Now Nuclear Parks for the Hindu Super Power
Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 48
Palash Biswas
- The answer to inflation is to cut down defence spending
Ashok Mitra
Please have a heart; to ask a government wedded to the philosophy of the free market to discipline the demon of rising prices would be no less than cruelty. Inflation opens a floodgate of opportunities for producers and traders. A time lag exists between the production of a commodity and its sale. If prices shoot up during this interval, the producer makes a windfall profit in addition to the normal profit he already had borne in mind in his calculations. Given the gap of time between the purchase of stocks and their actual sales, the trader too experiences a windfall gain if market prices shoot up meanwhile. Free market economics ordains non-interference on the part of the government with happenings in the market. The continuing process of inflation helps producers and traders to keep making windfall profits. They should be allowed to do so, admonishes the doctrine of laissez-faire, the government must look the other way.
Such, then, is the crux of the matter. Inflation in the country, as measured by movements in the wholesale price index, is currently spilling beyond the rate of 12 per cent; in terms of the retail price index, it must be even higher. The government, given its commitment to neo-liberalism, can only watch the situation. It watches the situation with complacence for another, more intimate reason. The producers and the traders who are gathering in the profits are its classmates; their support sustains the government.
True, there is the other point of view. Whatever its class interests, the government functions within a democratic framework and will have to face the electorate soon. The overwhelming majority of the electorate consists of the poor and middle classes who are the severest victims of inflation. They could very well turn away from the parties constituting the government in case the wounds inflicted by rising prices become intolerable. Should not the government, for dear life, do something to save itself from the wrath of the people? For instance, could it not arrange to supply, through the public distribution system, essential commodities at a subsidy to the less fortunate sections? No, it could not; the proposal would be immediately shot down by decision-makers who shape and guide the destiny of the government. It is all very simple. Subsidized supply of commodities would adversely affect money-making by producers and traders; demand gets diverted from the free market to the public distribution system. That is as good as sabotaging the free market. The government, therefore, makes up its mind; it would not expand — on the contrary, it would phase out — the practice of supplying essential goods at subsidized prices.
Please read the complete story.
Well, some friends of the Sensex shining India Ruling Hegemony have chosen to launch a hate campaign against me with xxx abusive language, I despise to quote. I hate to reply those illogical biased words of hatred. But is is an indication that I am shooting on Target!
They did not allow Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar to enter the Constitution assembly from Maharashtra and closed every door and window for his entry. The East Bengal Untouchables led by Jogendra Nath Mandal elected him for the Constitution assembly. Even in Independent India, they did not allow Dr Ambedkar to address his people in Gandhi Maidan, Patna. Dr Ambedkar could win no election in Independent India. neither Jogendra Nath Mandal could.At least, I am not so great. But the fascist Hindutva gladiators and ruling Hegemony Gestapo never allow any democratic space for black untouchables in India. The Global ruling class is quite adamant to implement the new global order of Post Modern Manusmriti Apartheid Hindu Zionist White Corporate Galaxy Imperialism led by United state of America.
They are very angry with my recent article, `Kashmir Conflict is Master Minded Hindutva Strategy to Stop Anti US Movement in India’. RSS projected next Prime Minister did not utter a single word against US Imperialism . Neither did he spoke a single word against strategic re alliance led by US and Indo US Nuke Deal in hyper hyped Parliamentary Nuke Opera during Trust Vote debate. Rather Mr Adwani used the opportunity of opening the debate on so called national Interests to address and mobilise the Hindutva Gestapo against Muslims in India which resulted as disaster on the Kashmir front. I had to write,` They Stopped Myawati and They May Stop Barrack Obama, too’ with a disclaimer that I never believe in personal Karishma and Vote Bank Equation as ways of dalit Liberation!
What is happening in Kashmir ? It is quite reminiscent of pre partition Bengal where Hindu Mahasabha did its best to provoke riots as well as Muslim Nationality to partition India so that the Brahmins could hold the Power! RSS is dividing the already divided geopolitics bleeding! NDA and UPA have aligned! The Ruling Hegemony as a whole is all out to defend US weapon and war economy corporate MNC interests in South Asia!
Nuke deal is going to be operationalised very soon thanks to the Ideological Hypocrisy of Brahmin Marxists in India as they wanted the precious time launching an international anti imperialist movement!
