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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Obama Expands Bush Doctrine 29 Mar 2011

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Date: Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 8:49 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Obama Expands Bush Doctrine 29 Mar 2011


Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government
29 Mar 2011
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Obama Expands Bush Doctrine By Michael Rectenwald, 30 Mar 2011 Obama has made clear that the pretext for invasion of sovereign nations will not be limited to protecting Americans from "terrorism" and "weapons of mass destruction" as after 9/11 under Bush. Pre-emptive action will also be taken against threats to "values" and commerce. That is, Obama has expanded the Bush doctrine to include cases wherein U.S. commercial interests are at stake, not only its supposed safety. Of course, this is precisely what the Bush doctrine was meant to include, but Obama has expressed this fact even more nakedly than Bush himself.

'Libyan rebel' leader spent much of past 20 years in suburban Virginia 26 Mar 2011 The new leader of Libya's opposition military spent the past two decades in suburban Virginia but felt compelled -- even in his late-60s -- to return to the battlefield in his homeland, according to people who know him. Khalifa Hifter was once a top military officer for Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, but [later] Hifter switched to the anti-Gadhafi opposition. In the early 1990s, he moved to suburban Virginia, where he established a life but maintained ties to anti-Gadhafi groups... Since coming to the United States in the early 1990s, Hifter lived in suburban Virginia outside Washington, D.C. Abdel Salam Badr of Richmond, Va., said he was unsure exactly what Hifter did to support himself. [LOL! Um, let's see... it's a tough one... suburban Virginia with *no job* for twenty years. Hmm.. CIA? Yup, another over-funded oil wh*re -- think CIA/UNOCAL's Hamid Karzai --aka 'opposition leader' on the CIA payroll. --LRP]

US plans regime change in Libya 29 Mar 2011 US President Barack Obama says Washington will help implement a civilian government in Libya after a possible fall of embattled Libyan ruler Muammer Gaddafi's regime. Obama said US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will meet representatives from the Libyan opposition at an international summit in London on Tuesday. Speaking at National Defense University in Washington DC, he defended the US-led strikes on Libya. [How come *I* can't get regime change? I want to know why no one comes in and gives *us* regime change? I want the corpora-terrorist/Citizens United dictatorship removed and replaced with democracy. I want US citizens to be rescued from the economic violence. --Lori Price]

NATO Chief Opens The Door to Libya Ground Troops 29 Mar 2011 ...The United Nations Security Council Resolution authorizing the war [in Libya] explicitly rules out any "occupation" forces. But leave it to the top military officer of NATO, which takes over the war on Wednesday, to add an asterisk to that ban. During a Senate hearing on Tuesday, Sen. Jack Reed of Rhode Island asked Adm. James Stavridis about NATO putting forces into "post-Gadhafi" Libya to make sure the country doesn't fall apart. Stavridis said he "wouldn't say NATO's considering it yet." But because of NATO's history of putting peacekeepers in the Balkans -- as pictured above -- "the possibility of a stabilization regime exists."

U.S. Air Power Is Given Expansive Role in Libya 29 Mar 2011 Even as President Obama on Monday described a narrower role for the United States in a NATO-led operation in Libya, the American military has been carrying out an expansive and increasingly potent air campaign to compel the Libyan Army to turn against Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi. The White House, the Pentagon and their European allies have given the mission the most expansive possible interpretation, amounting to an all-out assault on Libya's military. Allied aircraft are not only dropping 500-pound bombs on Libyan troops, they are also using psychological operations to try to break their will to fight, broadcasting messages [propaganda] in Arabic and English, telling Libyan soldiers and sailors to abandon their posts and to defy Colonel Qaddafi's orders.

Lejeune Marines prepare to deploy off Libyan coast 29 Mar 2011 Twenty-two hundred Marines and sailors from Camp Lejeune are preparing to deploy off the coast of Libya in northern Africa. The 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit was set to deploy to the Mediterranean later this year but that got bumped up once NATO forces launched an air assault on Libya. The unit is relieving the 26th MEU, which took part in some of the initial assaults. The 22nd is a Marine, air and ground task force.

