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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Thursday, March 31, 2011

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Date: Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 4:34 PM
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Jai Mulnivasi All.
Please find attached the Mulnivasi Bahujan  Bharat - English, March 2011 Issue for your reference.

Please visit for old issues.
Thank you,
Jai Mulnivasi,
Sandeep Chavan.

M u l n i v a s i B a h u j a n B h a r a t M a r c h 2 0 1 1
March, 2011               ENGLISH MONTHLY                 Rs. 20   
               BAHUJAN BHARAT
As part of 20
March 2011 Mahad Convention of "BHARAT MUKTI 
(The Mahad Satyagraha agitation started by Babasaheb Ambedkar was not just for Water but for Liberation of Mulnivasis)
"In every country the intellectual class is the most influential class. This is the class which can  foresee advice and lead. In no 
country does the mass of the people live the life for intelligent thought and action. It is largely imitative and follows the intellectual 
class. There is no exaggeration in saying that the entire destination of the country depends upon its intellectual class. If  the 
intellectual class is honest and independent, it can be trusted to take the initiative and give a proper lead when a crisis arises. It is 
true that the intellect by itself is no virtue. It is only a means and the use of a means depends upon the ends which an intellectual 
person pursues. An intellectual man can be a good man but he may easily be a rogue. Similarly an intellectual class may be a band of 
high-souled persons, ready to help, ready to emancipate erring humanity or it may easily be a gang of crooks or a body of advocates 
of narrow clique from which it draws its support."
- Babasaheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 
1 |   P a g e M u l n i v a s i B a h u j a n B h a r a t        M a r c h 2 0 1 1
English Monthly Magazine    March 2011
Proprietor & Editor:
Mr. Waman Meshram
Chhatrapati Printers, S.No. 5, 4/311, 
Keshav Nagar, Mudhava, Pune-36
4765/46 (3rd Floor), Raigarhpura, Karol baugh, 
New Delhi – 110005, Tel.: 011-28726213
Cell: 09405032732/9640955020/9890189800
Price: 20/-
Annual Subscription: 200/-
Address for correspondence:
10-73, Prem Vijay Nagar Colony, 
Malkajgiri Mandal, Rangareddy District, 
Hyderabad – 500 047, A.P., India
Editorial        2
―Belief in Leadership‖ – By Hon'ble Waman Meshram
Eurasian Brahmins decided to genocide 
Mulnivasi Bahujans (Indigenous people 
of India) – By B. Rojal       4
Current News        7
The non sense called Rama Sethu        9
Historic BAMCEF Convention at
Durgapur, West Bengal
By Adv. Iqbal Ahmed Sheriff                 14
Preface of "What Congress and Gandhi have 
done to the untouchables"
By Babasaheb Dr. B.R.Ambedkar      16
Synopsis of Budget 2011-12       
By Lt. Col. Siddharth Barve       20
March 2011 Convention Photos       21
Andhra Pradesh, Medak 2-Day Cadre Camp Photos    24
Mulnivasi Mahapurush Samuhik Jayanthi Photos
BAMCEF International, Melbourne, Australia      25 
The Bias of So-Called National Media       
By Sandeep Chavan       26
Advertisements 27
Appeal to all Mulnivasis 28
Words of Wisdom
―My final words of advice to you are educate, agitate 
and organize; have faith in yourself.  With justice on 
our side I do not see how we can lose our battle. The 
battle to me is a matter of joy. The battle is in the 
fullest sense spiritual. There is nothing material or 
social in it. For ours is a battle not for wealth or 
for power. It is battle for freedom. It is the battle 
of reclamation of human personality.‖
―You must abolish your slavery yourselves. Do 
not depend for its abolition upon god or a superman. 
Remember that it is not enough that a people are 
numerically in the majority. They must be always 
watchful, strong and self-respecting to attain and 
maintain success. We must shape our course 
ourselves and by ourselves.‖
―What you have lost others have gained. Your 
humiliations are a matter of pride with others. You 
are made to suffer wants, privations and humiliations 
not because it was pre-ordained by the sins 
committed in your previous birth, but because of the 
overpowering tyranny and treachery of those who are 
above you.  You have no lands because others 
have usurped them; you have no posts because 
others have monopolized them. Do not believe 
in fate; believe in your strength.
- Babasaheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Mulnivasi Historical dates of Importance in March
Kalaram Temple Entry Movement launch      02-Mar-1930
KrantiJyoti Savithri Bai Phule Death Anni.     10-Mar-1897
Bahujan Nayak Kanshiram Jayanthi     15-Mar-1934
Samata Sainik Dal Formation Day     19-Mar-1927
Mahad Satyagraha Day          20-Mar-1927
Samrat Ashoka Jayanthi     25-Mar (304 BC)
Sincere request to all Mulnivasis including our minority 
brothers to always refer India as "Bharat" and not "Hindustan"  
which is used by Brahmins to instigate religious riots. They 
hide their less than 3% populace behind Hindu identity to 
continue absolute control over more than 79% of national 
resources and rule & fool Mulnivasis!
Babasaheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar declared "India" as 
"Bharat" as first line of the first article of Constitution
Constitution of India - Article 1: India, that is Bharat,
shall be a Union of StatesMULNIVASI BAHUJAN BHARAT March 2011
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The incidence of statue at Ramabai Colony, Ghatkopar:
We  have been reasoning and written in the past that the Congressmen are behind most of the incidents of 
desecration of Dr. Ambedkar statues both before and after the Shivsena-BJP combine came to power in Maharashtra. 
Earlier, however, there used to be no evidence of involvement of any hand of Congress in such incidences. The 
restlessness of the Congressmen to return to power at the earliest thus stands exposed to the common public. That 
the Congress can stoop to such low levels in this dirty game cannot be imagined. 
Use of Ambedkarites as a tool 
In earlier instances, the upper caste people gave vent to their hatred by desecrating the statue of Dr. Ambedkar. But 
this time the Congress Brahmins have scrupulously planned and used the Ambedkarites as a tool. Why did the 
Ambedkarite people, who are ever ready to die in the name of their savior, react in such a way? This is a question on 
which everyone has to ponder. We think that the Ambedkarite people are fiercely opposed to the Shivsena-BJP 
combine. Using this opposition the Congress people have been able to convince the Ambedkarites this theory that if 
there is an incidence of desecration of statue, this government can be toppled. Thus after this conviction the 
Ambedkarites united in their reaction and let the Congress people utilize them.
Incidence of Massacre 
This statue desecration incident led to eruption of public anger and action. In such a situation the mob is always 
violent and the reason for existence of such violence is the absence of leadership and its control. Why did the 
common man take matters in his hands? The public tried to find solution to this problem in its own way as it lost its 
belief in its leaders. This gave an opportunity to the casteist police and government to shoot and kill the public. Now 
even efforts are being made to justify those killings. This shows that the question of belief in leadership is the main 
reason behind this incident of massacre. 
Power of the masses 
The Republican Party has split many times and the RPI people have been oppressed through this division. The 
masses gathered all the issues of such oppression and handed a tremendous power to the leaders. However these 
leaders could not utilize this power to provide protection to the people. The belief in leadership went further in the 
doldrums after the Ghatkopar incident. The results are there for us to see. 
From the Editor's Desk 
Belief in 
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Physical attack on the leaders 
The incidence of massacre led to further 
eruption of public anger and in such 
perilous situation the RPI leaders  were 
conspicuous by their absence. Thus the 
disbelief in the public on the leaders 
raised manifold. This is the reason why 
common party workers beat up 
Athawale and Gavai and Prakash 
Ambedkar had to flee from the place of 
Birth of a fundamental problem 
This situation has created a deep 
problem before the movement. The 
belief of the public led to the downfall of 
those who had leadership in their 
hands. And thus the movement faced 
the prospects of absence of leadership. 
This leaderless status of the movement 
has created a wave of deep thinking 
among the Ambedkarite intellectuals. 
Prospects of new leadership 
This wave of deep thinking among the 
intellectuals would possibly lead to the 
rise of a new leadership. However there 
are many hurdles in  accepting the old 
leadership. Without a careful 
understanding of these problems  we 
cannot arrive at a solution.
Vicious trap by the public 
The movement which was led by 
Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar created RPI 
which is why the masses out of their 
reverence want to remain associated 
with the RPI. This has led to the 
creation of a vicious trap. The public 
doesn't want to leave its association 
with the RPI and the dishonest RPI 
leaders don't want to leave their control 
over RPI. The trap is such that it has 
left no way out. Further, an image that 
the RPI is a party restricted to one caste 
has led to deepening of the crisis. The 
emotional attachment of the public has 
worsened this problem. When a society 
is attached emotionally, it cannot take 
rational decisions. And without rational 
decisions, a movement cannot move 
forward. How the new leadership 
releases the masses from this trap is a 
Rise in discontent 
After the disbelief of the public over the
leadership there has been a rise in the 
discontent amongst the masses. In 
future this discontent may lead to 
violent eruption which may cause 
tremendous loss to public. Before such 
a thing happens the new leadership has 
to come forward and ensure that the
situation doesn't go out of control. 
There is only one solution. We would 
have to develop an alternative to the 
Mark of Success 
The involvement and support of the 
masses is a necessary precondition 
without which no movement can be 
successful. However, the support and 
participation of public alone doesn't 
guarantee success. It is the leadership 
which converts the support of the public 
into expected result. Where there is no 
leadership, there is no success. Thus, 
the presence of leadership is a mark of 
success. The ‗Dalit Panther' and RPI
were unsuccessful due to absence of 
leadership. Leadership is different from 
writing poetry, stories and articles. This 
was not understood properly in 
Maharashtra. We would have to learn 
from this inference which is the only 
option before us.
Hon'ble Waman Meshram,
National President, BAMCEF
In Drostikon, Chapter 17
"The involvement 
and support of the 
masses is a necessary 
precondition without 
which no movement 
can be successful. 
However, the support 
and participation of 
public alone doesn't 
guarantee success. 
It is the leadership 
which converts the 
support of the public 
into expected result. 
Where there is no 
leadership, there is 
no success. Thus, the 
presence of 
leadership is a mark 
of success."