Now the Ruling Hegemony has decided to establish Nuclear parks beside SEZ, Chemical Hubs, Retail chain, LPG, Economic reforms, indiscriminate industrialisation and urbanisation to complete the agenda of Annihilate Indigenous Black Untouchables!
Yes, I never believe in Dalit Movement. I don`t believe that the goal of destroying the Manusmriti Rule of Caste System be achieved while we just bank on Casteology or reservation! As our senior friends VTR believes.
I never support US imperialism and Globalisation to create space for dalit Liberation or empowerment of Dalits. More over, I don`t believe in the concept of dalit or depressed as we are the mainstream majority people and the rulers, the Brahmins are a micro minority , mere three percent of Indian population. All the Mischief is done by this micro minority as they have sustained the caste system which divides the society into more than six thousand castes. I am not a blind Ambedkarite who escaped the prime task to address the nationalities. Thus, the Ruling Hegemony is successful to divide the aboriginal indigenous majority people further into SC, ST, OBC and Minority groups! I believe in Marxism as well as Indigenous National identities!
Today, in the first hours of Morning I called our philosopher poet friend, the Marxist Minister Anil Sarkar in Agartala and asked if any way is out there to stop NDA and UPA to sustain the Ruling Hegemony crushing and annihilating Indigenous communities!
Anilda spoke,` Mayawati happens the only option and we must rally behind her to stop RSS as well as UPA!’
I discussed with him about the fate of Gauri Amma in Kerala who was responsible to mobilise the Marxist Vote Bank in Kerala. Since Gauri Amma is a dalit, she was ousted from the party to accommodate Achutyanandan! I had asked him in New Delhi how CPIM would sustain the party line to project the dalit queen as Next prime Minister candidate with apotential risk to lose support base among the Caste Hindu communities in Bengal as well as Kerala! Anilda dismissed the assumption as internal politics of Kearal Unit and claimed that the Party strongly supports the master stroke of Prakash Karat!
He further defended the CPIM party Line of third front knowing my reservations about the idea!
I asked him his reaction on Chiranjivi launching a new party in Andhra where the Left is divided to chalk out new strategy in a scenario with new political equations. He anticipated the following questions and avoided to comment on. I understand his problem until the party decides its strategy!
Anil sarkar could not comment on Nepal situation as well. he could not welcome a Maoist Prime Minister in Nepal.
But Anil sarkar spoke on launching a united Black Untouchable global anti imperialist anti fascist movement immediately. He also supports the Nationality Identity as he has intensified the Mother Language Mission campaign!
He calimed, ` Our people in Tripura supports the Prakash karat Line!’
I did not tell him that the untouchable Tripura may not influence the Bengal and Kerala psyche!
Then he quoted from the speech of Prakash Karat delivered in a dalit convention organised by CPIM recently in Kerala!
Do you know Ranga Naykamma, the Telugu write who has analysed critically `Dias Capital!’
Ranga Nayakamma has written sixty books which include `Ramayana Vishvriksham’!
Ranga Nayakamma believes ,` Marx is compulsory to solve the caste Problem!’
In her latest book on Indian Dalit Movement she raised some very important questions in reference to the role of Dr Baba saheb Ambedkar!
The questions are as follows:
(A)Do we find a Scientific and historical analysis in the works and philosophy of Dr Ambedkar?
(B)Are the thoughts of Dr Ambedkar helpful enough to solve the Caste Problems and do they break the way of dalit liberation?
(C)Do the Abedkarites of Modern times involved in dalit Movement follow the Path of Dr Ambedkar?
(D) Is the Conversion is only way out to resist Hindutva? Is there any solution of complex Social Realities in In Indian society in Buddhism?
(E) Is Dr Ambedkar`s criticism of Marxism is based on logic?
(F) Did Dr Ambedkar studied Marxism seriously enough? Did he not spoilt his precious time to study Indian Mythology and Holy Books which sustain the caste system?
Well, she did not ask his credibility to lead a national Indigenous Movement as he never did try to address nationality problem! His failure to mobilise the ST and OBC is also not analysed properly.
But Ranga Nayakamma outlines well the achievements of Dr Ambedkar which we dare not to neglect.
Which are those achievements?
(A)Struggle against caste system is not new. But Dr Ambedkar was the first person who drew global attention to the Inhuman caste system and untouchability.
