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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Wednesday, March 30, 2011


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 4:24 AM


(March 28, 2011)
1. Intro remarks
2. CNN's Special Report on Islamophobia
3. Sen. Durban's hearing on Muslim "Civil Rights"
4. Albany Law School forum on imprisonment conditions
5. Organizing meeting for April 9th Antiwar Mobilization in NYC
6. Northeastern University conference on Repression & Resistance
7. A Walk, Rally and a Nonviolent Civil Resistance Action in Syracuse, NY
8. Public release and internet availability of the USA vs Al-Arian Documentary
9. Troy Davis suffers a setback in his quest for justice
10. A personal note on the April 9 Antiwar demonstration scheduled for NYC
Assalaamu Alaikum (Greetings of Peace):
I just returned from a trip to the south, concerning Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin (the former H. Rap Brown), immediately followed by a short trip to the northeast. There are some very important events on the horizon that our readers should (at minimum) know about; and if possible, put on your calendar's To Do list for the balance of March and April.
(Something very special is being planned for Imam Jamil in the month of May, insha'Allah.)
Of special note in the information listed below is a very important all day human rights-oriented conference scheduled for this coming Sunday, April 3, at Northeastern University in Boston, MA (an attached flier is available for download). I will be among the presenters, insha'Allah.
Also, on Tuesday, April 5, at 6:30 pm, a town meeting will be held at Masjid Al-Mu'minin in Houston, Texas, in preparation for The April 9th Mobilization for Dr. Aafia Siddiqui.  The following morning we will travel from Houston to the Dallas- Ft. Worth area, to beat the drums throughout Muslim communities of that area in the final days leading up to Saturday's mobilization.
While there will be major antiwar demonstrations taking place in New York City and San Francisco (CA) on Saturday, April 9th - and a number of smaller 'in solidarity' antiwar rallies in other cities - our demonstration in Ft. Worth (TX) for a prisoner of war by the name of Aafia Siddiqui, will be the southwest Muslim community's contribution to the consciousness raising activities of that day, insha'Allah (God willing).
CNN's Special Report
Last Thursday I had the pleasure of being present for an invitation only breakfast screening at CNN's New York office for one of the network's latest productions, part of its "In America" series of programs - a special documentary report by Soledad O'Brien titled, Unwelcome: The Muslims Next Door. (CNN aired the documentary twice last night)

Thursday's screening was followed by roughly an hour's worth of discussion on the issues raised in the documentary, and on the audience's impressions. My own overall impression of the documentary is that for any reasonably intelligent and unbiased viewer, "Unwelcome: The Muslims Next Door" reveals (in graphic detail) just how much ignorance, bigotry and opportunism can be found in modern America.

(It also underscores how counter-productive it is for Islam in America to be viewed - and often presented by many of our misguided brothers - as a foreign, immigrant import.)

It is also worth noting that, according to O'Brien, one of the leaders of that anti-Islam (and anti-Muslim) campaign in Murfreesboro (TN), an African American by the name of Kevin Fisher, has some very interesting personal history. Fisher's ex-wife reportedly embraced Islam. (Might this be a major factor in Fisher's own animus toward Islam and Muslims?)

With that said, if you missed last night's release of "Unwelcome: The Muslims Next Door," below are some links that will surely be of interest.

Teaser Videos & related links for "Unwelcome: The Muslims Next Door"

Press Release and Trailer'brien-reports-on-religious-tension-in-the-bible-belt/

Digital Writers Breakfast Photos

CNN In America


While some would question the billing of tomorrow's Capitol Hill hearing as a "First-Ever" event, it nevertheless appears to be a good effort, coming on the heels of the recent Peter King-led witch hunt on the Hill. - MS

Forwarded press release - March 22, 2011

Durbin to Chair First-Ever Hearing on the Civil Rights of American Muslims

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – Assistant Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) announced today that he will hold the first-ever Congressional hearing on the civil rights of American Muslims on Tuesday, March 29, 2011. The hearing will be the first hearing before the Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights. Senator Durbin is the Subcommittee's Chairman.

