohit ranadip <>, Mohit Roy <>, Murad Yasin Al-Refo <>, Nagarik mancha <>, Odhikar <>, Palash Biswas <>, Pradip chatterjee <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tapas Kumar Bhattacharyya <>
Date: Thu, May 13, 2010 at 8:54 AM
Subject: INSULT and Humiliation of Dr Tapas Bhattacharyya for non-allegiance with CPM Forcers
To: Mina Dan <>, "> Probal Dasgupta" <>, "> udita ud" <>, "> Taposova RoyChowdhury" <>, "> Christina Gomesh" <>, "> \"Rituparna Life is Beautiful......\"" <>, "> Kishor Paul Choudhury- I m a REBEL" <>, "> Anwesha Bhattacharyya" <>, "> anisha" <>, "> shubhasree ganguly" <>

Dear All,
I Know that asking you read such a big letter is surely a taxation.
But You will come to know (which you already possibly have started
believing, I think) that what type of meanness these people around us
can take for their petty (? !) gains.
I shall love to be more elaborate on all the points with all supporting
documents on your any demand.

Hapless Dr (Prof) Tapas Bhattacharyya









     Finding no other way open and already been shattered and been at the lowest of my self-esteem by the continuous harassment by a group of Government Officers in the Department of Health & Family Welfare, enjoying "powers" I, Dr Tapas Kumar Bhattacharyya, as a last resort, am compelled to bring to the notice of the public, lay press and the citizens of this country about the incessant harassment, injustice, malice and neglect always and still being done by these "all-powerful" people enjoying full support of the present administration.

     Please note that I made all these facts known repeatedly (vide, the enclosures, made herewith) before everyone that means in the State Administration from my immediate boss, to the controlling officer, to the Appellate Authority and even to the Honorable Governor of the State besides other August bodies. But no one in this "Political and Totalitarian" state, could dare to do his assigned constitutional jobs, forget about the conscientious transaction.

     All these seem to be due to my non-allegiance to a particular political party in state power and falling in line with their hegemony.

     I am the senior-most medical professor within the State of west Bengal in the whole medical education service since 2006.

    My agonies are as follows:

     Like other two (2) previous occasions in 2004 and 2006,  I was interviewed at Swasthya Bhaban for the post of Principal in WBMES on 22 July, 2009 at the presence of the Addl Chief Secretary of Health & F.W. Department, Director of Medical Education, West Bengal and Prof C.R.Maiti, ex-Director of Medical Education, West Bengal.

     I was the senior-most professor amongst all my fellow applicants..

     As per the relevant recruitment rules [West Bengal Medical Education (Recruitment to the Teaching Administrative Cadre) Rules, 1997, (G.O.No. Health/MA/(MES)/229/1M-159/95,   Dated, Calcutta, the 3rd Feb., 1997)], the post of principal is to be appointed only by promotion.

     In 2006, both Dr. Panchanan Ghosh as well as I was the senior most applicants, but none of us were promoted to the post of Principal.

     Being aggrieved, Dr. Panchanan Ghosh moved to the Hon'ble High Court at Kolkata and the later gave the following verdict, relevant parts of which are quoted herewith as follows: [in the matter of Dr. P. Ghosh Vs State of West Bengal (W.P.S.T. No. 42(W) of 2007].

     "In our view, for implementation of the method of recruitment of the Principal by way of promotion from the feeder posts, there being no process of selection indicated, the senior-most person among the candidates having the requisite qualifications should be selected as a matter of course". (p.11)

     "We therefore, find that in the case before us, the writ-petitioner being undisputedly the senior-most Professor having all the requisite qualifications, mentioned in the Rules, ought to have been selected, unless there was any disciplinary procedure pending alleging any misconduct". (p. 11 & 12)

     But this time the same mischief was deliberately done in the name of the so-called "Interview board".

     The Hon'ble Division Bench clearly set aside any "interview" as it was not included in the relevant rule. (ibid).

    Smelling rat, I requested them to withhold the said "interview" before the "interview" took place; but it was not heeded to.

     Even after the said "interview" took place, I again requested the authority to play fairly but it was again not considered as the applicants bearing No.3 and No.12 in the said seniority-list were promoted to the posts of Principals of North Bengal Medical College and Medinipur Medical College, respectively.

