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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hi my name is Jana i am a 24 years old girl from Pakistan

Dear Palash Biswas

Hi my name is Jana i am a 24 years old girl from Pakistan. I know being from Pakistan you might not like me but i realy admired your comments i stumbled on while searching for Hindutva ideology. i found the following write up by you and i had posted this on a forum. the link of the forum is
please check. My aim of emailing you is that if you can spare time and visit this forum and reply to all your own High Cast brahmin Hindus who are members of this forum and they are calling you names and abusing you for this write up saying Biswas does not know a Shit about Hindusim.


Jana :)

Kashmir Crisis Master Minded Hindutva Strategy to Stop Anti US
Movement in India
Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 42

Palash Biswas

My story Troubled Galaxy Destroyed dreams

Hindutva Maha Rath was flagged off by the RSS Icon Lal Krishna Adwani
from Indian Parliament on the day when the so called Left enforced the
UPA super slave Government to go for Trust Vote. Indian communists
tried their best to play the Anti Imperialist as well as Anti Fascist
roles in the Reality Nuke Opera. Adwani subverted the debate in the
Heightened Hindutva justifying the Hindu Zionist White Manusmriti
Apartheid Galaxy re alliance! Poor communists had no home work to
resist the Saffron Magic which captured this bleeding divided Sub
continent once again after the destruction of Babri Mosque in Ayodhya!
The crisis over the land grant to the Shri Amarnath Shrine Board
threatens to divide Jammu and Kashmir along communal lines.The
Hindutva Fascist forces have fielded God Rama to justify the US

What a drama follows! Indigenous communities were divided in more than
six hundred castes and three percent Brahmins en cashed the crisis of
British Imperialism to sustain its colonies after the World Wars and
Global Recession! India was divided in nationalities, castes and
communities. Anti imperialist aboriginal indigenous communities were
never the parties in so called National Freedom Struggle which turned
out to be the Freedom for Brahmins only! Dr Ambedkar was the supreme
commander of the indigenous subaltern movement but he could not stop
partition as he failed to resist Gandhi executing Pune Pact. Because
the SC dominated indigenous movement could not deal with nationality
question. Neither it could mobilise the OBC and ST against Brahminical
Power Politics! Provided if the Aboriginal People from North West
Frontier bordering Afghanistan and the modern Swat Valley, along with
the tribals of Chittagong in Bangladesh, the nationalities in North
East and central India, had it been so easy a cakewalk to partition
India transferring power to Brahmins!

Kashmir Crisis is quite reminiscent of the Pre Partition circumstances
in Bengal. The Tebhaga movement was in full bloom led by the
communists. Hindu as well as Muslim peasants were fighting jointly
against the Brahmin zamindars of United Bengal.Elite Brahmin Shyama
Prasad Mukherjee was the leader of Hindu Mahasabha who was responsible
to sabotage Krishak Praja Samiti leader Fazlul haq. Haq constituted
the Haq Shyama Ministery to provided the launching pad for the
Pakistani Nationality as Muslim League took over the Muslim psyche
just because of the failure of Fazlul Haq. Then, Mukherjee and the
elite ruling Brahmins of Bengal, hitherto being the voices of the
British Masters since the War Of Plassy, jumped into the freedom
struggle just after the beginning of First World War. The Ruling Class
psyche has been well expressed in the so called classics of Tara
Shankar Bandopadhyaya, rare human documentation of Hatred against the
indigenous aboriginal communities in India.

Mukherjee declared whether India is divided or not, Bengal would be
divided! Because the Brahmins were not ready to bear anymore the
dominance of the untouchables and the converted lower class Hindus!
This was a supreme strategy to provoke Muslim Nationality which
convinced a secular man like Jinnah. Hindu Mahasabha launched an anti
Muslim campaign to break Hindu Muslim peasants` Unity and defend the
Brahmin Zamindars.The ultimate result was the partition of Bengal.

The Hindutva forces would not dare US interests in this divided
bleeding subcontinent! This psyche never allows any space for Anti
Imperialist Movement anywhere in this subcontinent. The best ploy to
resist any Anti Imperialist movement in India happens to be the magic
realism of Hindutva! Which has struck Kashmir well planned! It seems
that any anti Imperialist movement led by the aboriginal indigenous
majority eighty five percent population of India is almost

The Brahmins never cared much for the integrity of India as the
subaltern history of Partition of India proves well! The Brahmins
never care to sustain Kashmir as an integral part of India this time!

This is the game!

Talks between an all-party delegation and the group leading the
agitation demanding land for the shrine board failed in Jammu on
Saturday. The Shri Amarnath Sangharsh Samiti, a combine of over 30
groups leading the agitation, said the talks were "inconclusive" and
announced it would carry on with its campaign.