"Our Constitution protects the free exercise of religion for all Americans," Durbin said. "During the course of our history, many religions have faced intolerance. It is important for our generation to renew our founding charter's commitment to religious diversity and to protect the liberties guaranteed by our Bill of Rights."

The hearing is in response to the spike in anti-Muslim bigotry in the last year including Quran burnings, restrictions on mosque construction, hate crimes, hate speech, and other forms of discrimination. Next week's hearing will consider measures to protect the civil rights of American Muslims.

A distinguished panel of witnesses will testify including Muslim civil rights leader Farhana Khera; Cardinal Theodore McCarrick; Assistant Attorney General Tom Perez, the Obama Administration's top civil rights official; and former Assistant Attorney General Alex Acosta, the Bush Administration's top civil rights official.

The Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights was formed by merging the Constitution Subcommittee and the Human Rights and the Law Subcommittee, which Durbin previously chaired. The Subcommittee has jurisdiction over all constitutional issues, and all legislation and policy related to civil rights, civil liberties and human rights. The Ranking Member of the Subcommittee is Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC).

The hearing will be held at 10:00 a.m. ET in Room 226 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C.

Watch hearings live on the committee's website here.


 Solitary Confinement and Isolation in Federal Prisons: Cruel and Inhuman or Necessary? 
Wednesday, March 30, 2011, 7:00 PM
Albany Law School, 80 New Scotland Avenue, Albany, NY 12208, Rochester Moot Court Room (Room 209 in the Main Building)
Rachel Meeropol Esq., Center for Constitutional Rights Staff Attorney
Aysha Ghani, Muslims For Justice, PhD Candidate, Stanford University
Jeanne Finley, Muslim Solidarity Committee
Marlene Jenkins, Mother of Tarik Shah - 33 Months in Solitary
Moderator - Stephen Gottlieb, Esq, Constitutional Law Professor, Albany Law School
Federal Prosecutors can hold defendants before trial in solitary confinement under a legal device called Special Administrative Measures (SAMs). Pre-trial solitary confinement can last for years and impair the defendants' mental ability to cooperate in their own defense or testify coherently. 
Defendants may also be sentenced to isolation units called Communication Management Units (CMUs), in retaliation for expressing their constitutionally protected religious beliefs, unpopular political views, or for challenging rights violations in the federal prison system.
Sponsored By:
The Center for Constitutional Rights • Project SALAM / Muslim Solidarity Committee NY Civil Liberties Union – Capitol District Chapter • Masjid As-Salam • Dr. Dhafir Support Committee
For More Information Contact: Stephen F. Downs, Esq. at 518-767-0102 or


Forwarded announcement from the International Action Center


This Wednesday, March 30th, 7 pm at 1199 SEIU Healthcare Workers East at 310 West 43rd St, Times Square, Manhattan.

* This Thursday, 11am March 31, 100 Imams for April 9 will hold a press conference at City Hall!
* Updates on the Peace Trains on commuter lines into NYC on April 9.
* Reports of reserved buses from dozens of cities are coming in!
* A growing number of Contingents are marching together on April 9 - What are YOUR Plans?
* Sign-up for the tables and displays at Foley Square Peace Fair, 2 to 5 pm on April 9
* Pick-up THOUSANDS of beautiful glossy color flyers for April 9 in SIX Languages, along with English/Spanish lit.

At the meeting Wednesday we will have a detailed discussion about logistics, contingents, marshaling, fundraising..
And the growing political importance of April 9th:
* Imperialist attacks on Libya are widening far beyond a no-fly zone;
* Fears of an imminent large-scale attack on Gaza are increasing;
* Student and anti cutback actions across the country and here in NYC are spiraling;
* Killings, arrests and other repression in Iraq, Bahrain, Syria, Yemen, along with new drone attacks in Pakistan and increase targeting of civilians in Afghanistan

This is our last meeting before April 9th, we need a big, well-organized, efficient meeting with lots of ideas and volunteering! Spread the word!

