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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Sunday, August 3, 2008


Saturday, August 02, 2008
http://rastibini. blogspot. com/2008/ 08/tumbling- down-rabbit- hole.html

"I imagine that right now you're feeling a bit like Alice. Tumbling
down the rabbit hole?"
~ Morpheus, The Matrix.

Having reviewed a number of news links from last week on the
Ergenekon case, I decided that the one to devote time to, was the
one by Taraf's Yasemin Çongar, from 30 July, titled: "Deniz Baykal
is also in Ergenekon's schema".

Taraf created a stir earlier this summer when it published the
details of TSK's "Information Support Activity Plan".
http://rastibini. blogspot. com/2008/ 06/tsk-and- psyops-informati on-
A few days after the news broke, Yasemin Çongar gave a summarized
explanation of the plan in an interview with Spiegel Online.
http://rastibini. blogspot. com/2008/ 07/show-goes- on-and-on- and-on.html
Taraf also broke the news about TSK's blundering of the Daðlýca
raid, as discussed at Azadixwaz.
http://azadixwaz. blogspot. com/2008/ 06/recently- there-have- been-
Then there was the revelation in Taraf that Turkish constitutional
court judge Osman Paksüt held several secret meetings with very-soon-
to-be chief of the Turkish general staff, Ýlker Baþbuð. Paksüt was
one of the judges hearing the for-show-only AKP closure case.
http://www.todaysza web/detaylar. do?load=detay& link=144824

Taraf has been doing what journalists are supposed to be doing,
exposing the ugly underbelly of political machinery. That's one big
reason why I chose to work on Çongar's discussion of the CHP
chairman's name in the Ergenekon lists.

Much has been made in the last few weeks in the Turkish media about
alleged links between PKK and Öcalan and the Ergenekon gang;
however, aside from an Ergenekon plan called "The Antidote", linked
to Veli Küçük and, in the indictment (first part, pages 120-121),
also linked to Ümit Oðuztan, there is no other mention of Abdullah
Öcalan, in the first part of the indictment. "The Antidote" was a
scheme by Ergenekon to take over control of the PKK through Öcalan,
although the time frame involved here appears to be since Öcalan's
incarceration at Imralý. There is no evidence presented in the
indictment that "The Antidote" was carried out. Linked to the
information on "The Antidote", is more information from a now
deceased Ergenekon member, Kuddusi Okkýr, that Ergenekon had other
plans consistent with "The Antidote" in every way except for the
mention of Öcalan or PKK. The consistency according to these plans
was that Ergenekon envisioned "seeding" all kinds of state
organizations- -"from the Army to MÝT, from the police to the
Diyanet, from the judiciary to the state . . . "--and thereby
takeover the TC.

Let me reiterate: There was only one of these plans, "The Antidote",
that mentioned PKK as a target of Ergenekon "seeding," and there is
no mention of evidence showing that any kind of "seeding" was
actually carried out within PKK or with Öcalan. If there were a
concrete cooperation between Ergenekon and PKK, as Turkish media
asserts, then why would Veli Küçük need to covertly attempt to
create a "linkage" with PKK by sending spies to take over the
organization or gain Öcalan's consent for such a scheme? Cooperation
is between two willing parties, but to have to create "linkage", as
mentioned in the indictment, indicates that there is resistance to
any cooperation on the part of the PKK.

The one hard piece of evidence cited is a very old, widely published
photo of Serok Apo with Doðu Perinçek, the chairman of the Workers'
Party, who has been indicted as an Ergenekon member. An old article
of Perinçek's from 1995, in which he describes what should be the
Workers' Party approach to the Kurdish situation is also available
http://www.hartford archives/ 51/016.html
However, the fact that the photo of Öcalan and Perinçek was widely
published proves nothing of a PKK link to Ergenekon. If anyone wants
to go down that road, they will have to link Mehmet Ali Birand,
Nazlý Ilýcak, Cengiz Çandar, Ahmet Altan, and Yasemin Çongar
herself, among others, with the Ergenekon lists because all of them
have interviewed either Öcalan or members of KCK's executive council
at one time or another. But those people are not named in the lists.
If they were, Yasemin Çongar would have found her name in the lists,
along with the other famous Taraf journalist, Ahmet Altan, and she
would have written her own defense instead of raising questions
about Deniz Baykal's place on the list.

