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We talked with Palash Biswas, an editor for Indian Express in Kolkata today also. He urged that there must a transnational disaster management mechanism to avert such scale disaster in the Himalayas.




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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Coalgate scam: Sonia Gandhi challenges BJP to ask for PM's resignation!কয়লা কেলেঙ্কারি নিয়ে মনমোহনের ইস্তফা দাবি

কয়লা কেলেঙ্কারি নিয়ে মনমোহনের ইস্তফা দাবি

Congress Party president Sonia Gandhi on Tuesday challenged the opposition led by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to ask for the resignation of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh over his alleged role in the Coal Gate scam.

Interacting with media after a meeting of the core group of the Congress Party here, gandhi, when asked for response to the BJP's demand for Dr. Manmohan Singh's resignation, tersely dismissed the demand by saying:"Let them ask".

The Congress Core Group meeting was convened immediately after Parliament was adjourned over the coal scam issue for half an hour in the morning.

The meeting reportedly discussed the strategy ahead in the wake of the opposition reiterating its demand for the government to come clean on the coalgate issue.

The BJP on Tuesday repeated its demand that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Law and Justice Minister Ashwani Kumar should own up responsibility for their roles in thescam and resign.

The BJP parliamentary party which met here under the chairmanship of L K Advani passed a resolution in this regard and charged the government with suppressing the truth from coming out in the coal scam.

The BJP had stalled Parliament proceedings on Monday over the issue and demanded that Kumar make a statement on his alleged role in vetting the CBI affidavit for the Supreme Court on the coal scam investigation.

"The BJP parliamentary party today has resolved that in the light of the series of scams and the present way in which the government has sought to suppress the truth from coming out, Dr Manmohan Singh must resign and the law minister Ashwani Kumar must be sacked," BJP Deputy Leader in Rajya Sabha Ravi Shankar Prasad told reporters after the meeting.

He said the party has formally demanded that the PM must resign and the law minister be sacked.

Prasad said the party is of the opinion that the UPA government under Singh has "destroyed" and "subverted" every institution in the country.

"The UPA government first indulges in corruption and then subverts institutions to suppress the truth. It stands exposed before the country. The UPA government has forfeited its right to govern. BJP demands that the Prime Minister and the Law Minister resign immediately," the BJP leader said.

Stepping up its attack, he said the government only wants a discussion on corruption and is not ready for any honest audit on it. He attacked the law minister, saying, "Since when does CBI need an English tutor like the law minister to correct the English of its affidavit."

Prasad alleged, "The Prime Minister's Office and the law minister have blatantly interfered in the functioning of the CBI while investigating the coal block allocation scam."

In the Lok Sabha today, soon after Speaker Meira Kumar made a reference to Panchayati Raj Day, opposition members rushed to the Well raising slogans and waving placards on various issues. BJP members rushed to the Well demanding resignation of the Prime Minister over the issue of coal block allocations.

On Monday, Gandhi, addressing an alumni meet of NSU, asked partymen to fight back by not allowing its opponents "to get away with propagating negative impressions".

"Why should we allow our opponents to get away with propagating negative impressions? You should ask them: "what have you or your party done to change things in our country ?" I have no doubt that they have no credible answer," Gandhi said. (

এই সময়, নয়াদিল্লি: কয়লা শত ধুলেও ময়লা যায় না, সে কথাটাই যেন সত্যি হচ্ছে কয়লা কেলেঙ্কারি নিয়ে৷ 

মঙ্গলবারই হাউজ প্যানেল জানিয়েছিল, ১৯৯৩-২০১০ সাল পর্যন্ত কয়লার যত ব্লক বণ্টন হয়েছে, তা বাতিল করা হোক৷ 