"The movement 
which was led by 
Babasaheb Dr. 
Ambedkar created 
RPI which is why the 
masses out of their 
reverence want to 
remain associated 
with the RPI. This has 
led to the creation of 
a vicious trap. The 
public doesn't want 
to leave its 
association with the 
RPI and the dishonest 
RPI leaders don't 
want to leave their 
control over RPI. The 
trap is such that it 
has left no way out.MULNIVASI BAHUJAN BHARAT March 2011
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Today policies which run in India 
are for strengthening Brahmins and 
deepen the slavery of Mulnivasi 
Bahujans i.e. SC, ST, OBC, and 
Converted Minorities from SC, ST, 
OBC. Forcing the Mulnivasi Bahujans 
below the level of starvation, 
denying fundamental right of 
education by skipping examination 
from public sector schools till 8
t h
standard which will ultimately push 
them at the level of animals are part 
of those policies. In 2009, Brahmins 
came up with new policy in India 
which is ―Operation Green Hunt‖.  As 
the print and electronic media, which 
is under the absolute control of 
Brahmins, do propaganda that 
Operation Green Hunt is operation 
against Maoism, the people get 
misinformed. And to build the 
supportive opinion of the people of 
India for this genocide, they have 
done propaganda from last few 
years that, ―The Maoists as the 
single largest internal security threat 
to the country‖.
So after this propaganda 
when implementation of Operation 
Green Hunt started, our  so called 
educated class believed that as the 
Maoists is the  largest threat to 
internal security of the country, and 
if through the Operation Green Hunt, 
congress is trying to put control on 
Maoists, and then it is the right step 
taken by the congress. But to 
understand the Operation Green 
Hunt, we need to understand 
conspiracy behind it.
In 2003, there was a scam by the 
Sterlite Optical Technologies Ltd. 
(SOTL) which is subsidiary of 
Vedanta Group of Companies. What 
exactly this scam was? Sterlite 
Optical Technologies Ltd. (SOTL)
was 100% Exported Oriented Unit. 
What  is meant by Exported Oriented 
Unit? As per clause (4) of the 
notification No. 53/97, if any 
corporate unit exports whole its 
production to outside world, then 
that unit will be considered as 
Exported Oriented Unit i.e. this unit 
cannot sell its production  to 
Domestic market of India. The 
benefit of Exported Oriented Unit is 
that it gets exempted from import 
duty on anything which, this unit 
imports from outside world, as well 
as gets exemption from excise and 
custom duty, since everything which 
is produced  in this corporate unit, 
exported to outside world.  The scam 
was this subsidiary of Vedanta Group 
of Companies imported capital goods 
and raw materials of 267 crores of 
Rupees which was duty free imports 
got exempted from import duty. But 
this subsidiary of Vedanta Group of 
Companied had sold all its 
production through other subsidiary 
of the same group of companies in 
Domestic Market without paying any 
excise and custom duties to the 
Government of India. For that on 
July 2003 Excise & Custom 
Commissioner of Aurangabad, 
Maharashtra had issued warrant 
against Vedanta to pay penalty of 
249.66 crores of Rupees.
Today policies which 
run in India are for 
strengthening Brahmins 
and deepen the slavery 
of Mulnivasi Bahujans 
i.e. SC, ST, OBC, and 
Converted Minorities 
from SC, ST, OBC. 
Forcing the Mulnivasi 
Bahujans below the level 
of starvation, denying 
fundamental right of 
education by skipping 
examination from public 
sector schools till 8th
standard which will 
ultimately push them at 
the level of animals are 
part of those policies. In 
2009, Brahmins came up 
with new policy in India 
which is "Operation 
Green Hunt". As the 
print and electronic 
media, which is under 
the absolute control of 
Brahmins, do 
propaganda that 
Operation Green Hunt is 
operation against 
Maoism, the people get 
Eurasian Brahmins decided to genocide Mulnivasi Bahujans (Indigenous 
people of India)
- B. Rojal (BAMCEF Activist)
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To protect Vedanta Congress which is the original party 
of Brahmins was in opposition in 2003, took advantage 
of P.  Chidambaram who was one of the member of 
Board of Director of Vedanta Group of Companies till 
one day before he became the Finance Minister of India 
in 2004 when Congress formed Government. In 2003 
Government was of BJP, which was another Brahmins 
party, did not do anything to recover the penalty from 
Vedanta. Brahmins holds shares of Vedanta Group of 
Companies whose owner is Aggrawal. So BJP Brahmins 
make law, other Brahmins violate laws, and Congress 
Brahmins protect violator. So this complete drama was 
going on in 2003, their acting in this drama could have 
won them an Oscar.
In 2004, Congress formed Government, and 
continued to implement same policy which was 
implemented by other Brahmins party BJP. In 2005 
Congress has signed MoU ( Memorandum of 
Understanding) with Small & Large Multinational 
companies which includes, Vedanta, BHP, Pasco, Tata, 
Jindal, Mittal, Essar, etc. What was this memorandum? 
It was nothing but granting permission of mining to 
those corporate in the  Forest region which is in 
surrounding of West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, 
Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh containing 
Natural resources of Minerals like Bauxite, uranium, iron 
ore, tin, limestone, granite, diamond, gold, etc. The first 
thing Congress had done  is  that according to the 
memorandum sold Niyamgiri Hill in Orissa to Vedanta. 
In the surrounding area of Niyamgiri Hill, which is home 
of Tribal communities namely Dongria Kondh,  people 
were worshiping  these hills as living deities, from ever 
before the concept of India come in picture.
If we just try to find out the value of mining of 
Bauxite in Orissa only, as per today's market price it is 
more than 5 Trillion. One Trillion means 12 zeros after 
1.  Imagine the value,  If we consider all other near 
about 29 valuable Mineral resources like Uranium, 
Limestone, Iron ore, Dolomite, Coal, Tin, Granite, 
Copper, Diamond, Gold, Silica, Fluorite, and all other for 
which Congress has signed Memorandum. And from 
that more than 90 project sanction  is in Jharkhand. All 
these mining projects are basically in the Forest region 
in  surrounding  of West Bengal, Orissa, Jharkhand, 
Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, which is
known by name Dandakarnya is the home of more than
Seventy Millions Tribals.
As per the Part B, Article 5 (2), of the Fifth 
Scheduled of Constitution of India:
The Governor may make regulations for the peace and 
good government of any area in a State which is for the 
time being a Scheduled Area.
In particular and without prejudice to the generality of 
the foregoing power, such regulations may —
(a) Prohibit or restrict the transfer of land by or among 
members of the Scheduled Tribes in such area;
(b) Regulate the allotment of land to members of the 
Scheduled Tribes in such area;
(c) Regulate the carrying on of business as moneylender by persons who lend money to members of the 
Scheduled Tribes in such area.
This provides protection to Scheduled Tribes 
and disallows the alienation of their land. But still in this 
fashion Congress allotted the homeland of Mulnivasi 
Bahujans which has valuable natural resources to 
multinational companies, which is nothing but the 
violation of Constitution of India. Supreme Court of 
India has right to enforce Government if there is 
violation of Constitution, but Supreme Court also  is 
involved in this conspiracy.
From all this we may  feel that it is matter of 
huge money and land grabbing which has valuable 
natural resources. But the facts are something else. Due 
to all these projects of mining Mulnivasi Bahujans lost 
their home land. Instead of settling our people, 
Congress has been denied their settlement by saying 
that as Seventy Million Mulnivasi Bahujans are huge in 
numbers, to settle these many subjects very large 
amount of vacant lands is required, which cannot be 
available. But the same Brahminical Congress 
Government allotted 140000 Hectares of land  to 300 
Special Economic Zones (SEZ) to establish industries. If 
Brahmins of Congress might have thought of settlement 
of Seventy Million Mulnivasi Bahujans, it was not at all 
possible without the allocation of prime land of the 
country, which they don't want to do. Because  this 
problem  persists in Forest region, it is unknown  to the 
rest of the world.
If the reality is exposed the world will know about in 
what extreme condition of slavery Mulnivasi Bahujans 
are staying in their own country. Brahmins don't want 
this thing to happen, so they choose way of genocide of MULNIVASI BAHUJAN BHARAT March 2011
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Mulnivasi Bahujans.
To implement the policy of 
genocide and also to gain the support of 
so called educated class of India in favour 
of this, they thought, if Brahmins don't 
settle Seventy Million Mulnivasi Bahujans, 
also grab their home land, they will start 
revolt for their rights, and once they 
revolt, it will be easy for the Congress to 
declare them as Maoist. Also to get 
support of educated class, they  do 
propaganda that Maoist is more danger 
that Terrorism to the country. For the 
same reason on 18 June 2009, Prime 
Minister of India Manmohan Singh had 
given  a statement in Parliament of India 
that, ―The Maoist is the single largest 
threat to the internal security of country‖.
So to implement the policy of 
genocide, Brahmins of Congress comes 
with project called ―Operation Green 
Hunt‖, which is supported by BJP which is 
another national party of Brahmins and 
third Brahmins national party Communist 
Party of India without any objection. This 
is not only the case where Brahmins of all 
the three national parties come together, 
there are number of cases happened in 
India , whenever there is matter of 
Mulnivasi Bahujans for their rights, all the 
Brahmins of India come together and 
always do conspiracy against them. To 
tackle this revolt of Mulnivasi Bahujans 
who lost their land and to whom 
Congress declared as Maoist and on other 
side form another force of Mulnivasi 
Bahujans in the name of Salwa Judam to 
fight back. Also security forces, those 
who  were  fighting against so called 
Maoist are all Mulnivasi Bahujans. In this 
way Mulnivasis are killing each other in 
the name of security of the subjects of 
India and Brahmins enjoying their 
success of conspiracy of genocide of 
Mulnivasi Bahujans.  Operation Green 
Hunt is not only the genocide policy 
which  Brahmins are implementing, but 
other policies like these  are  forcing 
Mulnivasi Bahujans to starvation. There is 
70 thousand Metric Ton food grain 
available in the India's ware houses, in 
last few years thousands of tons of food 
grain throw into sea because of it spoiled 
in ware houses. But 836 Millions Mulnivasi 
Bahujans are  living on less than  20 
Rupees per day as per Sen Gupta Report 
of India  and  don't get the sufficient 
supply of food for their daily survival. So
every year there is drastically high
increase in the percentage of starvation. 
