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Thursday, August 7, 2008

“Incredible India” in focus during the Beijing Olympics

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
CM Sikkim meets Shri S. Jaipal Reddy

New Delhi : August 7, 2008

Union Minister of Urban Development, Shri S. Jaipal Reddy has assured the Chief Minister of Sikkim Dr. Pawan Chamling to provide all necessary help and assistance for the development of urban amenities and urban infrastructure in the State. Shri Chamling called on Shri Reddy, here yesterday and thanked him for expeditious consideration of important proposals of Sikkim that have contributed to the accelerated development of the State in field of urban development.

Dr. Chamling urged the Minister to allot a suitable plot of land for construction of an additional Sikkim House facility at Delhi for the benefit of visiting officials/people from Sikkim to Delhi as the existing New Sikkim House facility at 14, Panchsheel Marg, Chankyapuri, which was allotted nearly 30 years ago and has only 32 rooms, is not in a position to cater to the present day requirements that have since increased manifold. Shri Reddy stated that his Ministry would consider the allotment of land for an additional New Sikkim House in Delhi.


Press Information Bureau
Government of India
“Incredible India” in focus during the Beijing Olympics

New Delhi : August 7, 2008

The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games have provided an unparalleled opportunity for promoting the profile of “Incredible India” worldwide and showcasing India as a tourism destination to a large international audience.

To take advantage of the large number of participants, visitors and media who would be present to view the Beijing Olympics, the Union Ministry of Tourism through the India tourism office in Beijing, has launched widespread promotional activities in Beijing to bring “Incredible India” in focus, during this important international event.

These activities include a month long advertising campaign in the important subway stations and junctions in Beijing, with specially designed and illuminated images and creatives. Advertisements would also be placed in major newspapers, including the China Daily and South China Post during the Olympics which would also coincide with the Indian Independence Day celebrations on 15th Aug, 2008.

An India Evening has been proposed on August 16, 2008 with the Embassy of India. Invitees would include media personnel, major Chinese tour operators, as well as members of the delegation of the India contingent participating in the Olympic Games. Other proposed events include an exhibition of Indian Handicrafts & Textiles and a Photographic Exhibition on India by Dr. Mao Xiaoyu, a renowned photographer who has lived and traveled extensively in India.

Advertising campaigns are also being launched in other countries, to coincide with the Olympics, notable amongst them being Russia, which is celebrating the 100th year of Russian participation in the Olympic Games. Incredible India advertisements would be screened on giant digital screens at premium locations in Moscow and St. Petersburg from 8th to 24th August 2008. In addition, “Incredible India” advertising spots would feature on the Euro News channel during the Olympics, to be aired in over 45 countries worldwide.

India Tourism Office in Beijing, the 14th overseas office for Ministry of Tourism was inaugurated on April 7, 2008 by the Union Minister for Tourism & Culture Smt. Ambika Soni. The India tourism Office in Beijing was inaugurated as per agreed plan of action for India-China Friendship Year Celebrations during 2007. Earlier, Government of China had set up a China National Tourist Office in New Delhi in August 2007.

Tourist Arrivals from China for the last four years are as follows:

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007*

21152 34100 44897 62330 88103

(* Provisional)

Indian tourist traveling to China in the last 3 three years are as follows:-

2003 2004 2005 2006

219097 309411 356460 405091

As is evident from the figures shown above, in 2006, for the first time, China (Main) emerged as one of the top 15 tourist generating markets for India. It occupied the fourteenth position with 1.4% share in arrivals. The arrivals from China (Main) were merely 1371 in 1981 but have grown to 62330 in 2006 at a compound annual growth rate of 16.5%.

The Union Ministry of Tourism had initiated several programmes for promotion of tourism between China and India. The highlights of the programmes have been, printing of Tourism Brochures in Chinese language, setting up of the website in Chinese language, India’s participation in the China International Travel Market held in Kunming in November 2007 and also India’s participation in the closing ceremony of the India China Friendship Year in January 2008.

The Union Ministry of Tourism as part of further strengthening the bilateral relations between the two countries also took a delegation of Tour Operators and Travel Agents on familiarisation tour to China. Similarly, there was a familiarisation tour of Chinese Tour Operators in India.

PIB Kolkata

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