তৃণমূল সাংসদ কল্যাণ বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়ের নেতৃত্বে কয়লা মন্ত্রক সংস্লিষ্ট স্ট্যান্ডিং কমিটি৷ আজ সংসদে পেশ করা রিপোর্টে কমিটি বলেছে, এই সময়ে কয়লার ব্লক বন্টনের ক্ষেত্রে কোনও স্বচ্ছতা ছিল না৷ রিপোর্টে বলা হয়েছ, এই সময়ের মধ্যে যাঁরাই প্রত্যক্ষ বা পরোক্ষভাবে নীতি নির্ধারণ প্রক্রিয়ার সঙ্গে জড়িত ছিলেন, তাঁদের সকলের বিরুদ্ধে তদন্ত হওয়া উচিত৷ আর যে সব কয়লার ব্লক বন্টন করা হয়েছে, অন্তত যেগুলিতে এখনও উত্পাদন শুরু হয়নি, সেগুলি বাতিল করা হোক৷ এই রিপোর্ট জমা পড়ার সঙ্গে সঙ্গেই বিজেপি তীব্র আক্রমণ শুরু করে৷ তারা এই কেলেঙ্কারির জন্য প্রধানমন্ত্রী মনমোহন সিংকে দায়ী করে তাঁর ইস্তফার দাবি করে৷ সনিয়া গান্ধী এই দাবি শুনে বলেন, 'ওঁদের বলতে দিন!' অর্থাত্ তিনি এমন কথার কোনও গুরুত্বই দেননি৷ এতে যেন আগুনে ঘৃতাহুতি দেওয়া হয়৷ বিজেপির আক্রমণের অভিমুখ হন সনিয়া৷ তারা বলে, এটা অত্যন্ত আগ্রাসী মানসিকতার পরিচয়৷ এ তো তুচ্ছ-তাচ্ছিল্য করা৷ বিজেপি-র অভিযোগ, কয়লা কেলেঙ্কারি নিয়ে সিবিআই-এর রিপোর্টে পরিবর্তন করার চেষ্টা করেছেন প্রধানমন্ত্রী৷ বিজেপির পক্ষে রবিশঙ্কর প্রসাদ একটি বিবৃতিতে জানান, 'সরকার সত্য গোপনের চেষ্টা করছে৷ প্রধানমন্ত্রীর এ জন্য ইস্তফা দেওয়া উচিত, সরিয়ে দেওয়া উচিত আইনমন্ত্রী অশ্বিনী কুমারকে৷' 

এর পাশাপাশি আর একটি কথাও উঠছে৷ যে সময়ের কথা বলা হচ্ছে, সে সময় তো মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়ও কিছু দিন কয়লামন্ত্রী ছিলেন৷ রেলমন্ত্রী থাকাকালীন এনডিএ-র সঙ্গে সম্পর্ক ছিন্ন করার পর ২০০৪-এর জানুয়ারিতে আবার এনডিএ ফিরে মমতা ও কয়লামন্ত্রকের দায়িত্ব নেন৷ মে মাসে লোকসভা নির্বাচন পর্যন্ত তিনি এই দায়িত্বে ছিলেন৷ কল্যাণ অবশ্য বলেছেন, 'মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় এই নীতি নির্ধারণ প্রক্রিয়ার মধ্যে ছিলেন না৷ তাই তাঁর নাম কোনওভাবেই আসে না৷' স্ট্যান্ডিং কমিটির রিপোর্টে বলা হয়েছে, 'কমিটি খুব আশ্চর্য হয়ে এটা নথিবদ্ধ করছে যে, ১৯৯৩ থেকে ২০০৪ সাল পর্যন্ত কতগুলি আবেদনপত্র মন্ত্রক পেয়েছে তার কোনও রেকর্ড নেই৷ শুধু তাঁদের কাছে স্ত্রিনিং কমিটির বৈঠকের বিবরণী আছে, যেখানে কোনও কোম্পনির আবেদন গ্রহণ বা খারিজ করার সিদ্ধান্ত রয়েছে৷' কমিটির আরও বক্তব্য, 'কয়লার ব্লক নিলাম হয়নি, সরকারও রাজস্ব পায়নি৷ তাই কমিটি মনে করে, কয়লার ব্লক বন্টনের পুরো সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়ে তদন্ত হওয়া উচিত৷' ইউ পি এ-র আমলে ২০০৪ থেকে ২০১০ পর্যন্ত ১৬০টি কয়লার ব্লক বন্টন করা হয়েছে, তার মধ্যে মাত্র দুটিতে কয়লা তোলা হচ্ছে৷ বাকিগুলির লাইসেন্স বাতিলের সুপারিশ করেছে কমিটি৷ 