One more thing Brahmins are doing  is 
bomb blast all over the country, like 
Malegaon blast, Ajmer Darga blast, 
Samajouta Express blast, and many 
others where only Mulnivasi Bahujans 
died. From couple of years number of 
stampede at the religious places increase 
where only Mulnivasi Bahujans died. 
Why Brahmins are doing all  these things? 
As Brahmins are from Eurasia, they are 
ruling India directly or indirectly from 
more than two thousand years. The single 
weapon which is left in the hands of 
Mulnivasi Bahujans is their population. As 
"Bharat Mukti Morcha" started 
liberation movement of Mulnivasi 
Bahujans against Eurasian Brahmins,
Brahmins thought of destroying the only 
weapon which is left in their hand.  In 
Brahmins Mahasabha, Shankaracharya 
asked Brahmins to grow their population. 
And by all possible ways of genocide they 
are diminishing the population of 
Mulnivasi Bahujans. 
Bharat Mukti Morcha is the only 
alternative left for the Mulnivasi Bahujans 
(Indigenous people of India) to get their 
freedom from Eurasian Brahmins. 
Jai Mulnivasi!
"To implement the 
policy of genocide 
and also to gain the 
support of so called 
educated class of 
India in favour of 
this, they thought, if 
Brahmins don't 
settle Seventy 
Million Mulnivasi 
Bahujans, also grab 
their home land, 
they will start 
revolt for their 
rights, and once 
they revolt, it will 
be easy for the 
Congress to declare 
them as Maoist. 
Also to get support 
of educated class, 
they do 
propaganda that 
Maoist is more 
danger that 
Terrorism to the 
country. For the 
same reason on 18 
June 2009, Prime 
Minister of India 
Manmohan Singh 
had given a 
statement in 
Parliament of India 
that, "The Maoist is 
the single largest 
threat to the 
internal security of 
7 |   P a g e M u l n i v a s i B a h u j a n B h a r a t        M a r c h 2 0 1 1
Nationwide Cadre Camps in full Swing with great success all over India.
After the national organizational cadre camps at Agra in February 2011, 2 days and 3 days cadre camps at state 
and districts level are happening in full swing.
Cadres and Activists participate in hundreds all over India. Huge  participation received in Karnataka, 
Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Jammu & Kashmir, West Bengal and Jharkhand states. Please look for the photos
of the same inside the magazine. The response was overwhelming.
MPI (Mulnivasi Press of India)
The Mahad Convention on 20
March, 2011 on "Mahad Satyagraha Day (20-Mar-1927)" 
was  huge success with  people attending in thousands. Hon'ble Waman Meshram, National President, 
BAMCEF presided over the sessions. People were seen donating money and land for the movement during the 
convention. The convention portrayed the confidence of birth of new power (―Bharat Mukti Morcha‖).  Please 
look for the photos of the same inside the magazine.
Investigating officials reportedly found that Hasan Ali had so far helped a former Andhra Pradesh chief minister and 
other top politicians as well as film stars from south India to fund elections and movies. Sources also claimed that 
one of the Telugu actors is now a prominent politician whose name has come up during investigation.
Congress Leader "Amlendu Kumar Pandey" named as person who helped Ali make forged passport.
Meanwhile, the ED officials were slammed by the Supreme Court over sluggish way of investigation in the 
black money case. The court asked that whether they were sleeping since 2008. 
(When literally 83 crores are on verge of starvation or living on just INR 20/- per day, Brahmins all over India from ED, SC, INC, BJP, 
and CPI is making mockery of Mulnivasis and their Nation while Mulnivasis are enjoying their DEEP SLUMBER!. 
Is it so hard to line up all the people involved in $1.4 trillion dollar loot and announce capital punishment if immediately all the money 
is not returned to save the nation. They should be held responsible for starvation deaths, farmer suicides, micro finance suicides etc)
I N  M U L N I V A S I M E D I A
Hasan Ali - the biggest tax evader in India reportedly cited life threats, as he revealed many mammoth names 
during the investigation in black money case. During the probe in his $8 billion (about Rs 36,000 crore) worth 
black money deals, named many names who are having a lavish life in the limelight. Sources reported that Ali 
named many politicians and South Indian actors involving in the money laundering scam.MULNIVASI BAHUJAN BHARAT March 2011
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I N S O C A L L E D N A T I O N A L M E D I A 
Mother of all Games,  2011 ICC Cricket World Cup Semi Final – India thrashes Pakistan by 29 
runs to march into the World Cup finals after 8 years
Virender Sehwag (38) hit nine fours and Sachin Tendulkar, reprieved by referral and dropped four times, 
went on to make 85 from 115 balls as India compiled 260-9 despite Pakistani left-arm seamer Wahab Riaz's 
career-best 5-46.
For Pakistan, Mohammad Hafeez struck 43 and Misbah-ul-Haq made a defiant 56 but the team was all out 
for 231 in the final over.
It is like playing the final. The pressure of an India-Pakistan match is double. Happy to be going to Mumbai 
(the venue of final) - Harbhajan Singh after the match.
Best thing about our team is our unity. We are not criticizing each other, everybody is helping each other. 
It is a team sport - Indian captain M S Dhoni after the win.
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh along with his Pakistani counterpart Yousuf Raza Gilani  was seen 
enjoying the cricket World Cup semi final match between the two nations in Mohali on Wednesday.
It was RELAXING TIME for PM after complete loot of Mulnivasis in the form of innumerable SCAMS and unfavorable BUDGET 
in which 200 crores of rupees is allocated for welfare of tribals whereas 2000 crores of rupees is allocated to finish them in the name of
internal security. Targeting each group (ST, SC, OBC, Religious minority like Muslims, Sikhs, Christians etc) in isolation is 
old Brahmin Manuvadi Mantra.
Salman Khan threw an instant cricket party after India's 
win over Pakistan for friends and family at a restobar in 
Says a source, ―He suddenly organized the bash 
considering he's never been much interested in cricket 
before. May be he heard Shah Rukh was having a party
and wanted to counter that.
Constant 24x7 bombardments with Bollywood and 
Commercials Masala to brain-wash Mulnivasis. Beware!!!
In Bollywood, there is no place for permanent friends. Well, 
the latest we hear is that SRK and Duggu (Hrithik), who 
were thick friend till not very long ago, have turned foes 
Reason: Shahrukh Khan did not invite Hrithik Roshan and 
Suzanne to his bash thrown in honor of Hollywood star 
Hugh Jackman at Mannat.
Constant 24x7 bombardments with Bollywood Masala to 
wipe out Mulnivasis Mahapurush Memories and Movements!!
Except BAMCEF there is no single Nationwide Movement.
Relaxing the rules for foreign direct investment (FDI) in the country, the government today decided to 
permit the issuance of equity to overseas firms against imported capital goods and machinery. 
Furthermore, the norms for overseas investment in production and developments of seeds have been liberalized. 
"After stakeholder consultations, the government has now decided to permit issue of equity, under the government route, in...
import of capital goods/ machinery/ equipment (including second-hand machinery)," an official statement said. 
This measure, which liberalizes the conditions for conversion of non-cash items into equity, is expected to significantly 
boost the prospects for foreign companies doing business in India, it said. 
"Controlled Sale of the country slowly but surely is in full swing. Controlled rules are made only to make sure that the 
Brahmins and Banias will have stake in running the foreign company along with the foreign entity. This is exactly how they 
ruled Mulnivasis during the Mughals time and during British time." History is rewritten. Modern Manusmriti writings on 
the wall. A day is not far when we will see boards across all MNCs/BNCs saying "No Vacancies for 
SC/ST/OBC/Minorities (Mulnivasis)" *BNC stands for Brahmin/Bania National Corporations!!!MULNIVASI BAHUJAN BHARAT March 2011
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The pre-Aryan, non-Aryan and non-Vedic Indus Valley 
Civilization thrived in the third millennium BC i.e. 
between 3,000 and 2,000 BC. Max Muller ascribed the 
latter half of the second millennium i.e. between 2,000 
and 1,500 BC to Vedic period when iron was in use. 
Aryans were  a rural people who never had 
townships — puras. Aryan invaders destroyed pre-Aryan, 
Dravidian towns and cities. Their god, Indra's another 
name was  Purandhara i.e. the destroyers of  puras. The 
two puras mentioned in the Rig Veda are Asandivat and 
Sanskrit language had not come into existence in 
the third millennium BC when Prakrit, Tamil and Kannada 
were in use. There is a derogatory reference to Buddha
(566-486 BC) who lived in the 6th and 5th century BC in 
what is claimed as the  Valmiki Ramayana, according to 
Dr.Narla Venkateswara Rao, an awardee of the Central 
Sahitya Academy.
Apart from iron, the concept of fire god i.e. 
Agnideva was not known to Indus people, while Sita was 
tested in fire i.e. by Agnideva. Ayodhya was a city, i.e. 
pura. Vasista, the royal priest, refers to Vedic  Shastras
whenever the ruler—Dasharatha or Rama—sought 
guidance. Ravana is described as one of the experts in 
Sanskrit grammar. All these provide clues to the period 
of the Ramayana i.e. the period ascribed to Ramayana by 
those who conceived the story.
An important aspect of Vedic mythology—of 
which the Ramayana is a part — is the predominance of 
males. Goddesses like Saraswati, Pritvi, Aditi and Ushas 
occupy a very subordinate position. In contrast, in the 
earlier Indus culture, the mother goddess is co-equal 
with her male partner. 
Sita was victimised more by Rama than by 
anybody else:
Even after subjecting her to fire-test (Agni Pariksha), he 
abandoned her to forest when she was pregnant because 
of a casual silly comment by a washerman — dhobi. In 
the end unable to bear his cruel accusations, she begs 
mother earth to swallow her and the earth obliges. In 
other words, she commits suicide.