(B)We are fortunate that a man like Dr Ambedkar headed the drafting committe of Indian constitution. Dr Ambedkar is the only man responsible to introduce Reservation in Indian constitution to provide equal opportunity of empowerment to the depressed communities known as untouchables.
(C) More over, it was no less a personality than Dr Ambedkar himself, who exposed so called Mahatma, Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi and Congress, the best Agents of Hindutva and Indian fascism.
(D) Then, Dr Ambedkar tried his best not only to abolish the cursed Caste System but he also wanted to destroy the Manusmriti Rule, the brahminical Hegemony!
(E)Dr Ambedkar could not do away with Cast System in Hinduism and he opted to convert in Buddhism.
Ranga Nayakamma criticises Dr Ambedkar that he could not oppose the superstitions in Buddhism where as he could expose the Myths and superstitions in Hinduism very well with surgical precision.
I agree with Ranga Nayakamma when she concludes that Dalit Liberation and Reservation may not help each other. Continuation of Reservation never would make any way for Dalit liberation.
I assess the study as an objective realisation that Dr Ambedkar did not study well the Indigenous communities as productive forces and the indigenous production system as a whole.
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According to Ms. Ranganayakamma, who is a celebrated Telugu writer with over 50 ... The admirers of Ambedkar had kicked up quite a protest over her book on ... - 19k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
(Originally prepared when an English reviewer (of Ranganayakamma's book AN INTRODUCTION TO MARX'S ... Basically she is a novelist and short story writer. ... - 32k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
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Telugu Fiction
After a successful beginning as a fiction writer, Ranganayakamma embarked ... later entitled "Ambedkar and Buddha will not do, the only solution is Marx". ... - 87k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
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17 Sep 2007 ... Recently I read telugu book titled “China lo emi jarugutondi? ... Ranganayakamma criticised Ambedkar and his fans like Chandra Bhan Prasad ... - 57k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
OPE-L message, Re: [OPE-L] Caste system- surplus woman question
It is good knockabout stuff in its criticisms of Ambedkar which seem mostly fair. ... This is an English translation of Ranganayakamma's Telugu book which ... - 14k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
JSTOR: Rejecting Sita: Indian Responses to the Ideal Man's Cruel ...
The author notes: "Interestingly, Ambedkar is not the first social reformer ...... a famous Telugu work by Muppala Ranganayakamma, Ramayatna Vishabriksham, ... - Similar pages - Note this
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The issue of Sita's Absence was was debated decades ago in Telugu literature. ... Both Ranganayakamma and Arudra are 'high Brahmins' as Dab would like to ... - 80k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
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A recent Telugu book by Ranganayakamma, strongly critical of the `racist and ... Send e-mail to with questions or comments about this ... - 7k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
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Bibliography International Review of Social History vol. 48 part 2 ...
In this book, the English translation of a text originally written in Telugu, Ranganayakamma discusses the range of ideas on the "caste" question of the ... - 102k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
CPI(M) will fight atrocities against Dalits, says Karat
Special Correspondent
It is now prioritising mobilisation of Dalits for this fight
— Photo: Vipin Chandran
CPI (M) General Secretary Prakash Karat, Kerala Chief Minister V.S. Achuthanandan and State Party Secretary Pinarayi Vijayan at the Dalit Convention organised at Kochi on Saturday.
KOCHI: Communist Party of India (Marxist) general secretary Prakash Karat said on Saturday that the CPI(M) would step up the fight against caste-based discrimination and atrocities against Dalits across the country.
Declaring open the Dalit convention here, he referred to the caste segregation at Uthapuram in Madurai district of Tamil Nadu and said the CPI (M)’s intervention there had helped in breaking the nine-foot wall that had cut off Dalits’ access.
A survey by the party had shown that acute forms of discrimination existed in Tamil villages. Such oppression took place in Rajasthan, Maharashtra, and other places on a day-to-day basis and that was why the CPI (M) was now prioritising mobilisation of Dalits to fight against caste discrimination. The 19th party congress had mandated such a struggle.