      I was elevated to the post of Professor on 24 May, 1995, the same day when Dr. Indrajit Ray, now the Pro-vice-chancellor of the West Bengal University of Health Sciences, was elevated to the post of PROFESSOR. All of my fellow applicants for the post of Principal became Professors much later.

     By a "reasoned order", dated 13.08.2001 Sri Ashok Mohan Chakraborty, the then Secretary, Deptt of Health and F.W., Govt of West Bengal in pursuance of the Hon'ble High Court's order observed, "…After careful examination of all concerned papers it is held that these decisions of Health & Family Welfare Department resulted in discrimination against the petitioner. I have discussed the matter with DME. He also felt that ends of justice would be adequately met if Dr. T. K. Bhattacharyya gets service benefits at par with Prof. I. Roy".

     Prof I. Roy (ibid) joined the post of PRINCIPAL on regular basis since March, 2003.

    Being intercepted by my humble protests time to time, these powerful people punished me in every possible ways, some of which may be mentioned here with for your kind perusal:

     The transfer-posting policy of the Government was again flouted when they transferred me to North Bengal Medical College as before that I already served at Bankura Sammilani Medical College for 5 years.

     In the same way by flouting the Government Order I was not given the charge of the Head of the Department in 2006, when I joined in N R S Medical College. The then Head of the Department was long 4 years' junior to me.

     In 2008, both I as well as Prof B. Khan applied for lien to the posts of Professors outside the service. While he was granted so within only a few days, my case is still pending without any intimation. While Prof Khan has been serving a private medical college at Nepal, I was not permitted to serve another needy state, the Tripura.

    On 14th August, a students' "agitation" broke out to the extent of all sort of nuisance and all abusive languages showered against me that also included questioning me about my correspondence with my seniors in my the-then official capacities. I informed the College Authority and sought for its due intervention (Annex. 1). Again that was not done. 

     I failed to know in spite of his repeated applications why he has not been promoted, neither the result of the "interviews" held for such promotion.

     I am at the fag-end of my career and tried up to my utmost to serve my students, who are my sons and daughters, no less. I always strongly BELIEVED that come whatever it may, a "teacher" never loses. My ideas have been shattered. I started believing that at least in this part of our country, no education, no sincerity, no commitment can bring me my rightful place, but only the unquestioned allegiance to a particular politics and their views can really cause the MAGIC! The posterity is really at stake.

     With a deep heart, I accept my "defeat" to these powerful big brothers. 


(Tapas K Bhattacharyya)




"Hindustan Times Live Kolkata, Monday, August 24, 2009 

State flouts principal order 

Government appoints junior candidates as head of Midnapore Medical College Hospital and North Bengal Medical College 

Kolkata: The state health department appointed two junior candidates as principals of Midnapore Medical College Hospital and North Bengal Medical College Hospital violating high court directives.

     According to the court directives in 2007, principals in the state-run medical colleges will be appointed by means of promotion from the feeder post of medical professors. There is no need of conducting interview for appointments of principals.

     The health department has recently appointed Anup Roy, former superintendent of the Calcutta Medical College and a professor in pathology since 2004, as principal of the Midnapore Medical College. J B Saha, a professor in community medicine since 1999, has been appointed as the principal of the North Bengal Medical College.

     It is learnt that Roy was the 12th contender according to seniority, while Saha is the third in teaching experience in the race for principals' post for the two teaching hospitals. But the government appointed them reportedly ignoring senior candidates who have teaching experience for more than a decade.

     For instance, the health department has flouted the court order when it ignored Tapas Bhattacharjee, former head of pharmacology department at N R S Medical College Hospital with a teaching experience as professor since 1995. Bhattacharjee was the first in the list of contenders for the principals' post. Another candidate Bani Kumar Bhattacharjee has also a minimum experience as professor for about 12 years. But they were not given any chance.

     Tapas Bhattacharjee said, "The process of appointing two junior medical professors as principals is highly illegal. There are several senior professors who might have been appointed as the principals if you follow the directives of the High Court. Before the appointment I wrote to the health department in protest against conducting interview to appoint principals. The government does not want to appoint us as principals. I will move the court challenging the appointment."