Silence Broken

Legacies of Repression & Resistance

Sunday April 3rd 2011

 11:30 AM - 9:30 PM

Northeastern University 

Curry Student Center - 346 Huntington Ave.

Speakers include:

Ashanti Alston - Former Black Liberation Army Political Prisoner and steering committee member of the National Jericho Movement  

Marta Rodriguez - Puerto Rican independence activist and member of the New England Committee to Defend Palestine

Jihad Abdul Mummit - Former Black Liberation Army Political Prisoner and chair of the National Jericho Movement 

Viviane Saleh-Hanna - Activist Scholar and Assistant Professor of Crime and Justice Studies at the UMass Dartmouth

Jason Lydon  -  Minister of the Community Church of Boston as well as anti-racist, abolitionist, queer liberation organizer

Mauri Saalakhan -  Director of Operations for The Peace And Justice Foundation; a Muslim-led, grassroots human rights organization.

Tamer Mehanna  -  Brother of local Muslim Political Prisoner, Tarek Mehanna, and organizer for the Tarek Mehanna Support Committee.

Performances by:

Taina Asili y La Banda Rebelde - 

X-Vandals - 

spiritchild - 

Tem Blessed -

& more

This will be a one day community-building educational event featuring interactive workshops, a panel discussion, time for socializing and networking, and performances by some of the region's best movement artists. The conference will bring together student activists with community members to present a diverse array of voices and an alternative discourse about FBI repression, political prisoners, and the struggle for liberation.


What: A Walk, Rally and a Nonviolent Civil Resistance Action at Hancock Airfield in Syracuse, NY
Dates:  April 17 -  22, 2011
Place: From Ithaca to Syracuse

Dear Ones,

I have been working with a coalition of groups from all over upstate NY around the issue the drones and war.

On April 22nd,which is Earth Day, Passover and Good Friday and a day of prayer for Muslims there will be a walk, rally and  a nonviolent civil resistance action  at Hancock Airfield in Syracuse, NY  which is the home of the 174th New York State Air National Guard. Hancock, formerly an F-16 fighter jet base, is now the national maintenance center for the Reaper drone.   The MQ-9 reaper drones are used in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and elsewhere. (see below for more info on the reaper drones)

We are also organizing a walk from Ithaca, NY to Hancock.  The walk begins on April 17th and will arrive in Syracuse on the 21st in time for the rally and action the next day, April 22nd.

So this is an invitation to join us for those of you who will not be going to DC for Holy Week for any or all of these activities.  I realize that that week is a very busy time for so many but we wanted to extend the invitation. And to let you know that if you can't come because you are doing your own actions that we will be acting in solidarity with one another.

We are heartened by the Egyptians and see even more the importance of being in the streets.

Please come join us if you can. Here's the Facebook url

In Peace and Solidarity,
Ellen Grady <>
Ithaca Catholic Worker


USA vs Al-Arian Documentary 

Now Available on the Web Free


Washington, DC - March 25, 2011


In 2007, Norwegian filmmakers released a documentary film entitled USA vs. Al-Arian.  


The award-winning film chronicles the story of Dr. Al-Arian and his family during and after his Florida trial, illustrating the political nature of his prosecution and the state of the U.S. justice system under the Patriot Act.  


Since 2003, Dr. Al-Arian's case has attracted the interest of major civil liberties  and human rights organizations in the U.S. and around the world.  


Peter Erlinder, a law professor, and former president of the National Lawyers Guild, said: "The prosecution of Dr. Al-Arian was a blatant attempt to silence political speech and dissent in the aftermath of the 9/11 tragedy. The nature of the political persecution of this case has been demonstrated throughout all its aspects, not only during the trial and the never-ending right-wing media onslaught, but also after the stunning defeat of the government in 2005, and its ill-advised abuse of the grand jury system thereafter."