He pointed out that the Dalits were the worst-affected by the globalisation-liberalisation policy as millions of traditional workers such as weavers, farmhands and fishermen had been deprived of their livelihoods. The CPI (M) stood for reservation of jobs for the SCs and STs in the private sector as well as for earmarking a certain percentage of seats in private higher-education institutions. Because of the government’s policy of downsizing, the public sector was shrinking leading to the shrinking of Dalits’ job opportunities too. Noting that the privatisation of public sector units reduced the number of reserved jobs, Mr. Karat asked the UPA government to ensure that when PSUs were privatised, the SC-ST quota should be continued in the privatised unit.
He contended that since many private units were heavily subsidised in the form of cheap power, tax holidays and infrastructural assistance, they were not exactly `private’ and that the State had a stake in them. In view of this, the government should ensure that these firms complied with the statutory SC-ST reservation.
Mr. Karat, however, stressed that reservation could be a temporary relief and for a permanent solution to the Dalit discrimination, basic social transformation was essential. It was because of the Communist movement and the work of social reformers that the Dalits’ condition was far better in Kerala than in any other State. The atrocities against the Dalits as witnessed in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu would never take place in Kerala, which had in the past been the venue of the worst form of untouchability and Dalit oppression, Mr. Karat said.
The CPI(M)’s organising the Dalit meet has been flayed by its political opponents saying the party was straying from its traditional ‘class struggle’ theory and that it was trying to create a Dalit vote bank.
A. Shaikmohideen
A file picture of one of the reactors at Koodankulam in Tamil Nadu.–
Anil Sasi
New Delhi, Aug. 17 With the prospects of India’s access to global nuclear reactor technology brightening, Westinghouse Electric Company (AP1000 series of reactors), GE-Hitachi (ABWR reactor series) , Areva (1,000 MW European pressurised reactors) and the Russia’s atomic energy agency Rosatom (VVER 1,000 reactors) are among the frontrunners for new projects planned across the country.
State-owned Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL) – the monopoly nuclear power generator – has tentatively short-listed these four major reactor manufacturers based on “suitability” of technical parameters for placement of orders that will form the first phase of the Centre’s plan to build 40,000 MW of nuclear capacity by 2020, Government sources indicated.
Nuke Parks
Once nuclear trade commences, NPCIL hopes to set up “Nuclear Parks” or reactor clusters, for which four coastal sites have been identified across Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and West Bengal.
These “parks” are being envisaged with a capacity of housing up to eight reactors of 1,000 MW each at a single location. The orders would initially be placed for around two reactors of 1,000 MW at each of the locations, following which more reactors could be added .
“The model would be on the lines of the Koodankulam project, where two 1,000 MW reactors were initially set up and subsequently the site is being expanded to accommodate more reactors,” an official said.
Officials hinted at the preference for Russian and French reactor technology since the Indian Government has already been engaging with them.
Russian VVER reactors are already being deployed at Koodankulam in Tamil Nadu, while the Jaitapur site in Maharashtra was earmarked by the DAE for possible project collaboration with the French Government.
NSG meeting
With the India-specific safeguards agreement already cleared by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), a special session of the Nuclear Suppliers Group – the 45-member nation cartel that controls nuclear commerce – to begin discussing the US-India deal is scheduled for August 21, with at least two sessions likely to be needed to reach an agreement on an exemption for India.
Indian utilities such as NPCIL would technically be in a position to engage with global suppliers once the NSG exemption is through, though the Indo-US deal would still be required to go back for an up-down vote at the US Congress.
A senior Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) official told Business Line that the country would like to keep its options open on the choice of reactor types at present, with practically all global reactor manufacturers making a beeline for India in the light of the opportunities that could open up.
“Cost specifications and safety parameters would form the two foremost parameters for the selection of the foreign equipment suppliers for future projects,” the official said. Foreign reactor suppliers are, however, unlikely to be allowed to own equity in the projects in the first phase, officials said.
To double capacity
0 India has 17 nuclear power plants with a total installed capacity of 4,120 MW in operation. Six additional units, with a capacity of 3,160 MW, are under various stages of construction.
If nuclear trade with global players opens up, the Centre, which was originally targeting 20,000 MW of nuclear power by 2020, hopes to double nuclear capacity addition to achieve an installed capacity of 40,000 MW over the next 12 years.
According to US-India Business Council estimates, at least $100 billion (about Rs 400,000 crore) worth of investment will be needed to develop nuclear energy in India over the next 20 years.