     The process of the appointment of two principals has sparked off controversy among many officials of the health department and even principals of some medical colleges.

     One principal said two senior medical teachers had filed a case in the high court in 2006 challenging the health department's decision to appoint junior medical teachers in the post of principals. The court had directed the health department saying that the appointment process of principals in 2006 was illegal. The court had also directed the health department to appoint principals considering seniority in teaching professions of the candidates.

     S N Banerjee, director of medical education who looks after appointment of principals and teachers in government medical colleges, when contacted did not comment. 

Subhendu Maiti"



N R S Medical College, Kolkata – 14

Department of Pharmacology 


Prof Tapas K Bhattacharyya, WBMES                                          Dated, 23  May, 2009 


The Director of Medical Education,

Government of West Bengal,

Swasthya Bhaban,

Kolkata – 91

(Through Proper Channel) 

Sub: Step-motherly attitude of the College Authority.


     With a heavy heart, the undersigned feels himself constrained to tell about his agonies that he had to undergo throughout his tenure at the place of his present posting that requires your kind due intervention to keep a sincere and hard-working Officer in his good shape to render his best services to the state.

      The undersigned has been working as a Professor of Pharmacology since 24 May, 1995 and is one of the senior-most Professors (senior to a couple of Principals, too) in the State; before his present posting, he had served also as the Departmental Head in S.T.M., Calcutta as well as North Bengal Medical College for quite a long time up to the utmost satisfaction of his superiors.

      The undersigned joined the Department of Pharmacology, N R S Medical College as a Professor on 19.10.2006 and right then was the senior-most Professor at his new place. As per the existing rules he was entitled for the post of the "Head of the Department". But due to some unknown inaction of the College Authority he was not made so. He had to wait till 05.09.2007 (a long one year!) when the then Head of the Department was transferred to Burdwan Medical College.

     Again, when on 07th February, the undersigned tendered his resignation to the College Authority, due to some unknown (again) hyper-action, it was accepted with a lightening speed on 16.02.2009 (only 9 days); although some other heads of departments' tendering resignation has been kept unanswered for months! Can it be concluded that the College Authority was always interested to keep the undersigned out of his due chair due to reason(s), unknown to the undersigned?

     During the tenure of the applicant in this College, the College Authority has never vested any other responsibility in any-so matter, academic / non-academic / managerial capacity that is quite unlike for any such senior professor, vis-à-vis his colleagues much junior to him in any comparison.

     It seems that due to any reason beyond his comprehension, the College Authority does not have any confidence on the conduct, integrity, or ability of the undersigned.

     In this unfortunate situation, the undersigned requests your good office to kindly save him from such exhonarious and embarrassing situation and daily-day mistrust by transferring him out of his present place of posting.  

                                                                                                        Yours faithfully, 


(Tapas K Bhattacharyya) 


Enclo. 3

N R S Medical College, Kolkata – 14

Department of Pharmacology 

                                                                                                    Dated, 28-07-2009 


Prof Tapas K Bhattacharyya, WBMES 


The Additional Chief Secretary,

Govt of West Bengal,

Department of Health & F.W.,

Swasthya Bhaban,


(Through Proper Channel) 

Sub: End of discrimination and seeking proper justice 


     Like other two (2) previous occasions in 2004 and 2006 the undersigned has been interviewed at Swasthya Bhaban for the post of Principal in WBMES on 22 July, 2009 at your presence.

     To the best of his knowledge, the undersigned is the senior-most professor amongst all his fellow applicants for the post of Principal.

The applicant was elevated to the post of Professor on 24 May, 1995, the same day when Dr. Indrajit Ray (joined the post of Principal on regular basis at March, 2003) was elevated to the post of PROFESSOR. All his fellow applicant for the post became Professors much later.

     Please note also that as per the relevant recruitment rules [West Bengal Medical Education (Recruitment to the Teaching Administrative Cadre) Rules, 1997], the post of principal is to be appointed only by promotion.

     In 2006, both Dr. Panchanan Ghosh as well as the undersigned was the senior most applicants, but none of them were promoted to the post of Principal.

