Palestinian family resists Israeli order to quit East Jerusalem home
"I was married here, I had my five children here and I want to die here," says a defiant Fawzia al-Kurd, determined that Jewish settlers will not drive her family from their home in Occupied East Jerusalem. But sadly for the Kurds, whose single-storey two-room house of golden stone that has been their home for the past 52 years, Israel's High Court has ruled differently.
http://www.dailysta article.asp? edition_id= 10&categ_id=2&article_id=94695
Sick infant dies due to the siege in Gaza, twenty patients died in July
The Palestinian Ministry of Health reported on Thursday that a 3-month old infant from Deir Al Balah town, in the central Gaza Strip, died of a heart disease as the Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip emptied the hospital in the coastal region from the basic medical supplies and equipment. The infant was identified as Ahmad Eid Abu Amra, 3 months, he was born with a heart condition. With his death the number of patients who died due to the siege in Gaza in July arrives to twenty, including five children.
http://imemc. org/article/ 56300
PMRS calls on the freedom of movement to access health care in Gaza
Ramallah, 02-08-08. During the past 24 hours, five patients in Gaza have died due to being denied access to leave Gaza for medical treatment. This brings the number of victims to 225 people since the beginning of the siege in Gaza in 2006.
http://www.palestin emonitor. org/spip/ spip.php? article562
A number of children were injured during a nonviolent protest in Bethlehem
Local sources reported that a number of Palestinian children were injured during a non violent protest against the illegal wall in Al Ma'sara village near by the West Bank city of Bethlehem on Friday midday.
http://imemc. org/article/ 56304
Maan: Bil'in - dozens injured after inhaling tear gas, town waits for court verdict
To view original article, published by Maan on the 1st August, click here Dozens of residents and a Palestinian journalist suffered breathing problems after inhaling tear gas fired on them by Israeli soldiers during a peaceful protest in the village of Bil'in on Friday afternoon.
http://www.palsolid main/2008/ 08/01/maan- bilin-dozens- injured-after- inhaling- tear-gas- town-waits- for-court- verdict/
Israeli Troops Kill Two Palestinians in Ni'lin, Site of Nonviolent Anti-Wall Demonstration
Israeli troops fatally shot two Palestinian youths, aged ten and seventeen, this week in a village known for its nonviolent resistance. We speak with Hindi Mesleh, a resident of Ni'lin and an organizer with the Ni'lin Popular Committee Against the Apartheid Wall. [includes rush transcript]
http://www.democrac 2008/8/1/ israeli_troops_ kill_two_ palestinians_ in
Seven injured as Ni'lin continues its struggle against the construction of the apartheid wall
On the 1st August, Palestinian protesters, joined by Israeli and international solidarity activists, marched to the construction site of the apartheid wall in Ni'lin. Well over 100 meters of barbed wire at the site was eventually removed from the construction site and placed in front of the bulldozers so as to delay planned work on the wall the following day. This action was similar to the one that saw 10 year old Ahmed Mousa killed by Israeli forces on the 29th July.
http://www.palsolid main/2008/ 08/01/seven- injured-as- nilin-continues- its-struggle- against-the- construction- of-the-apartheid -wall-2/
Unknown assailants hurl brick at car in West Bank, injuring 7-year-old Palestinian girl
A Palestinian woman and her 7-year-old daughter were wounded Friday when unknown assailants hurled a brick at their car as it was passing the West Bank settlement of Yitzhar. Security officials in the area told Haaretz the incident is severe, and they will investigate suspicions that the assailants are settlers who live in the area.
http://www.haaretz. com/hasen/ spages/1007770. html
Israeli settlers wound a little Palestinian girl and her mother
Israeli settlers from the Yetshar settlement in the northern West Bank on Friday afternoon seriously wounded a seven-year-old girl who was travelling with her family in a car in the area. The settlers threw a rock at the car as it passed near the settlement. The rock broke the window and hit the girl and her mother who was lightly wounded. Both the girl and her mother were taken to a hospital in Nablus.