স্ট্যান্ডিং কমিটির রিপোর্টে যে সময়সীমার কথা বলা হয়েছে, সেই সময়ে প্রথমে ছিল নরসিংহ রাওয়ের সরকার, তারপর দেবগৌড়া ও গুজরালের ইউনাইটেড ফ্রন্টের সরকার, এনডিএ সরকার এবং ২০০৪ সাল থেকে ইউপিএ সরকার৷ প্রতিটি সরকারের নীতিকে কাঠগড়ায় তোলা হলে, শুধু মনমোহন সিং নয়, সব সরকারের আমল নিয়েই প্রশ্ন উঠে যাচ্ছে৷ মনমোহনের ক্ষেত্রে বাড়তি অস্বস্তির কারণ হল, তিনি নিজে কয়লা মন্ত্রকের দায়িত্বে ছিলেন এবং সেই সময় প্রচুর কয়লার ব্লক বন্টন হয়েছে৷ 

কল্যাণবাবু জানিয়েছন, এই ভাবে কয়লার ব্লক বন্টন করায় প্রচুর রাজস্ব ক্ষতি হয়েছে৷ তবে সেই পরিমাণ কত,তা বলা যচ্ছে না৷ কারণ বারবার জানতে চাওয়া সত্ত্বেও কয়লা মন্ত্রক এই প্রশ্নর জবাব দেয়নি যার ফলে কমিটি ক্ষতির অঙ্কে পৌঁছতে পারেনি৷ 

Coalgate: BJP asks PM to quit, Sonia says 'let them ask'

Hindustan Times - ‎17 hours ago‎
Intesifying its attack on the government over the coal block allocation scam, BJP Tuesday demanded the resignation of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and sacking of law minister Ashwani Kumar. The BJP Parliamentary Party which met in the Capital under ...

Coalgate: CBI to deny charges on government's intervention in probe

Economic Times - ‎7 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: CBI's affidavit in the Supreme Court will confirm reports about its officials meeting law minister Ashwani Kumar over coalgate investigations. However, it will deny charges of governmental intervention in the probe, a source said. The affidavit ...

Coalgate: BJP demands resignation of PM and Law Minister Ashwani Kumar

Economic Times - ‎Apr 22, 2013‎
... Janata Party's parliamentary meet, party spokesperson Ravi Shankar Prasad on Tuesday demanded that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh resign over the CBI's 'Coalgate' report. BJP is demanding the PM's resignation for allegedly trying to cover up scams.

Coalgate scam rocks Parliament, Opposition wants PM to quit

Sahara Samay - ‎Apr 22, 2013‎
Both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha were adjourned till noon as the Opposition took on the government over the coal scam and 2G scam. Bharatiya Janata Party leader Ravi Shankar Prasad said, "It is not acceptable that the government suppresses the ...

Coal-Gate: CBI affidavit could indict Law Minister Ashwani Kumar, BJP says ...

NDTV - ‎21 hours ago‎
The coal scam is particularly sensitive for the government because for some of the years under review, the Prime Minister was directly in charge of the Coal Ministry. The allegation against the government is that it cost the country thousands of crores because ...

Coal scam report: BJP demands PM's resignation, asks for Law Minister to be ...

NDTV - ‎Apr 22, 2013‎
New Delhi: The BJP today demanded that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh must resign in the wake of the allegations that the CBI's report on "Coal-gate" was reviewed by the government before it was submitted to the Supreme Court last month. The party ...

Coalgate: BJP demands PM's resignation

Hindu Business Line - ‎22 hours ago‎
Intensifying its attack on the Government over the coal blocks allocation scam, BJP has demanded the resignation of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and sacking of Law Minister Ashwani Kumar. The BJP Parliamentary Party, which met here today under the ...