Being aggrieved, Dr. Panchanan Ghosh moved to the Hon'ble Court and the Hon'ble High Court at Kolkata gave the following verdict, relevant parts of which are enclosed herewith as follows: [in the matter of Dr. P. Ghosh Vs State of West Bengal (W.P.S.T. No. 42(W) of 2007].

     "In our view, for implementation of the method of recruitment of the Principal by way of promotion from the feeder posts, there being no process of selection indicated, the senior-most person among the candidates having the requisite qualifications should be selected as a matter of course". (p.11)

     "We therefore, find that in the case before us, the writ-petitioner being undisputedly the senior-most Professor having all the requisite qualifications, mentioned in the Rules, ought to have been selected, unless there was any disciplinary procedure pending alleging any misconduct". (p. 11 & 12)

     The undersigned also draws your due attention in this context to the "reasoned order", dated 13.08.2001 of Sri Ashok Mohan Chakraborty, the then Secretary, Deptt of Health and F.W., Govt of West Bengal in pursuance of the Hon'ble High Court's order in which he observed that, "After careful examination of all concerned papers it is held that these decisions of Health & Family Welfare Department resulted in discrimination against the petitioner. I have discussed the matter with DME. He also felt that ends of justice would be adequately met if Dr. T. K. Bhattacharyya gets service benefits at par with Prof. I. Roy".

     Prof I. Roy (ibid) joined the post of PRINCIPAL on regular basis since March, 2003.

     The undersigned failed to know in spite of his repeated applications why he has not been promoted, neither the result of the "interviews" held for such promotion.

     There are every reasons for him to smell that this time also, he will be denied of his rightful claim and due promotion.

     The undersigned thus seeks your personal intervention and due relief before issue of any such otherwise Government Order, SIR. 

                                                                           Yours faithfully, 


(Tapas K Bhattacharyya)

Copy to:

  1. Hon'ble Governor, West Bengal, Raj Bhavan, Kolkata-700001
  2. Hon'ble M-I-C, Deptt of Health & F.W., Govt of West Bengal, Swasthya Bhavan, Kolkata-700091
  3. The Director of Medical Education, Department of Health & F.W., Swasthya Bhavan, Kolkata-700091.



N R S Medical College, Kolkata – 14

Department of Pharmacology 

Prof Tapas K Bhattacharyya, W.B.M.E.S. 


                                                                                 15 September, 2009

The Secretary,

Indian Pharmacological Society,

West Bengal Branch 

Sub: Returning the primary membership 


     By this time, I am sure that through you every member of the Indian Pharmacological Society, West Bengal Branch has come to know about the maximum heckling of me by a section of "students" on 14th August, 2009 at office hour inside the Departmental Lecture Theater without any prior leave about some of my so-called "past-misdeeds" long months back when I was the Head of the Department as well as the Convener for the examination at the Centre. They "tried" me for such "offences". Amidst a volley of the most abusive languages, quite uncommon in the medical fraternity, they threw rupee coins, threatened me and what not. Most shockingly, they also inquired about some of my office communication with my seniors under office reference perfectly and precisely that led me to the firm belief that their all such actions were very much engineered.

     I kept the Society as well as all the Departments of Pharmacology in the State posted about the incidence through the respective heads about such humiliation with a dimming hope that at least my fellow society members will raise their voices for one of their very senior member, besides the senior most Professor in Pharmacology and all other disciplines in the State.

     For quite some time past I have chronically and regularly been neglected in getting my rightful places by my employer. This fact is quite clear to everyone within the Society. To recall a few,

     Like 2006, this time also, I, ranking the senior-most position amongst the applicants for the post of a Principal was unlawfully superseded by a candidate holding the position No.12 in the seniority list, although the Hon'ble High Court (Division Bench) at Calcutta clearly directed the Government to appoint the senior-most eligible applicant for the post of a Principal (Vide, Dr. Panchanan Ghosh Vs State of West Bengal, 2007).

     The most bitter amongst all my feelings is that one person holding the top-most position in the State Administration and a very important Office-bearer was also an active party to this unethical, unlawful and illegal move and he never did his job neutrally.

    I was not given the Departmental Headship in 2006, when I was transferred to N R S Medical College, Kolkata. I was distinctively the senior-most Professor then also, and as per the rule, that chair was due only to me. The same IPS member, then also holding a very important position in the Administration, did not speak up.