http://www.palestin uk/en/default. aspx?xyz= U6Qq7k%2bcOd87MD I46m9rUxJEpMO% 2bi1s75kAE4z1dmn g5IfHkbLi6iVSIXN nsL3Fuxw2ckBh% 2fgA0%2fXunl3j9V S3A32TmihoMTUDOE DQYSlIPtnNQ6u8% 2b0t3PTEf5rrfcY9 qurPJulbrE% 3d
Palestinian woman stoned near West Bank settlement outside Nablus
A Palestinian woman and her daughter were seriously injured when a large stone was launched through the window of their car near the illegal West Bank Israeli settlement Yizhar south of Nablus. Israeli media sources reported an eyewitness as saying that a car with yellow Israeli license plates was seen driving away from the injured woman.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=30987
Israeli forces detain two north of Salfit, steal money
Israeli forces detained two young Palestinian men from the town of Kifl Haris, to the north of Salfit, on Thursday and stole three thousand Shekels from the house after destroying its contents, local sources told Ma'an. The sources told our correspondent that at 2:00am on Thursday more than 12 Israeli vehicles and 70 Israeli soldiers stormed the town of Kifl Haris and broke into Jamil Sharif Abu Yacoub's house, where soldiers shouted abuse at the owners of the house and destroyed its contents.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=30967
Israeli army invades Jalazun Camp, arrest 5 injure 3 brothers
Five residents of Jalazun Refugee Camp were shot and three brothers arrested during an Israeli invasion of the camp north ofof Ramallah on Friday. The five shot sustained minor injuries and were transfered to an unknown location. The three brothers arrestedwere identified as Ashraf, Shareef and Mohamad Al-Bayid. The Israeli forces withdrew shortly after. Local witnesses told Ma'an that more than twenty Israeli militaryjeeps invaded the camp Friday evening and started firing rubber-coated metal bullets.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=30991
Hamas officer killed in Gaza clashes
A Hamas security officer was killed by a bomb blast during fighting between the Islamist group and a pro-Fatah clan in the Gaza Strip on Saturday, a Hamas official said.
http://www.alertnet .org/thenews/ newsdesk/ L222250.htm
Four killed in tunnel collapse under Gaza-Egypt border
Gaza - Four Palestinians were killed and 14 wounded on Friday when a tunnel under the border between the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah and Egypt collapsed, medics and witnesses said. Witnesses said that several Palestinians were digging a tunnel east of Rafah town under the borders between Gaza Strip and Israel, adding that the tunnel has suddenly collapsed while around 20 people were into it.
http://www.earthtim show/223019, four-killed- in-tunnel- collapse- under-gaza- egypt-border. html
Female detainees suffering in Israeli prisons
Freed Palestinian prisoner Seema A'nbas revealed Friday that her fellow prisoner 36-year-old Amal Jum'aa is suffering from uterine cancer. A'nbas heard the news about Jum'aa after the latter's sister returned from a visit to the women's prison. She said that the cancer was discovered two days ago after doctors conducted her regular checkup in the prison. Jum'aa is 36-years-old and a resident of Askar refugee camp near the West Bank city of Nablus and is serving an 11 year sentence.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=30992
Five detained legislators wounded while being transferred to court
Palestinian sources reported that five Hamas legislators, imprisoned by Israel, were wounded while being transferred to an Israeli court as the military truck driver kept stepping on the breaks without any warning, A letter that was sneaked from prison and was received on Thursday by the Palestine Information Center, which is run by Hamas, revealed that legislators Mohammad Abu Teir and Nayef Al Rajoub were moved to Al Ramlah hospital after suffering moderate injuries. Three other legislators, identified as Khaleel Al Rabee'ey, Azza Salhab, and Mahmoud Al Ramahy, sustained mild wounds. The legislators were handcuffed and their legs were tied so they were unable to protect themselves and their heads slammed into vehicles iron top.
http://imemc. org/article/ 56297
Palestinian serving 67 back-to-back life sentences beaten and abused
Abdullah Al- Barghouthi, who is serving 67 back to back life sentences in Israeli prisons, has sustained severe bruising after he was attacked in Ashkelon prison which is north of the Gaza Strip. Buthaina Duqmaq, lawyer and head of the Mandela Foundation announced the news on Friday after visiting Al-Barghouthi in prison. She said that Al-Barghouthi reported not feeling well after being the victim of a surprise attack by Israeli interrogators who broke into his cell the day of Lebanese prisoner Samir Quntar was released on July 16.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=30988
West Bank forces arrest Hamas-linked academics in Nablus
Palestinian security forces in West Bank arrested a number of academics and Hamas supporters in Nablus city early on Thursday, local sources of the city said. In the latest crackdown, four academics from al-Najah University were arrested from their houses during overnight raids by the security forces which are loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah.
