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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Monday, March 28, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Bahrain Peoples Uprising - Saudi and Bahraini force aggression over Bahraini civilians

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From: Labbayk YaMahdi <>
Date: Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 5:26 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Bahrain Peoples Uprising - Saudi and Bahraini force aggression over Bahraini civilians
To: Al Mahdi Unite Muslims <>


Double Standards of West, UN Security Councils, UNCHR and    Arab League!

Fall        Falling         Fallen

Bahraini protesters defy curfew
Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:10PM
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Anti-government protests in Bahrain
Bahraini protesters have once again taken to the streets in Manama despite a curfew imposed by the military and the presence of Bahraini and foreign armed forces.

The Sunday protest came in defiance of a state of emergency imposed on March 15 by King Hamad bin Al Khalifa.

"Protesters, chanting 'down with the regime' and waving placards, played cat and mouse with the police," a Press TV correspondent reported.

Shortly after the demonstrations started large convoys of armed forces arrived at the scene and fired teargas to disperse the protester.

However, protesters gathered again a few minutes after being dispersed.

2011/03/27  03:04

Ugent: Bahraini Forces Stormed House of Top Bahraini Shia Cleric 'Sheikh Abdel Jaleel Al Moqdad' and Arrested Him / Photos
In the dawn of 27.3.2011 at 2:30 am, Bahraini security forces stormed the house of Sheikh Abdel Jaleel Al Moqdad and destroyed whatever they face in his house. The Sheikh also was arrested.

Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:26AM

Broadcast date: 26 Mar. 2011    Watch on YouTub

Kuwait to mediate in Bahrain
Bahrain's main opposition party has accepted Kuwait's offer to mediate between al-Wefaq National Islamic Society and the Bahraini government.

Video: Bahrain forces shots tear gas against people during the event of "Takbeer"
According to eyewitnesses in Bahrain, police forces in Manama, Damestan, A'ali, Duraz, Karzakan, Malikiya attacked people were on the roof during the event of "Takbeer" on March 27.

Names of 200 Detainees in Bahrain Prisons

Names of 200 Detainees in Bahrain Prisons

Names of 200 Detainees in Bahrain Prisons:

2011/03/27  20:07

Hundreds of Saudi Shias Protest Against King Abdullah Troops Invasion of Bahrain / Photos
Hundreds of Saudi anti-government protesters staged a protest in the kingdom's oil-producing Eastern Province Friday calling for prisoner releases and a withdrawal of Saudi forces from Bahrain, activists said.
U.S. Accountable for Heinous Behavior in Bahrain
TEHRAN (IRIB) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad censured foreign military invasion of Bahrain in an attempt to counter people of the Persian Gulf state, holding the U.S. accountable for the move.

2011/03/27  06:26

Saudi Rights Group Condemns Arrests, Urge Authorities to Release Prisoners
A Saudi human rights organization has urged authorities to release two people who were arrested last week after raising questions about imprisoned family members.

2011/03/27  06:06

Christian Writer, George Jurdak Reveals a Picture of Imam Ali (AS) in an Italian Church
Lebanese writer George Jurdak announced that he desires to write a book about the Holy Prophet Muhammad and Imam Ali (a.s).

2011/03/27  04:03

Bahrain's dangerous path
Shouting anti-regime slogans and repeating the calls for change that have marked the last month of opposition politics, the ranks of demonstrators remain defiant.


Saudis Want Their "Simple" Dreams to Become True
Hundreds of Saudi anti-government protesters have taken to the streets in the country's Eastern Province, condemning the kingdom's military intervention in Bahrain.


Photos: Thouands Bahraini Attended Funeral Procession of Martyr 'Issa Mohammed Ali'
Thouands Bahraini Attended Funeral Procession of Martyr 'Issa Mohammed Ali' in Ma'amir.

27 March 2011 11:48
Islam Times Exclusive:
Islam Times - Iran is the only remaining challenging power to the Saudi-Wahhabi domination in the Persian Gulf, the Middle East and the Muslim World in general...

Saudi-Wahhabi domination in the Persian Gulf
Because of its centrality to Islam and possession of one quarter of the world's known oil reserves, Saudi Arabia, under its autocrat and theocratic system, plays a major role in Muslims' and non-Muslims' lives.

Dr. Ali Alyami is the founder and executive director of the Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CDHR) in Saudi Arabia based in Washington. Dr. Alyami, a political and human rights activist, was a Senior Fellow at the Saudi Institute in Washington, DC, the director of the Educational Peace Program for the American Friends Services Committee in California, and Representative for the Cairo based Arab Organization for Human Rights in North America. Dr. Alyami provides expert briefings for members of US Congress and other officials in the US government.

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Collection of Quran Translations into 145 Languages in Qom 2011/3/28
Astana to Host World Islamic Economic Forum 2011/3/28
Registration for Quran Interpretation Courses Begins 2011/3/28
JI Stages Rally Against Desecration of Quran 2011/3/28
Forum on "Status of the Clergy in Promoting Religious Culture" Held 2011/3/28
"Quranic Questions of the Youth" Software Published in Qom 2011/3/28
Lorestan Province Joining Nation-Wide Quran Memorization Contest 2011/3/27
Desecration of Holy Quran Condemned 2011/3/27
Unified Translations of the Quran not Necessary 2011/3/27
Membership at Quran Memorization Institutes on the Rise in UAE 2011/3/27
Uzbek Pilgrims Heading to Saudi Arabia to Perform Umrah 2011/3/27
Nat'l Quran Museum Open during Holidays 2011/3/27
Winners of Student Quran Contest Honored in Saudi Arabia 2011/3/27
OIC to Convey Strong Condemnation of Desecration of Holy Quran 2011/3/27
Scientific & Historic Sections of International Congress on Hazrat Zeinab (AS) to Be Held 2011/3/27
Kuwait to Launch Association for Observing Quran Printing & Publishing 2011/3/26
Iran's Cultural ‍Center in Germany Releases Latest Bulletin 2011/3/26
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Iran Calls for Trial of Quran Burners 2011/3/26
ISESCO to Hold Training Session for Imams of Mosques in Portuguese 2011/3/26
Courses on Islamic Economy to Be Held in Paris 2011/3/26
Quran Olympiad for Personnel of Quranic Sciences University to Be Held 2011/3/26
"Tarannom-e Vahy" Int'l Festival Planned in West Azerbaijan 2011/3/26
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1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   >   >>>
Top Headlines
JI Stages Rally Against Desecration of Quran
Iran Calls for Trial of Quran Burners
ISESCO to Hold Training Session for Imams of Mosques in Portuguese
Scientific & Historic Sections of International Congress on Hazrat Zeinab (AS) to Be Held
Supreme Leader's New Year Address
Forum to Discuss " Grand Ayatollah Mazaheri and Holy Defense"
ISESCO to Hold Training Session for Imams of Mosques in Portuguese
Kashmir the forgotten People


Palash Biswas
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