It would appear, however, that the lies surrounding the issue
of "The Antidote" stem from Tuncay Güney, a one-time, small-time
journalist in whose possession the original Ergenekon documents were
found in 2001. Güney has been linked to Fethullah Gülen and Gülen's
Samanyolu TV.
http://ulusalkanal. php?
option=com_content& task=view& id=7761&Itemid= 4
Güney claims to have brought the photos of Öcalan and Perinçek to
MÝT. He claims to have taken a bribe of $15,000 to PKK in order not
to shut down Gülen's schools in Hewler, although how PKK would have
had any control over anything in Hewler is a huge question. Perhaps
the KDP took the bribe by introducing themselves as PKK members?
Güney also claýms to have delivered money from Fethullah Gülen to
ultra-fascist Muhsin Yazýcýoðlu so that he could establish the BBP.
http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Great_Union_ Party

Zaman has some additional weird tidbits about Güney:
http://www.todaysza web/detaylar. do?load=detay& link=147854

"Meanwhile, in an interview with the Yeni Þafak daily, Tuncay Güney,
a former journalist whose ties with various secret services, both
domestic and international, have been documented, stated that
Kurdish separatist terrorism would come to an end if the Ergenekon
gang wanted that to happen. Güney, who now lives in Canada and works
as a rabbi, has suspected ties to the group. Güney came to
prominence when the first documents related to the Ergenekon gang
were seized on his computer in a 2001 police raid."

"Güney, currently a rabbi at the Jacobs House Jewish Community
Center in Toronto, praised Ergenekon prosecutor Zekeriya Öz for
having "done a great job" so far in the investigation, although he
expressed doubts that the operation would be very successful in the
end. "However, they are very close to the end and I think it is very
difficult moving on further from this point. There is no power in
Turkey that can stop Ergenekon," he said, expressing doubts that the
investigation will bring about the collapse of the crime group."

A check of YouTube reveals that Güney does, in fact, appear to be a
member of an Orthodox Jewish community in Toronto, although he now
denies any connection with Fethullah Gülen, as his appearance on
Mehmet Ali Birand's 32. com/watch? v=Gs7LLJK0TJA
Gün indicates. If the first Ergenekon documents were found in
Güney's possession, why has he not been indicted? Did he cut a deal
and, if so, what kind of deal was it? Is his life now, in an
Orthodox Jewish community in Toronto some kind of strange "witness
protection" program?

Furthermore, during the 1990s, many who were named in Ergenekon's
indictment were holding meetings with PKK and presenting themselves
as active representatives of the TC, and PKK tried to negotiate with
them in good faith with that representation. These meetings were
held in order to reach a solution to the Kurdish situation, as
discussed earlier this week on Özgür Gündem.
http://www.gundemon haber.asp? haberid=56509
As ÖG points out throughout the article, such meetings were
publicized by the media forerunners of ÖG. It is impossible to blame
PKK for having a connection with those people as members of a
covert "terrorist" organization, when PKK accepted them as authentic
representatives of government holding the power to carry out sincere
negotiations, and that's with an authenticity that those people
themselves presented as legitimate.

Finally, the almost 2,500-page Ergenekon indictment has been
released to the public, Word document here
http://haber. detail_news/ ?
type=Actuel& id=O121705658995 0&date=26Temmuz2 008
or at Hürriyet.
http://www.hurriyet 9516991.asp? gid=229&sz= 39065
If there were a concrete relationship between Öcalan or the PKK, and
Ergenekon, there would be plenty of ammunition to fill pages and
pages of daily publications and hours and hours of broadcast
airtime. But there is nothing . . . except an old photo that, for
years before anyone knew the name "Ergenekon", has been widely
available to anyone who can search Google, and a plan,
unimplemented, called "The Antidote".