BJP slams Sonia for defending PM on coalgate

Hindustan Times - ‎18 hours ago‎
He demanded that the emails exchanged by the CBI and the PMO in regard to the coal scam issue be made public. He maintained that the government will have to concede that emails were exchanged as technology will prove there was interference.

Law Minister vetted Coalgate probe report: CBI

NitiCentral - ‎Apr 22, 2013‎
Reports suggest that the CBI is likely inform the Supreme Court that it had shared the status report on its probe into theCoalgate scam with the Law Ministry and it was non other than the Union Law Minister Ashwani Kumar who had vetted the report.

Coal scam report: PM must resign, demands opposition; let them ask, retorts ...

NDTV - ‎Apr 23, 2013‎
Sources have told NDTV that on Friday, the CBI will admit in writing that Law Minister Ashwani Kumar previewed and altered the document before it was submitted last month by the agency to the Supreme Court, which is monitoring the probe into "Coal-Gate.

Uproar over coalgate issue stalls Parl

Times - ‎21 hours ago‎
Parliament failed to transact any business for the second day today as BJP sharpened its attack on government by creating uproar seeking resignation of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and dismissal of Law Minister Ashwani Kumar on coal blockscam and ...

Coalgate: Oppn demands PM resignation - India Blooms

indiablooms - ‎Apr 22, 2013‎
New Delhi, Apr 23 (IBNS): While parliament witnessed a pandemonium on Tuesday and was adjourned over the coal scam and the CBI report where the Union Law Minister allegedly tried to intervene with the language of the same, the opposition Bharatiya ...

BJP proposes, Sonia deposes PM's resignation over coal scam

Indian Express - ‎16 hours ago‎
While the BJP lambasted Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and demanded his resignation over the coalgate issue, Congress president Sonia Gandhi on Tuesday dismissed the demand of the opposition saying let them ask. Intensifying its attack on the...

BJP Hits Out at Sonia for Defending PM on Coalgate

Outlook - ‎19 hours ago‎
Jaitley said that Gandhi may see Singh's alleged role in the coal allocation case as a "virtue" but BJP feels this is nothing less than a scam. "I don't wish to comment upon the arrogant style of Madam Sonia Gandhi if she gave this remark. But atleast in all...

Opposition clamour for PM's ouster over coal allocation scam

The New Indian Express - ‎4 hours ago‎
... Arun Jaitley, who launched a rather uncharacteristic attack on the Congress supremo,said while Sonia may be of the view that Manmohan was a paragon of virtue, the BJP viewed the PMO's role in the CBI probe into 'coalgate' as nothing less than a scam.

Ashwani Kumar's fate depends on CBI chief's reply to SC

Times of India - ‎Apr 22, 2013‎
So, how can you move on that," Nath told reporters outside Parliament House while replying to a query on the demand from opposition which strongly protested against the alleged dilution of CBI's findings into the Coalgate scam in both Houses.

BJP demands resignation of PM, removal of law minister

Business Standard - ‎17 hours ago‎
New Delhi, April 23 (IANS) The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Tuesday demanded the resignation of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and removal of Law Minister Ashwini Kumar in view of a "series of scams" and the way the government "sought to suppress the truth". "Today (Tuesday), the BJP parliamentary party has decided that the prime minister should ... The PMO (Prime Minister's Office) also has a role in coalgate issue". He said the BJP parliamentary party meeting, chaired by senior party leader L.K. Advani, ...

Law minister silent, but opposition continue to pressure Congress

Firstpost - ‎Apr 22, 2013‎
Fresh revelations that the Law Minister and PMO officials pressurized the CBI to dilute the scam status report, brought the issue to life again. The government may find a way to avoid Parliament until the Coalgate affidavit and the 2G draft report are settled in ...

Coalgate: Govt Rejects Demand for Law Min's Resignation

Outlook - ‎Apr 22, 2013‎
Government today rejected Opposition demand for resignation of Law Minister Ashwani Kumar in the wake of allegations that he tried to influence CBI's status report on the coal block scam investigation, submitted to the Supreme Court. "I don't think that is a ...

