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Friday, May 24, 2013

Buddha Purnima 2013- Celebrate Buddha Jayanti with Great Fervor

Buddha Purnima 2013- Celebrate Buddha Jayanti with Great Fervor


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Buddha Purnima 2013- Celebrate Buddha Jayanti with Great Fervor, Delhi

Buddha Purnima or Buddha Jayanti is the most holy festivals of Buddhist. This festival is celebrated to mark the birth of Lord Buddha who was a spiritual teacher and founder of Buddhism. The festival commemorates the Buddha's enlightenment and death. Although there are minor regional variations in the way Buddha Purnima is observed.

The much talked about mega tele series which is based on the life of Buddha solely will be launched on a very auspicious day of Buddha Poornima.

Followers of Buddhism are throngingSarnath to celebrate Buddha Purnima on Saturday. The celebrations mark the birth, enlightenment and mahaparinirvana day of Tathagat Buddha. Temples and muths are decorated. Tourists from Thailand, Tibet, Bhutan and various places in the country have arrived at Sarnath.

A religious function at Mulagandha Kuty Vihara Isipatana (Deer Park), Sarnath, will be held in the presence of vice-chancellor of Mahatma GandhiKashi Vidyapith Prithvish Naag, and V-C, Central University of Tibetan Studies, Geshe Ngawang Samten.

General secretary of Maha Bodhi Society of India D Rewatha Thero said the society will have day-long celebrations that will begin on Saturday morning with the administration of Ashtangsheel and puja offerings to Buddha. Sanghadana and a meditation camp will be organised. A free medical camp will also be oraganised during the day. Lighting of lamps at Mulagandha Kuty Vihara and Bodhi Tree complex would be held in the evening. The day-long function will end with the recitation of Dhammachakka Pavattana Sutta. Buddhist monks and scholars from across the world would take part in the celebrations.

Buddhists across the world look upon India as the land of the Buddha. They come here on pilgrimage to visit those places sacred to the memory of the Enlightened One. Buddha came to the dear park, Sarnath after attaining enlightenment in Bodh Gaya. Here, he delivered his first sermon or in religious language, set in motion the wheel of law (Maha-Dharmachakra Pravartan).

The makers of the tele series Spice studios have specifically blocked this day for the launch of this TV serial which is- 25th May 2013 as it relates to the cause of the event in just right manner.

It doesn't end here; the makers of the TV show have built a grand set for the launch of the serial which takes place on the 25th May at Film- city. A huge show is planned where live performances will enact live Amrapali dance which thus welcoming and launching the much awaited tele serial.

The event is expected to be one of its kinds, wherein the makers have attempted to recreate the era of Buddha which existed back then.

Big names like Shekhar Kapur and Aushitosh Gowarikar have constantly been on the creative helm for this ambitious project.

While there are a lot of thoughts put by the audience regarding the cast and crew of this serial, the details of the cast and the crew have been kept under strict wraps as it's one of the high profile projects .

The series will be a biopic of one of the greatest Indian personalities ever, Buddha. It is based on the historical facts and will tell the story of prince Siddharth and his dramatic transition into Buddha.

Buddha Purnima falls on the full moon of the fourth lunar month (month of Vaisakh) i.e. April or May. Buddha Purnima 2013 date is 25th May. Bodhgaya in Bihar and Sarnath in Uttar Pradesh are the most popular known place for celebration of Buddha Purnima.

Vesak (Buddha Purnima, Buddha Jayanti) is a Buddhist festival that marks Gautama Buddha's birth, enlightenment and death. It falls on the day of the full moon in May and it is a gazetted holiday in India.

Buddha Jayanti or also known as Buddha Purnima is the most sacred festivals of Buddhist. Buddha Purnima (Buddha Birthday) is celebrated in remembrance Lord Buddha. Lord Buddha is the founder of Buddhism. This day is the birth anniversary of Lord Buddha. It falls on the full moon of the fourth lunar month (month of Vaisakh) i.e. April or May. This day commemorates three important events of Buddha's life

- His birth in 623 BC.
- His enlightment i.e. attainment of supreme wisdom, in 588 BC.
- His attainment of Nirvana i.e. the complete extinction of his self at the age of 80.

This day is a thrice blessed day. Lord Buddha is considered the ninth avatar (incarnation) of Vishnu (Preserver in the Hindu Holy Trinity of Creator-Preserver-Destroyer). Gautam Buddha "lived and died in about the fifth century before the Christian era". Buddha means "enlightened one" - someone who is completely freefrom all faults and mental obstructions.

Gautam Buddha was not a god and the philosophy of Buddhism does not entail any theistic world-view. The teachings of the Buddha are solely to liberate human beings from the misery and sufferings of life. 