Instead, here is a summary of the indictment contents by Nabi Yaðcý
at TDN:
http://www.turkishd ailynews. php?enewsid= 111107

"Although I wrote repeatedly that I had no doubts about some coup
preparations, frankly I was not expecting such a loaded Ergenkon
indictment and that the prosecutors can dare a thorough
investigation. I think that's why the indictment caused a "shock" in
the press. We had already heard so many matters, relations or
incidents long before the indictment was publicly announced. But
still, this indictment is shocking not because of its being an in-
depth examination or not because of the well-known personas involved
in this suit.""

[ . . . ]

In short, my first impression of the indictment was first of all
that the likelihood of a coup was so high, and secondly I was struck
by its content. There are clear signs about the Susurluk and
Þemdinli incidents. Although the indictment does not directly
include the murders by unknown perpetrators in the Southeast, they
were pointed out too. We see that some of the Ergenekon leaders are
trained for operations against Kurds in the Southeast. This will be
extremely important in the public eye. The indictment reaches the
murders of Hrant Dink, Necip Hablemitoðlu and Uður Mumcu, the
Council of State attack, and even Cyprus."

Again, no mention of cooperation between Öcalan or PKK and Ergenekon.

Now, on to Yasemin Çongar's editorial piece, from Taraf:
http://www.taraf. asp?mid=1386

"Deniz Baykal Is Also in Ergenekon's Schema"

"Previously, we had written an article headlined in Taraf"
One part of the article, written on 11 July 2008, was as follows:
http://www.taraf. asp?mid=1174

"It was about five years ago.

"The Turkish National Intelligence agency (MÝT) sent a top secret
report to the Prime Ministry.

"The topic was Ergenekon.

"MÝT's document included the Ergenekon gang's schema, and this
organization' s investigation was requested.

"In the organization' s schema, dated 2003, there were politicians' ,
businessmen' s, and journalists' names [listed] as Ergenekon members.

"Among the politicians, a party's chairman's name grabs attention.

"In the gang's list of journalists, a general editor of a big news
daily, its Ankara representative, and a very popular journalist are

"Among Ergenekon's businessmen, there were [listed] both
industrialists and media bosses, too.

"It cannot be proof that those people on the Ergenekon lists were
doing anything for Ergenekon, either consciously or unconsciously.

"But, it shows this:

"A series of names who are active today in politics, business, and
media, were reported by MÝT to the Prime Ministry that they might
have a relationship with Ergenekon and should be investigated.

"MÝT collected intelligence about Ergenekon, which is thought of as
a "legend" by some people, conveyed this suspicion and intelligence,
to the Prime Ministry with the emphasis that it should be

"I'm not going to write the names, in order not to implicate anyone.

"I will just let it go at this: the Prime Ministry conveyed this
document on 2 July 2008 to the people who are responsible for the
investigation of Ergenekon."


It was reflected in the indictment like this

Two weeks after the publication of this article [referring to the
schema article above], and the headline in Taraf as "MÝT has
Ergenekon's organizational schema", the Ergenekon indictment was

On pages 49 and 50 of the indictment, the information which Taraf
published was evaluated under the title, "MÝT Undersecretariat' s
Report Regarding the Ergenekon Terrorist Organization" .

In short, the MÝT Undersecretariat presented this document, the
information for which was received by an unknown source in 2002, and
is considered as a booklet that contained information characteristic
of an indictment, first, in 2003, to the General Staff, then to the
Prime Ministry, and a summary of the study was sent to the Prime
Ministry and General Staff again in 2006, as stated by the Ergenekon

The indictment, in this same section, gives a large quotation from a
writing that was sent in 2003 from MÝT to the Prime Ministry.

In this quote, under "Conclusions" , MÝT's evaluation is quoted as

"Based on current information, though we are not certain, we have
the impression that the works that are being implemented using the
name "Ergenekon" are the endavours for organizing a group which
targets "state/regime" for their own benefits."

"However, the information came about in an indictment form from
various sources that are parallel and consistent with each other,
gives meaning that is more than gossip, and it indicates the signs
of a directed and organized activity.

