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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Republican Party Should Be Renamed "Fascist Party"

From: RW
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2008 19:18:04 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Wed, Aug 6 2008 10:18 pm
Subject: Republican Party Should Be Renamed "Fascist Party"
The modern Republican Party is not conservative, is not patriotic, does not represent the principles our country was founded upon, and is probably more in line with the fascism of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. It represents the interests only of the mega-wealthy families like John and Cindy McCain, George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, etc., and does not represent the interests of the 95% of Americans who are poor and working class. Truly patriotic Americans should reject and renounce this party trying to turn our country into a fascist dictatorship and police state. See

Keith Responds:

What a ridiculous article, and what a ridiculous thread. I don't mean to sound insulting, I really don't, but I question how old Mike 532 is. Some of your answers and responses are just so immature, juvenile sounding, and you never, ever support any of your rhetoric and dogma with supporting facts, even when confronted. In other words, you are a typical wacko left, socialist-elitist sounding moonbat, that when confronted with the truth, all you ever do is resort to name calling and attacking the messenger. That gets old....Again, its not my intent to insult you, I just wish you would tone down your personal attacks, make an attempt to support your rhetoric, and start looking for answers! Try and keep an open perspective and start looking for information from different sources than where you are seeking information from currently.

The truth is, that the Republican Party has lost its way. There is no clear vision like there was when President Reagan was steering the ship. We have allowed our tent to become infested with religious zealots who have but one issue, abortion, and would inflict more laws and regulations on the American people than their socialist brethren. (I am a Christian by the way, and I am proud to say so!)

We have allowed, as Richard Forbes alluded to, politicians who are "moderate" big spenders and who have lost the vision of "less government, less government spending, less government intrusion into our lives" policies and have attempted to provide pork barrel spending back to their constituencies in order to get reelected. Yes, to a degree, the conservatives have been sold out by the Republican Party, and the Republican Party has lost its way.

What is the alternative?

If the Republicans "have lost their way", the Democrats have in fact been infiltrated by something far more sinister. The truth is, that the Democratic Party now openly advocates socialism, which by its very definition, is some middle ground and transition to communism. Although the Democrats used to try and evade the moniker, and distance themselves from being classified as socialists, they do so no more. Congresswoman Maxine Waters (Socialist, Cal.) just last month, parroted the Venezuelan socialist dictator, Hugo Chavez, calling for the nationalization of the oil companies: ; as did House Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) and Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) on June 18, 2008 in a Press Conference of the Democratic Leadership. Democrats openly call for redistribution of wealth in our Nation, they call for socialized medicine, socialized energy, and in general, the Democratic Party openly advocates the federal government's involvement in each and every facet of our lives. Period. What part of this can any one person in this group, with a straight face, argue is NOT socialism?

We are in an unconventional war, unlike any that America has ever been involved in, and although there have been some laws passed, predominately by a Democrat controlled Congress, these types of laws, (in particular the H.R. 6304 Bill, or "The FISA Amendments Act of 2008") although in general, I am somewhat opposed to this legislation, the legislation does not cover domestic communications, only communications coming into, and being transmitted out of the United States. We are at war! We are battling a group of folks that want to destroy yours and my very way of life! As compared to some of the methods that were put into place back during the War of Northern Aggression, the First World War, the Second World War, these measures that have been put into place are far milder as compared to laws that the American people have dealt with in the past, at times of war and conflict....But I digress.

Back to the article. This goes back to what I was trying to convey the other day, with the "Bush Haters".....Their whole diatribe is, "We Hate Bush, But We Don't Know Why". This article has no foundation or truth, it is just more Bush bashing, and as typical, whenever moonbats are confronted with the truth, all they can do is get nasty and start slinging personal barbs....

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