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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fwd: [Right to Education] The passing of the Right of Children to Free and...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anjela Taneja <>
Date: Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 10:37 AM
Subject: [Right to Education] The passing of the Right of Children to Free and...
To: Palash Biswas <>

The passing of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009 marks a historic moment for the children of India.  This Act serves as a building block to ensure that every child has his or her right to get a quality elementary education, and that the State, with the help of families and communities, fulfills this obligation.    On 1st of April, 2011, India completes one year of enforcement of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009. This legislation, laid down a time bound agenda to address some of the long pending gaps in the educational system. Some of these deadlines fell within the first year and a third of the time for attaining the minimum standards in the schools has also elapsed. Unfortunately, even the State Rules under the Act have been notified only in a small number of States. Now that the law is in place and one year has passed, mobilization of all like-minded forces is needed to give an appropriate push for asking the State to account for implementing the existing provisions under the Right to Education Act and to eventually provide quality education with equity.   The National and State Education networks, Grassroots Movements, prominent educationists and several Civil Society Organizations are converging on 31st March 2011 and 1st April 2011 to undertake a Stocktaking of the First Year of the Implementation of the Right to Education Act and organize an interface with stake holders of different states. The gathering will bring together people from across the country to share their experience with regards to RTE. The vision of this gathering is to lead to the emergence of an nationwide alliance to take forward the action points agreed upon in Delhi.   On 1st April, the anniversary of the Act's adoption, there will be a mass gathering presenting the voices of people, parliamentarians, national and state education networks and leaders of different mass movements at Jantar Mantar. Among the 2000 people expected to participate some of the prominent personalities include participating in the mobilization, Swami Agnivesh, prominent Gandhian Rajagopal, Prof Anand Kumar (Former President of Federation of Central Universities Teachers' Association) and Babulal Marandi & Salim Ansari (MP). Along with the national alliances, the state networks from UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Orissa, AP, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Chattisgarh, Manipur, TN and Delhi would lend their strength to the process.   Do join us at 11 AM on 1st April!
Anjela Taneja 10:37am Mar 30
The passing of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009 marks a historic moment for the children of India. This Act serves as a building block to ensure that every child has his or her right to get a quality elementary education, and that the State, with the help of families and communities, fulfills this obligation.

On 1st of April, 2011, India completes one year of enforcement of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009. This legislation, laid down a time bound agenda to address some of the long pending gaps in the educational system. Some of these deadlines fell within the first year and a third of the time for attaining the minimum standards in the schools has also elapsed. Unfortunately, even the State Rules under the Act have been notified only in a small number of States. Now that the law is in place and one year has passed, mobilization of all like-minded forces is needed to give an appropriate push for asking the State to account for implementing the existing provisions under the Right to Education Act and to eventually provide quality education with equity.

The National and State Education networks, Grassroots Movements, prominent educationists and several Civil Society Organizations are converging on 31st March 2011 and 1st April 2011 to undertake a Stocktaking of the First Year of the Implementation of the Right to Education Act and organize an interface with stake holders of different states. The gathering will bring together people from across the country to share their experience with regards to RTE. The vision of this gathering is to lead to the emergence of an nationwide alliance to take forward the action points agreed upon in Delhi.

On 1st April, the anniversary of the Act's adoption, there will be a mass gathering presenting the voices of people, parliamentarians, national and state education networks and leaders of different mass movements at Jantar Mantar. Among the 2000 people expected to participate some of the prominent personalities include participating in the mobilization, Swami Agnivesh, prominent Gandhian Rajagopal, Prof Anand Kumar (Former President of Federation of Central Universities Teachers' Association) and Babulal Marandi & Salim Ansari (MP). Along with the national alliances, the state networks from UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Orissa, AP, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Chattisgarh, Manipur, TN and Delhi would lend their strength to the process.

Do join us at 11 AM on 1st April!

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