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Farm debt waiver: PSBs seek interest
New Delhi, Aug 17
Public sector banks (PSBs) have placed a new claim on the Central Government for their successful implementation of the farm debt waiver and debt relief scheme in a record time.
Besides fully compensating them for the amount waived off and the relief granted, they also want the Government to pay interest on the amount involved.
It is learnt that some of the chief executives of the PSBs had at their recent meeting with the Finance Minister, Mr P. Chidambaram, suggested that the interest should be calculated from the date of announcement of the scheme, i.e. from February 29, when the Union Budget was announced, till the date of write-off.
Data with the Finance Ministry show that the PSBs had written off about Rs 25,357.56 crore towards farm debt waiver and Rs 5,314.54 crore towards debt relief scheme.
“We are asking for interest from the day of announcement of the debt waiver scheme as from that day, these accounts stopped yielding incomes for us,” a PSB chief executive said.
Co-op banks, RRBs
After PSBs, cooperative banks and regional rural banks (RRBs) played a major role in the farm debt waiver scheme. Under the scheme, cooperative banks and RRBs had written off Rs 28,802.91 crore towards farm debt waiver and Rs 6,565.41 crore towards debt relief scheme.
The Government is likely to provide for some compensation to the PSBs for the debt waiver scheme during the first batch of supplementary demands for grants when the monsoon session resumes.
Private sector investments in key sectors sharply down
D. Sampathkumar
Chennai, Aug. 17 The number of projects initiated in 2007-08, by the private corporate sector for implementation, in key sectors such as petroleum, sugar, textiles etc. is sharply down as against the previous year, a study by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) reveals.
In its latest monthly bulletin (August 2008), the RBI says that as against 258 projects expected to cost around Rs 26,000 crore taken up in 2006-07, the number has come down to 128 with the projected investment pegged at Rs 10,700 crore.
Ironically, the development comes in the face of textile enterprises seeing a slight improvement in export prospects with problems plaguing the Chinese industry and units in other countries with which India competes in the global markets, as this paper reported in its edition dated August 17, 2008.
Similar tale
It is a similar tale in other sectors as well with both the number and project costs scaled down sharply. However, metals and hotel industries have shown buoyancy. (See Table).
The waning corporate interest in committing fresh investments is evident from another piece of statistics published by the RBI for 2007-08.
Such investments overall, which have shown a consistent rising trend in recent years, is flat for the first time in the year just gone by compared to the immediate previous year.
From a figure of close to Rs 73,000 crore in 2003-04, the projected fresh investments in 2006-07 had gone up nearly four fold at Rs 2,83,440 crore. But the subsequent year sees the private corporate sector investing only Rs 2,84,371 crore - a clear decline in real terms if inflation is taken into account over the project implementation period (See Table).
Worrisome feature
Another worrisome feature evident from the RBI data is that the entrepreneurial base is also shrinking with fewer new projects being taken up, but involving bigger-ticket investments to make up the higher value. For instance, it took roughly 1,054 new projects to notch up a figure of Rs 2,83,440 crore in 2006-07.
But nearly the same project size ( Rs 2,84,371 crore) was reached with nearly 150 fewer projects (910, to be exact) in 2007-08.
As the RBI data make it clear, the private corporate sector’s overwhelming focus on infrastructure projects such power, telecom, ports, airports, roads etc. while boosting up the numbers simultaneously masks the declining business fundamentals in others sectors where fewer projects are coming up.
Indeed, infrastructure which accounted for only a third of new projects in 2005-06 now constitutes close to half the value of fresh investments committed by the private sector.
Of particular interest is the growth in the number and project values of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and IT parks which have seen a ten-fold increase in the value of investments. Promoters have clearly been able to persuade financial institutions to discount political risks while backing these projects.
More Stories on : Economy | New Projects | RBI & Other Central Banks
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Sify Buddhadeb invites Mamata for talks on Singur issue
Business Standard, India - 2 hours ago
PTI / Kolkata August 18, 2008, 18:37 IST In a renewed bid to resolve the Singur crisis, the West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadev Bhattacharjee today invited ...
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Tata factory adds to economic prosperity of Singur
Economic Times, India - 17 Aug 2008
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CPM loses Singur school poll
Calcutta Telegraph, India - 16 hours ago
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New! Get the latest news on Singur with Google Alerts.
