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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fwd: Fw: Rebel Newsflash: Planned Regime Change in Libya (plus 24 more items)

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From: William Gladys <>
Date: Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 2:49 AM
Subject: Fw: Rebel Newsflash: Planned Regime Change in Libya (plus 24 more items)

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From: Opinion
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2011 4:04 PM
Subject: Rebel Newsflash: Planned Regime Change in Libya (plus 24 more items)

Rebel Newsflash: Planned Regime Change in Libya (plus 24 more items)

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Planned Regime Change in Libya

Posted: 28 Mar 2011 01:57 AM PDT

steve lendman

A March 25 White House press release announced Obama's planned March 28 national TV speech:

"to update the American people on the situation in Libya, including the actions we've taken with allies and partners to protect the Libyan people from the brutality of Moammar Qaddafi, the transition to NATO command and control, and our policy going forward."

BBC: US and UK Imperial Tool

Posted: 28 Mar 2011 01:22 AM PDT

steve lendman

One blogger put it this way:

"Let me get this straight. The US is broke, borrowing money from China, and we will be funding the BBC to broadcast in China?"

Pacifex 11 Linked to Asian Earthquake

Posted: 27 Mar 2011 09:47 PM PDT

For the second time in the last four years, the training scenario of an in-progress, high-level U.S. disaster drill has actually occurred in Myanmar, the Indochina rice bowl that has irked international investors with its anti-globalist economic policies.

Three researchers sent me emails yesterday, the sum of which is that the former Burma probably suffered a punitive geowar attack. I render them to my reader with this earnest counsel:

They who caused Mayanmar's mayhem have planned National Level Exercise 2011 for mid-May. At its core is a catastrophic U.S. earthquake.

Young Girls BANNED From Selling Girl Scout Cookies On Their Own Front Lawn

Posted: 27 Mar 2011 05:39 PM PDT

Once upon a time in America, if you were a couple of little girls and you wanted to sell lemonade or girl scout cookies at a little stand in front of your home nobody would give you any problems.  In fact, most of the people passing by would have smiled and would have seen it as a sign of hope that the next generation was being so industrious.  Well, that is not the way that it works anymore.  Today, all across America nightmarish control freaks are seeking to micromanage every single aspect of our lives.  That includes banning young girls from selling girl scout cookies on their own front lawns.  Yes, you read that correctly.  In Missouri of all places, two young girls named Abigail and Caitlin Mills were recently taught a lesson on how to be good citizens in the emerging totalitarian control grid going up all over the United States.  After a complaint from a neighbor, the city of Hazelwood cracked down on the two girls and told them that they must shut down the girl scout cookie stand that they had been operating in their front yard.


Britney Spears, Mind Control and "Hold it Against Me"

Posted: 27 Mar 2011 04:24 PM PDT

Britney Spears is a pop icon who simultaneously embodies the glamour of stardom and the destructive side of fame. She has reached the heights of super-stardom and the lows of tabloid humiliation. Her erratic behavior lead to numerous questions regarding her mental stability, but most are unaware of the most important fact: She is a product of Illuminati mind control. In fact, the video for "Hold it Against Me" symbolically portrays the manipulation and mind control she goes through. This article will look at significant events in Britney Spears' life and at the hidden meaning of the video "Hold it Against Me".

Supporting, Fighting Tyrants: Logic of 'Stability'

Posted: 27 Mar 2011 01:25 PM PDT

The year is 1974. It is my second Sunday in Brazzaville. I am for the first time invited home to a family in the district of Poto Poto. The house is made of sun-dried clay. The door is painted in green and red. The houses are lying tightly against each other. Red earth. A small child crawls into my lap.

We eat lunch in front of the house. Dried fish, chicken stew, zacka zacka and manioc. Before we have finished lunch the son calls that the football is about to begin. We move into a dark, cramped room. In the small room the furniture is placed tightly along the walls and a few paintings are hanging high up by the ceiling. A naked light bulb gives light.

The Bureaucracies That Marijuana Feeds

Posted: 26 Mar 2011 08:18 PM PDT

For almost 100 years in the United States, countless resources have been spent feeding-oops-I mean, "fighting" the "war on drugs", specifically marijuana. Before that time, marijuana was largely acceptable and viewed as inherently valuable throughout the world. Today, medical science seems to support its use for certain purposes-not to mention whatever social uses for which some may advocate its use. However, since 1937, Congress has deemed that marijuana has absolutely no medical benefit and purpose and made anyone who possesses it subject to extreme criminal penalty. The history behind Congress' enactment is quite suspect, and the "war on marijuana" deserves objective attention.

Weather Models Show High Levels of Radiation Entering U.S. from Japan

Posted: 26 Mar 2011 04:08 PM PDT

On Saturday, Yukiya Amano, the director of the United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency, said the Japanese nuclear crisis could go on for weeks, if not for months.