http://news. xinhuanet. com/english/ 2008-07/31/ content_8877688. htm
Abbas's security men arrest a prominent Hamas leader in the northern West Bank
Despite official talk of Abbas ordering his security to release the Hamas leaders who were arrested last week, his security men arrested on Friday afternoon Sheikh Reyad Walweel.
http://www.palestin uk/En/default. aspx?xyz= U6Qq7k%2bcOd87MD I46m9rUxJEpMO% 2bi1s77MCD% 2fosrCIdJm% 2bhpRkoZgNH1dS9m TWyMg5mNrywz264C SgaNaaczd% 2fF6kwJQ5gTOXROJ JNaZvHpouaj9QyD5 olMf0OABt% 2bgxJRSj% 2fmqW%2b7c% 3d
Human rights organization condemns PA arrests of Hamas members in West Bank
Gaza City's Palestinian Centre for Human Rights condemns the campaign of arrests by Palestinian security forces against Hamas supporters in the West Bank over the past several days. The Centre is concerned that these arrests are an act of reprisal in response to arrest campaignsas well as raids and closure of dozens of Fateh-affiliated NGO's and sports clubs in the Gaza Strip. The Centre calls upon the governments in Ramallah and Gaza to put an end to all forms of arbitrary arrests, and to immediately release all political prisoners on both sides.
http://english. php?option= com_content&task=view&id=3283&Itemid=1
Hamas releases 10 Fatah leaders in response to Egyptian, local mediation
The Hamas Movement on Saturday said that ten Fatah leaders were released from prison in response to Egyptian and local mediation bids.
http://www.palestin uk/En/default. aspx?xyz= U6Qq7k%2bcOd87MD I46m9rUxJEpMO% 2bi1s7wJnPR62hEe e1PAmdPfBSzJiZa1 repl6rETd5iQD8zJ 8BYpr0QlWaUct% 2bf3pYLnpfprsSM1 2siRONfMKIa% 2b9C4Wp3aglEPkSi AdY0I2tYaBs% 3d
Hamas says it is closing in on bombing suspects
AP - Hamas security forces on Saturday raided what they said was a hideout of suspects in a deadly bombing a week ago, and gunfire and explosions were heard in the area.
http://us.rd. dailynews/ rss/mideast/ *http://news. s/ap/20080802/ ap_on_re_ mi_ea/palestinia ns_hamas_ raid
Hamas refutes alleged release of all political detainees in W. Bank
Hamas categorically denied Saturday the allegations that the PA security apparatuses released all political prisoners in occupied West Bank.
http://www.palestin uk/En/default. aspx?xyz= U6Qq7k%2bcOd87MD I46m9rUxJEpMO% 2bi1s7v6geTe3N4x QP6kPGWFsnbOZTPp SqMKw%2bVBg2vn0F 1D6mvX84Sm4x3TZe T%2fEpekvqryINaF pRua8Z5FygJzbOow uIStE7QN1Fi1l6hQ EfCNc%3d
Israel set to free 5 Palestinians in final stage of prisoner swap with Hezbollah
The cabinet was set to approve the release of five Palestinian prisoners on Sunday as part of the final stage of a prisoner swap with the Lebanese militia Hezbollah.
http://www.haaretz. com/hasen/ spages/1007795. html
IOA establishes synagogue at the Maghareba gate
The Israeli occupation authority is planning to establish a Jewish synagogue for women at Bab el-Maghareba gate of the holy Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem, Hebrew press reports said.