French warplanes strike Libyan command centre 28 Mar 2011 French warplanes struck a command centre on Sunday night belonging to troops loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, a French armed forces spokesman said on Monday. "(There were) strikes on a command centre 10 kM (six miles) south of the Tripoli suburbs on the night of the 27th and 28th," spokesman Thierry Burkhard said.

Another multi-billion-dollar bl*wjob for the Pentagon, with no end in sight: Cost of Libya Intervention $600 Million for First Week, Pentagon Says 28 Mar 2011 One week after an international military coalition intervened in Libya, the cost to U.S. taxpayers has reached at least $600 million, according figures provided by the Pentagon. U.S. ships and submarines in the Mediterranean have unleashed at least 191 Tomahawk cruise missiles from their arsenals to the tune of $268.8 million, the Pentagon said. U.S. warplanes have dropped 455 precision guided bombs, costing tens of thousands of dollars each. A downed Air Force F-15E fighter jet will cost more than $60 million to replace.

US soldiers' 'kill team' killed Afghanis, used body parts in poker games: report 28 Mar 2011 Rogue U.S. soldiers snipped the pinky off an Afghan teen they killed for kicks - and later used it to wage a bet while playing spades, a blockbuster expose reports. That's one of the shocking stories in a new Rolling Stone magazine expose of an Army "kill team" that targeted innocent Afghan civilians for death. Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs, the squad leader and main target of the Army's ongoing war crimes investigation, allegedly sliced the finger off Gul Mudin - the approximately 15-year-old Afghan that Spc. Jeremy Morlock and Pfc. Andrew Holmes are accused of killing.

The Kill Team --How U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan murdered innocent civilians and mutilated their corpses -- and how their officers failed to stop them. Plus: The war crime photos censored by the Pentagon By Mark Boal 27 Mar 2011 After the killing, the soldiers involved in Gul Mudin's death were not disciplined or punished in any way. Emboldened, the platoon went on a shooting spree over the next four months that claimed the lives of at least three more innocent civilians. When the killings finally became public last summer, the Army moved aggressively to frame the incidents as the work of a "rogue unit" operating completely on its own, without the knowledge of its superiors.

'US records Karzai's phone calls' 29 Mar 2011 A senior Afghan official says that the US agents have secretly managed to listen to phone conversations of President Hamid Karzai and other senior government officials. Dr. Zalmay Zabuli, a prominent Afghan senator made the remarks during an open session of senate attended by Afghan defense minister, intelligence officials and several other government authorities in Kabul, a Press TV correspondent reported. Zabuli reiterated that the US forces have installed very advanced communication tools in and around the sensitive government facilities, adding that they have spent at least 75 million dollars in a bid to infiltrate into communication network.

3 US-led soldiers killed in Afghan war 29 Mar 2011 Three US-led soldiers have been killed in eastern Afghanistan as Taliban militants step up their violent campaign against foreign forces in the war-ravaged country. The soldiers whose nationalities are not known died in what has been called separate attacks by Taliban militants.

2 US-led soldiers injured in Afghanistan 29 Mar 2011 Two US-led soldiers have been wounded after their armored vehicle hit a landmine in western Afghanistan province of Farah, Afghan officials say. A police source said the incident came overnight when the mine exploded on the way of a joint Afghan-foreign convoy in a village in Farah city, a Press TV correspondent reported Tuesday.

40 killed, 100 wounded in attack on Iraq's local council 29 Mar 2011 Up to 40 people were killed and 100 others wounded when gunmen stormed into the provincial council of Salahudin province on Tuesday and held hostages in the building, including council members, a provincial police source told Xinhua. "Our latest reports said that 40 people were killed and some 100 others wounded by the attack," the source said, citing reports collected from Tikrit's hospitals.

Israel considering annexing West Bank settlements if Palestinians seek unilateral recognition 29 Mar 2011 Israel is considering annexing major West Bank settlement blocs if the Palestinians unilaterally seek world recognition of a state, an Israeli official said Tuesday -- moves that would deal a grave blow to prospects for negotiating a peace deal between the two sides. Israel has refrained from taking such a diplomatically explosive step for four decades.