Poll: 'Canadian rejects separate Holocaust Exhibit'

Posted: 26 Mar 2011 02:33 PM PDT

A recent poll sponsored by two Canadian Christian organizations opposed to the exhibition plans of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR) to have a separate Jewish Holocaust gallery from the rest of world's Christian, Muslim and Roma genocides (7 million Ukrainian, 1.5 million Armenien, 65 million Russian, 1.7 million German, 100 million Native Indian, 80 million Blacks, 2 million Iraqis, gays, lesbians, but less Palestinian, of course) gallery.

Yahweh Good Allah Bad

Posted: 26 Mar 2011 01:53 PM PDT

Something else bothered Orlich. Yee mentioned he had studied in Damascus. Orlich wondered about a man who would go to Syria — a state sponsor of terrorism — to find God.

What do you do after  you help destroy a man's military career and then help create a system of prisoner abuse that is then used against hundreds of prisoners?  I mean that's a pretty good track record right there. What would you do for an encore? (See here for a complete expose. Also, take a look here and here and here and see Orlich suck up to Steve Emerson here.)

King not fit to lead

Posted: 24 Mar 2011 02:29 PM PDT

For all the fanfare and bluster, the US House of Representative's Committee on Homeland Security hearings on "The Extent of Radicalisation in the Muslim Community and that Community's Response" produced little of value. The entire affair was so shockingly ill-conceived and so poorly executed as to leave one wondering whether the committee's chairman, New York Republican Peter King, was fit to lead.

Since King first announced the hearings, American Muslims, Arab Americans and a host of civil rights organisations feared that the effort could become a McCarthy-like witch hunt. And for good reason.

Palestine and the power of civil society

Posted: 24 Mar 2011 02:29 PM PDT

The global boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel and other related campaigns were aimed at exposing Israeli transgressions against the Palestinian people and galvanising international solidarity. What is so uplifting is to see how their achievements have far surpassed these initial aims. The campaigns have animated, accentuated and actually legitimised Palestinian civil society -- a notion that long stood outside the official paradigm acceptable to Israel, and which had very little space within the restrictive realm of the Palestinian Authority (PA).

Now civil society has been incorporated into the overall political equation as a leading factor in the Palestinian struggle for rights and freedom. It is also increasingly filling the vacuum created by the PA's localisation of the Palestinian struggle, and Israel's constant attempt at downgrading any genuine alternative to the PA's leadership.

American Interventionism: Protecting the Profit Machine

Posted: 27 Mar 2011 08:10 PM PDT

America is the spawn of empire building and from the start has itself engaged heavily in that activity. In nearly all cases it has shown a preference for bribery, coercion, intimidation and force over diplomacy and cooperation.

As a nation founded on invasion, occupation and genocide, America has maintained its empire by those means to this day.

Celente: Would US target Libya if they had broccoli instead of oil?

Posted: 27 Mar 2011 07:44 PM PDT

NATO has agreed to take command of the Libyan no-fly zone, but stopped short of accepting full military control. Alliance chief, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said the US will hand over operational responsibility to NATO within days. Meanwhile, fresh air strikes have rocked the Libyan capital Tripoli, with reports of more civilian casualties. Gerald Celente from the Trends Research Institute says NATO is just a cover for the US and the Libyan mission is about gaining control of the country's oil.

When Does a Nuclear Disaster End? Never.

Posted: 27 Mar 2011 10:14 AM PDT

Those who think Japan's Fukushima disaster is today's headlines and tomorrow's history need to take a good look at the Chernobyl disaster, which to this day is a continuing threat to the people of Ukraine. It will be hundreds of years before the area around the destroyed reactor is inhabitable again and there are disputes over whether or not Chernobyl's nuclear fuel still poses a threat of causing another explosion. There is also a teetering reactor core cover and the deteriorating sarcophagus itself that may collapse and send plumes of radioactive dust in all directions.

Israel, right or wrong

Posted: 26 Mar 2011 02:13 PM PDT

Paul J. Balles explains why Zionist scaremongering and distorting of history, as manifested in the writing of Israel apologists such as the Washington Post's Richard Cohen, only increases fear by Jews and disdain by others.

"If I were an Israeli, I'd be worried. If I were an Arab, I'd be insulted. If I were a critic only of Israel, I'd be ashamed."

JStreet or no JStreet, American Jewish leadership is obstacle to peace.

Posted: 25 Mar 2011 02:55 AM PDT

Not taking away from the courageous efforts of JStreet in challenging AIPAC and the well-entrenched American Jewish leadership that has always been consistently anti-peace and pro-war, JStreet has a long way to go. The American Jewish leadership has been the main obstacle to any meaningful Middle East peace. Its undue if not toxic influence on the White House, the State Department and Congress is the real obstacle to solving the Arab/Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Without the main stream American Jewish leadership and to a great extent, the American Jewish community, changing its mind and becoming pro-peace, there will never be peace. No sitting US president will ever have the courage to stands up against such powerful lobby and will never be able to face Congress. The US, Israel, the Palestinians, the Arabs, the Middle East even Iran will always be hostage to such toxic influence. Let us not kid ourselves about the US as an "honest broker". It is not honest and it is not a broker.