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MNCs seeking HR firms’ help to ‘outplace’ employees
Moumita Bakshi Chatterjee
K. Bharat Kumar
New Delhi/Chennai, Aug. 17 IT companies are now roping in HR firms for ‘outplacement services’ to help workers, who have been asked to leave, to find new jobs.
Outplacement is gathering momentum with the US slowdown casting a cloud on hiring, and delay in client decisions forcing companies to cull jobs and weed out non-performers from the rolls, “Outplacement service is a global practice, but in recent times we have seen MNCs adopting it in India.
The demand for such services has picked up steam since the beginning of 2008 and we have offered ‘outplacement assistance’ to three MNCs for almost 250 employees,” Mr Kris Lakshmikanth, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Head Hunters India, said.
He said that his firm offers resume and interview assistance, career counselling and placement services to candidates affected by lay-offs.
Likewise, Ms Saundarya Rajesh, CEO of Chennai-based Avtar Career Creators, pointed out that company is seeing a rise in requests from IT and BPO companies to ‘outplace’ employees.
“We have received profiles of between 1,000 and 1,200 employees in the last three months, and this has been initiated by the HR departments of companies in the IT and BPO space,” she added. These profiles have come from about three-four companies to Avtar.
Different ways
Ms Rajesh adds, “After specifically communicating to employees that the company cannot retain them anymore, HR chiefs typically contact recruitment firms for help.” In these cases, employees can take leave and continue to get paid as they hunt for other jobs.
Interestingly, in certain cases, HR departments circulate the resumes in the market without necessarily communicating that to the employees and quietly welcome departures resulting from the move.
At times, the company that has given the mandate to the outplacement firm pays the latter for its services (in addition, the recruitment firm also charges the new employer for the placement).
“However, that is not an industry norm as yet, and in most instances, the recruitment firm gets paid by the new employer after the candidate is successfully placed,” says Mr Rishi Das, CEO of CareerNet Consulting, a company which has taken up six ‘outplacement assignments’ since August 2007, involving nearly 400 employees.
However, Mr Das feels that it is not as if IT and BPO companies are ‘downsizing’.
‘It’s right sizing’
“IT companies were hiring aggressively earlier but given the brisk pace of business, they were unable to let go of the bottom 10 per cent workforce despite the fact that such employees did not pass the performance muster.
That is changing now — with the US slowdown affecting new projects, companies are taking stock, weeding out non-performers and then recruiting afresh to bridge the shortfall,” he said.
Also in some cases, mergers and acquisitions are leading to duplication of processes and functions, prompting companies to hand out pink slips.
Layoffs are also coming from start-ups who were operating on a limited number of projects, he said, adding that his company had offered assistance to three such companies.
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Business Standard - 2 hours ago
PTI / Kolkata August 18, 2008, 18:37 IST In a renewed bid to resolve the Singur crisis, the West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadev Bhattacharjee today invited Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee for talks, six days ahead of her party's plan to lay ...
TC demand for return of 400 acres cannot be met: Basu Hindu
Buddhadeb rules out transfer of land to farmers in Singur Times of India
Calcutta Telegraph - - Sify - Kolkata Newsline
all 34 news articles »
Nepal Maoist head sworn in as PM
BBC News - 3 hours ago
The Nepalese Maoist leader, Prachanda, has been sworn in as prime minister, completing his transition from rebel leader to constitutional politician.
Nepal Maoist leader sworn in as PM AFP
Nepal's new prime minister takes oath of office The Associated Press
Reuters India - International Herald Tribune - - CNN International
all 562 news articles » हिन्दी में »
49 children died during clinical trials in AIIMS
Hindu - 4 hours ago
New Delhi (PTI): As many as 49 children have died during clinical trials of new medicines in the premier All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) here during the last two-and-a-half years.
Centre asks AIIMS to probe death of 49 children
49 babies die during clinical trials Times of India - Monsters and
all 21 news articles »
Jade Goody and Shilpa Shetty
Rediff - 6 hours ago
You know the best thing about these reality shows? They beg you to be judgmental. They go out of their way to grab your attention, have an opinion, however harsh, about them.
Bigg Boss kick-starts with big celebs
Return of the Jade IndiaGlitz
TopNews - Economic Times - Zee News -
all 308 news articles »
India may be hub of chronic illness
Daily News & Analysis - 18 hours ago
According to a World Health Organisation report Preventing Chronic Diseases - A Vital Investment, 350 million people will die in the next 10 years of chronic disease and a significant proportion of these will be in India.