Suspecting and torturing Sita was his chief sport and 
pastime. Shambhuka episode shows him as an
enthusiastic soldier of Manuwad and as  the very 
personification of the Vedic value system.
According vaidiks he is Vigrahvan dharma i.e. 
the embodiment of dharma viz the dharma of 
Chaturvarna. All this very clearly establishes that the 
story contained in Valmiki's fiction was conceived in 
the post-Indus period. It is the faith of all objective 
thinkers, Periyarists and Ambedkarites that Rama of 
Valmiki's work was not only not divine, but not even 
human. Clash of faiths is therefore inevitable. The cry 
of the priest class, the exploiters and their apologists 
— when the exploited react and resent — that their 
feelings are hurt, is natural but absurd. Their record 
has been one of oppression and suppression.
Rajaji, the author of the most popular and the best 
seller of all the Ramayanas, writes in his book:
The Ramayana is not history or biography. It is part of 
Hindu mythology... In Valmiki's work, Rama is 
portrayed as a great and unique man, not as an 
incarnation of god‖.
Confusions, contradictions and disorder 
perplexes anyone who wants to know the whole of 
Ramayana. Not only there are so many Ramayanas
but even in the same book inconsistencies can be 
seen. Even Rajai, despite his reputation for an incisive 
mind, states that Valmiki gathered the story from 
folklore, that he learnt it from Narada and that he was 
blessed with the knowledge of Rama story by the fourfaced Brahma.
Any student of Ramayana gets drowned in confusion 
worst confounded when he finds that the abandoned 
Sita gave birth to her twin sons in the hermitage of 
this very Valmiki. Discussing the pathetic episode of 
Rama abandoning the pregnant Sita, even Rajaji 
writes angrily:
― heart rebels against it... it mirrors the voiceless 
and endless suffering of our women folk‖.
The nonsense called Rama Sethu
- Source: Periyar  EraMULNIVASI BAHUJAN BHARAT March 2011
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Rama is surely one of the most antiwomen characters in the whole of world 
Long before Valmiki, there were several 
Rama stories  in the folklore depicting 
Rama as an ideal king, at a time when 
there was clash on what made an ideal. 
In one story, Sita is Rama's sister while 
in another she is Ravana's daughter. In 
a Rama story of  Buddhist tradition by 
name  Abhidhamma Vibasha,  Buddhist
ideals and values are upheld. Jains have 
six Rama stories which uphold their 
concepts and values. Vimala Suri, 
Swaymbhu, Hema Chandra, Guna 
Bhadra, Pushpa Danta are the authors 
of these Jain Ramayanas. Of all the Jain 
Ramayanas,  Padma Purana of Acharya 
Ravishena is very famous. Here Rama is 
known also as Padma.
At a time when the  vaidiks
needed a hero and a story to attract 
masses from Buddhist and Jain fold, the 
fiction attributed to Valmiki developed. 
They had to send feelers that nonBrahmins too can command respect in 
Vedic social order. It is therefore not 
accidental that Rama, Viswamitra, 
Anjaneya and Valmiki have all been 
portrayed as non-Brahmins and Ravana 
their villain as Brahmin.
Renowned scholar, Dr. Suniti Kumar 
Chatterjee, states that it was Chyavana 
Mahrshi, a Brahmin who actually wrote 
the Sanskrit Ramayana and attributed it 
to Valmiki. 
In order to validate and 
propagate the values and beliefs of their 
faiths, Jains, Buddhists and  vaidiks
picked up the Rama story which was 
already there in the  folklore and 
reshaped it to suit their needs, 
according to Dr. K.R. Srinivasa Iyengar, 
former VC of the Andhra University, as 
well as Dr. Sukumar Sen.  Vaidiks were 
adept in plagiarism. According to some 
scholars the name Rama itself is of Jain 
origin. A Bengali text, Lakavatara Sutra, 
portrays Ravana as a Dravidian king 
who took to Buddhism after rejecting 
the  vedas,  yajnas and  yagas.  Vaidiks
had to demonise him in order to abuse 
him. The belief that by reading or 
listening to Ramayana, bliss (punya) can 
be attained was spread.
The  Ramayana thus became an 
oversized propaganda phamplet of 
Vedic religion.
Of late, in some  Panchangas (vaidik
almanac/calendars) the full moon day of 
Ashweeyuja month (26-10-2007) is 
shown as  Valmiki  Jayanthi.  A people 
who never cared to find out the century 
in which the poet might have lived are 
sure of his date of birth. Moris 
Winternitz and A.B. Keith are the two 
Western scholars who are extensively 
quoted in any serious discussion on 
ancient Sanskrit literature.
Both these scholars have 
determined that Valmiki lived during the 
3rd century BC. Prof. Hopkins and 
Herman Jacobi who studied the various 
stages in the growth and development 
of Sanskrit language have held that the 
Valmiki Ramayana was composed when 
the Sanskrit language had reached 
almost the final stage of its evolution 
and had become completely refined and 
mature in view of the simplicity and 
beauty of the  Valmiki Ramayana. Their 
finding is in conformity with what 
Winternitz and Keith have said about 
the time of Valmiki.
Buddha is the first great Indian whose 
dates of birth and death are not in 
Buddha was a historical figure 
while Rama was a cock and bull story. 
He lived between 566 and 486 
BC. Valmiki therefore lived two centuries 
after Buddha. By attracting the masses 
who had been persecuted by the Vedic 
"Sita was victimized 
more by Rama than 
by anybody else:
Even after subjecting 
her to fire-test (Agni
Pariksha), he 
abandoned her to 
forest when she was 
pregnant because of 
a casual silly 
comment by a 
washerman — dhobi. 
In the end unable to 
bear his cruel 
accusations, she begs 
mother earth to 
swallow her and the 
earth obliges. In 
other words, she 
commits suicide.
Suspecting and 
torturing Sita was his 
chief sport and 
"Rajaji, the author of 
the most popular and 
the best seller of all 
the Ramayanas, 
writes in his book:
The Ramayana is not 
history or biography. 
It is part of Hindu 
mythology…  In 
Valmiki's work, Rama 
is portrayed as a 
great and unique 
man, not as  an 
incarnation of god".MULNIVASI BAHUJAN BHARAT March 2011
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social order, Buddha gave the first ever 
moral shock, intellectual jolt and 
sociological blow to the Brahminical 
Rama endlessly boasts about  his 
lineage. Sita's fidelity assumes 
disproportionate importance. The chief 
message of the  Ramayana is that 
husband's verdict on wife ought to be final. 
Rama was noticeably the anti-climax of 
everything that Buddha stood for. Buddha 
left his  queen and child in palace and 
abdicated the throne. Rama stayed in the 
palace and abandoned the pregnant Sita to 
forest. Rama obeyed priests and  Shastras
while Buddha taught how to live without 
On which century did Rama live? 
This question that does not arise since in 
all pre-Valmiki and post-Valmiki 
Ramayanas, Rama is only a character or at 
best the hero of an over-glorified novel. 
Let me repeat the words of the most 
respected among the  Ramayana votaries, 
Ramayana is not history or biography.
Even as the elephant headed Ganesha or 
four-headed Brahma could not have 
existed, Rama too is part of several or 
varieties of  Ramayanas, all of which 
The hump beneath the sea between 
Dhanush Koti and Talai Mannar is 
described in  all official and cartographic 
records as Adam's Bridge. The 
unwarranted and unauthorized term Rama 
Sethu or  Ramar Sethu is sought to be 
legitimized by  vaidiks and their Hindu 
terrorist outfits to whom the media has 
always been helpful. Babri Masjid complex
and Bababudangiri (in Karnataka) have 
been unauthorisedly named by these very 
outfits as  Rama Janmabhoomi and 
The geological truth is that the 
island Ceylon, called Sri Lanka since about 
40 years, was once a part of India and due 
to corrosion by sea during the past about 1 
lakh years, the island was formed and the
remnants of land  — mixture of rocks 
and sand is the present Adam's Bridge. 
The hue and cry of the saffron outfits 
over Rama Sethu can be easily put 
down by gathering expert opinion from 
geologists. The UPA Govt. 
unfortunately does not have the 
political will. The UPA led by Sonia 
Gandhi blundered by withdrawing the 
affidavits which contained unqualified 
truth about Rama and Adam's Bridge, 
even as Narasimha Rao bungled at 
Human beings in the present form 
evolved about 1 lakh years ago when 
man began to live in caves, according 
to history of human evolution.
Geology and seismology too 
are clearly against the silly propaganda 
that Rama and  vanaras built what is 
now seen as Adam's Bridge. 
At first they cried that Rama 
built this bridge 17 lakhs years ago. 
Someone among them recently came 
up with the wonderful discovery that 
Rama took birth in 5114 BC i.e. 51 
centuries before Christ. According to 
the findings of the archaeological 
excavations at Ayodhya, the earliest 
occupation of the place by humans 
could not have taken place prior to 7th 
century BC (See: Indian Archaeology-A 
Review, 1976-77).
Ayodhya means ―impregnable‖. 
There is nothing impregnable about the 
present Ayodhya. All this shows that 
whoever discovered the years of 
Rama's birth knows more than even 
Valmiki about the Ramayana. However 
our Brahminical media gave prompt 
and wide coverage for this celebrity of 
Whenever our Hindu terrorists 
raise non-issues the media turns into a 
machinery of misinformation. 
A very high profile article on 
Rama in the Indian Express (Sun, 
"Human beings in the 
present form evolved 
about 1 lakh years 
ago when man began 
to live in caves, 
according to history 
of human evolution.
Geology and 
seismology too are 
clearly against the 
silly propaganda that 
Rama and  vanaras
built what is now 
seen as Adam's 
At first they 
cried that Rama built 
this bridge 17  lakhs 
years ago. Someone 
among them recently 
came up with the 
wonderful discovery 
that Rama took birth 
in 5114 BC i.e. 51 
centuries before 
Christ. According to 
the findings of the 
excavations at 
Ayodhya, the earliest 
occupation of the 
place  by humans 
could not have taken 
place prior to 7th 
century BC (See: 
Indian ArchaeologyA Review, 1976-77)."MULNIVASI BAHUJAN BHARAT March 2011
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Oct.7, 2007) tells us that Valmiki according to historians 
lived anywhere between 800 BC and 400 BC, without 
giving us even a single name among those historians.
