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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fwd: Gays Outlawing Natural Conception & Replacing It With Artificial Insemination?!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Jeffrey Spetch <>
Date: Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 10:34 PM
Subject: Gays Outlawing Natural Conception & Replacing It With Artificial Insemination?!
To: P0liticalF0rum <>

Gays Outlawing Natural Conception & Replacing It With Artificial

Let me guess, sometime in the near future the gays are going to try
and make natural conception illegal and replace it with artificial
insemination with the claim that because heterosexual natural
conception discriminates Homosexuality natural ability to conceive and
have children. They'll whine and complain about how natural conception
violates their so called equal or human rights and because they are
human and can't have children through natural conception with
homosexuality, make natural conception illegal so it is the same for

Does that really sound ridiculous? Think about it, the way things have
been going / what they have already done is much the same .... for


They managed to temporarily for now make a complete mockery of
marriage by ignoring what fact beyond shadow of doubt already proves
while making up lies and delusions to perpetuate a pathetic and
selfish bias agenda. For hundreds / thousands of years since marriage
was created only heterosexual unions were ever honoured with marriage
thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that
marriage is exclusively about honouring the union of the one sexual
orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite
obviously heterosexuality. As pathetic as it is, gays even try to make
the issue about tradition and trying to claim that you can't use
tradition as evidence. Yet such a cheap attempt at ignoring this very
above mentioned non contestable fact, marriage wouldn't even exist now
if it were not for heterosexual unions nor would any of us even exist
now if it were not for heterosexual unions. Marriage honours the one
sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence and for
thousands of years since marriage was created again did a farmer ever
marry her pig? No! Did a herder ever marry his goat? No! Did a man
ever marry a man? No! Did a woman ever marry a woman? No! That is the
very non contestable factual evidence which proves that marriage was
never about honouring beastiality or homosexuality (sexual unions
which lead to decay) ~ if it were up to homosexuality or beastiality
to sustain the human population we quite obviously would have died off
thousands of years ago for being a race of sexually defective
imbeciles and where is the honour in that?

Oh and if you ever hear anyone going on about documented gay
relationships in ancient Greece, be sure to point out the fact that it
was not marriage.

Sexual orientation as an equal or human right:

Sexual orientation describes what a person has sex with.

Beastiality: Clearly describes the orientation of a person that has
sex with animals, when someone says beastiality the general public
knows it is human having sex with an animal and there is no denying
with any validity that it clearly describes this sexual orientation.

Pedophilia: Clearly describes the orientation of a adult that has sex
with children, when someone says pedophilia, the general public knows
it an adult having sex with a child and there is no denying with any
validity that it clearly describes this sexual orientation.

Incest: Clearly describes the orientation of a being that has sex with
a biological family member, when someone says incest, the general
public knows it a being having sex with a biological family member and
there is no denying with any validity that it clearly describes this
sexual orientation.

Which is the very non contestable factual evidence which proves that
sexual orientation never was an equal or human right, but the gays
obviously lacked the consideration to even give that a second thought.
Their bias agenda is obviously too important for them to care about
taking into consideration what non contestable fact reveals. I
honestly question whether or not they want pedophilia, incest and
beastiality legalized because they are after all primarily the ones
who have been going around claiming that sexual orientation ever was
an equal or human right to begin with.

Calling Heterosexuals Homophobe:

Even calling it homosexualophobe doesn't make sense for a phobia is an
irrational fear of something let alone we are all homosapiens therefor
homophobe could really be just a cheap attempt at claiming we have an
irrational fear of ourselves. Now lets get to this irrational fear of
something which is exactly what a phobia describes. As a heterosexual,
if I am walking down the street and suddenly two guys kiss, I do not
run away screaming for my life because I am scared, the look on my
face is that of natural repulsion to say the very least. My point is
that heterosexuals are not afraid of gays for being gay, we all are on
some level naturally repulsed with homosexuality and it goes into the
depths of our very genetic codes which have in turn thus far ensured
our survival as a race. If you do not have that natural repulsion then
you are either bi sexual or homosexual obviously. Now the ones who are
having the hardest time accepting that they are homosexual are the
homosexuals themselves quite obviously because ignore that
heterosexuals have a natural repulsion towards homosexuality and
instead they pathetically claim that we are afraid while trying to
make bad people or haters out of heterosexuals for being naturally
repulsed with a sexually defective orientation. Again if it were up to
gays to sustain the human population we would have died off thousands
of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective, so how can
you blame heterosexual of heterosexuality (our life seed) for being
repulsed?! It is natural. The sooner you start accepting fact and
dealing with it the sooner you will start making any real progress
because ignoring the facts while attempting to make criminals out of
those of heterosexuality to which we all owe our existence, and while
basing all of your fundamentals backing your claims with lies and
delusions while ignoring facts is obviously unacceptable especially
circulating this proven garbage through school curriculum will come
back to bite you in a big way especially if you don't start
acknowledging it soon because the longer it festers, the more disdain
society will have once the veil of ignorance and B.S. you have been
pushing through media etc. is lifted as people become aware of these
facts that I share. How many people are going to be outraged with the
lies and bias garbage being pushed on our innocent little children
will come of this and you only have yourselves, your ignorance,
selfishness and greedy little bias inconsiderate agenda to thank.

