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Monday, March 28, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] India is in violation of Geneva Convention in their treatment of the citizens of occupied Jammu and Kashmir

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From: Habib Yousafzai <>
Date: Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 4:43 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] India is in violation of Geneva Convention in their treatment of the citizens of occupied Jammu and Kashmir


India is in violation of Geneva Convention in their treatment of the citizens of occupied Jammu and Kashmir


Habib Yousafzai


At the time of the fight for freedom of India, the reverse was true, the Sikhs, Kashmiris, Muslims, Dalits, Christians, non-Hindus and Hindus who were fighting for the liberation of India from British occupation were considered to be fighting for a just cause. After winning independence from British rule, soon after they began to feel that they have been trapped in another kind of occupation. The Indian National congress leadership failed to fulfill their promises made with all minorities in order to win their support before independence. Now, these nations are fighting for their freedom, how can one call them terrorists?  This was the responsibility of the occupying Indian government to provide the security of life to the oppressed.  Since 1947, India has occupied Kashmir; atrocities have been committed against innocent Kashmiris, Pundits and Sikhs. It was their responsibility because they are the ones who are controlling the territory. 


Chairman of Hurriyat Conference (G) Syed Ali Shah Geelani on March 19, 2011 addressing the session 'Kashmir - What next' said "soon after the partition, Muslims of Jammu were asked to assemble at a particular place, according to eyewitness accounts, over five lakhs Muslims were massacred according to a conspiracy to make Jammu a Muslim minority region." He further stressed that "Even India's Home Minister (P Chidambaram) has termed Kashmir an issue of broken promises. The lingering of the Kashmir dispute has hampered the development of India which is the biggest purchaser of arms. Nearly one lakh people in Delhi are homeless and 25 crore people in India live below the poverty line. Kashmiris want freedom from India's forcible occupation. It is high time for India to fulfill its broken promises and give right to self-determination under the supervision of UN to Kashmiris. This is the only amicable and viable solution to resolve the dispute".

Syed Ali Shah Geelani, "urged the people to carry on the peaceful protests for taking the ongoing movement towards its logical conclusion. Even the British occupied India for over a century, carried massacres and jailed its leaders including Mahatma Gandhi and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. But India finally achieved independence. Right to self-determination is our inalienable right and we can achieve it if we maintained steadfastness and unity."  


India has posted over 700,000 armed soldiers in the occupied territory but has failed to suppress the freedom movement because the people despise them. The Indian government was committing atrocities and is still committing them at the present time just like an occupied force.  In their tenure, the following people  were abducted by the forces and killed, H. N. Wanchoo, Dr. Abdul Ahad Guru, Dr. Farooq Ashai and noted human rights activist Jalil Andrabi and Pir Hisam-ud-Din. There are so many other names that can be added to this list that were abducted and killed by Indian forces. In the16th session of the UN: human rights council, room xxii briefing on human rights of deprived minorities, 9th march, 2011, a 17 year old Aneesa Nabi appealed to the United Nations Security Council to locate her abducted father.  She addressed a seminar at Palais de Nations describing the gory details of how Indian soldiers killed her mother and severely injured her toddler younger brother. Diplomats pledged to contact the Indian government to help locate her father if alive.chaudry <>Date: Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 4:42 PM,



I would like to quote the Hon. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, who said in the House of Representatives of the United States, "As far as the Kashmiris, Sikhs, Muslims and other non-Hindu minorities are concerned, India is a Nazi Germany to them."  The fact of the matter is the Indian government has failed to win the hearts and minds of the Kashmiri nation. 


As a matter of fact, the India Government is in violation of the Geneva Convention because they have failed to perform their duties as an occupant.The international agreement formulated in 1864 at Geneva, establishing a code treatment of the sick or wounded, prisoners and security of life and safety of the oppressed nation. There are now four Geneva Conventions, which were drawn up in 1949. And all of them have now been accepted by virtually every state including India. Therefore, it will be in their best interest to leave Jammu and Kashmir.


Besides, I am enclosing the following news item for ready reference to make the reader aware of the situation in the valley.


Stop behaving like occupying power: Brinda to GOI


'Kashmiris Outraged Over Denial of Justice'




New Delhi, Mar 15: Advising the government of India to stop behaving like an "occupying" power in Jammu and Kashmir, CPI-M member Brinda Karat Tuesday said people whose children were killed in police firing in the state are outraged over "denial of justice".


Raising the issue during Zero Hour in the Rajya Sabha, Brinda said 117 people were killed in police action during the summer 2010 unrest in Kashmir but not even a single constable has been punished.


She said the government should "stop behaving like occupying people."


Four MPs including Karat had recently gone to Srinagar to attend a women's conference where the problems faced by the people of the state were narrated to them. The conference was organised by the Centre-appointed interlocutors.


She said there was "outrage" among people who said justice was not given to them.
Karat said of the 117 cases, only 37 FIRs have been registered and no independent inquiry was conducted in a time bound manner.


"Even today, young people are being called to police stations and threatened and detained. Women say that every time they enter universities, they are asked to show their identity cards. They are asking is it not their own country," she said adding that it was "militarization of the entire Valley".



Palash Biswas
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