The biggest and the most propagated lie is that 
the nonsense dished out by the Hindu terrorists called 
Rama Sethu is the faith of millions of Hindus. Nearly half 
of world's illiterate population lives in India and 47% of 
India's children under the age of five are ―chronically 
malnourished‖, according to the United Nations report of 
2005. Do our millions suffering from illiteracy and squalor 
have any time or interest in polemics over the events 
narrated in mythology?
―The word Hindu... has lost all its meaning, for this word 
merely meant those who lived on the other side of the 
river Indus (in Sanskrit, Sindhu). This name was 
murdered into Hindu by ancient Persians... and during 
Mohammedan rule, we took up the word ourselves... all 
the people who live on this side of the Indus in modern 
times do not follow the same religion... therefore would 
not use the word Hindu... The other words which alone 
we can use are either the vaidiks, followers of the Vedas, 
or better still the Vedantists followers of the Vedanta.
―... all the  people that live on this side of the 
Indus no longer belong to one religion. There are the 
Hindus proper, the Mohammedans, the Parsees, the
Christians, the Buddhists and Jains. The word ―Hindu‖ in 
its literal sense ought to include all these; but as 
signifying the religion, it would not be proper to call all 
these, Hindus... This perhaps is certain that no man can 
have a right to be called a Hindu who does not admit the 
supreme authority of the Vedas‖.
These are not the words of either Periyar or Dr. 
Ambedkar but of Swami Vivekananda (pages 118 and 
228 of Vol.3 of the  Complete Works of Swami 
It is a pity that the great Swami did not know 
that Lingayats (followers of Basavanna-12th century) and 
Sikhs (followers of Guru Nanak  - 16th century) too 
rejected ―the supreme authority of the Vedas‖. It is a 
greater pity that the great Swami overlooked the fact 
that Vedas had persecuted whom the  smritis  called 
Chandals and who had to wait for 3,000 years in order to 
be called by an appropriate name Dalits.
Truth itself had to wait in order to find an expression 
until Gandhi came to the conclusion: ―the Hindus are
really not the major community if you put the rest 
together‖. Saffron disdain for Gandhi is 
According to the Goutama Dharma Sutra (an important 
Smriti) if at all any Shudra (whose rank is higher than 
Dalits) hears Vedas molten lead should be poured into 
his ears. Adi Shankara, the most adored Indian for the 
Hindu terrorist party, quotes this sanction against 
Shudras with approval in the 38th verse of the 9th 
section of the 3rd part of the 1st chapter of his 
Bramhasutra Bhashyam.
On this a famous non-issue called Rama 
Sethu, Chief Minister Karunanidhi truly 
represents the millions of non-cross-thread 
Hindus. In fact millions are indifferent to Rama 
and trillions are unconcerned about Rama 
Rama perhaps did not approve the demolition of Babri 
Masjid and did not bless the Hindu terrorist party in 
UP. The saffron mafia knows that Rama can become 
not only an electoral risk, but even a liability in Tamil 
Nadu, the land of Periyar. The non-issue of Rama 
Sethu may be of some marginal use elsewhere. They 
are therefore playing the environment card. 
The mafia is adept in politicizing every vaidik 
concern by mixing it with larger public concerns, 
banking on the gullibility of the misinformed masses. 
Hindu terrorists did not support environmentalists who 
had objected to Sardar Sarovar Project because no 
vaidik was affected. The affected poor villages and 
tribals had nothing to do with  Humari Pracheen 
Parampara — our ancient Hindu heritage.
Of all the arguments related to Rama Sethu, 
the most unsound and funniest is the one advanced in 
the name of environment. Whenever a big building is 
built, railway line is laid, or a factory comes up, air and 
noise pollution is inevitable, trees are cut, nests are 
destroyed and earthworms are killed. Even boring a 
well is a sin since it affects ground water level.
It is argued that forms of life around Adam's Bridge 
are covered by laws relating to environment. The truth 
is that the coral needs etc. and other forms of life get 
naturally replenished in due course according to 
If it were Rama that built what they call Rama MULNIVASI BAHUJAN BHARAT March 2011
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Sethu, he must have been the first to 
damage the environment for purely 
personal reasons. Surely he did not go 
to Lanka for any public cause.
The argument that the Sethu 
Samudram Project will affect the lives 
of  fishermen is even more funny. It is 
too well known that routine fishing on 
our coast has resulted in the extinction 
of many varieties of fish. For this 
irreparable environmental loss, 
fishermen and fish-eaters alone are to 
be blamed. It is a pity that fishing is 
free from any form of regulation.
Archaeological excavations did take 
place with the specific object of 
finding the historicity of the Ramayana 
story at and around Ayodhya. No 
evidence was found. 
Late Dr. Narla Venkateswara 
Rao, the great rationalist of Andhra, 
has discussed all this in detail in his 
book on the Ramayana. The UPA 
Govt. did great disservice to the 
country by victimizing the officers of 
the ASI for telling the truth to the 
Supreme court on lack of 
archaeological evidence about the 
historicity of the Ramayana. The UPA 
Govt. is guilty of setting up a bad and 
dangerous precedent, by withdrawing 
the affidavits. The Congress 
intellectually surrendered to the Hindu 
terrorists fearing that Rama issue may 
swing votes.
The Ramayana as well as 
other epics contain a lot of incredible 
fairy tales. The chances are that the 
government machinery will in future 
be used to crush  rationalist and 
scientific view on all these so-called 
sacred beliefs falsely paraded as the 
faith of millions of Hindus.  If you 
want to fight Hindu terrorists
never trust Congress.
The grand and great Greek epics,  Illiad
and  Odissy, created by the celebrated 
poet, Homer, are read and enjoyed by 
Europeans. So are the  Arabian Nights. 
However, no people on earth are so madly 
parading their mania for mythological 
characters with ulterior motives as our 
Hindu terrorists. In fact Rama devotees 
have been adoring Rama, Krishna, Siva 
etc. all these centuries irrespective of who 
ruled the country. Saffron mafia has 
turned Rama into a vote gathering gadget. 
Their perverse love for Rama is actually a 
morbid form of hate towards fellow 
Indians i.e. the non-cross-threaded 
Indians whom they want to subjugate and 
Hindu terrorists do not tolerate 
freedom of worship. If proof is needed, 
one can see the  Indian Express (28-Oct, 
2007) that the BJP Govt. in Rajasthan 
banned Ravana Puja. Speaking on behalf 
of a subcaste of Shrimali Brahmins, the 
head priest Pandit Kamalesh Dave, said 
that they have deep respect for Ravana, 
the great scholar.
"The grand and great 
Greek epics,  Illiad and 
Odissy, created by the 
celebrated poet, 
Homer, are read and 
enjoyed by Europeans. 
So are the  Arabian 
Nights. However, no 
people on earth are so 
madly parading their 
mania for 
characters with 
ulterior motives as our 
Hindu terrorists. In 
fact Rama devotees 
have been adoring 
Rama, Krishna, Siva 
etc. all these centuries 
irrespective of who 
ruled the country. 
Saffron mafia has 
turned Rama into a 
vote gathering gadget. 
Their perverse love for 
Rama is actually a 
morbid form of hate 
towards fellow Indians 
i.e. the non-crossthreaded Indians 
whom they want to 
subjugate and exploit."
"Hindu terrorists do 
not tolerate freedom 
of worship. If proof is 
needed, one can see 
the Indian Express 
(28-Oct, 2007) that 
the BJP Govt. in 
Rajasthan banned 
Ravana Puja."
Few of the Upcoming 
2-Apr-2011:   Raipur,
3-Apr-2011:   Kurnool, A. P.
5-Apr-2011:   Keshav Chitra Mandir, 
Indapur, Pune
6-Apr-2011:   Gajipur
7-Apr-2011:   Kanouj
9-Apr-2011:   Itawa
10-Apr-2011:  Sonbhadra
11-Apr-2011:  Lakhimpur Khiri
14-Apr-2011:  BhuneshwarMULNIVASI BAHUJAN BHARAT March 2011
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In the last week of December 2010 for five days (25
) there was the 27
National Convention of the 
BAMCEF & Rashtriya Mulnivasi Sangh at Durgapur, West 
Bengal. Everyday there were four sessions, altogether 
19 in 5 days with over 120 speakers including the NRI 
NEPAL, & other Gulf Countries. 
There were delegates and speakers from all the 
states of India including Mulnivasi Doctors, Lawyers, 
Professors, Economists, Prominent Historians, and Social 
Exclusive women session: One particular session was 
conducted exclusively by women. Women leaders spoke 
on all aspects of women's reservation from Panchayat 
upwards to Parliament. 
They agreed that this will not meet the objective 
of women's empowerment unless followed by caste 
reservation within reservation, that too only on separate 
electorate basis. 
Mulnivasi women's capabilities, scholarship and 
intelligence are not less than that of the upper caste 
women—rather superior. 
Conspiracy of UID card: The topic for discussion in 
the sessions were very thought-provoking requiring 
application of immense thinking, reading and re-reading 
to deliver worthy speeches which all the speakers did by 
referring to various sources. 
I was shocked to hear the Brahminical conspiracy behind 
the UID cards. The government of India scheme is not 
just to deny citizenship to Bengali immigrants but also to 
keep an eye on Indian nationals by branding them 
Rahul Gandhi calling RSS as a terrorist 
organization & yet not followed by any action confirms 
that there is a secret agenda to help RSS. Without 
caste-based census enumeration OBC will not get real 
justice. The budget of India is a black document that 
doles funds to capitalists. 
Such thought-provoking and facts-based 
arguments were presented on such difficult topics 
proving that Mulnivasi economists are more capable of 
understanding financial and budget matters than upper
castes. Their inferiority complex on the matter vanishes. 
Chartered Accountants: Tax, financial and accounts 
experts are mostly Brahmins and Banias through their 
monopoly as chartered accountants. 
A through probe is needed into the working of 
chartered accountants to find how it has become a 
monopoly of a particular caste with no scope for the 
OBCs, SCs and STs.