I'll be the one at the core of restoring much of the damage you have
done, and I'll make sure people understand that I was not the one
duping society with lies in the first place. I'll make sure that
everyone knows who to thank (those who they so pathetically refer to
as gay leaders) for being disillusioned with lies and then having
those delusions flattened with fact of reality when all is finally

Gay Pride Parade:

For the thousandth time, what is there to be proud of for being gay?!
Remember gay, these days (is another word of miniscule importance
twisted out of context by homosexuals having a hard time accepting
themselves for what they are) describes homosexuality and
homosexuality clearly describes a person for what they have sex with.
What is there to be proud of for a man to have sex with a man or a
woman having sex with a woman? I am proud to be heterosexual because
thanks to heterosexuality we even exist is at least a reason to be
proud of being heterosexual. So what is there to be proud of for being
a homosexual which clearly describes individuals for having sex with
the same sex? Hey if you guys are going to throw a parade at least
have a valid reason. Then they have the nerve to whine and complain
about how some cities treat them badly. Hamilton Ontario Booed them
out of the city last I heard and I got to say, being my home town they
made me proud for shooting down the whole lot of liars throwing an
invalid garbage parade. A mailman describes a person male / female /
heterosexual / gay / pedophile / incest abuser / animal abuser for
their occupation of mail delivery. Same with fireman, cop,
construction etc. So again homosexuality describes a person for having
sex with the same sex so tell me what is there to be proud of in

Also heterosexuals contribute to society, help charities, volunteer
etc. but that is not reason to be proud of heterosexuality, that is
reason to be proud of being human. So again what is their to be proud
of for being homosexual?!

Heterosexuals who are to old and too young is natural and contributes
to population control but it is no reason to be proud of being
heterosexual. Pedophilia I suppose in the majority of cases leads to
population control but that is obviously no reason to be proud of a
sexual orientation same as beastiality and homosexuality.

I'm even going to be kind and once again share a little of my magic
with you on the parade issue. Call it a Gays Seeking Acceptance From
Society Parade and you will be way more than likely to find a little
more acceptance from society in a positive way. At least it gives such
a parade something that it now lacks which is validity.

Sex Change:

A man with mutilated / inverted penis is just a man with an inverted
penis pretending to be something he never was or will ever be to
deceitfully take advantage of unsuspecting heterosexual males in this
most disgusting way! A woman with mutilated / flipped out vagina is
just a woman with an flipped out vagina pretending to be something she
never was or will ever be to deceitfully take advantage of
unsuspecting heterosexual females in this most disgusting way! The
Phrase sex change is an all out lie because the fact remains that
women are born with vagina's and men are born with penises. What kind
of man he becomes, or woman she becomes depends upon life choices but
no matter what kind of man he becomes, or what kind of woman she
becomes, they will always be the gender that they were since birth no
matter how hard it is for homosexuals to accept themselves for what
they are even though they try and blame everyone else for being the
ones who do not accept them for what they are.


So you see the whole gay agenda thing really is bias for it is all
factually proven that these gay so called leaders base their very
fundamentals of each and every issue they try to force down societies
throats with no more than lies and delusions while ignoring / masking
the very facts which proves this very claim as demonstrated with the
above mention in this very article. they will try and claim that each
and every one of these issues is about something else (marriage isn't
about marriage, sexual orientation isn't about sexual orientation,
homophobe isn't about a phobia etc.) in their bias little agenda over
and over again and is obviously the best they got and that is quite
sad really because when you look at it, they have spent the last
couple of decades trashing and bashing society with lies and yet go
figure the latest I heard is about gay suicide rates being at an all
time high as of late! Put two and two together and open your eyes.