Libya and the CIA, the unseen partnership

Posted: 27 Mar 2011 11:40 PM PDT

Today, Libya's Colonel Gaddafi is fighting to stay in power, subject to renewed UN sanctions and a NATO air assault.  Few know his checkered history and the decades of "cooperation" between Libya and the covert operations of the United States, Britain and Israel, assassinations, arms dealing and, most of all, drugs.

Americans are flabbergasted, and they should be, at the strange bedfellows the Libyan crisis has uncovered, a Washington divided, not by politics but something baser exposed, signs of past sins and a flood of Gaddafi cash meant to mold public opinion now as it had for decades.

Earth Hour: A Despicable Hoax

Posted: 27 Mar 2011 07:31 PM PDT

Nothing embodies the corporate hijacked environmental movement more than the despicable hoax that is "Earth Hour." Once a year, we are bombarded worldwide by a feel-good advertising campaign on TV, radio, billboards, fliers, in the newspaper and in every other conceivable way for an event that involves turning off the lights for one hour per year, to "take a stand against climate change."

Syrian Embassy Staff Hides Behind Curtains

Posted: 27 Mar 2011 11:04 AM PDT

Dozens of Austrian demonstrators along with Syrians and Arab Austrians in Daffingerstrasse, in the third district of Vienna, in front of the Syrian Embassy. Metal barriers were placed by the Police to keep on both corners of the street block in order to keep the protesters away from the entrance of the Embassy. Five Austrian policemen were behind the metal barriers, they were generally friendly, except one of them who first did not allow me to take a picture for the demonstrators from next him. I asked him politely for his permission to take picture after the protesters stood close to the barrier. The Policeman answered in an unfriendly way: "No journalists allowed!"

Impeach Barack Obama

Posted: 23 Mar 2011 11:00 PM PDT

The time has come for those who claim high regard for the U.S. Constitution to show that they mean what they say.  The time has come to begin impeachment proceedings against President Barack H. Obama for high crimes and misdemeanors.

The United States has initiated a war against Libya, as Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has conceded.  When one country bombs another, which has not attacked it nor posed any immediate threat to it, that is an act of war.  No "humanitarian" rationale justifies such an act.  Only an act of Congress suffices according to the United States Constitution.  Barack Obama has violated that provision of the United States Constitution, which he swore, falsely it is now apparent, to defend and protect.  Barack Obama has committed this greatest of impeachable offenses. Other offenses related to torture and violation of the civil liberties of U. S. citizens may emerge as articles of impeachment are drawn up.

The 'Jewish influence' on ME Revolutions

Posted: 27 Mar 2011 06:02 PM PDT

Eric Herschthal writing in 'The Jewish Week' (February 15, 2011) had claimed that Gene Sharp's 90-page manual 'From Dictatorships to Democracy' had "the Jewish influence on Egypt's glorious revolution'. In order to clear the 'fog' – he immediately informed his readers that Gene Sharp (born 1928) is NOT Jewish but son of a (Zionist) Protestant minister. However, he did admit that Gene Sharp's 'The Albert Einsten Institute' was "funded for two decades by Peter Ackerman, who was Jewish". Philip Shishkin paid glowing tributes to Gene Sharp in Jewish-owned 'The Wall Street Journal' (September 13, 2008) for providing "a list of 198 methods of nonviolent action, like the staging of mock elections to poke fun at problems like vote-rigging, using funerals to make political statements and adopting symbolic colors, a la Orange Revolution in the Ukraine. Less conventional tactics include skywriting political messages and "protest disrobings."


Financial Martial Law

Posted: 27 Mar 2011 11:18 AM PDT

In mid-March, Michigan lawmakers passed legislation that has been called "financial martial law." Contained within it are the methods and authority to remove elected officials and replace them with appointed "emergency financial managers" who, according to CBS News, would have the authority to "fire local elected officials, break contracts, seize and sell assets, eliminate services, and even eliminate whole cities or school districts without any public input."

The appointees selected by GOP Gov. Rick Snyder would be "accountable" only to the state legislature. The possible abuses are endless.


Pentagon to Target Populated Urban Areas in Libya

Posted: 26 Mar 2011 11:19 AM PDT

The Associated Press is reporting that the Pentagon will conduct missions in Libya's urban areas.

As Nick Turse wrote in his Bombs Over Baghdad: The Secret War in Iraq, it was extraordinarily difficult to find out how many bombs the Pentagon dropped on Iraq – and thus gauge how many civilians were killed by this secret bombing campaign.

Japan selling out of Bottled Water. Thorium option for the future. And Real Aquaman?

Posted: 25 Mar 2011 11:18 PM PDT

Japan selling out of Bottled Water. Thorium option for the future. And Real Aquaman? real aquaman

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