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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fwd: IDF Advocacy to Action Newsletter - March

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March 2011

February at a Glance

In the past month, we have learnt important details about the September UN Summit on NCDs, asked the global diabetes community their priorities for and from the Summit, and are developing key tools and publications to support effective advocacy. We are also building strategic alliances with groups such as the Lancet NCD Action Group, the Global Health Council and other NGO movements working in areas including women's health, children's health and HIV/AIDS.

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UN Summit Update

Following the Modalities Resolution negotiations, the two co-facilitator countries are continuing to lead the UN Summit process. Luxemburg and Jamaica are leading the consultations with UN member states and the process of drafting the Outcomes Document.

We have learnt that the UN Summit on NCDs is ideally sandwiched between two other High-Level Meetings in September, and the official opening of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) takes place immediately after. This sequence of events is extremely beneficial for the Summit on NCDs as Heads of State and Government will be coming for the various other meetings, and will also attend the UN Summit on NCDs. The 'Summit Sandwich' is as follows:

• 18 Sept: High-Level Meeting on Desertification
• 19 Sept: High-Level Summit on NCDs
• 20 Sept: High-Level Summit on NCDs AND High-Level Meeting on Racism
• 21 Sept: Opening of the UN General Assembly

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IDF Member Association Consultation Report on Diabetes Priorities and Needs for the UN

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IDF has published the Consultation Report on Diabetes Priorities and Needs for the UN Summit on NCDs. The strong response from 63% of countries with IDF Member Associations covers a diverse range of countries worldwide and represents a significant part of the global diabetes community. The responses demonstrate the awareness and importance of the UN Summit to our Members, as well as the overall support for IDFs Call to Action on Diabetes as a relevant basis for global diabetes advocacy. According to our Members, the top 3 global diabetes priorities for the UN Summit are:

1. Prevent type 2 diabetes through healthy lifestyle promotion;
2. Equitable, universal access to essential medicines and care;
3. Development and implementation of a National Diabetes Programmes.

The two specific policy recommendations receiving most support from Member Associations globally was the promotion of healthy diet through education, and programmes for detection and management of the complications of diabetes, with respectively 80% and 78% of all respondents strongly agreeing that they are a priority in their countries.

The key needs of our members in the lead up to the Summit are:

• Regular communication on the UN Summit from the IDF Executive Office;
• Support and guidance in linking with policy makers at the country level;
• Technical support and advocacy materials to strengthen lobbying efforts at the national and regional levels.

We are grateful to all of you who responded and would be happy to hear the views of any Member Associations who were unable to respond by the deadline. Download the Consultation Report.

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Advocacy Toolkit for the UN Summit on NCDs

Following the Member Association's (MA) consultation report, IDF will produce an Advocacy Toolkit for the UN Summit on NCDs tailored for each region. This toolkit aims to address the key needs of our MAs outlining the their regional priorities while providing an overview of the UN Summit. The toolkit will include a step-by-step guide on how to actively influence the outcomes, practical resources such as template letters and advocacy messages.

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Advocacy in Practice: Learning from the AIDS example

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The UN Summit on NCDs will be the 28th in the history of the UN, and only the second to focus on a global health issue. The first was the 2001 HIV/AIDS Summit, and is viewed by many as a pivotal moment in the global response to HIV/AIDS. The HIV/AIDS Summit was attended by 190 Member States, and resulted in a Heads of State Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS, regular country-level reporting mechanisms and a ten-year review under the auspices of UNAIDS. The UN Secretary General Kofi Annan took a leadership role in the Summit, and proposed the creation of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria which became fully operational in 2002 and today spends over US$6 billion a year on those diseases.

The AIDS civil society movement was able to influence the Summit through a Civil Society Task Force under the Office of the President of the UN General Assembly, and participated at round tables during the Summit. IDF, through the NCD Alliance has lobbied for the establishment of a similar Task Force for the UN Summit on NCDs and heard recently that this has been agreed. There will also be an official UN consultation on the Summit with civil society in June – more details will follow on this.