Live: BJP shouts for PM's resignation, Sonia says let them keep asking

Firstpost - ‎Apr 23, 2013‎
The BJP's Ravi Shankar Prasad has demanded the resignation of the Prime Minister and Law Minister over allegations that they had tampered with the CBI's Coalgate status report before the Supreme Court. "The PM needs to resign and Ashwani Kumar needs to be ... the CBI's status report on the Coalgate scandal. Meanwhile, also pending is the privilege motion moved by the DMK against Joint Parliamentary Committee chairperson PC Chacko for the leak of the draft report of the probe into the 2G spectrum scam.

BJP to raise Coalgate, Ashwani Kumar's conduct

Business Standard - ‎Apr 22, 2013‎
BJP to raise Coalgate, Ashwani Kumar's conduct. Law Minister allegedly made changes in the CBI report on coal scam before it was submitted to the apex court. Add to My Page. email this article. Subject line: Your Email: Send me a copy: Recipients Id: ...

Coalgate: BJP demands Prime Minister's resignation

Press Trust of India - ‎Apr 22, 2013‎
New Delhi, Apr 23 (PTI) Intensifying its attack on the government over the coal block allocation scam, BJP today demanded the resignation of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and sacking of Law Minister Ashwani Kumar. The BJP Parliamentary Party which ...

Coalgate:Govt dismisses BJP's demand for PM's resignation

Sahara Samay - ‎22 hours ago‎
The Minister's statement came after the BJP intensified its attack on the government over the coal block allocation scam and demanded the resignation of Manmohan Singh and sacking of Law Minister Ashwani Kumar. The BJP Parliamentary Party, which met ...

Law Minister Ashwani Kumar in deep trouble

Deccan Chronicle - ‎22 hours ago‎
In a related development, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had a meeting with UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi. The details of the talks were not made available, but coming as it is in the backdrop of the coalgate scam, the meeting assumes significance.

Cancel all coal field allocations since 1993: parliamentary report

NDTV - ‎Apr 22, 2013‎
Allegations of "Coal-Gate" - the moniker for an alleged expansive swindle - first surfaced in August last year when the government's auditor or CAG said that by not auctioning coal fields, the government had lost Rs 1.86 lakh crore between 2004 and 2009.

Sonia Gandhi says Manmohan Singh won't quit - ‎17 hours ago‎
... on Monday after a month-long recess. Law minister Ashwani Kumar is accused of vetting the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) report on the coal block allocation scam, generally referred to as the coalgate scam in the local media. Article continues below ...

CBI report on coalgate rocks Parliament

Jagran Post - ‎Apr 22, 2013‎
New Delhi: BJP on Monday said reports that the government had vetted the CBI report on coal mines scamshow it has been interfering with the functioning of constitutional bodies and announced that unless Law Minister Ashwani Kumar clarifies his stand in ...

SP targets Centre over coalgate report

Jagran Post - ‎19 hours ago‎
Talking to reporters at Parliament House, the SP chief also said that the coal block allocation scam was not the most important issue faced by the nation. "China has occupied 12 km land along the border that is a more serious issue. Why is media ignoring it?

JD(U)-BJP rift widens; Sharad Yadav against demand for PM resignation

Daily Bhaskar - ‎20 hours ago‎
"Parliament should not be stalled, it should be allowed to function," Yadav told his BJP collegues who are intensifying its attack on the government over the coalgate and not allowing the House to function. The opposition party had stalled Parliament yesterday over the issue and demanded that the Law Minister Ashwani Kumar to make a statement on his alleged role in vetting the CBI affidavit for the Supreme Court on the coal scam investigation. The BJP Parliamentary Party, which met here under the chairmanship ...

er and natural resources were distributed to "few fortunates" through "abuse of power" by the then ruling dispensation.

Calling coal mine allocations done in 1993 to 2010 as "unauthorised and illegal", the panel suggested scrapping of mines that have not started production.

"Distribution of mines was done in a most unauthorised manner," said the panel seeking scrapping of mines where production is yet to start besides investigating role of officials involved in the allotment process.