Shivaji's Character Assassination: The discussion on 
the subject, ―Jijavu and Shivaji Character assassination 
is a Brahminical conspiracy', led to lot of historical 
research. Much has come in earlier DV issues on how 
Shivaji was bullied,  tortured and exploited by the 
contemporary Brahmins. How he was denied coronation 
etc. but that was more than a decade ago. But the 
Mulnivasi historians have gone much further. They are 
doing his not only through writings but going through 
further field activities. 
Maratha threat to Brahmins: Pravin Dada Gaikwad 
(head of the Sambhaji Brigade, Maharashtra) said that 
on the very first day (27-Dec-2010) he gave his warning 
earlier given to the Poona municipal Corporation, with a 
mass mobilization of 2 lakh Marathas to remove the 
statue of kond dev before 31-Dec-2010 failing which the 
Maratha youths would do it themselves, yielded result. 
On  27-Dec-2010, the Pune Corporation itself took the 
credit. Not being satisfied with falsely giving the credit of 
grooming  Shivaji to  greatness through false history 
(myths) by Brahmin Kond dev, 14  Bandarkari Brahmins 
had made a foreign writer, James  Laine, to write 
falsehood to establish improper connection of Kond dev 
with Jijavu. 
Brahmanization of Lingayats: There were other 
subjects like Brahmanization of Lingayats, 
Brahmanization of Mathuva movement started by 
Harichandji and Guruchandji Thakurs in Bengal, 
―Operation green hunt‖ in the name of eliminating 
Maoists and Naxalites as a conspiracy to grab the lands 
belonging to Tribals to pass on the minerals there by to 
Partition of India: Then there were discussions on the 
attitude of higher judiciary, resulting in the scuttling of
- By Advocate, Iqbal Ahmed Sheriff, BangaloreMULNIVASI BAHUJAN BHARAT March 2011
1 5 |   P a g e M u l n i v a s i B a h u j a n B h a r a t        M a r c h 2 0 1 1
well established judicial norms and 
principles and the ways and means of 
changing the attitude and approaches of 
judges. There was also a very interesting 
session on the point that the partition of 
India was done by Brahmins to take 
complete control of India by keeping a big 
chunk of Muslims of the subcontinent out 
of India and to keep M. A. Jinnah, a great 
Indian, in exile in Pakistan. 
All these sessions were presided 
over by Hon'ble Waman Meshram 
Analysis of his speeches speak 
very high of his deep study of Phule, 
Shahu, Periyarism, Ambedkarism  – in 
ideology as well as in practice. 
Scores of women and children 
came on the stage to offer a one-rupee 
fund  collected by them in the 
neighborhood villages towards the ―Ek 
Rupaye Mai  Azadi‖ fund collection. They 
presented collections from hundreds to 
Many NRIs offered huge amounts 
for publication of newspapers.
Periyarism: One offered Rs. 10000/- as 
the amount performing his marriage 
without rituals and Brahmin priests. I was 
reminded of the self-respect marriages 
preferred by Periyar E. V. Ramaswamy. 
It looked as if Periyarism was 
popularized by the daredevils of the lower 
cadres of BAMCEF on the streets and in 
A young Muslim student from 
West Bengal said she was studying in a 
school started by Hon'ble Waman 
Meshram, wherein, apart from the regular 
textbooks, books written by E. V. Periyar 
Ramaswamy, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Mr. V. 
T.  Rajshekar, and Hon'ble Waman 
Meshram are also taught to students.
All the delegates paid delegate fee 
towards their board and lodge and large 
tents were erected state-wise. Delegate
fee was different  for non-gazetted, 
gazette employees, doctors engineers, 
lawyers, retirees etc. the discipline 
during meetings and in food queues was 
highly appreciable. 
The daily session from 10 AM To 
10 PM with  only two breaks for lunch 
and tea sere so gripping, interesting and 
educative that this correspondent never 
felt leaving at any moment. So also the 
audiences were enthusiastic. 
Hon'ble Waman Meshram's 
Thoughts: The participation and fiveday observation made me study Hon'ble 
Waman Meshram's ideas, methodology 
and Objectives. All these are a very 
practicable amalgam of the teachings 
and philosophy of Mahatma Phule, 
Periyar,  and Babasaheb. The true spirit 
of all the three great founders of 
BAMCEF namely Kanshiramji, D. K. 
Khapardeji and Deena Bhanaji seems to 
be working in true colors through 
Hon'ble Waman Meshram. 
Cultural Revolution leads to 
Political Revolution: He is a true 
believer in the doctrine of Cultural 
Revolution precedes Political Revolution. 
He appears to avoid taking power in his 
movement's hands but to keep it in an 
agitation mood since power in the street 
is greater than that in the election 
bodies. History is changed in the streets, 
maidans and not in the legislature. 
Power flows  from barrel of gun:
Mao considered political power flowing 
from the barrel of gun, Gandhi through 
Satyagraha supported by masses, Dr. 
Ambedkar & Jinnah as coming from their 
extraordinary, acumen and intellect. 
Waman Meshram appears to believe it 
as it as coming from hearts and homes 
of the Mulnivasis. 
The movement follows all the 
three commands of Babasaheb:
"The participation 
and five-day 
observation made me 
study Hon'ble 
Waman Meshram's 
ideas, methodology 
and Objectives. All 
these are a very 
practicable amalgam 
of the teachings and 
philosophy of 
Mahatma Phule, 
Periyar, and 
Babasaheb. The true 
spirit of all the three 
great founders of 
BAMCEF namely 
Kanshiramji, D. K. 
Khapardeji and 
Deena Bhanaji seems 
to be working in true 
colors through 
Hon'ble Waman 
"A young Muslim 
student from West 
Bengal said she was 
studying in a school 
started by Hon'ble 
Waman Meshram, 
wherein, apart from 
the regular 
textbooks, books 
written by Periyar E. 
V. Ramaswamy,
Babasaheb Dr. B. R. 
Ambedkar, Mr. V. T. 
Rajshekar, and 
Hon'ble Waman 
Meshram are also 
taught to students."MULNIVASI BAHUJAN BHARAT March 2011
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"In 1892, there took place in England a new election to 
Parliament, in which the Conservatives headed by Lord 
Salisbury lost and the Liberals headed by Mr. Gladstone 
won. The remarkable thing about this election was that 
notwithstanding the defeat of his party at the polls. Lord 
Salisbury—contrary to Parliamentary convention—
refused to surrender his office to the leader of the 
Liberal Party. When Parliament assembled, the Queen 
delivered the usual gracious speech from the throne 
containing the legislative programme of Lord Salisbury's 
Government and the usual address to Her Majesty was 
moved from the Government side. Lord Salisbury's 
Government was an illegitimate Government. It was a 
challenge to the fundamental principle of the British 
Constitution, which recognised parliamentary Majority as 
the only title deed for a Party's right to form a 
Government. The Liberals took up the challenge and 
tabled an amendment to the address. The amendment 
sought to condemn Lord Salisbury's Government for its 
insistence on continuing in office, notwithstanding the 
fact that it had no majority behind it. The task of moving 
the amendment was entrusted to the late Lord (then 
Mr.) Asquith. In his speech in support of the 
amendment, Mr. Asquith used the now famous phrase—
" Causa finita est: Roma locuta est." (Rome has spoken 
and the dispute must end). The phrase was originally 
used by St. Augustine but in a different context. It Was 
used in the course of a religious controversy and had 
come to be used as a foundation for Papal Sovereignty. 
Mr. Asquith used it as a political maxim embodying the 
basic principle of Parliamentary Democracy. Today it is 
accepted as the fundamental principle on which Popular 
Government rests, namely, the Right of a Political 
Majority to Rule. It told instantaneously against 
Salisbury's Government and must tell against all parties 
who fail at the polls wherever Parliamentary Democracy 
is in operation.
I was reminded of this maxim when the results 
of the Elections to the Provincial Legislatures in India, 
which took place in February 1937 under  the 
Government of India Act, 1935, were announced.
Congressmen did not actually say "Causa finita eat:
India locuta est." But so far as the parties, which had 
opposed the Congress in the Elections, were concerned, 
that is what the results of the Elections seemed, to 
proclaim. Having led the Untouchables against the 
Congress for. full five years in the Round Table 
Conference and in the Joint Parliamentary Committee, I 
could not pretend to be unaffected by the results of the 
Elections. To me the question was: Had the 
Untouchables gone over to the Congress? Such a thing 
was to me unimaginable. For, I could not believe that 
the Untouchables—apart from a few agents of the 
Congress who are always tempted by the Congress gold 
to play the part of the traitor—could think of going over 
to the Congress en masse forgetting how Mr. Gandhi 
and the Congress opposed, inch by inch up to the very 
last moment, every one of their demands for political 
safeguards. I had therefore decided to study the 
Returns of the election that took place in 1937.
While I was convinced that such a study was of 
great necessity from the point of view of the 
Untouchables, the work proceeded at a snail's pace. This 
was due to three causes. The work had to be kept aside 
for some time to give precedence to other literary 
projects, the urgency of which demanded a degree of 
priority which it was not possible to refuse. Secondly, 
the Blue Book on the Election Results of 1987, which 
was submitted to Parliament soon after the elections 
had taken place and which is the primary source for 
figures regarding the elections, proved inadequate and 
insufficient for my purpose. It does not give separately 
figures showing how the Scheduled Castes electors 
voted and how many votes the Scheduled Caste 
candidates got. It gives figures showing how electors in 
different constituencies voted, without  making any 
distinction between Hindu voters and the Scheduled 
Castes voters. Circular letters had therefore to be issued 
to the various Provincial Governments requesting them 
to send me the figures showing distribution of voting by 
Scheduled Caste electors and the number of votes 
secured by each Scheduled Caste candidate. This 
inevitably delayed the work... Thirdly, the examination 
of these election returns proved a very laborious task as
Preface of "What Congress and Gandhi have done to the untouchables"
- By Babasaheb Dr. B.R.AmbedkarMULNIVASI BAHUJAN BHARAT March 2011
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the statistical tables given in the 
Appendices to this book will show.