Now this illuminating documentary is available on the world wide web free. Click: USA vs Al-Arian   


For more information and updates see:


Another Setback for Troy Davis
The U.S. Supreme Court has denied the appeal (without comment) of Georgia death row inmate Troy Davis. Click on the following link for additional details on the latest chapter of this very unfortunate saga.

A personal note on the April 9 antiwar demonstration scheduled for NYC - and the embarrassing disconnect that often exists among Muslim leaders in America
The "100 Imams for April 9th" press conference scheduled for later this week in NYC, brings back some rather bitter memories regarding Dr. Aafia Siddiqui. For the three years that Aafia has been in the United States, about two of those years were spent in the city that has one of the largest Muslim populations in America (if not the largest), New York City.
During the two years that Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was held in maximum security confinement, being unnecessarily and repeatedly strip searched - something that former State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley criticized his own government for (with respect to Pvt. Manning), before he resigned from that office recently - I never saw more than 10 Muslim leaders gathered in one place for Aafia Siddiqui.
Just this past Friday I visited a large predominantly Pakistani center in Bay Shore, NY. I arrived on Thursday evening and spoke to a group of about 30 to 40 men about Aafia Siddiqui after salatul isha (the night prayer); I'm not sure of how many sisters were present. 
At the conclusion of my remarks, which lasted about five to seven minutes, I received the type of enthusiastic and appreciative response (from most of those present) that I've been accustomed to; with many of the brothers encouraging me to come back the following day for the jumu'ah when may more Muslims would be present.
I did return the following day, there were hundreds of men and women present for the Friday service; but guess what...I was not able to share any information about Aafia Siddiqui. All I needed was five minutes after the prayer - but five minutes was too much (esp. given the fact that non-Muslims were visiting this center as special guests on Friday).
I ended up setting up a table across the street from the center (because I was requested not to set up a table on the grounds itself). Two of the brothers who were present the previous night assisted me at the table immediately. Within minutes the son of one of the brothers (a Malaysian brother by the name of Mohamed) came over to assist as well, soon to be followed by a number of other brothers, and a few sisters, who stopped by to offer words of gratitude and support; to sign the petition, and to drop the occasional donation in the box.
The actions of these Muslims underscored the disconnect that often exists in America between Muslim leaders and those who they would presume to lead. This is not a problem that only exists in the so-called "Muslim world" overseas.
On a final note, I couldn't help but notice (with more than a bit of irony) that in the lobby of this large Islamic Center in Bay Shore, NY, there were a large number of fliers for the April 9th Anti-War Rally in NYC.
While one of the leaders of this large center clearly conveyed his disinterest in assisting the campaign for Aafia Siddiqui, in remarks he made to me in the presence of one of the other leaders of the center (before I departed on Thursday evening), I would not be surprised to learn that he (along with others from that center) was FRONT AND CENTER at the April 9th antiwar mobilization in NYC.
(It promises to be a large, non-Muslim led mobilization; there's really no risk involved; and thus, the cost/benefit is deemed to be very favorable.)
With that said, now that this deeply committed and brutally persecuted Muslim woman, Aafia Siddiqui, is no longer being held in the "Big Apple," I pray that the Muslim leaders of Texas will be far more responsive to the challenge that now lies on their turf!
In the struggle for peace thru justice,
El-Hajj Mauri' Saalakhan
(Ft. Worth, Texas)
(esp. in the Dallas-Forth Worth area)
If you reside in the Houston area, or can travel there on the evening of Tuesday, April 5th, join us for the town meeting at Masjid Al-Mu'minin (6:30 pm) -
located at 8875 Benning Drive, Houston, TX. 
For additional info call: (301) 220-0133 or (202) 246-9608

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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