Campaign against chronic diseases set off in India Little About
Piramal group launches project to fight chronic diseases Hindu
Times of India - Business Standard - Livemint - TopNews
all 10 news articles
Sify Nuke deal will not supersede domestic law: US
Press Trust of India, India - 8 Aug 2008
"We're working hard to get the Indian civil-nuke program through this year. We're working with Congress to discuss the issues and resolve any outstanding ...
Senior US democrat warns nuke deal may be blocked Business Standard
Will the nuke deal finally operationalize?
US lawmaker threatens to upset N-deal Times of India
Transnational Institute - Press Trust of India
all 456 news articles »
BBC News India-US nuke deal will speed up growth: PM
SINDH TODAY, Pakistan - 14 Aug 2008
New Delhi, Aug 15 (IANS) The India-US nuclear deal will open ‘new pathways to accelerate industrialization of our country’, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh ...
PM skips Indo-US nuke deal in his Independence Day address
all 571 news articles »
WELT ONLINE Bush, Singh agree to press ahead with nuke deal
Reuters India, India - 24 Jul 2008
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said earlier on Thursday the Bush administration would push the US Congress hard to agree to the nuclear deal before ...
Nuke deal to open up 20 bn pound investment Business Standard
Indian Americans wish the UPA to survive
Nuke deal or 'nude' deal: Disintegrating India Merinews
United Press International -
all 1,625 news articles » Congress to make nuke deal as main poll plank
Hindu, India - 6 Aug 2008
New Delhi (PTI): The Indo-US nuclear deal will be one of the main planks of Congress in coming elections with party General Secretary Rahul Gandhi asking ...
Cong to showcase Nuke deal in elections Daily News & Analysis
Rahul hardsells N-deal to public Times of India
Rahul Gandhi to give N-deal lessons to Congress spokespersons
all 39 news articles »
Left to take battle against nuke deal, eco policies to streets
Press Trust of India, India - 11 Aug 2008
... with constituents of the United National Progressive Alliance (UNPA) and several other parties opposed to the N-deal joining hands with the Communists. ... (Pressemitteilung) Burns says Pak cannot expect a nuke deal like that of India
Press Trust of India, India - 31 Jul 2008
Burns also pressed for the speedy approval of the nuke deal ahead of the IAEA taking up the India-specific safeguards pact tomorrow for approval saying it ...
Pak may not get nuke deal like India
Hyde Act will lead the path of nuke deal: CPI (M) Hindu
Will NSG okay Indo-US nuke deal? Central Chronicle -
all 74 news articles »
Boston Globe 'Next steps of nuke deal after IAEA meeting'
Business Standard, India - 23 Jul 2008
PTI / New Delhi July 23, 2008, 18:00 IST A day after winning the mandate for going ahead with the Indo-US nuclear deal, government today pinned hopes on the ...
India to push ahead with nuke deal amid strict deadline Hindu Business Line
Mulford presses swiftness on nuke deal
Nuke deal can fuel weapons race: Pak Howrah News Service - Times of India
all 481 news articles »
US says no to Pak on nuke deal similar to Indo-US pact
Press Trust of India, India - 8 Aug 2008
Tokyo, Aug 8 (PTI) The United States today dismissed concerns that its nuclear deal with India may open up an opportunity for Pakistan and others to seek a ...
all 571 news articles »
Kashmir Newz Communications Kashmiri separatist leaders submit memorandum to UN office
Hindustan Times, India - 6 hours ago
PTI Separatists leaders on Monday submitted a memorandum at the UN office in Srinagar asking the world body to "actively engage" itself in Jammu and Kashmir ...
Kashmiri leadership submits memorandum to UN office - Associated Press of Pakistan
In Kashmir, there's azadi in air Times of India
Kashmir demo Scotsman
Economic Times - (press release)
all 256 news articles »
Calcutta Telegraph Kashmir braces for Hurriyat march to UN office
Hindustan Times, India - 11 hours ago
Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani said: "The memorandum seeks UN intervention for the permanent resolution of Kashmir issue in the wake of the economic ...