The work thus lingered on. I 
regret very much this delay. For I know 
how much mischief has been done by the 
Congress during the interval. The 
Congress has advertised the election 
results to bolster up its claim to represent 
the Untouchables. The main point in the 
advertisement is that out of 151 seats 
assigned to the Scheduled Castes the 
Independent Labour Party which was 
organised by me got only 12 seats and 
the rest of the seats were captured by 
the Congress. This mess is served out 
from the Congress kitchen as conclusive 
proof to show that the Congress 
represents the Untouchables. This false 
propaganda seems to have gone home in 
some quarters. Even a man like Mr. H. N. 
Brailsford has reproduced in his 'Subject 
India' this absurd Congress version, 
without any attempt at verification and 
with apparent acceptance of its truth. I 
am sure that the results of the elections 
as set out in this book will hit the nail 
squarely on the head of this false 
propaganda. For, the Congress version of 
the results of the election is an utter 
perversion. As a matter of fact the results 
of 1937 Election conclusively disprove the 
Congress claim to represent the 
Untouchables. Far from  supporting the 
Congress version the results of the 
Election show : (1) that out of 151 the 
Congress got only 78 seats; (2) that the 
Untouchables in almost every 
constituency fought against the Congress 
by putting up their own candidates; (8) 
that the majority of 78 seats won by the 
Congress were won with the help of 
Hindu votes and they do not therefore in 
any way represent the Scheduled Castes 
; and (4.) that of 151 seats those won by 
the Congress in the real sense i.e., with 
the majority of votes of the Scheduled
Castes, were only 88. As to the 
Independent Labour Party it was started 
in 1937 just a few months before the 
elections. It functioned only in the 
Province of Bombay. There was no time 
to organise branches in other Provinces. 
Elections on the ticket of the Independent 
Labour Party were fought only in the 
Province of Bombay and there the 
Independent Labour Party for from being 
a failure obtained an astonishing degree 
of success. Out of the 15 seats assigned 
to the Scheduled Castes in Bombay 
Presidency it captured 18 and in addition 
it won 2 general seats. I am therefore 
glad that at long last I have succeeded in 
completing the work which proves beyond 
the shadow of doubt that the story that 
the Congress captured all the seats 
reserved for the Scheduled Castes and 
that the Independent Labour Party was a 
failure, is a wicked lie. I trust that the 
book will prove interesting and instructive 
for all those who are interested in the 
subject and who desire to know the truth.
Before closing this preface, I wish 
to express my gratitude to those from 
whom I have received assistance in one 
form or another. I am grateful to the 
Provincial Governments for the troubles 
they have taken in responding to my 
circular and sending me additional facts 
and figures which I had called for. My 
thanks are also due to Mr. Karan Singh 
Kane, b.a., m.l.a., at one time, 
Parliamentary Secretary in the U. P. 
Congress Government, for the help he 
has rendered in the most laborious task 
of preparing the tables."
The reader who reads the above 
preface and compares it with the table of 
contents will at once find that the book 
deals with topics which lie far outside its 
boundary. The curious may like to know 
how the foregoing part of the  preface is 
related to the table of contents. The
"Elections on the 
ticket of the 
Independent Labour 
Party were fought 
only in the Province 
of Bombay and there 
the Independent 
Labour Party for 
from being a failure 
obtained an 
astonishing degree of 
success. Out of the 15 
seats assigned to the 
Scheduled Castes in 
Bombay Presidency it 
captured 18 and in 
addition it won 2 
general seats. I am 
therefore glad that at 
long last I have 
succeeded in 
completing the work 
which proves beyond 
the shadow of doubt 
that the story that 
the Congress 
captured all the seats 
reserved for the 
Scheduled Castes and 
that the Independent 
Labour Party was a 
failure, is a wicked 
lie. I trust that the 
book will prove 
interesting and 
instructive for all 
those who are 
interested in the 
subject and who 
desire to know the 
1 8 |   P a g e M u l n i v a s i B a h u j a n B h a r a t        M a r c h 2 0 1 1
explanation lies in the fact that the book in 
its present final form is quite different from 
what it was in its original form. In its 
original form it covered in very brief 
compass matter now dealt with on a vastly 
bigger scale in Chapters IV, V, VI, VII and 
IX and the statistical appendices. The 
foregoing part of the preface belonged to 
the book in its original form. That is why I 
have put it in inverted commas. The 
curious may also like to know why the final 
form of the book came to be so different 
from the original. The explanation is quite 
simple. The proofs of the book in its 
original form were seen by a friend and coworker. He was dissatisfied with the scope 
of the book and insisted that it is not 
enough to deal with election results to 
expose the Congress claim to represent the 
Untouchables, I must do more. I must 
expose the efforts of the Congress and Mr. 
Gandhi to improve the lot of the 
Untouchables for the information of the 
Untouchables and also of the foreigners 
whom the Congress had deluded into 
accepting its side by misrepresentation of 
facts. Besides the difficulties arising out of 
the fact that the book was already in proof 
form, this was a tall order and appeared to 
be beyond me having regard to other 
claims on my time. He would not, however, 
give way and I had therefore to accept his 
plan. The original work which would have 
been about 75 pages in print had to be 
completely recast and enlarged. The book 
in the present form is a complete 
transformation. It records the deeds. of 
the Congress and Mr. Gandhi from 1917 to 
date in so far as they touch the problem of 
the Untouchables. Much is written about 
the Congress, far more about Mr. Gandhi. 
But no one has so far told the story of 
what they have done about the 
Untouchables. Everyone knows that Mr. 
Gandhi values more his reputation as the 
saviour of the Untouchables than his 
reputation as the champion of Swaraj 
or as the protagonist of Ahimsa At the 
Round Table Conference he claimed to 
be the sole champion of the 
Untouchables and was not even 
prepared to share the honour with 
anyone else, I remember what a scene 
he created when his claim was 
contested. Mr. Gandhi does not merely 
claim for himself the championship of 
the Untouchables. He claims similar 
championship for the Congress. The 
Congress, he says, is fully pledged to 
redress the wrongs done to the 
Untouchables and argues that any 
attempt to give political safeguards to 
the Untouchables is unnecessary and 
harmful. It is therefore a great pity that 
no detailed study of these claims by Mr. 
Gandhi and the Congress has been 
undertaken so far.
With the Hindus who have 
been blind devotees of Mr. Gandhi this 
study, although it is the first of its kind, 
will not find favour: indeed it is sure to 
provoke their wrath. How can it be 
otherwise when the conclusion arrived 
at is  "Beware of Mr. Gandhi"?
Looking at it from a wider point of 
view, there is no reason for the Hindus 
to be enraged about it. The 
Untouchables are not the only 
community in India which thinks of Mr. 
Gandhi in these terms. The same view 
of Mr. Gandhi is entertained by the 
Muslims, the Sikhs and the Indian 
Christians. As a matter of fact, the 
Hindus should cogitate over the 
question and ask: why no community 
trusts Mr. Gandhi although he has been 
saying that he is the friend of the 
Muslims, Sikhs and the Scheduled 
Castes and what  is the reason for this 
In my judgment, there cannot 
be a greater tragedy for a leader to be
"The curious may 
also like to know why 
the final form of the 
book came to be so 
different from the 
original. The 
explanation is quite 
The proofs of the 
book in its original 
form were seen by a 
friend and co-worker. 
He was dissatisfied 
with the scope of the 
book and insisted 
that it is not enough 
to deal with election 
results to expose the 
Congress claim to 
represent the 
Untouchables, I must 
do more. 
I must expose the 
efforts of the 
Congress and Mr. 
Gandhi to improve 
the lot of the 
Untouchables for the 
information of the 
Untouchables and 
also of the foreigners 
whom  the Congress 
had deluded into 
accepting its side by 
misrepresentation of 
1 9 |   P a g e M u l n i v a s i B a h u j a n B h a r a t        M a r c h 2 0 1 1
distrusted by everybody as Mr. Gandhi is 
today. I am however certain that this is 
not how the Hindus will react. As usual, 
they will denounce the book and call me 
names. But as the proverb says: "The 
caravan must pass on, though the dogs 
bark." In the same way, I must do my 
duty, no matter what my adversaries may 
have to say. For as Voltaire observed: 
Who writes the history of his own time 
must expect to be attacked for everything 
he has said, and for everything he has not 
said : but these little drawbacks should 
not discourage a man who loves truth and 
liberty, expects nothing, fears nothing, 
asks nothing and limits his ambition to the 
cultivation of letters."
The book has become bulky. It may be 
said that it suffers by reason of overelaboration and even by repetition. I am 
aware of this. But I have written the book 
especially for the Untouchables and for the 
foreigners. On behalf of neither could I 
presume knowledge of the relevant facts. 
For the particular audience I have in view, 
it is necessary for me to state both facts as 
well as arguments and pay no regard to 
the artistic sense or the fastidious taste of 
a cultivated and informed class of readers.
As it is my intention to make the book a 
complete compendium of information 
regarding the movement of the 
Untouchables for political safeguards, I
have added several appendices other than 
those of statistical character. They contain 
relevant documents both official and nonofficial which have a bearing upon the 
movement. Those who are interested in 
the problem of the Untouchables will, I 
believe, be glad to have this information 
ready at hand. The general reader may 
complain that the material in the 
Appendices is much too much. Here again, 
I must state that the Untouchables are not 
likely to get the information which to the 
general reader may be easily accessible.
The test adopted is the need of the 
Untouchables  and not of the general 
      One last word. The reader will find 
that I have used quite promiscuously in 
the course of this book a variety of 
nomenclature such as Depressed Classes, 
Scheduled Castes, Harijans and Servile 
Classes to designate the Untouchables. I 
am aware that this is likely to cause 
confusion especially for those who are 
not familiar with conditions in India. 
Nothing could have pleased me better 
than to have used one uniform 
nomenclature. The fault is not altogether 
mine. All these names have been used 
officially and unofficially at one time or 
other for the Untouchables. The term 
under the Government of India Act is 
'Scheduled Castes.' But that came into 
use after 1935. Before that they were 
called 'Harijans" by Mr. Gandhi and 
'Depressed Classes' by Government. In a 
flowing situation like that it is not 
possible to fix upon one name, which 
may be correct designation at one stage 
and incorrect at another. The reader will 
overcome all difficulties if he will 
remember that these terms are 
synonyms and represent the same class.