Lori Price of Citizens for Legitimate Government on TJ Radio By Kevin Barrett 22 Mar 2011 Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 3/23/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio - archived here. Lori Price of Citizens for Legitimate Government - possibly the very best of the left-leaning news-amalgamation sites. Lori is my kind of truther -- brilliant, fearless, and interested in the broader context of 9/11 including the full panoply of SCADs. When people ask me to recommend alternative news and information websites, Citizens for Legitimate Government is usually the first one that comes to mind. Listen to Lori, check out CLG and find out why.

Reactors leaking weapons-grade plutonium into soil --Plutonium 238, 239 and 240 discovered --Plutonium breaks down very slowly and can remain dangerously radioactive for hundreds of thousands of years. 29 Mar 2011 Weapons-grade plutonium was found in the soil surrounding Japan's crisis-stricken power plant yesterday, heightening fears at the facility, where workers have struggled for weeks to keep the nuclear lid from blowing off its damaged, leaky reactors. The world's most serious atomic crisis in 25 years went from bad to worse after crews discovered traces of the material -- a key ingredient in nuclear weapons. "The situation is very grave," Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said today.

Carolinas utilities report radiation from Japan 28 Mar 2011 Utilities in North and South Carolina are adding to the list of states in the U.S. reporting trace amounts of radiation from a nuclear reactor in Japan that was damaged by an earthquake and tsunami. Progress Energy and Duke Energy in North Carolina and South Carolina Electric and Gas Co. all operate nuclear plants and say they've detected trace amounts of radiation.

3 types of plutonium detected at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi plant 28 Mar 2011 Three types of plutonium have turned up amid the radioactive contamination on the grounds of the earthquake-damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, its owner reported Monday. The plutonium is a byproduct of nuclear reactions that is also part of the fuel mix at the damaged No. 3 reactor. It was found in soil at five different points inside the plant grounds, the Tokyo Electric Power Company said late Monday.

Radiation Detected on Land and at Sea Outside Plant as Officials Fear Partial Meltdown --Contaminated Water Extends at Least a Mile Into the Ocean Near the Plant, Officials Say 28 Mar 2011 Radiation from Japan's crippled nuclear reactors has now contaminated the ground and the sea surrounding the Fukushima Daiichi complex, as officials fear that some of the reactors may already be in partial meltdown. Power company officials admitted today that plutonium has been found in the soil near the plant. Radiation has also been detected in as far as a mile north of the plant.

Low-level radiation in three Southern states' air 28 Mar 2011 Low levels of radioactive iodine believed to be from Japan's disaster-stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant have been detected in the atmosphere in South Carolina, North Carolina and Florida, officials said on Monday. Monitors at Progress Energy's nuclear plants in Hartsville, South Carolina, and Crystal River, Florida, picked up low levels of radioactive iodine-131. So did Duke Energy's monitors at its two nuclear facilities in South Carolina and the plant in Huntersville, North Carolina.

Radioactive Iodine Traces Found Above China's Coastal Areas, Ministry Says 28 Mar 2011 China detected trace amounts of radioactive iodine-131 in the atmosphere above coastal areas yesterday, as the country monitors for contamination from the nuclear accident in Japan. The isotope was first found above Heilongjiang province in the northeast, and later over Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Anhui, Guangdong and Guangxi in the southeast, the Ministry of Environment said in statements on its website yesterday.

Japan mulls plan to nationalize Tepco: report 28 Mar 2011 A plan to temporarily nationalize Tokyo Electric Power Co., the operator of the critically troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, was raised and is being considered by the Japanese government, daily newspaper Yomiuri reported Tuesday. The government would take a majority stake and help manage the utility, the report said, citing unidentified sources in the government.

BP managers could face manslaughter charges over Gulf oil spill --BP executives, including ex-chief executive Tony Hayward, may be charged by US authorities over Deepwater Horizon explosion 29 Mar 2011 US authorities are considering charging BP managers with manslaughter after decisions they made before the Deepwater Horizon oil well explosion last year killed 11 workers and caused the biggest offshore spill in US history. Sources close to the process told Bloomberg that investigators were also examining whether BP's executives, including former chief executive Tony Hayward, made statements that were at odds with what they knew during congressional hearings last year. The US justice department opened criminal and civil investigations into the spill last June.