     The same Office-bearer did never intervene when a very senior teacher like me resigned from his post of the Head of the Department; neither had he even wanted to know exactly why I found no other way left than to resign. Foolishly, as a member of the society, I expected it from another fellow-member.

     In late nineties and early 2000, I was regularly denied to act as an Examiner in the University, although most of his juniors were regularly appointed so, very much at the behest of another important Office-bearer, since retired.

     Please note, that even today, at the fag-end of my career, I was never been inducted in the Society in any position, what so ever.

     To me a society, besides all its other regular functions, should practice and nurture the concept of fellow-feeling, brotherhood ship and social goods also. Growingly, I am getting the "message" of being "no-one" here within. This is not "my place", at least.

     I do hereby resign from the membership of such a Society that fails to stand for their member, neither supports him in his doom-days, forthwith. 

Yours sincerely,


(Tapas K Bhattacharyya)


Enclo. 5 

N R S Medical College, Kolkata – 14

Department of Pharmacology 

Prof Tapas K Bhattacharyya, W.B.M.E.S. 

To:                                                                                 15 September, 2009

The Controller,

The West Bengal University of Health Sciences,

Salt Lake City,

Calcutta - 700064 

Sub: Resigning from examinership 


     Your good office might have been well aware that I was heckled maximally by a section of "students" on 14th August, 2009 at office hour inside the Departmental Lecture Theater without any prior leave about some of my so-called "past-misdeeds" long months back when I was the Head of the Department as well as the Convener for the examination at the Centre. Amongst lots of baseless and all refutable allegations, they also accused me of giving some of the examinees "low marks" as well as purposefully "making them failed" that amounts to be the mis-utilization of power.

     They "tried" me for such "offences". Amidst a volley of the most abusive languages, quite uncommon in the medical fraternity, they threw rupee coins, threatened me and what not.

     I had to inform my higher authorities giving them the details about the incidence. But long one month has been spent, but no action has yet seems to have initiated. This otherwise means that their allegations are "true", at least to the authority.

     The whole system of examination stands totally on the environment of mutual trust and confidence. Once it is questioned, it is always the best, not the better, to quit. Otherwise, it becomes punishing to all concerned, the examining authority, examiner as well as the examinees, too.

     In this scenario, it will be the best, if I am no more appointed by your good office to act as an examiner in any University examination, conducted by you in future. 

     Yours faithfully,


(Tapas K Bhattacharyya)


Enclo. 6

N R S Medical College, Kolkata - 14

Department of Pharmacology 


Prof Tapas K Bhattacharyya, WBMES


The Principal,                                                                  25 August, 2009

N R S Medical College,

Kolkata – 14

(Through Proper Channel)

Re: A recent unwarranted episode by some "students"


     On 14th this month, within the office hours, in the name of a "students' agitation", a section of some "my students", claiming to their belongingness to a particular Students' Organization, caught me captive unlawfully amidst the worst of all abusive languages at the Pharmacology Lecture Theatre demanding some explanation of my "past deeds", at a time, when I was holding the post of the Head of the Department and categorically declared that they will held a "Trial" against me. Please note that for all this, they never took any prior leave from anybody concerned.

     Please also note that they clearly declared that they had no allegation against the Department at present and all their allegations were against me in person while I was in the chair of the Head of the Department.

    Amongst their baseless and all refutable unfounded allegations they referred also about some of the correspondences made by me to the College Authority, and to my utter dismay I found that their knowledge and understanding on those referred matters were complete. It appears as if the contents of those communications were thoroughly briefed. For the posterity I want a proper and thorough investigation into the matter.

         I request you for your timely intervention. 

                                                                                      Yours faithfully,


(Tapas K Bhattacharyya)

Copy to:

  1. The Secretary, I.P.S., West Bengal Branch
  2. The Secretary, I.M.A., Calcutta Branch
  3. The Secretary, H.S.A., W.B.
  4. The Secretary, M.T.A., W.B.


Dr. Tapas K Bhattacharyya, W.B.M.E.S.

Res: BC-47/6, Salt Lake, Kolkata-64,

Mob: 9433303032

Palash Biswas
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