I am grateful to Professor Manohar 
Chitnis for the preparation of the Index 
and to Mr. S. C. Joshi for help in 
correcting the proofs.
- Babasaheb 
Dr. B.R.Ambedkar
Watch out for further chapters of "What 
Congress and Gandhi have done to the 
untouchables" in future issues
"In my judgment, 
there cannot be a 
greater tragedy for a 
leader to be
distrusted by 
everybody as Mr. 
Gandhi is today. I am 
however certain that 
this is not how the 
Hindus will react. As 
usual, they will 
denounce the book 
and call me names. 
But as the proverb 
says: "The caravan 
must pass on, though 
the dogs bark." In the 
same way, I must do 
my duty, no matter 
what my adversaries 
may have to say. For 
as Voltaire observed: 
Who writes the
history of his own 
time must expect to 
be attacked for 
everything he has 
said, and for 
everything he has not 
said: but these little 
drawbacks should 
not discourage a man 
who loves truth and 
liberty, expects 
nothing, fears 
nothing, asks nothing 
and limits  his 
ambition to the 
cultivation of letters."MULNIVASI BAHUJAN BHARAT March 2011
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Synopsis of Budget 2011-12
If we compare last year's MURDEROUS BUDGET prepared by the 
conspirator videshi Brahmin Pranab  Mukherji  with this year's 
budget, then last year's budget is just like SLEEPING TABLET with 
respect to this year's budget which is like a CYNIDE TABLET
If you take more sleeping tablets then you may die, but this year's budget is totally 
different then last year's budget.  This budget 2011-12 is much more dangerous it 
cannot be called as SLEEPING TABLET any more, it can be called ONLY AND ONLY AS 
– CYNIDE TABLET, the movement you keep this  tablet on your tongue no one can 
save you, you have only one option – DEATH.   
But the way this budget is prepared you cannot detect anything, this is an 
extremely misleading  and hidden budget, concealing too much 
of dangerous information. Once again these videshi  Brahmans are selling 
our country to the outsiders, Sell off of the  biggest, most  powerful, most 
efficient and most profitable company in Asia – ONGC is finalized, followed 
by Indian Oil. Banking Act is already cleared by the Cabinet and will be very 
easily passed in the Parliament with this all the 27 PSU banks will be in the 
hands of  foreign banks. More than 2 crore employees will be on the road. 
LIC Act is  communing with this LIC and GIC will be privatized and many 
more onslaught on us. With unlimited FDI  in the country and rural sector, 
our farmers who are hanging themselves for  pity loan of Rs. 10,000 to 
20,000 cannot defend themselves and they will sell the entire land to the 
blood thirsty invaders and perish once for all. 
If we have to FIGHT AND LIVE, every one of us will have to know 
everything of this budget WRITTEN AND HIDDEN. The last of the last cadre 
shall need to be educated on this subject and a FINAL FIGHT should be 
given by us to drive these videshi Brahmans once and for all from our land.
Manyavar Lt. Col. Siddharth Barve
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Mahad Convention on 20
March 2011
Mahad Satyagraha started by Babasaheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was not for Water but for freedom 
of Mulnivasis of India
Venue: Kranti Bhoomi Mahad, Raigad, Maharastra
2 2 |   P a g e M u l n i v a s i B a h u j a n B h a r a t        M a r c h 2 0 1 1
Mahad Convention on 20
March 2011
Mahad Satyagraha started by Babasaheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was not for Water but for freedom 
of Mulnivasis of IndiaMULNIVASI BAHUJAN BHARAT March 2011
2 3 |   P a g e M u l n i v a s i B a h u j a n B h a r a t        M a r c h 2 0 1 1
Mahad Convention on 20
March 2011
Mahad Satyagraha started by Babasaheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was not for Water but for freedom 
of Mulnivasis of IndiaMULNIVASI BAHUJAN BHARAT March 2011
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Sangareddy, Medak, Andhra Pradesh
- 27
  March 2011
Similar Cadre Camps are happening at State, District, Taluka and Village level on daily basis all over 
India and also other countriesMULNIVASI BAHUJAN BHARAT March 2011
2 5 |   P a g e M u l n i v a s i B a h u j a n B h a r a t        M a r c h 2 0 1 1
February 2011MULNIVASI BAHUJAN BHARAT March 2011
2 6 |   P a g e M u l n i v a s i B a h u j a n B h a r a t        M a r c h 2 0 1 1
Whenever there is some important decision made not in 
favour of Bahujan Junta (> 90%), you will find in  so 
called national  media (I mean News Channels and 
Newspapers) full coverage to non issues like JaswantJinnah episode, Ganesh drinking milk, Little girl able to 
predict future, Bollywood Dhamaka, Big Boss, A blast if 
not anything etc. PLEASE BE AWARE & AWAKE AND 
For example:
At least  4 important things happened during August 
2009 to September 2009 weeks when Jaswant-Jinnah 
was at top of all channels:
1. Cases against Pradya Singh and Purohit caught in 
Malegaon blast were dropped
2. Decision was made to allow foreign institutes to set 
their shops in India (Focus on Rich rather than 
worrying about pathetic situation of Primary 
Education) and along with that a decision to not 
provide reservations in those foreign institutions. 
How about a standard neighborhood school for each 
of 6.2 lakh villages to start with (The education 
budget allocation just for 11th five year plan 
currently in progress is Rs. 2.7 Lakh Crore). How 
about providing equal opportunities for all at 
primary level itself for a change??
3. Decision was made that in first phase of UID 
scheme (chaired by Nandan Nilekani) it will be kind 
of mandatory for BPL (below poverty line) people to 
register as bosses feel there is more corruption and 
money stashing involved in lower level  rather than 
at top 3%.
a] It is quite certain that in India, top 3% is having 
more money than all rest 97% put together. If UID 
is made mandatory to those our nation will actually 
know how much and what the top 3% own in India, 
Swiss ($1.4 trillion Indian  money stashed in Swiss 
banks belongs to whom??) and other places. No 
doubt, our poverty problem can be resolved just by 
their TAX money.
b] Why is it that there was not a transparent, 
educated debate conducted on this before making 
into an action plan? How is that a scheme which is a 
brain child of BJP (NDA) found such a wide 
acceptance in INC and without any debate. Why 
Media is not discussing the pros and cons of this? 
Why is it targeted towards BPL (Bahujan Junta) 
first? Is there something that is hidden? Beware. 
Most of the countries had to stop these kinds of 
schemes (biometric identification, SSN in USA does 
NOT use this kind of identification) as they are 
inherently found very dangerous (racial profiling, 
identity theft, risk of hardware or software 
malfunction etc.)
4. Decision was given by Supreme Court that NonLocals will NOT be entitled for any reservations in 
local area which may even mean a south Indian 
settled in north India will NOT be eligible for that 
state governments reservations and may be a 
Telangana gal will not be eligible for reservation in 
Andhra region etc. On one hand, in the name of 
privatization, all state/central government entities 
are first converted into loss making and then are 
either sold off or made to go public so that whatever 
little poor people were gaining of reservations will 
be wiped out so that NRIs in the name and game of 
money can claim 100% (currently they have 15%) 
JASWANT-JINNAH? (After all the joint drama by Media, 
BJP and Congress of 2009, Mr. Jaswant is back into BJP 
core team)
What can we expect when 83.6 crores who are earning 
(some dying of starvation without any trace in their own 
country) less than INR 20 per day (as per National 
Sample Survey) don't find any mention in this media?
The Bias of So-Called National Media
- By Sandeep Chavan, BAMCEF ActivistMULNIVASI BAHUJAN BHARAT March 2011
2 7 |   P a g e M u l n i v a s i B a h u j a n B h a r a t        M a r c h 2 0 1 1
Write to or call 
+91.9963428077 or +91.9849455485 or 
+91.9640955020 for advertisements in 
nominal prices. All funds will be utilized for the 
Movement. Personal and Professional 
Advertisements accepted.
Recruitments in progress for full-timers for building up Phule-Shahu-Ambedkarite
MULNIVASI Nationwide Movement
In purview of the growth of the BAMCEF and Rashtriya Mulnivasi Sangh, recruitments for full-timers are in 
progress to increase the strength of full-timers from current figure of around 300 to at least 1000 by 2011 year 
end and 10,000 within next 3 years.
Applications are invited from all over India. You can send your profiles at
1. Prior experience as Pracharak or Working experience as an activist 
2. Familiarity with Phule-Ambedkarite Ideology
3. Eagerness & die-hard hunger to work for the cause of Mulnivasis
4. Educational qualification of SSC, B.A, B.COM, BSc, B.Tech or any Diploma
5. Minimum age requirement of 18 years
You can send your profiles at Reference of an existing BAMCEF activist will be a plus.MULNIVASI BAHUJAN BHARAT March 2011
2 8 |   P a g e M u l n i v a s i B a h u j a n B h a r a t        M a r c h 2 0 1 1
+91.9963428077 or +91.9849455485 or +91.9640955020 FOR ANY HELP. LET 
Jai Mulnivasi!!!
Email: mulnivasi@hotmail.comM u l n i v a s i B a h u j a n B h a r a t M a r c h 2 0 1 1
March, 2011               ENGLISH MONTHLY                 Rs. 20   
Central Office: 4765/46, 3rd Floor, Raigarhpura, Karolbagh, New Delhi-110 005.Tel.011-28726213, 09640955020 (Hyd)
As part of 20th
 March 2011 Mahad Convention of "BHARAT MUKTI 
 (Thousands of Mulnivasis participated)
Mulnivasi Bahujan Bharat     
H.No: 4765/46 (3rd floor), Raigar Pura, Karol Bagh, 
New Delhi 110005, Tel-011-28726213; Cell-9868118586   
March 2011
R.NI.No. DELHIN/2000/2450
Postal Regd. No. DL(C)-14/1129/2006-08
Postage at SRT Nagar, New Delhi

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