We are talking to the key actors in the UN AIDS Summit to learn how to build an effective Summit, advocate for a strong Outcomes Document, and accountability mechanisms to ensure that political leaders get their will translated into real world action.

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First Ten Year Global Diabetes Plan to be launched in March

In March, IDF will be launching the first ever ten year Global Diabetes Plan. This Plan will be a major milestone for the global diabetes community. It will expand upon the framework for action outlined in the Call to Action on Diabetes launched on World Diabetes Day in 2010. Look out for more information in the next issue of this newsletter and on IDF's website:

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Advocacy in Practice: NCD Alliance Side Event on Women and NCDs at Commission on Status of Women, New York

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IDF and the NCD Alliance are raising the profile of the critical connections between NCDs and other health and development issues. On February 25th, the NCD Alliance held a side event at the United Nations 55th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in New York, the foremost global forum on women's issues. The side event, called 'NCDs: A Neglected Dimension of Women's Health and Development', explored the unique vulnerability of girls and women to socioeconomic determinants and risk factors of NCDs; the impact of NCDs on the health and socio-economic position throughout the lifecycle; and the importance of women's empowerment for the prevention of the global NCD epidemic. The event marked the launch of a landmark publication on women and NCDs by the NCD Alliance, and is a key milestone in the run up to the UN Summit. Download the publication.

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NCD Alliance and Lancet NCD Action Group Team Up on Priority NCD Interventions

On February 10th, the Lancet NCD Action Group and the National Heart Forum co-hosted a meeting 'Evidence for Action on NCDs for the UN High-Level Meeting'. Experts from IDF and the NCD Alliance participated, and discussion focused on priority cost-effective interventions that would make major inroads into both preventing and managing NCDs in all countries. The Lancet and the NCD Alliance will be co-authoring a paper as a key output of this meeting, to be published in the Lancet later this month.

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Talking about diabetes in 2011

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This month marks the first in our series of videos with IDF President, Professor Jean Claude Mbanya. In March's clip, you can listen to Professor Mbanya explain why the time to act on diabetes is now. New podcasts will be available each month in the run-up to the UN Summit in September.

Later in the year, you can also listen to Professor Mbanya talk about our upcoming World Diabetes Congress in December and World Diabetes Day in November.

To view all clips, visit the International Diabetes Federation's YouTube channel -

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Click for essential care for all

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IDF has launched its global electronic signature campaign –

In the run-up to the UN Summit, we hope to collect over 1 million clicks in support of our Call to Action on Diabetes, one of these being essential care for all people with diabetes. We invite all organisations to use and share the campaign banners and encourage as many clicks as possible.

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We want to hear from you

Please email with:

  • Updates of local advocacy activities
  • Upcoming regional events.

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Upcoming Events

Mar 1-4 WHO SEA Regional Meeting on Health and Development Challenges of NCDs, Indonesia
Mar 2-3 Partners in Health/ NCD Alliance Conference on NCDs in the Bottom Billion, USA
Mar 15 NCD Alliance Common Interest Group (CIG) Call - 15.30 CET
Mar 17-19 Mexican Diabetes Conference
Mar 24-25 WHO WPRO Regional Consultation on UN Summit, South Korea
Mar 21-27 University Diabetes Outreach Programme (UDOP) Conference on 'Diabetes and Alcohol: A Bad Mix', Jamaica
Mar 31 Edinburgh Global Health Academy Symposium on NCDs
Apr 4-6 WHO AFRO Regional Consultation on UN Summit, Congo
Apr 15-17 India/China Diabetes Summit, India
Apr 27 WHO Health Forum 2011: Addressing the Challenge of NCDs (Second NCDnet Global Forum)
Apr 28-29 Russia Ministerial Conference on NCDs and Healthy Lifestyles

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© 2011 International Diabetes Federation -
166 Chaussée de la Hulpe, B-1170 Brussels, Belgium
tel +32-2-538 55 11 - fax +32-2-538 51 14

Palash Biswas
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