http://www.palestin uk/En/default. aspx?xyz= U6Qq7k%2bcOd87MD I46m9rUxJEpMO% 2bi1s7sQ2xDroO7h OOwrzt3betarNVvd HWOlwL2FmsHnvWIn zayh2BE5meL5hRm% 2bCtkegK% 2feK4QC5vpJ1Ff6% 2fYEsn13AI5ahh0s M0onH56XNQeF1Y% 3d
Hizb Ut-Tahrir events closed down by PA security forces
Palestinian security forces prevented Hizb Ut-Tahrir from holding several conferences and marches in Jenin and Bethlehem and detained a number of party members, the movement said on Thursday. Palestinian Authority (PA) Security forces were stationed at the entrances to the cities to stop the arrival of people hoping to attend the events, where they apparently arrested dozens of young men affiliated to Hizb Ut-Tahrir.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=30972
Hizb Ut-Tahrir announces cancellation of Hebron rally
Hizb Ut-Tahrir, a movement that calls for the establishment of Islamic law across the Muslim world,has cancelled a rally due to take place in Hebron on Saturday in the face of Palestinian Authority (PA) closures of its events over the last few days, Dr Maher Al-Ja'bari, the spokesperson for Hizb Ut-Tahrir announced on Friday.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=30978
De facto government to sue several media outlets for biased coverage
De facto government in Gaza will file a suit against Ma'an News Agency for what they describe as "mistakes" that the agency made when reporting on crimes committed by security forces in Gaza. Dr Hassan Abu Hasheesh, head of the media office of the de facto government said on Friday that where Ma'an dealt "with the violations and crimes committed by the security forces in the West Bank as a campaign to restore order…it deals with the performance of the security forces in the Gaza Strip as clear violations of law. "
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=30983
MK Sarsur: Arabs want peace, Israel prefers war
Knesset Member Ibrahim Sarsur says peace is Arab world's strategic choice while Israel prefers war; Arab MK claims Muslim connection to Jerusalem is 'absolute,' says Israel must give up east J'lem if it wants peace.http://www.ynetnews .com/articles/ 0,7340,L- 3576524,00. html
The Economic War Against the Palestinians Has Failed
In recent weeks, the Israeli military shut down a series of West Bank charitable and educational organizations affiliated in one way or another with Hamas, even though the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority is apparently incapable of providing these services. Last week, threats by P.A. Prime Minister Salam Fayyad caused Israel to reverse itself in one instance where it had closed an entire shopping mall in Nablus because two or three storeowners had ties to Hamas.http://www.forward. com/articles/ 13887/
Yvonne Ridley to sail with Gaza blockade ship
A crew from Press TV in Iran have arrived in Cyprus to join a group of US-based activists who are planning to challenge Israel's blockade of the Palestinian territory. The Free Gaza group announced last week its plan to sail to Gaza and try to test the Israeli claim that Gaza is free, by entering by sea to the port of Gaza.. Award-winning journalist Yvonne Ridley, now working for Press TV, will set sail with the Free Gaza group which will make the trip in two Greek-flagged boats.
http://www.famagust a-gazette. com/default. asp?sourceid=&smenu=69&twindow=&mad=&sdetail=4477&wpage=1&skeyword=&sidate=&ccat=&ccatm=&restate=&restatus=&reoption=&retype=&repmin=&repmax=&rebed=&rebath=&subname=&pform=&sc=2350&hn=famagusta- gazette&
Mohammed Omer - Truth and Consequences Under the Israeli Occupation PLUS Kenneth Ring: the Ordeal of Mohammed Omer
I am a Palestinian journalist from Gaza. At the age of 17, I armed myself with a camera and a pen, committed to report accurately on events in Gaza. I have filed reports as Israeli fighter jets bombed Gaza City. I have interviewed mothers as they watched their children die in hospitals unequipped to serve them because of Israel's embargo. I have been recognized for my reporting, even in the United States and United Kingdom, where I have won two international awards. I have also been beaten and tortured by Israeli soldiers.
http://palestinethi 2008/08/01/ mohammed- omer-truth- and-consequences -under-the- israeli-occupati on-plus-kenneth- ring-the- ordeal-of- mohammed- omer/
For Jerusalem Palestinians, home not always home
AP - Like her father before her, Zeina Ashrawi was born in Jerusalem. Her mother represented the city in the Palestinian parliament for 10 years.