Hurriyat calls off march to UN office
Pro-Indian Kashmiri Leader Threatens to Quit Indian Parliament NewsBlaze
Kashmiris Out in Streets, Demand UN Intervention Kashmir Observer
Economic Times - Hindu
all 148 news articles » BJP expresses concern over development in Kashmir
Economic Times, India - 19 hours ago
"There exists no government worth its name in Kashmir and the prevailing situation in the Valley is the result of the appeasement policy being pursued by ...
Kashmir separatists Emboldened by UPA ineptitude Organiser
Down to a trickle but some tourists still in Kashmir Fresh News
PM reviews Jammu and Kashmir situation Hindu
Press Trust of India - Newstrack India
all 141 news articles »
Zee News Troops in Indian Kashmir on alert to halt protests
Reuters India, India - 10 hours ago
SRINAGAR, India, Aug 18 (Reuters) - Indian authorities deployed more troops across Kashmir on Monday to prevent a planned march by separatists to a United ...
Protests continue in Kashmir valley as leadership divided over ... SINDH TODAY
No economic blockade of Kashmir now, says government Newindpress
J&K unrest: Hurriyat leaders march to UN office
Hindustan Times - Times of India
all 53 news articles »
Seattle Post Intelligencer What Musharraf's exit means for India, India - 3 hours ago
With the resignation of Pervez Musharraf as president of Pakistan, there is a growing feeling that Islamabad is likely to be more hawkish on the Kashmir ...
India fears vacuum left by Musharraf BBC News
Musharraf eased out of power, may go into exile Hindustan Times
India fears Musharraf exit will unleash new tensions Reuters
The Associated Press -
all 250 news articles »
Times Musharraf, key figure in Pak's Kashmiri militant project
Press Trust of India, India - 17 Aug 2008
Giving support to India's long held view that ISI is patronising militants in Kashmir by giving them all possible help, Stratfor which is a publisher of ...
Think the Unthinkable Hindustan Times
Senators condemn Indian atrocities in Jammu & Kashmir Daily Times
Looking Through Prism (press release)
The Post - Wall Street Journal
all 336 news articles »
Gulf Times Ensure safety of migrant labourers in Kashmir valley: APMCC
Hindu, India - 4 hours ago
Jammu (PTI): Expressing concern over the attacks on Bihari labourers and people of particular community in Kashmir valley, All Party Migrant Coordination ...
Migrant workers flee Kashmir Gulf Times
Several non-Kashmiri labourers flee Valley
Harmony in times of hate Hindustan Times
all 12 news articles » Omar threatens to quit over violence in Kashmir
Times of India, India - 19 hours ago
Omar alleged the Centre had always tried to solve Kashmir issue by gun. "Kashmir is a political issue and needs to be addressed politically."
Engage both parties, Omar urges Centre Hindu
Economic blockade proves Kashmiris are slaves: Omar (press release)
Omar threatens to quit as MP (Lead) SINDH TODAY - Times of India
all 44 news articles »
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Pranab slams CPI(M) for `misleading` masses on N-deal
Berhampore, Aug 18: Blaming the CPI(M) for its "misleading propaganda" on the Indo-US nuclear deal, External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee on Monday said nuclear power was needed to meet energy requirements of the country.
"CPI(M) is carrying on a misleading campaign on the Indo-US nuclear deal that the government has sacrificed country's sovereignty, which is utterly false," Mukherjee said at a seminar on 'nuclear deal', organised by the Murshidabad District Congress Committee, here.
Describing the CPI(M)'s stand on the deal as "bluffing the people," the Congress leader said "30 crore people in the country are still deprived of electricity which is a must for development."
Stating that cost of thermal or hydel power was much higher, he said the deal would help in generating the much-needed power in remote areas.
The minister said the government would do whatever was good for the people, keeping in mind country's sovereignty.
Sify CPI(M) congratulates Nepal's first PM Prachanda
Hindu, India - 16 Aug 2008
New Delhi (PTI): The CPI(M) on Saturday congratulated Nepal's Maoist chief Pushpa Kamal Dahal, popularly known as Prachanda, on being elected as the first ...
All-party delegation led by Yechury to visit Kathmandu Economic Times
Yechury: Left hopes to meet Prachanda soon Howrah News Service
Yechury to lead all-party delegation to Kathmandu
all 24 news articles »
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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.
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