"Most non-transparent procedure was adopted from 1993 to 2010 for allocation and supply of coal blocks. The natural resources and state largesse were distributed to few fortunates for their own benefit without following any transparent system, was total abuse of power by the Government," the Committee said.

Noting that "the Government cannot give largesse on its arbitrary discretion or its sweet will," it said the allocations were illegal and amounted to huge losses to the state exchequer.

However, on the quantum of losses the committee said, "Despite our repeated queries, Coal Ministry could not give us information in respect of quantity of coal or its value. We are not investigating agency and thus not in a position to assess the losses."

The report said: "It is unfortunate that for allocating coal blocks neither any auction was held nor the Central Government earned any revenue."

Keeping up the heat on the Government, BJP has demanded resignation of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and sacking of Law Minister Ashwani Kumar on the coalgate issue.

The BJP Parliamentary Party which met here under the chairmanship of LK Advani passed a resolution in this regard and charged the Government with suppressing the truth from coming out in the coal scam.

"The BJP Parliamentary Party today has resolved that in the light of the series of scams and the present way in which the Government has sought to suppress the truth from coming out, Dr Manmohan Singh must resign and the Law Minister Ashwani Kumar must be sacked," BJP Deputy Leader in Rajya Sabha Ravi Shankar Prasad told reporters after the meeting.

He said the party has formally demanded that the PM must resign and the Law Minister be sacked.

Prasad said the party is of the opinion that the UPA Government under Singh has "destroyed" and "subverted" every institution in the country.

"The UPA Government first indulges in corruption and then subverts institutions to suppress the truth. It stands exposed before the country. The UPA Government has forfeited its right to govern. BJP demands that the Prime Minister and the Law Minister resign immediately," the BJP leader said.

Prasad alleged, "The Prime Minister's Office and the Law Minister have blatently interfered in the functioning of the CBI while investigating the coal block allocation scam."

Reports suggest that the CBI is likely inform the Supreme Court that it had shared the status report on its probe into the Coalgate scam with the Law Ministry and it was non other than the Union Law Minister Ashwani Kumar who had vetted the report.

Official sources informed that the probe agency would also inform the Apex Court that the additional solicitor general had overstepped a brief by CBI Director Rajit Sinha when he told that the report was not seen by anyone in the political establishment.

The CBI director, who will submit his affidavit as directed by Supreme Court on April 25, is using services of private lawyer U Lalit after Additional Solicitor General Harin Raval appearing for the agency, had told the Supreme Court that the report in the alleged irregularities in coal block allocation has not been shared with anyone.

Highly-placed sources said on Tuesday that CBI Director Ranjit Sinha, who has been asked to submit an affidavit before the Apex Court by April 25, is, however, expected to inform the court that the coal report had been discussed with Law Minister Ashwini Kumar and other officers of the ministry.
Sources said the affidavit would have an annexure containing both the reports — the one which was submitted to the Law ministry and the final report prepared by the probe agency.
Supreme Court may have a look at both the reports and decide whether there has been any dilution in the report, the sources said.
Sinha, who will submit his affidavit on April 25, is using services of private lawyer U Lalit after Additional Solicitor General Harin Raval appearing for the agency, had told the Supreme Court that the report on the alleged irregularities in coal mine allocation has not been shared with anyone.
The sources said the CBI chief would also inform the Apex Court that by giving such a statement, the additional solicitor general had overstepped his brief as there was no such clearance given for the same.
The statement came as an embarrassment to the CBI in the wake of news reports that the contents of the status report were allegedly shared with the Law Minister and officials in the Prime Minister's Office and that some alterations were allegedly made.
 The agency has since decided to hire a private lawyer to file the affidavit for the CBI Director as directed by the Supreme Court.
On March 12, after the submission of the CBI counsel before the Supreme Court that the status report in coal scam had not been shared with anyone, the Apex Court had directed the CBI Director to file an affidavit that the status report submitted by the agency was "vetted by him and not shared with political executives.

The CBI had told the Supreme Court had said that the UPA Government allotted coal blocks between 2006 and 2009 without verifying the credentials of companies. The Government, however, vehemently refuted the allegation.

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