"For this reason, the current information about the [indicates that
the] subject aims to gain control over civilian will covertly, and
the creation of a new administration with a new formation under the
directed control of cadres of people who have a military origin,
using some non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and political
parties as well as the media."

The related part in the indictment concludes as "Ergenekon is
identified as an illegal organization by MÝT Undersecretariat itself
and this has been recorded with an official report".

The names that MÝT conveyed

Yesterday, we discussed CHP chairman Deniz Baykal's group speech in
Taraf's editorial section.

He seemed like a "deep" attorney; he had a shallow defense.

He was targetting the Ergenekon prosecutors directly; he was
belittling the indictment.

In one part of his speech, he used this ironic phrase: "According to
the indictment, Ergenekon has a long history; however, MÝT is
unaware of this."

Actually Baykal's words were no different than the other volunteer
gang attorneys' writings, who try to blacken the Ergenekon case.

Again, we had a hard time understanding the intention of his words,
[coming from someone] whom we know as a pro-state party leader,
which seemed to support an organization that the state's MÝT and
several more state departments, including TSK, think it would be
beneficial to investigate this organization.

We thought Baykal was defending not the state, but the "Deep State".

With this thought, today while preparing our first page of the
newspaper, we learned that the MÝT report that I wrote an article
about on 11 July, would be among the annexes of the Ergenekon
indictment, which would be released on 1 August.

We remembered that among the politicians linked to the organization,
the political party leader Deniz Baykal existed in the schemas of
the annexes of the mentioned document [the report from MÝT] in 2003,
named "Ergenekon".

We don't know whether Baykal or the people listed in the MÝT
document that will be released on Friday, have any link with

However, as I mentioned on 11 July, all we can say is "it is
reported from MÝT to the Prime Ministry that today there are names
that are active in the political arena, business, and media, that
might be linked to Ergenekon".

Based on the details in the indictment, we learn that this claim
might have been conveyed to MÝT by an unknown source.

Maybe this claim is not true, but it is obvious that MÝT felt
compelled to report this schema to the Prime Ministry in 2003.

In addition, a summary of the study was resent to the Prime Ministry
in 2006; the General Staff also received the same reports in 2003
and 2006.

Inevitably, one gets curious:

What did the Ergenekon prosecutors, who are aware of these reports,
the schemas, the lists of names, think about Deniz Baykal's severe
criticism against them?

And I wonder whether or not Baykal knew there were documents about
his links with Ergenekon, when he first started acting like
Ergenekon's attorney?


And I wonder why the first Ergenekon documents were found in 2001,
another anonymous source gave information in 2002, MÝT notified
Erdoðan and the TSK in 2003 and again in 2006, and nothing was acted
upon until 2008? I wonder why the Ergenekon investigation only began
in earnest in July 2007, with the discovery of Ergenekon's weapons
cache in Istanbul Ümraniye, during the same month as the last
general elections and two months after the May 2007 Dolmabahçe Deal
between Erdoðan and Büyükanýt? I wonder why only those well-known as
Deep Staters have been indicted and not the entire, active

And I wonder how deep the rabbit hole really goes?

............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
http://rastibini. blogspot. com/2008/ 07/deep-state- treachery. html

"It was a PKK-style blast. One million people rallied in Spain to
speak out about a similar attack."
~ Deniz Baykal, CHP Chairman.

"See, another treacherous PKK attack!"

Baykal's analogy is more appropriate than he thinks, but not in the
way he thinks. The demonstrations he mentions resulted in the fall
of the Partido Popular government, which initially blamed ETA for
the Madrid train bombings:

Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar called for nationwide protests
against the Basque separatist group ETA. "The government asks
Spaniards to demonstrate tomorrow [Friday] in the streets of all of
Spain... under the slogan 'with the victims, with constitution and
for the defeat of terrorism'," Aznar said.

Words that Aznar has lived to regret. May the same happen to Baykal
and Erdoðan.

Posted by Mizgîn at 7:54 PM

Posted by Mizgîn at 9:32 PM

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