According to the Buddhism, sorrow and desire are the main cause of all the evil and suffering of this world. Lord Buddha advocated the Eightfold Path consisting of precepts like right conduct, right motive, right speech, right effort, right resolve, right livelihood, right attention and right meditation to gain mastery over suffering. It is only after following this path one can reach the ultimate aim of Nirvana. Nirvana is the transcendental state of complete liberation. Gautama Buddha lived and taught in northern Inda in the 6th Century B.C.

Buddha travelled far and wide teaching hundreds of followers. Even after death his disciples continued to spread his teachings. 

Rich and poor alike were attracted by the simplicity of Buddha's teaching and his emphasis on complete equality of all, a notion antithetical to the existing Hindu caste system. The Mauryan Emperor Ashoka espoused the Buddhist religion in the 3rd century B.C. and helped in spreading it far and wide. Sarnath and Bodhgaya are two of the most important pilgrimage centres for the Buddhists. 

Though Buddhism originated in India and the religion has gained tremendous popularity throughout the Far East in Asia, there are very few practising Buddhists in the country. The number of Buddhists in the world ranges "from less than two hundred million, to more than five hundred million, with the lower number closer to reality." 

Buddha Purnima 2013 Date: May 25th 2013.

uddha Purnima 2013

Buddha Purnima during Vaishakha month is celebrated as birth anniversary of Gautama Buddha. Gautama Buddha whose birth name was Siddhartha Gautama was a spiritual teacher on whose teachings Buddhism was founded. 

The time of Gautama Buddha's birth and death is uncertain. However, most historians date his lifetime between 563-483 BC. Most people consider Lumbini, Nepal as birth place of Buddha. Buddha died at the age of 80 at Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh. 

For Buddhists, Bodh Gaya is the most important pilgrimage site related to the life of Gautama Buddha. The other three important pilgrimage sites are KushinagarLumbini, and Sarnath. It is believed that Gautama Buddha obtained Enlightenment at Bodhagaya and he first taught the Dharma at Sarnath. 

It is believed that Gautama Buddha obtained Enlightenment and passed away on the same day. Buddha Purnima is also known as Buddha JayantiVesakVaishaka and Buddha's Birthday.

In North India Buddha is considered as the 9th incarnation and Lord Krishna as the 8th incarnation of Lord Vishnu. However Buddha is never considered as an Avatar of Vishnu in South Indian belief. In South India Balarama is considered as the 8th incarnation and Krishna as the 9th incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Balarama is counted as an incarnation of Vishnu by the majority of Vaishnava movements. Even Buddhists don't consider Buddha as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

President Pranab Mukherjee on Friday greeted the nation ahead of the auspicious occasion of Buddha Purnima.President Pranab Mukherjee on Friday greeted the nation ahead of the auspicious occasion of Buddha Purnima.In his message, Mukherjee said: "Lord Buddha's teachings of non-violence, love and compassion are of eternal significance. He taught us the path of Right Action so that mankind may overcome its suffering." 

"We must strive to make these teachings part of our daily life and tread the path of nobility in thought, word and deed. May this joyous festival of Buddha Purnima usher in peace and universal brotherhood across the world," he added. 

In Bangldesh, where Buddhists are under constant attack,Buddhists across the nation is celebrating Buddha Purnima, the biggest religious festival of the community, today.

Buddhists in Kolkata celebrate Buddha Jayanti!

Buddhist organisations have chalked out various programmes to celebrate the day which is observed as a public holiday.

The festival marks Gautam Buddha's birth, enlightenment and death.

President Abdul Hamid, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and leader of the opposition Khaleda Zia in separate messages greeted the Buddhist community on the occasion.

Buddha Poornima

Buddha Poornima, which falls on the full moon night in the month of Vaisakha (either in April or May), commemorates the birth anniversary of Lord Buddha, founder of Buddhism. Notwithstanding the summer heat (thetemperature routinely touches 45 degrees C), pilgrims come from all over the world to Bodh Gaya to attend the Buddha Poornima celebrations.

The day is marked with prayer meets, sermons on the life of Gautam Buddha, religious discourses, continuous recitation of Buddhist scriptures, group meditation, processions, worship of the statue of Buddha. The Mahabodhi Temple wears a festive look and is decorated with colourful flags and flowers. The Chinese scholar, Fa-Hien has recorded celebration of this festival.

Buddha PoornimaIt is an important to give a summarized description on the Buddhist festivals in India, especially in the main places of worship. The principal annual ceremony for all the Buddhist is the Vaisaka Purnima known in Sri Lanka as Wesak festival and in India as Buddha Jayanti. Vaisaka Purnima day is fixed by the full-moon day ofthe month Vaisaka, which falls in May. Like all other Buddhist festivals it falls according to the Lunar year. It was of this day of the year, according to the year.