Mega barf alert! BP claims processing CEO to raise money for Gov. Bobby Jindal --'Gov. Jindal is essentially taking money from somebody who works for BP at the same time he's supposed to be holding BP accountable.' 28 Mar 2011 The head of a Hammond-based firm that is handling oil spill claims processing for BP is hosting the latest fund-raising event for Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-Terrorist). The $1,000 a plate cocktail reception -- the "host" level costs $5,000 -- is being held Tuesday at the offices of Worley Catastrophe Response, and hosted by the company's chief executive, Mike Worley. Worley has handled claims on behalf of BP, and later the Gulf Coast Claims Facility, since shortly after the April 20 Deepwater Horizon explosion and subsequent oil spill.

Soldier allegedly shoots woman on freeway 28 Mar 2011 (NC) Fayetteville police are investigating a shooting that happened on the All-American Freeway near the Santa Fe overpass Monday afternoon. The incident forced police to shut down the busy roadway. Investigators have not identified the GI who they say fired the shot, but eyewitnesses say after the shooting, the soldier jumped from the vehicle and ran into some nearby woods.

Mystery as twelfth baby dies in four years at Fort Bragg Army base --Army yet to give official explanation for deaths 28 Mar 2011 A four-month-old boy has died at the Fort Bragg Army base, bringing the number of infant deaths there to 12 in four years. The boy, who had no obvious illness, passed away after he suddenly stopped breathing. The Army, which has been investigating the deaths since the autumn, has yet to give an official explanation.

'Tip of the iceberg': 42 clusters of different diseases identified in 13 U.S. states, but researchers say this is just the beginning 29 Mar 2011 A worrying report claims there are 42 disease clusters across 13 states in the U.S. which include numerous types of cancer, birth defects and other chronic illnesses. The study by the Natural Resources Defense Council and the National Disease Clusters Alliance drew on research by federal, state and local officials and peer reviewed academic studies. They have warned that this is just the tip of the iceberg and that there are likely more in other states which will be revealed through further study.

Report: 42 disease clusters in 13 U.S. states identified 28 Mar 2011 At least 42 disease clusters have occurred in 13 U.S. states since 1976, according to a report Monday by environmentalists calling for further study of the cause of these health problems. "Communities all around the country struggle with unexplained epidemics of cancers, birth defects and neurological diseases," report co-author Gina Solomon, a senior scientist at the Naural Resources Defense Council, said in announcing the findings.

Officials investigate new flu strain --CDC testing more influenza B viruses from NC and surrounding states 28 Mar 2011 Despite a decline in flu cases in North Carolina, state and federal health officials are investigating a new strain of the influenza virus. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has conducted lab tests and determined that Tamiflu, the influenza antiviral drug, has slightly less effect on the new virus. Scientists say the reason appears to be a genetic change in the virus that has not been seen in samples from other states.

Dutch bankers' bonuses axed by people power --An online campaign has overturned ING's executive pay policy, and the mood in Amsterdam is getting increasingly militant about bonuses at bailed-out banks 27 Mar 2011 Britain has a rival when it comes to bashing bankers. After a furious row over pay packages at Amsterdam-based ING in which thousands of customers threatened to make mass withdrawals, the Netherlands is now vying for the title of Europe's most bonus-hating country... The threat of direct action raised the spectre of a partial run on ING, terrifying the Dutch establishment.

Judge Halts Implementation of Bargaining Law --Judge Issued Restraining Order Over Bill 29 Mar 2011 A Wisconsin judge has ruled that there should be no further implementation of a law taking away nearly all collective bargaining rights for most public workers. Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi said Tuesday that her earlier restraining order saying the law shouldn't be enacted had either been ignored or misinterpreted. Sumi stopped short of saying the law was not already in effect.

Sea Turtle Deaths Anger Mississippi Residents 29 Mar 2011 Gulfport's Institute for Marine Mammal Studies reports it has collected 38 dead or stranded turtles in Mississippi this year, most in the past few weeks. As is the case with dolphin strandings this year, turtle tissue samples are turned over to the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), which does necropsies and further testing. NMFS is investigating the deaths of these turtles and has increased surveillance, according to Blair Mase-Guthrie, a southeast regional stranding coordinator.

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