Reply Forward

Palash Biswas to Farzana
show details 1:34 AM (17 hours ago) Reply

fromPalash Biswas
toFarzana Shah

dateSat, Aug 23, 2008 at 1:34 AM
subjectRe: Pakistan/ Hi im your fan

hide details 1:34 AM (17 hours ago) Reply

I have added in my google group
Black untouchables.
Pl allow.
i would like to have feedback from you.
- Show quoted text -

On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 2:31 PM, Farzana Shah wrote:

Dear Palash Biswas

Hi my name is Jana i am a 24 years old girl from Pakistan. I know being from Pakistan you might not like me but i realy admired your comments i stumbled on while searching for Hindutva ideology. i found the following write up by you and i had posted this on a forum. the link of the forum is
please check. My aim of emailing you is that if you can spare time and visit this forum and reply to all your own High Cast brahmin Hindus who are members of this forum and they are calling you names and abusing you for this write up saying Biswas does not know a Shit about Hindusim.


Jana :)

Kashmir Crisis Master Minded Hindutva Strategy to Stop Anti US
Movement in India
Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 42

Palash Biswas

My story Troubled Galaxy Destroyed dreams

Hindutva Maha Rath was flagged off by the RSS Icon Lal Krishna Adwani
from Indian Parliament on the day when the so called Left enforced the
UPA super slave Government to go for Trust Vote. Indian communists
tried their best to play the Anti Imperialist as well as Anti Fascist
roles in the Reality Nuke Opera. Adwani subverted the debate in the
Heightened Hindutva justifying the Hindu Zionist White Manusmriti
Apartheid Galaxy re alliance! Poor communists had no home work to
resist the Saffron Magic which captured this bleeding divided Sub
continent once again after the destruction of Babri Mosque in Ayodhya!
The crisis over the land grant to the Shri Amarnath Shrine Board
threatens to divide Jammu and Kashmir along communal lines.The
Hindutva Fascist forces have fielded God Rama to justify the US

What a drama follows! Indigenous communities were divided in more than
six hundred castes and three percent Brahmins en cashed the crisis of
British Imperialism to sustain its colonies after the World Wars and
Global Recession! India was divided in nationalities, castes and
communities. Anti imperialist aboriginal indigenous communities were
never the parties in so called National Freedom Struggle which turned
out to be the Freedom for Brahmins only! Dr Ambedkar was the supreme
commander of the indigenous subaltern movement but he could not stop
partition as he failed to resist Gandhi executing Pune Pact. Because
the SC dominated indigenous movement could not deal with nationality
question. Neither it could mobilise the OBC and ST against Brahminical
Power Politics! Provided if the Aboriginal People from North West
Frontier bordering Afghanistan and the modern Swat Valley, along with
the tribals of Chittagong in Bangladesh, the nationalities in North
East and central India, had it been so easy a cakewalk to partition
India transferring power to Brahmins!

Kashmir Crisis is quite reminiscent of the Pre Partition circumstances
in Bengal. The Tebhaga movement was in full bloom led by the
communists. Hindu as well as Muslim peasants were fighting jointly
against the Brahmin zamindars of United Bengal.Elite Brahmin Shyama
Prasad Mukherjee was the leader of Hindu Mahasabha who was responsible
to sabotage Krishak Praja Samiti leader Fazlul haq. Haq constituted
the Haq Shyama Ministery to provided the launching pad for the
Pakistani Nationality as Muslim League took over the Muslim psyche
just because of the failure of Fazlul Haq. Then, Mukherjee and the
elite ruling Brahmins of Bengal, hitherto being the voices of the
British Masters since the War Of Plassy, jumped into the freedom
struggle just after the beginning of First World War. The Ruling Class
psyche has been well expressed in the so called classics of Tara
Shankar Bandopadhyaya, rare human documentation of Hatred against the
indigenous aboriginal communities in India.

Mukherjee declared whether India is divided or not, Bengal would be
divided! Because the Brahmins were not ready to bear anymore the
dominance of the untouchables and the converted lower class Hindus!
This was a supreme strategy to provoke Muslim Nationality which
convinced a secular man like Jinnah. Hindu Mahasabha launched an anti
Muslim campaign to break Hindu Muslim peasants` Unity and defend the
Brahmin Zamindars.The ultimate result was the partition of Bengal.

The Hindutva forces would not dare US interests in this divided
bleeding subcontinent! This psyche never allows any space for Anti
Imperialist Movement anywhere in this subcontinent. The best ploy to
resist any Anti Imperialist movement in India happens to be the magic
realism of Hindutva! Which has struck Kashmir well planned! It seems
that any anti Imperialist movement led by the aboriginal indigenous
majority eighty five percent population of India is almost

The Brahmins never cared much for the integrity of India as the
subaltern history of Partition of India proves well! The Brahmins
never care to sustain Kashmir as an integral part of India this time!

This is the game!

Talks between an all-party delegation and the group leading the
agitation demanding land for the shrine board failed in Jammu on
Saturday. The Shri Amarnath Sangharsh Samiti, a combine of over 30
groups leading the agitation, said the talks were "inconclusive" and
announced it would carry on with its campaign.



Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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