He attained Supreme Enlighten or Buddha hood, beneath the Bodhi-tree at Boddha Gaya. Forty-five years later at the age of eighty, he finally passed away in Parinivana on the same day of the year at Kushinagar. Vaisaka Purnima is celebrated especially in Boddha Gaya, Lumbini and in Kushinara as they are the holy places that were connected with the blessed ones birth, enlighten and the Parinirvana. Buddhists inSri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, Tibet, China, Korea, Laos, Vietnam, Mongolia, Bhutan, Cambodia, Nepal, Japan and quite a number of western Buddhists participate 'Vaisaka' Purnima Day religious activities in a festive mood. Sarnath the capital of Buddhism too celebrates Vaisaka Purnima day in a grand way.

The great Buddhist festival 'Vaisaka' ,although is an occasion for rejoicing doesn't encourage hectic gaiety and abandon. The happiness that the Buddhists feel when they are celebrating it is a tranquil, peaceful joy. The festival has its gay side as well. In most of the Buddhist countries the villages, roads, streets, temples and houses are brightly illuminated with color Lanterns, electric lights and colorful decorations.

Buddha Poornima 2013

Buddha Poornima, the birth anniversaty of Lord Buddha falls on Vaisakha Poornima. In 2013, the full moon day ofVaiakha Hindu month is on May 25, 2013.

How is Buddha Jayanti Celebrated:

Activities include prayer meets, sermons and religious discourses, recitation of Buddhist scriptures, group meditation, processions, and worship of the statue of Buddha.

At Bodhgaya, the Mahabodhi Temple wears a festive look and is decorated with colorful flags and flowers. Special prayers are organized under the Bodhi Tree (the tree under which Lord Buddha attained enlightenment).

The National Museum in Delhi also brings the mortal remains of Buddha (what are believed to be some of his bones and ashes) out for public viewing on Buddha Jayanti.

What Rituals are Performed During Buddha Jayanti:

Many Buddhists visit temples on Buddha Jayanti to listen to monks give talks and recite ancient verses. Devout Buddhists may spend all day in one or more temples. Some temples display a small statue of Buddha as a baby. The statue is placed in a basin filled with water and decorated with flowers. Visitors to the temple pour water over the statue. This symbolizes a pure and new beginning. Other statues of Buddha are worshiped by offerings of incense, flowers, candles and fruit.

Buddhists pay special attention to Buddha's teachings Buddha Jayanti. They give money, food or goods to organizations that help the poor, elderly, and those who are sick. Caged animals are bought and set free to show care for all living creatures, as preached by Buddha. The usual dress is pure white. Non-vegetarian food is normally avoided. Kheer, a sweet rice porridge is also commonly served to recall the story of Sujata, a maiden who offered the Buddha a bowl of milk porridge.

What to Expect Buddha Jayanti::

Buddha Jayanti is an extremely peaceful and uplifting occasion.

Buddha Poornima Video

Buddha Poornima Video

What do people do?

Many Buddhists visit temples on Vesak to listen to monks give talks and recite ancient verses. Devout Buddhists may spend all day in one or more temples. Some temples display a small statue of Buddha as a baby. The statue is placed in a basin filled with water and decorated with flowers. Visitors to the temple pour water over the statue. This symbolizes a pure and new beginning.

Many Buddhists pay special attention to Buddha's teachings during Vesak. They may wear white robes and only eat vegetarian food on and around Vesak. Many people also give money, food or goods to organizations that help the poor, the elderly and those who are sick. Caged animals are bought and set free to display care for all living creatures, as preached by Buddha.

Public life

Government offices, post offices and banks are closed in India on Vesak. Stores and other businesses and organizations may be closed or have reduced opening hours. Transport is usually unaffected as many locals travel for religious celebrations.


Gautama Buddha was a spiritual teacher in India. Many scholars are uncertain when he lived. It is believed that Buddha was born at some time between sixth and fourth centuries BCE. Opinions among scholars are generally divided between those who place Buddha's death about 480 BCE and those who place it as much as a century later.

Buddha was an influential spiritual teacher during and after his lifetime. Many Buddhists see him as the Supreme Buddha. Festivals to honor Buddha were held for many centuries. The decision to celebrate Vesak as the Buddha's birthday was formalized at the first conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists. This conference was held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, in May, 1950. The date was fixed as the day of the full moon in May.

Different Buddhist communities may celebrate Vesak on different dates in years when there are two full moons in May. This is because the Buddhist lunar calendar can be interpreted in different ways.


The dharmacakra or dharma wheel is a symbol often seen during Vesak. It is a wooden wheel with eight spokes. The wheel represents Buddha's teaching on the path to enlightenment. The eight spokes symbolize the noble eightfold path of Buddhism.

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