http://us.rd. dailynews/ rss/mideast/ *http://news. s/ap/20080802/ ap_on_re_ mi_ea/mideast_ race_for_ jerusalem
Real News Video: Abu Dis - A city divided
Phyllis Bennis: Israel has done what 2000 years of history could not, block the Silk Road from the sea. Phyllis Bennis: "There were negotiations going on between Israelis and Palestinians back in 2000, then-prime minister Barak, Ehud Barak, offered to the Palestinians, who of course were demanding, appropriately, that their capital of their Palestinian state should be in the Palestinian city of East Jerusalem. And instead, Barak said, of course, we can't allow that to happen, but we'll let you have your capital in Abu Dis. We'll even let you call it Al-Quds, which is Arabic for Jerusalem."
http://therealnews. com/t/index. php?option= com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=2001&updaterx=2008- 08-02+09% 3A52%3A42
The Murder of Ahmed, Age 10
On Tuesday, July 29, Ahmed Ussam Yusef Mousa, aged 10, was shot dead with a single shot to the head by Israeli occupation forces. Ahmed was murdered, just before 6pm, when he and a group of youth from Ni'lin village attempted to dismantle a section of barbwire fencing erected on the village's land by the Israeli occupation forces.
http://www.palestin echronicle. com/view_ article_details. php?id=14030
Obama and the Jewish Vote
It does a great disservice to both American foreign policy and to the Jewish community to portray American Jews as of one mind, marching in lockstep and demanding that all candidates read from a script when it comes to Israel. Contrary to popular belief, the majority of Jews are not single-issue voters. George W. Bush, arguably the most "pro-Israel" president in American history, was able to garner only 24% of the Jewish vote in 2004. Fully 76% voted for John Kerry according to exit polls. Jews have traditionally voted overwhelmingly for Democrats since the 1930s. That didn't change after the Second Intifada, 9/11 or the invasion of Iraq. Indeed, Bush was able to increase his Jewish support by only 5 percentage points from the 2000 election.
http://news. s/realclearpolit ics/20080801/ cm_rcp/obama_ and_the_jewish_ vote
Warriors for Zion--in California
Columbia and Barnard aren't the only campuses where right-wing Zionists have fought bitter campaigns in the name of defending Israel and Jewish students. The unlikely site of the latest battle, as intense and angry as anything in Manhattan, is the University of California, Irvine (UCI). I should know--I teach there. While the campaigns at Columbia and Barnard failed to persuade those schools to deny tenure or otherwise penalize faculty members the right-wing Zionists found objectionable, at UCI the professor who occupies the chair in Jewish history, Daniel Schroeter, has decided to leave after being condemned for failing to support the right-wing Jews' campaign. Thus that campaign has had its first big success--but instead of getting rid of a Palestinian professor, they've gotten rid of a Jewish one.
http://www.thenatio 20080707/ wiener
When Extremists Attack,by Joe Klein
I have now been called antisemitic and intellectually unstable and a whole bunch of other silly things by the folks over at the Commentary blog. They want Time Magazine to fire or silence me. This is happening because I said something that is palpably true, but unspoken in polite society: There is a small group of Jewish neoconservatives who unsuccessfully tried to get Benjamin Netanyahu to attack Saddam Hussein in the 1990s, and then successfully helped provide the intellectual rationale for George Bush to do it in 2003. Their motivations involve a confused conflation of what they think are Israel's best interests with those of the United States. They are now leading the charge for war with Iran.
http://www.time- swampland/ 2008/07/when_ extremists_ attack.html
Inside Obama's meeting with Netanyahu
Obama agreed with Netanyahu that "the paramount and most urgent issue is Iran," and that "a nuclear Iran is unacceptable not only to Israel but to the United States.
http://www.newsweek .com/id/149806? from=rss
Anti-Zionist Jewish Rabbis protesting against Zionists barbaric demolitions of Palestinian homes
Commenting on the Israeli demolition of a five story home in East Jerusalem's Beit Hanina which rendered another 70 Palestinians homeless, Rabbi Meir Hirsh, a leading rabbinical figure within the Jerusalem ultra - Orthodox community, of Neturei Karta Palestine, issued the following statement:"Thus it is precisely because we are Torah believing Jews that we have come here today to protest the destruction and confiscation of individual's homes in historic Palestine. "Tragically this is not an isolated incident.