They trash society by (for now) making a complete mockery out of
marriage with lies, trash society with the lie referring to sexual
orientation as an equal or human right which is quite obviously
pulling for the legalization of all sexual orientations which is
obviously quite unacceptable They trash society making up a lie known
as the word homophobe to try and label heterosexuals with such a
delusion, They trash society with a parade that carries absolutely no
validity and they trash society with a lie that there be such a thing
as a sex change so that men with inverted penises can try and deceive
heterosexual men with this most repulsive lie and so that women flip
their vagina's outside their bodies so that they can take advantage of
unsuspecting heterosexual female victims Then they have the nerve to
try and pass the blame everyone else because their delusions are not
the worlds reality nor will it ever be.

While trashing society they even try to make being gay out to be cool,
and yet what is so cool about it? You are just a person with a sexual
defect and since when did your delusional little minds think that this
comes with some sort of pedestal? OK so now we have youth being fooled
into thinking that it is cool until they foolishly come out of the so
called closet and learn quickly that the little fantasy B.S. portrayed
by these so called gay leaders via media etc. just isn't there in
reality because in reality here on the planet heterosexuals are
naturally repulsed with homosexuality on some level and going around
claiming your gay doesn't exactly bring you brownie points. Balance
the natural repulsion with seeking acceptance instead of ignoring it
by so pathetically trying to label it as fear / ram garbage / lies
down everyone's throat and you may then see the light at the end of
that tunnel. I'm telling you that renaming your little parade with
what I suggested, play an active part in the restoration of marriage
to the respectful state in which it was before you made a complete
mockery of it, renounce that sexual orientation never was an equal or
human right and that the word homophobe carries no real validity would
be a great start and would likely surprise you to find that you will
turn more than a few heads your way in a most positive and accepting

Think about it, all this the gays have done and yet they seem to pass
the blame off on heterosexuals for homosexual suicide rates being at
an all time high when all they have to blame is mostly themselves for
being ignorant greedy selfish bias liars who have been ramming this
rubbish down societies throats. Then they somehow seem to think that
they in any way are role models?!

This is an outrage and perhaps it is time that I kick this up a notch
because the sooner we restore the damage they have been doing, the
less damage their will be as an outcome in the long run and it is also
time we put a stop to this madness before it really does escalate more
delusions and lies messing up society which is only in support of a
bias agenda thought up my pea brained nitwits who are now acclaimed to
be gay leaders! Perhaps the gays might want to seek out a gay with
brains / a level head to represent them for some real positive
progress for a change. Really, they are on the news etc. trying to
tell society how it is according to their delusions then they come
back expressing their disappointment in society when in fact it is
their delusions based upon ignorance which is the real disappointment.

I am heterosexual, I do not hate anyone. I love and care about the
well being of the life on this planet hence I have dedicated many
years towards it through sharing with society fundamental information
of claims backed by non contestable fact on some of the largest
global / Canadian issues. Gay sex doesn't interest me in the least, I
don't care to hear about it. I don't care to see it on sit comes or
movies etc. and especially now that the gays have been bashing society
with lies for many years to wash over society with a hazing of
garbage, if it has anything to do with homosexuality I won't watch
because I am that repulsed by it. I am heterosexual and you may start
to want accepting the fact that all heterosexuals on some level are
repulsed with homosexuality. Making heterosexuals out to be bad for
being naturally repulsed with homosexuality is unacceptable and I'll
be like a raving animal all over the lot of you every time I see it or
hear about such! I do not advocate violence.

Oh and the homosexuals who cry hate crime when they get beat up, I'm
willing to be that the person who beat them up also beat up some
heterosexuals too but you don't hear the heterosexuals making it out
to be about discrimination. People who are publicly violent that I
have seen generally practice violence on anyone that pisses them off
or gets on their nerves indiscriminately even if they face a group of
police. They might focus their natural repulsion of homosexuality in a
violent way but that only makes them a violent offender.

David Jeffrey Spetch

Ps. Be good, be strong!

Feels so good to have a working keyboard once again (bug problem). It
also feels good to have taken some time away from news and computers
these past few weeks. Upon the completion of my release of Promethea
(the best scenario 3 vs 3 version with a 1 player version for age of
mythology the titans / the entire aom and age of empires genere ever
created) Feb. 1st, I went into a partial coma or hibernation for a
while. My eyes were all red and crackling, my feet and hands were
going numb from sitting in front of a monitor for so long along with a
lack of nutrition due to inflation and income complications I had to
get away from it all. For me it is hard to even watch the news without
a keyboard handy because it sometimes gets me worked up into writing
and yet I needed to get away. So now I sit with a new keyboard in
hand, and a USB card to transfer the information to you via public
library. just a little FYI for those who give a f.f.

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Palash Biswas
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