http://english. php?option= com_content&task=view&id=3284&Itemid=1
Ma'ariv: 'Peace deal between Israel and Syria'
Syria and Israel have negotiated a peace deal to end over 40 years of conflict, as a result of indirect negotiations being conducted between the two sides, Israeli daily newspaper Ma'ariv claimed on Friday. The newspaper said that the agreement would see an end to the aggression between Israel and Syria and also to the close relationship between Syria and Iran. The biggest issue for the Syrians is the Golan Heights that have been occupied by Israel since the 1967 six-day war. It is not clear however whether any substantial movement has been made on this issue.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=30966
Lebanese gov't backs Hezbollah's right to attack Israel
Lebanon's new national unity government agreed to a policy statement on Friday which political sources said recognized Hezbollah's right to use all possible means to liberate land they say is occupied by Israel.
http://www.haaretz. com/hasen/ spages/1007771. html
Education in the Palestinian Authority Era
Since the formation of the Palestinian National Authority in the Gaza Strip and West Bank in 1994, governmental institutions have been nationalized. The Ministry of Education was, in the eyes of many observers, one of the most active, least corrupt and continuously operating of those ministries. A large number of new elementary, middle and high schools have been built to meet the very fast increase in the local population and to improve the quality of education by limiting the number of students in each class.
http://english. php?option= com_content&task=view&id=3282&Itemid=1
Palestinian Super Star Murad As-Suwieti returns to a fanfare in Jericho
Bethlehem – Ma'an – Palestine's Super Star Murad As-Swieti returned to Jericho on Thursday after placing a close third in the program "Super Star," a Lebanese series similar to the "National Idol" shows that have been popular around the world. Murad's return to Palestine was met with a grand reception in Jericho, where local Boy Scout troupes played and Jericho mayor lawyer Hasan Saleh called him the "pride of all of the Palestinians. "
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=30993
Khaled Islaih - Inspiring Community Activism
From This Week in Palestine. We live in challenging times. The world around us is changing very rapidly. The World Watch Institute - an independent research organisation known for its analysis on critical global issues - reported in its new 2008 state-of-the- world review, "the world is very different, physically and philosophically, from the one that Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and other early economists knew - different in ways that make key features of conventional economics dysfunctional for the twenty-first century. Humanity's relationship to the natural, the understanding of the sources of wealth and the purpose of economics, the evolution of markets, governments, and individuals as economic actors - all these dimensions of economic activity have changed significantly over the last 200 years that they signal the close of one economic era and the need for a new economic beginning."
http://palestinethi 2008/08/02/ khaled-islaih- inspiring- community- activism/
Survivors: Block Yad Vashem
The decision to postpone this NIS 800 per month payment as well, and to renew discussion of the subject only in 2009, when the average age of those in question is now 84, means that thousands of those entitled to an additional allowance will not receive it. According to the data of the Prime Minister's Office, 87 percent of the poorest elderly living in Israel are Holocaust survivors.
http://www.haaretz. com/hasen/ spages/1007109. html
Iraq abuse claims: British troops 'made Muslim commander hear porn videos'
Fresh damning allegations emerge against the conduct of UK soldiers in Basra. 2008/aug/ 02/military. iraq?gusrc= rss&feed=worldnews
Iraqi homeless children, an alarming occurrence
Homeless children in Iraq are a growing occurrence that has worsened mainly after April 9 2003 incidents to unexpected record highs. Five million Iraqi homeless children in the streets are caught up by theft, begging and drugs, according to children rights organizations.
http://www.alsumari News/1-20835- Iraqi-homeless- children% 2C-an-alarming- occurrence. html
Iraq suffers from dirty water, fears about cholera
Just months after Americans repaired a sewage treatment plant in southern Baghdad, insurgents attacked the facility and killed the manager. Looters took care of the rest. Nearly three years later, the plant remains an abandoned shell. Raw sewage is still flowing freely through giant pipes into the Tigris River, ending up in some of the capital's drinking water. And those pipes are hardly the only source of contamination. com/article/ ALeqM5gcIYLJIYkC rxalmcsnxz8Ax0lq iwD929N1NO1
US held terrorism suspects at British island-report
The United States imprisoned and interrogated one or more terrorism suspects at the British Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia in 2002 and possibly 2003, a former senior U.S. official has told Time magazine.
http://www.alertnet .org/thenews/ newsdesk/ N01438855. htm
www.TheHeadlines. org
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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.
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